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With great respect to the evaluation committee.

Based on my experiences and my future plans, as well

as the benefits of this internship for me, I believe it is a unique opportunity to pursue my future goals.

My interest in computer science dates back to my years in high school, when I was impressed by
humanoid robots. I selected computer science on the Kankor exam (a competitive exam between high
school students for university admission) to learn more about this fascinating subject. Last year (2022), I
started my coding lessons at Kabul University by displaying "Hello World" in Python (a programming
language). More interestingly, I have had the lovely experience of building a music player as a group
project in Python. This project was one of the most interesting yet informative experiences of my life. I
improved my problem-solving skills as well as my collaborative abilities. In addition, I learned that to
perform a large and complex task, it is necessary to divide it into several small and manageable tasks. All
of these experiences made me even more enthusiastic to learn about this area of specialization.

In addition to taking part in the internationalization process, I will be able to manage my learning and
development by taking advantage of this internship. Being in a class with students from different
countries is an amazing experience, both in terms of competition and mutual cooperation. Moreover, in
association with several significant elites in this, I would love to form a research team with other
students to solve complex problems. With the support of the Startup Greece, I will be able to accomplish
research in my field and improve my knowledge and skills.

Through my experience, I have realized that coding can be challenging work, demanding persistence;
nevertheless, once given the opportunity, I know I have the passion and capacity to succeed.

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