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1. How do the ideas and information in your sources address your research question?

What answers do they give? What information do you find the most relevant useful,
and persuasive? social media has many positive and negative factors specifically mental
health factors of anxiety, depression, and body dysmorphic.
2. How do they support your tentative Theis? Do they suggest reasons or ways that
you should expand, qualify or otherwise revise it? Yes, since it will be similar and
around to what I will present for this upcoming essay
3. What viewpoints in your sources do you most agree with? Disagree with? Why? I
agree with the fact that using social media for most of your day is mentally consuming
and can bring a person’s self-esteem down if you’re a person who is very sensitive also,
may lead to aggressiveness and envy or can lead to embrace benefits and can being
humor and happiness depending on how each individual chooses to see it
4. What conclusions can you draw from the ideas and information you’ve learned
from your sources? What discoveries have you made in studying these sources, and
what new ideas have they led you to? I think social media is something controversial
than many people tend to be neutral about because there is nether yes or no answers
5. Has your research changed your own views on your topic? Do any of your sources
raise questions that you can pursue further? I believe social media is this endless,
massive and universal thing we can’t get rid of since there is endless trends and process
that are being introduced on a daily basis and is impossible to keep up with.
6. Have you encountered any ideas that you would like to build on or challenge? I think
mainly social media will always be made for good or bad purposes depending on the
person who will utilize it for
7. From everything you’ve read, what is the significance of the topic you’re
researching? Who cares, and why does it matter? The significance or the importance
of this investigation is to truly find if social media is truly the cost of all the standards and
or criteria many people to meet in order to pertain to an association or to truly find
acceptance and or be accepted for what it truly is

The university of Arizona “Synthesis”

1. What is synthesis? Bringing together material and integrating it as a whole to
create something new
2. How are summarizing and synthesis different? Summarizing is when you’re
combining all main points from each article and overall explain what all these
points mean meanwhile, a synthesis means a discussion incorporating support
from several sources of differing views
3. What should you do to create a successful synthesis?
Quote, summarize and paraphrase but not over-quotation and integrate evidence

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