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Training Scenario 10/30/2018

(Interpreter should greet both Provider and LEP)

P: Good Morning my name is Peter. How may I assist you today?

L: Buenos dias mi nombre es Lupita estoy llamando porque estoy enferma.
P: Ok Mrs. Lupita so you are calling for a call out or late today?
L: No voy a llegar a trabajar porque me siento muy enferma, tengo fiebre, gripe, tos, dolor de
estomago, me duelen los huesos, no puede dormir toda la noche por los temblores y me siento fatal. No
voy a rendir en mi trabajo si voy asi a trabajar.
P: I understand Mrs. Lupita and I agree you can't go to work like that. So we will put call out reporting
sick for today.
L: Si esta bien.
P: Ok Mrs. Lupita and what is your last name?
L: Eguigurens.
P: Could you please spell that for me?
L: Si es e-g-u-i-g-u-r-e-n-s.
P: Ok just to confirm it will be e-g-i-g-u-r-e-n-s?
L: No creo que se comio una letra mira se lo voy a repetir e-g-u-i-g-u-r-e-n-s.
P: Ok just to verify once again it will be e-g-u-i-g-u-r-e-n-s. Correct?
L: Si correcto.
P: Thank you for that Mrs. Lupita and what is your employee ID number?
L: Es el 789 165 22
P: Just to verify it will be 789 165 22. Correct?
L: Exactamente ese es.
P: What is your position at work?
L: Soy empacadora.
P: Ok, thank you for that and are you planning to visit a doctor today?
L: Si, si pienso ir para ver que tengo.
P: What is the name, phone and address of the doctor you are visiting today?
L: Es el Dr. Joaquin Perez el numero de telefono es 998 453 3120.
P: Thank you for that and what is the address of this Dr's office?
L: Es en la 1690 NW 17th Street Little Havana Miami, Florida 33125.
P: Thank you for that. I will send this information to your employer now Mrs. Lupita.
L: Gracias. ¡Ah! Se me olvidaba decirle quiero que este dia me lo tomen como PTO.
P: I will put a note right now that this day should be taken as one of your PTO days.
L: Si por favor. Asi si otro dia me enfermo pues no voy a tener problemas en el trabajo.
P: Undestandable Mrs. Lupita.
L: Tambien quiero que le diga todo eso a mi supervisora por favor.
P: Sure thing what is your supervisor's name?
L: Ella es Kelly Jordan ella es mi supervisora.
P: Do you have Mrs. Kelly's phone number?
L: Si es el 998 431 4544.
P: Thank you for that I will now forward all the information that you provided to your employer and to
your supervisor. Ok?
L: Si esta bien y no olvide el PTO por favor.
P: Sure I will definitely remember them to put that on PTO.
L: Muchas gracias. Muy amable.
P: You are very welcome Mrs. Lupita. I hope you feel well soon.
L: Gracias eso espero yo tambien.
P: Alright, Thank you for calling have a good one. Thank you interpreter.

(Interpreter should thank both Provider and LEP for using the interpreting services)

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