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Nowadays, playing games online and offline is very popular. Older people, children, and
young people all partake in this activity. 95.8% of internet users between the ages of 16
and 64, according to a report from SEA.IGN, are gamer, but the majority of these users
are students, who are said to develop their LARO MUNA, ARAL MAMAYA ROUTINE.
The tagalog phrase LARO MUNA, ARAL MAMAYA, which translates as "PLAY
FIRST, STUDY LATER" or, alternatively, "Prioritizing Gaming Over Study," is one of
the routines of nearly all students around the world. As we noticed, it is also the routine
of nearly all Grade 11 students gamer in Humanities and Social Sciences Track at
The topic essentially focuses on all grade 11 students who are gamer in the Humanities
and Social Sciences Track and seeks to understand the students' gamer learning styles.

Due to the constant school activities and work, grade 11 students in the HUMSS track
are very busy and under pressure these days, but the majority of them still find time to
play online and/or offline games, which have a significant negative impact on their
academic performance. We've noticed that many Grade 11 students in HUMSS
strand/track are gamer, and the majority of them failed to prioritize their study and had a

The study's goal is to identify plausible and precise answers and solutions to the habitual
problem of student gamer. Everyone involved in this study and even those around them
will benefit, for sure. We researchers will be able to produce accurate and abstract
solutions once we have learned and understood the students' gaming learning styles.
These solutions could assist the students' gamer in adjusting their routine and being able
to participate in class effectively, which could improve their academic performances.

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