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Contact Details : Mo- 0721451769, Lucy- 0754921568.

Type of Product: Radio Show

Name of radio show: Madness Mondays

Intended Radio Station: College breakfast show for Priestley College students

Target Audience:The target audience will be 16-19 year olds from Priestley College.
These students will have an interest in music and chat about the wider life of the
college. These listeners will spend time in the Viola beach cafe and might want to
know what more they can do in their free time in college and the surrounding
Warrington area.

Content: The content of our college breakfast radio show will include all different
genres of music that the intended target audience would listen to.
In our show, we will include many different topics to talk about including the Priestley
college campus, where to go on your free periods, enrichments, warrington travel,
interviewing a teacher, events, mental health and things we get up to in our own lives
outside of college. This radio show will be helpful towards the students in college
because it gives them ideas on things to do when they have free periods in college
as some students may not know their way around Warrington. In the radio show we
talk about the enrichments that take place in the college, we give all the information
a student will need in order to join this certain enrichment. All information about how
to travel around Warrington is also spoken about eg; what time the buses come, how
much the buses are, what the buses are called if you are wanting to go to Warrington
The radio show gives a small insight into our lives and what we get up to outside the
college. We talk about our jobs we have, what we do on the weekends or days we
don't have college and if we are planning on going on holiday anywhere. I think
talking about your own lives is suitable in a radio show as it gives a sense of comfort
and friendliness to the listeners who are listening to it.

DJ/Presenters: Lucy aged 17

Mo aged 17
Both studying foundation media level 2 at Priestley College.

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