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Chapter 1


A. Name of Business

- SIOMAI HEART because it was made with banana blossom or also known as “puso ng saging”.

B. What kind of business or services are you going to offer/render?

- We are to offer a delicious food product of “Siomai” with a twist.

C. Vision, Mission, and Objectives


To be the number one and first producer of Siomai with the twist of banana blossom in the bicol

region and be well-known to the country and to the world. And also to have a community of vegetable

eating humans, and to attain a healthy and delicious way of living.


To prove that we can generate and create foods in not the usual ways and not in unique

ingredients. To assure the good quality of products. And also to promote vegetable food products to

students and teachers (anyone), to eat and be healthy by eating snacks like this.

To create and produce new innovative products from students’ researches and to practice creative

and practical but delicious way of living. To endorse and promote food products from the research of the

students of Don Servillano Platon Memorial National High School.

Chapter 2

Marketing plan

A. Target Market

The target of this product are the teachers, students, all people inside the school during business

trade fair because they will be the costumer at the trade fair. And anyone who are willing to taste the

goodness of our product.

B. Price

Each siomai costs five (5) pesos.

C. Marketing Strategies

Promote and endorse it in social media.

Offer it in person, face to face: by the use of sales talk.

D. Projected Sales

Projected total sales 600 pesos with the capital of 350 pesos.

Table of projected sales (tools/materials/expenses).

Tools/materials/ingredients Expenses

Molo wrapper 38

meat 100

Banana Blossom 30

carrot 10

eggs 21

pickles 20

Seasonings and spices 25

flour 20

Plastic cups 40

Total: 304

Note: The remaining 46 pesos in 350(capital) diminished by 304 was for other expenses like, transportation

expense and other stuffs.

E. SWOT Analysis

Strengths- The idea of siomai products are being patronized by the market, it was popular and also

it was so affordable by its low price.

Weakness- There are variety of ingredients of this product.

Opportunities- Since soimai are popular to the students, we decided to make another flavour of

soimai that will suit to their tastes (innovation).

Threats- Huge number of competitors.

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