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Get your shift together

4 Shifts to Accelerate Your Passive Income

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Tag me to win
Day 1
Signature Profitable Offer

Signature Money Maker

Low self esteem Great Listener
No self love Self love advocate
Low Confidence Disolving Blocks
Validation Eliminate & heal
Limiting belief limiting beliefs
Blocks Create unstoppable Your
Clients self love
Childhood trauma
Passion +


No Bullshit
Real connection
Building relationship

Fill the


Does my offer solve a problem that no one is

solving, that I can add my uniqueness to?

Day 1
Scalable Profitable Offer

What is my competition missing?

Authentic/ No Bs/ relationship

How can my skill fill the gap?

I create a space where I build relationship and listen in the same breath dont
sugar coat shit

How can this serve many?

Facebook live paid group

What does my audience value that my competition doesn't?

Authenticity/ No Bullshit / Straightforward

Day 1
Scalable Profitable Offer

Eliminate time/Cost Raise Value

Facebook paid live group

Loaded worksheets + Meditations

Lifetime access

Adjust program to clients needs

Reduce Failure rate Create Differentiation

My Purple Giraffe is Product is...

Confidence Course for Slay Queens

in 120 days, I'll sell ____

13 at $____=


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