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No 22, Jalan Bunga Melor

Taman Bahagia

22 January 2022

Hi Sabrina.

It is great to hear that your neighbourhood is organizing a programme to reduce the use of plastic
bags. Next month will be nice to organize many occasion as the weather still nice before the rainy
season hit.

Having many activities to attract people is one of the factor to make people interested to join the
programme. People from other neighbourhood also can join yours to make more happening but
unfortunately, I can’t join you this time. Too bad to hear that.

I agree that you stated in your letter that using plastic bags is not good for environment but people
still refused the negative thought of using plastic bags by keep use the plastic bags every day. We
have to stop this from spreading to the youngsters because early prevention is better than cure. By
this way, we can safe our world away from being contaminated.

I am really sorry because I can’t join you to attend the programme because my family and I will visit
to my sister’s house at Seremban next month. No one at home either.

Got to go now, talk to you later!

Yours sincerely,


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