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TOP What urget and important

priorities do I need to accomplish
PRIORITY that cannot be postponed?

What are my top values -

VALUES and how can I better align my
life with what I value the most?

What top 3 goals do I want to

GOALS achieve within the near future to
feel a sense of accomplishment?

What are my current challenges -

and what steps shall I take
CHALLENGES to overcome them?

What new - and exciting - habits

do I need to focus on to improve the
overall quality of my life?

What creative ideas will help improve

NEW IDEAS the overall quality of my life - and
the lives of my loved ones?

What would a wise peron do

QUANTUM in my situtation to overcome
THINKING existing challenges and boost
the quality of my life?
CREATIVE What ares in my life need a
PROBLEM positive boost? What creative
SOLVING solutions will help me to improve?

ENERGY , What enhancements will grow my level

FOCUS , & of energy and focus to improve my
PRODUCTIVITY productivity and quality of life?
What gradual changes will enable
EXERCISE me to improve my exercise and

health routines (or to start one)?

What shall I start doing - or stop

HEALTH doing - to improve my health?
IMPROVEMENTS What steps to take within next 48h?

What improvements in my
living environment will
promote better health?

FOOD , How can I improve the quality of

NUTRITION , my nutrition and hydration to boost
& HYDRATION my health and sense of well being?

What do I believe stands between me

HAPPINESS and complete happiness? What steps
can I take to bridge the gap?

SENSE OF What gives true meaning to my life,

MEANING & and what steps will help align my
PURPOSE life with a deeper sense of purpose?

What can I start doing - or

stop doing - to strengthen
BALANCE my emotional balance

SENSE OF What new thinking patterns and

ACCOMPLISH- attitude will help evolve my self -
MENT esteem and sense of accomplishment?

SPIRITUAL What improvements will help me

grow spiritually and to reach a
GROWTH heightened state of awareness?

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