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Chapter 04 –Marketing Research and Analytics

The Marketing Research Process - the

Identify the Problem - is the most important stage process of planning, collecting, and analyzing Marketing Research Objectives - developed as a
of the entire marketing research process. data relevant to a marketing decision series of questions that seek to clarify what decision
makers needed to know to make a marketing decision
Secondary Data - data previously collected for Marketing Analytics – the use of data to
any purpose other than the one at hand optimize marketing decisions • Research Design - specifies which research
questions must be answered, how and when data
Secondary Data Sources – Internal (Within the
will be gathered, and how the data will be
organization) and External (Government, trade
and industry associations, internet etc.) Identify the Problem • Types of Research Designs
o Exploratory Research
Primary Data - information that is collected for the o Conclusive Research – Descriptive/
first time and is used for solving the particular Causal Research
problem under investigation
Primary Data Sources – Quantitative and Design the Research
Qualitative Research Types of Samples
Probability Samples Nonprobability Samples
Simple Random Sample Convenience Sample
Qualitative Research Stratified Sample Judgement Sample
Systematic Sample Quota Sample
Depth Interviews Focus Groups Cluster Sample Snowball Sample

Collect the Data Types of Errors

Quantitative Research Measurement Errors Sampling Errors
Frame Errors Random errors

Survey Research – Observational Research – • The purpose of this analysis is to interpret and
a researcher watching people or draw conclusions from the mass of collected data.
interacts with people phenomena in a controlled • The marketing researcher tries to organize and
top obtain facts, manner, through either analyze those data by using one or more
opinions and human or machine methods. techniques.
attitudes Analyze the Data
Ethnographic Research –
Online Surveys
the study of human
behaviour in its natural • Researcher must prepare the report and
Mall Intercept context; involves communicate the conclusions and
Interviews observation of behaviour recommendations to management. This is a key
Present the Report step in the process
and physical setting
Interviews Experiment - a method a
researcher uses to gather • A researcher should follow up with management
Mail primary data to determine whether the information included were adequate to
Provide Follow-up
Surveys cause and effect carry out the recommendations
The Impact of Technology on Marketing Research and Marketing Analytics

Online Surveys Online Focus Groups Social Media Marketing Research

• Web survey and design • A number of organizations are currently • There are social media analytical
systems – software systems offering this new means of conducting focus
tools that companies are selling to
specifically designed for web groups.
• The research firm builds a database of
keep track of all the conversations
questionnaire construction and
respondents via a screening questionnaire on in social media about companies,
its website. brands, perceptions, and attitudes.
• Has led to rapid development, • When a client comes with a need for a • The challenge finding a way to
real-time reporting particular focus group, the firm goes to its extract meaningful data from the
database and identifies individuals who millions of conversations.
appear to qualify. communication and sharing among
• The firm sends an email to these individuals, customers
asking them to log on to a particular site at a
Online Research Panels particular time scheduled for the group

• A panel is a sample of persons

who have agreed to complete Online Research Communities
The Rise of Big Data
surveys via the internet.
• Some online panels are created • a carefully selected group of consumers who
• big data - the exponential growth in the
for specific industries and may agree to participate in an ongoing dialogue
volume, variety, and velocity of
have a few thousand panel with a particular corporation.
information and the development of
members, while the large • All community interaction takes place on a
complex new tools to analyze and create
commercial online panels have custom-designed website.
meaning from such data
millions of members. • The life of the community may last from six
• Big data analytics focuses on gathering
• People answer an extensive months to a year or more.
data and on learning and adapting based
profiling questionnaire that on that data.
enables the panel provider to • Big data are gathered both online and
target research efforts to panel Mobile Marketing Research
members who meet specific
• conducting marketing research by using • How can big data be presented in a
customers’ mobile devices meaningful way? Visualization acts as an
• Respondents can provide insights through engine for bringing patterns to light.
videos, photos, and messages creating a
dynamic and almost instant connection with
the respondent.
Marketing Analytics and Marketing Data Used in Marketing Analytics Analyzing the Data

• Marketing research often uses • data warehouse - a type of • data mining - the process of
simpler data analysis methods, database designed to collect and sorting through large sets of data
while marketing analytics usually organize large sets of data used for to find patterns and relationships
involves larger data sets and more analytics • data visualization - presenting
complex data analysis methods. • These form the basis for more data in a pictorial or graphical
• Marketing research typically uses comprehensive information systems, format
data to answer predefined research such as marketing information • marketing dashboard – a
questions, while marketing systems (MIS) that help companies common use of data visualization;
analytics seeks to find new insights collect, analyze, & communicate marketing metrics and insights
that might be missed otherwise. information from marketing analytics are
compiled in one place

Categories of Data for Marketing Analytics Data Collection Concerns

• Structured data - data that is easily defined and organized

• Unstructured data - data that is not easily defined and organized
• Intrusive methods of data collection - consumers routinely
trade away their privacy in exchange for convenience or
Structured Data Unstructured Data discounts but usually, these are small and reasonably
Customer lists Social media posts (text, photo, or contained trade-offs (e.g., signing up for free email,
Sales transaction lists video) activating location services on phone, information on social
media profile)
Store traffic counts Emails
Census and other demographic Instant messages • Lack of transparency about data sharing – two primary
ways: sharing among apps and program (e.g., using
data YouTube videos
Facebook to login to a third-party app) and data sold to other
Website traffic statistics Customer service call transcripts
• personally identifiable information - data that can be used
to identify a particular person
• anonymized data - where personally identifiable information
has been removed

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