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Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Grade and Section: _________________________________________ Score: ___________________________

1) It is known as change over time, is the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
2) The pioneer in the study of the theories on evolution.
3) The name of the ship where Darwin is the captain.
4) The date when Darwin started his voyage.
5) -6) Give countries or continent where Darwin search for evidences on evolution.
7) Darwin collected the preserved remains of ancient organisms, called _____________.
8) The island where Charles D. studied the differences between tortoises.
9) -12) Animals used as the focus of study of Charles D.

Charles Lyell James Hutton Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Thomas Malthus Russel Wallace
13) Theory of Geological change
14) Principles of Geography
15) Tendency toward Perfection
16) Use and Disuse
17) Inheritance of Acquired Traits
18) If population grew (more Babies born than die)
19) Wrote an essay summarizing evolutionary change from his field work in Malaysia

The Struggle for Existence Natural variation Artificial selection

Survival of the Fittest Natural Selection Descent with Modification
Common Descent
20) It is differences among individuals of a species
21) Here the nature provides the variation among different organisms, and humans select those variations they find
22) Here members of each species have to compete for food, shelter, other life necessities
23) Some individuals better suited for the environment
24) It results in changes in inherited characteristics of a population over time.
25) Each living organism has descended, with changes from other species over time
26) They were derived from common ancestors

27) -30) Give the evidences of evolution.



Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Grade and Section: _________________________________________ Score: ___________________________

1) It is known as change over time, is the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
2) The pioneer in the study of the theories on evolution.
3) The name of the ship where Darwin is the captain.
4) The date when Darwin started his voyage.
5) -6) Give countries or continent where Darwin search for evidences on evolution.
7) Darwin collected the preserved remains of ancient organisms, called _____________.
8) The island where Charles D. studied the differences between tortoises.
9) -12) Animals used as the focus of study of Charles D.

Charles Lyell James Hutton Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Thomas Malthus Russel Wallace
13) Theory of Geological change
14) Principles of Geography
15) Tendency toward Perfection
16) Use and Disuse
17) Inheritance of Acquired Traits
18) If population grew (more Babies born than die)
19) Wrote an essay summarizing evolutionary change from his field work in Malaysia

The Struggle for Existence Natural variation Artificial selection

Survival of the Fittest Natural Selection Descent with Modification
Common Descent
20) It is differences among individuals of a species
21) Here the nature provides the variation among different organisms, and humans select those variations they find
22) Here members of each species have to compete for food, shelter, other life necessities
23) Some individuals better suited for the environment
24) It results in changes in inherited characteristics of a population over time.
25) Each living organism has descended, with changes from other species over time
26) They were derived from common ancestors

27) -30) Give the evidences of evolution.

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