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Field Subject Level Estimated time

Languages and Grade
English II 3
rd 45 minutes
Topics Learning situations
 Flying kites Outside
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 The student understands expressions and a very useful vocabulary about himself, his family and the
immediate environment, interacts more easily both in structured situations and in short dialogues with the
help of a classmate, understands short, simple texts that contain a high-frequency vocabulary including
words from a common international vocabulary. The student transmits social values and respects others’
right to hold and express opinions that differ from their own.
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
At the end of the lesson student:  Spring, summer,autumn,
 Talk about seasons.  winter, fly a kite,
 go to school, ride a bike,
 Listen and read a story talking about children flying kites.  fish,singing, etc.
 Read text and translate it in Albanian.
 Act out the dialogues.

Resources and aids

Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, pictures, notebooks,
subjects Native language /ICT

Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities

Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Presentation First of all, I am going to ask the students to look at the pictures and read the title: Flying kites. What
do you think the lesson might be about? What are our characters doing in the pictures?
Practice Then, I am going to read the dialogue aloud and explain the new expressions to the students ex: flying, It is
snowing, It is raining, It is singing, He is wearing, He is swimming etc. Students are going to learn now words like:
summer, spring, autumn, winter, fly a kite, etc. Students are going to look at the pictures, read the sentences and then
will try to answer some of the questions using the vocabulary leant ex: What season it is? What are the children
doing etc? They will try to identify the main characters taking part in this text. In the end, I am going to ask students
to come to the board and try to say some of the expressions learnt related to today's lesson about the seasons. ex:
spring, winter, summer etc.
In order to reflect on the words learnt today students will take turns trying to translate the text with my help. _
 N2 - The student understands expressions and a very useful vocabulary about himself, his family and the
immediate environment.
 N3 - The student understands short, simple texts that contain a high-frequency vocabulary including words
from a common international vocabulary.
 N4 - The student communicates while performing simple, mundane tasks that require an exchange of direct
information. _Assignment: Workbook

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