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Lesson Plan for Law of Cosines

Method · February 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35975.44964

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2 authors, including:

Craig Refugio
Negros Oriental State University


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Lesson Plan for Law of Cosines
Angelo B. Tubosa
Craig N. Refugio, PhD
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
a. recall law of sines; (knowledge)
b. interpret law of cosines; (knowledge)
c. solve oblique triangles using the law of cosines (SAS Case); (skill)
d. appreciate the importance of the law of cosines in solving oblique triangles in
real life situation. (attitude)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Law of Cosines
B. References:
1. Merden L. Bryant, Learner’s Module,Department of
Eductation.pages 497-500.
2. Earl W. Swokowski, Fundamentals of algebra and trigonometry,PWS
Publishing Company,pages 535-541.
4. Trig/law-of-cosines.html
C. Materials:
2. Laptop
3. Cartolina
4. Chalk
5. Scientific calculator
6. Android Phone

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
a. Routinary Activity

1. Prayer

Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

Please stand everyone for our prayer. Aeron
please lead the prayer. Aeron: Are you ready to pray
Let us pray as we feel the presence of
our God.
Lord God, thank you for this
wonderful day. Thank you for the
blessings we received every day and
for the guidance and protection. We
are so sorry for our sins that we
committed. May this day be a new day
to learn and to do good things to
others. Amen!
Okay! Again, good morning class! Good morning Sir!
Before you take your seats please arrange
your chairs properly and pick up the pieces
of papers and plastics on the floor.

2. Checking of Attendance

Be sure you are in your proper seats because

I will check your attendance according to
your seat plan.
Arcel, why are you not in your assigned ( Arcel is not in his assigned seat)
seat? Please go back to your proper seat or
else I may mark you absent. Okay, Sir.

Now as a reminder in our classroom rules.

1. No eating inside the classroom.
2. Wear your shoe cover at all times.
3. When someone is talking we should
listen and if you have questions or
clarifications just raise your hand to
be recognize.
4. Throw your garbage properly.
5. If you want to go to the comfort
room just inform me and be sure you
will not disturb the class.

Are we clear? Yes Sir!

Any questions or clarifications for our
classroom rules? Arvie: Sir, what if you asked question
but no one would like to raise their
hand to answer?
If that’s the case I will call a student to try to
answer my question.
Now, are we clear? Yes Sir!

3. Review

Last meeting we already discussed about

law of sines. As a review who can describe
the relation of law of sines?
Yes, Steve? Steve: In any ∆ ABC,
sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 sin 𝐶
Sorry Steve you got the wrong answer. = =
Remember what the law of sine states. It
states that the ratio of the length of a side of
a triangle to the sine of the angle opposite
that side is the same for all sides and the
angles in a given triangle.
Anyone who can illustrate the law of sines?
Yes, Hope? Hope: In any ∆ ABC,
sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 sin 𝐶
= =
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
Very good! So we can illustrate the law of
sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 sin 𝐶
sines by = = or
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
= = sin 𝐶 .
sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵

In what cases are we going to use the law of

Allen, any idea? Allen: We can only use law of sines if
two angles and one side are given.
And if two sides and an angle opposite
one of these sides are given.
Very good! None Sir.
Any questions and clarifications?
Since you already familiarize about law of
sines, let us proceed to our next lesson.

B. Motivation

I will be giving you an activity. Please

answer the following in order to find out
what is our topic all about today. I will
group you into 12 groups. Each group
should have one number to answer and the
item you should answer will depend on your
group number. If you already have your
answer choose the letter of your answer at
the back page of your activity sheet then one
representative of the group should find the
letters here in front and paste it on the box
where your number is located. Am I clear? Yes Sir!
Now, start counting from my right side. (Students are counting)

Here are your groupings.

1-3 group 1 answer number 1
4-6 group 2 answer number 2
7-9 group 3 answer number 3
10-12 group 4 answer number 4
13-15 group 5 answer number 5
16-18 group 6 answer number 6
19-21 group 7 answer number 7
22-24 group 8 answer number 8
25-27 group 9 answer number 9
28-30 group 10 answer number 10
31-34 group 11 answer number 11
35-38 group 12 answer number 12
I will challenge the class to finish this
activity within 3 minutes and if you can
finish within the given time you will be
given 5 points for today. Are we clear? Yes Sir.
Your time starts now!

Note: See attachment at the last page

C. Presentation/Discussion

From our activity, what did you find out?

What words did you formed after you
answer the following questions? Anyone?
Yes, Shean? Shean: From the activity we had, after
were done answering the questions we
came out to the word “Law of
Very good! So you formed the word law of
cosines. Today we will discuss about Law of
Our objectives for today are the following:
knowledge : recall law of sines;
knowledge : interpret law of cosines;
skills : solve oblique triangles
using the law of cosines (SAS Case);
attitude : appreciate the
importance of the law of cosines in solving
oblique triangles in real life situation.

When do you think we usually use the law Zyrell: we usually use law of cosines
of cosines? Yes, Zyrell? in finding the missing parts of the
Specifically, what kind of triangle? Zyrell: Oblique triangles.
Very good! Thank you Zyrell.
We usually use law of cosines in finding the
missing part of oblique triangles. We already
knew from our past lesson that oblique
triangles can be classified into two. The
acute angle whose angles are less than 90°
and obtuse angle in which one of the angle
is more than 90°.

The law of cosines states that the square

of the length of one side is equal to the
sum of the squares of the other two sides
minus the product of twice of the two
sides and the cosines of the angle between

In symbols,
Law of Cosines
In any ∆ ABC,

a b

We can write the equation as;
𝒂𝟐 = 𝒃𝟐 + 𝒄𝟐 − 𝟐𝒃𝒄 (𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝑨)
Next, who would like to illustrate the other
side? Yes, Arvie? Arvie: 𝒃𝟐 = 𝒂𝟐 + 𝒄𝟐 − 𝟐𝒂𝒄 (𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝑩)
Very good! Next? Yes, Nika? Nika: 𝒄𝟐 = 𝒂𝟐 + 𝒃𝟐 − 𝟐𝒂𝒃 (𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝑪)
Excellent! Now you already understand
what the law of cosines states.
Didn’t you find the equations seem familiar
to you? Jade: Sir, it’s quite similar to the
formula of Pythagorean theorem.
Yes! Because the Pythagorean theorem was
part of derivation for the formula of law of
cosines. This equation was derived in a long
process. Since it will take us time to know
how it was derived. Let us just focus from
the given equations on how to apply these
equations in solving oblique triangles.
Just like the law of sines, we have also
important things to know in order to use the
law of cosines.

1. Two sides and the included angle

are given
2. Three sides are given

Today we will just focus first at number one

where two sides and the included angle are
Now, didn’t you wonder how can we apply
the law of cosines in real life situations?
Let as have this example.

Example 1.
Jack and Jill both start at point A. They
each walk in a straight line at an angle of
150° to each other. After an hour Jack has
walked 4.5km and Jill has walked 6km.
How far apart are they?

Analyze the problem first and then try to

picture out or imagine the problem.
Now, who would like to illustrate the
problem on the board?
Okay Lara. Please show your illustration on
the board. (Lara raise her hand)
Very good Lara!
That illustration is correct. So Jack and Jill
walk in a straight line at angle of 150° to Lara: Jill
each other. The angle is between the two of
them. After 45 minutes Jack has walked
4.5km and Jill has walked 6km. We are A
looking for the distance between the two of Jack
them. 4.5km
Can we use law of cosines in finding the
distance between Jack and Jill?
Yes, Jehu? Jehu: Yes Sir!
Why? Jehu: Because the given is two sides
Very good! We can apply the law of cosines. and the included angle.
Now, let us try to answer the problem using
the law of cosines but before that let as label
first the edge of the triangle.

6km C

What kind of oblique triangle is this?

Yes, it is an obtuse triangle because one of Obtuse Triangle!
the angle measures more than 90 degrees.

Now, the given are the following:

c = 4.5km
b = 6km
measure of angle A = 150°
Find side a.
Since side b,c and angle A is given and the
missing is side a we will use the equation
𝑎2 = 𝑏 2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑏𝑐 (cos 𝐴)
𝑎2 = 62 + 4.52 − 2(6)(4.5) (cos 150°)
𝑎2 = 36 + 20.25 − 54 cos 150°
𝑎2 = 56.25 − 54 cos 150°
𝑎 = √103.02
𝑎 = 10.15

Therefore, Jack and Jill is 10.15km away

from each other.

Yes, Julius? (Julius raise his hand)
Since we are looking for side a not a2 we Julius: Sir, how did we come out to
must square root the answer from 56.25 – 54 that answer after the last process?
cos150°. Yes Sir.
Are we clear? None Sir!
Any questions or clarifications?

From our problem, what if we are looking

for the measure of angle B and measure of
angle C?
Now, to find measure of angle B,
𝑏 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 − 2𝑎𝑏 (cos 𝐵)
62 = 10.152 + 4.52 − 2(10.15)(4.5) (cos 𝐵)
36 = 103.0225 + 20.25 − 91.35 (𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐵)
36 = 123.2725 − 91.35(cosB)
91.35 cos 𝐵 = 123.2725 − 36
cos 𝐵 =

𝐵 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 ( )
𝐵 = 17.18°
Are we clear? None Sir!
Khamille please find the measure of angle C Yes Sir!
and write your answers on the board. Khamille: To find measure of angle,
angle C = 180° - (angle A + angle B)
angle C = 180° - (150° + 17.18°)
angle C = 180° - 167.18
angle C = 12.82°
Very good Khamille. The measure of angle C = 12.82°
Since we already have the value of angle A
and angle B we can directly add the two
angles then subtract from 180° to get the
measure of angle C. But be sure that your
answer in angle B is correct or else if it is
wrong then angle C is also wrong.
Am I understood?
Yes Sir!
D. Enrichment Activity

Let us proceed to another example but this

time it’s your time to answer the problem.
Are we clear? Yes Sir.
8 5


Find a, measure of angle B and measure of

angle C.
Now, try to answer this in your seats and
after I will call one student to show his/her
solutions on the board.
Kent, find the measure of side a. Kent: to solve for a,
Nika, determine the measure of angle B. 𝑎2 = 𝑏 2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑏𝑐 (cos 𝐴)
Reniel, determine the measure of angle C. 𝑎2 = 52 + 82 − 2(5)(8) (cos 130°)
𝑎2 = 25 + 64 − 80 (cos 130°)
𝑎2 = 89 − 80 (cos 130°)
𝑎2 = 140.42
𝑎 = √140.42
𝑎 = 11. 85
Nika: to determine the measure of
angle B.
𝑏 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑎𝑐 (cos 𝐵)
52 = 11.852 + 82 − 2(11.85)(8) (cos 𝐵)
25 = 140.4225 + 64 − 189.6 (𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐵)
25 = 204.4225 − 189.6 (𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐵)
189.6 (𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐵) = 204.4225 − 25
189.6(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐵) = 179.4225
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝐵 =

𝐵 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 ( )
𝐵 = 18.86°
The measure of angle B is 18.86°

Reniel: to determine the measure of

angle C.
angle A + angle B + angle C = 180°
( 130° + 18.86° ) + angle C = 180°
116.58° + angle B = 180°
angle B = 180° - 148.86°
angle B = 31.14°
The measure of angle C is 31.14°.

Very good! All your answers are correct! None Sir!

Any questions or clarifications?

E. Application

Note: Example number one is already

part of my application by applying law of
cosines in real life situation.

F. Generalization
1. What did the law of cosines
2. When are we going to use law of

IV. Assessment
In a whole sheet of paper solve each word problem. Include illustration of your
problem as well as your conclusion. (30 points)
1. During a figure skating routine, Jackie and Peter skate apart with an angle of
15° between them. Jackie skates for 5 meters and Peter skates for 7 meters. How
far apart are the skaters?
2. A triangular lot sits at the corner of two streets that intersects at an angle of 58°.
One street side of the lot is 32m and the other is 40m. How long is the back of the
lot (the third side)?
Rubrics for Scoring
 Illustration 5pts
 Correct answer w/
Solution 10pts

Total 15pts

V. Assignment
In your assignment notebook, find the missing parts of the triangle. (15pts.)

b 25


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