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John Andrew P.

9 Diamond
I grew up the province, as
part of growing up in the
province, we tend to plant a
lot of different kinds of fruits
and vegetables. We even own
a rice field where we plant
our rice that we eat day by
day. So, in planting fruit
bearing tree, it is not new to
me. The fruit bearing tree
that I planted is a Guava, I
didn’t basically plant it
because I was not able to
find any seedling in our
house, so I just went and transferred it from its pot to
where it can grow into a tree. I first water the guava
that it is in the pot then I cut the pot where it used to
in order to transfer it
properly and easily. I used
2 kinds of tools to dig a
hole for the tree. After I
dig, I then slowly put the
tree into the hole that I
dug. After putting it in the
hole, I covered it then
watered it hopefully it will
grow into a big fruit
bearing tree so that we will
have a shade and a tree to
get food from.

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