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November 20, 2022
30 , 2021

To whom it may concern,

My name is Delmy Gabriela García García, a medical student at the Universidad Evangélica de El
Salvador; I am a sixth
fifth-year medical student. Through this letter I would like to tell you that I would
love to start a new experience by doing my clinical clerkship in your department.

I began to hear about Germany when I became interested in medicine; your country has managed
to steal my heart, not only for its reputation in educational quality and its extensive development in
the medical field, but also for its culture, its inhabitants, infrastructure and gastronomy. Germany
has been part of my personal and professional goals for a long time, and I consider it to be the best
place to fulfill my dream by participating in this clinical exchange and being able to know personally
what I want to do in my professional career.

My main objective is to be able to expand the medical horizons that I can see in my country, to
know how to understand people's health in its broadest sense, preserve and protect it, being able
to solve the most essential health issues, and expand my capabilities to new technologies and
procedures. I am interested in being able to appreciate the different procedures that, for several
reasons, are of difficult access in my country, and it would be a pleasure to learn from professionals
and students from the place where I want to forge myself as a specialist.
Since I was a child, I have faced various health issues within my family, which I always had the will
to help and support them. Even during elementary school, I always had an inclination to have a
positive impact on people's health, show them a solution or reach a point of stability. While I was
growing up and studying, everything related to physiology and human anatomy mesmerized me,
and was part of my daily interest. When the time came, I could only think of one career that could
materialize my vocation and my desire to give a hand to those in need, to improve their life quality
and especially their health and I consider myself able to do it, giving them my best through medical
school and beyond.

Thank you for your attention, I reiterate my readiness to take this opportunity. Thank you for your
time and support.

Yours sincerely,

B. Delmy Gabriela García García

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