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Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros
Field note #1
Approach and Contextualization to the Teacher’s Professional
Institution’s name: Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Daniel Alvarez Burneo”
Observer’s name: Santiago Paredes Beginning Time Ending Time
Teacher’s name: Mg. Victor Diaz 7:40 am 8: 20 am
Date: 24/11/2022 Period
Course: 10 “K” 1
Class Topic: Sports
Activity: Learn about their favorite sport Timing: 40 minutes
Describe their favorite sport in English

The teacher entered the class and all the students stood up to greet him, after this the teacher

introduced me to the whole class, implying that I am going to observe the class and that they be

respectful of me, the class begins with the teacher taking attendance and giving a little feedback

about the topic they saw in the last class, which was about sports, the teacher writes some questions

on the blackboard related to sports, such as what is your favorite sport? How many players are there

on each team? how do you play this sport? how is the winner defined? Somehow pressed for time

so they put their entire concentration on the activity, the teacher gave them 5 minutes to do the

activity and once the time was up his timer made a slight noise so that everyone knows that time is

up, for participations ago a game, he gives the students a ball and he covers his eyes while saying

"go, go, go" after a moment he says "stop" and whoever has the ball must participate, the students

have fun with this game and he keeps everyone concentrated on the class and the teacher, despite

this game the students raise their hands to participate and the teacher after each activity monitors

everyone's work by putting a stamp on them that is essential able to have a grade, the teacher also

has knowledge in sports to help students and is quite flexible with participation, English is not a

rule in this class, it is a tool. At the end, the teacher seals everyone's work and gives them the topic

for the next class, leaving them a short activity to review the next class.

Mg. Sc. Marlon Richard Armijos Ramirez
Academic Tutor signature

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