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Lesson I Convert It, Nurse 6

Lessons Content

A. Oracy 6

a. Dialogue 1 6

b. Dialogues 2 7

B. Literacy 8

a. Conversion Formulas 8

- C into F

- F into C

b. Comparative Degrees 10

c. Question Taqs 11

C. Practices 16

a. Grammar Pattern Exercises

b. Filling Gap Dialogue Exercises

c. Reading Comprehension Exercises


Lesson II In The Admission 28

Lessons Content

A. Oracy 28

a. Dialogue 1 28

b. Dialogues 2 29

B. Literacy 30

a. If – Clauses 30

- 1st Type

- 2nd Type

- 3rd Type

C. Practices 32

a. Grammar Pattern Exercises

b. Filling Gap Dialogue Exercises

c. Reading Comprehension Exercises

Lesson III I’ll Take Your Blood Samples 47


Lessons Content

A. Oracy 47

a. Dialogue 1 47

B. Literacy 49

a. Causative Have & Get Formulas 49

- Positive Form

- Negative Form

C. Practices 50

a. Grammar Pattern Exercises

b. Filling Gap Dialogue Exercises

c. Reading Comprehension Exercises


Lesson IV Take This Medicines, sir ! 54

Lessons Content

A. Oracy 54

a. Dialogue 1 54

b. Dialogues 2 55

B. Literacy 56

a. Conjunctions 58
b. Elliptical 61

- Positive Form

- Negative Form

c. Prescription Glossary

C. Practices 73

a. Grammar Pattern Exercises

b. Filling Gap Dialogue Exercises

c. Reading Comprehension Exercises



Convert It, Nurse !

A. Oracy

1. Dialogue 1

Nurse : Hello, Can I speak to Dr. Frank, Please?

Dr. F : Dr. Frank’s speaking, who is speaking??

Nurse : I am nurse Jane from Siloam Hospital

Dr. F : Yes, is there anything that I can do for you?

Nurse : Yes Doc, I am going to report Mr. Jack’s condition.

Dr. F : Yes, what’s going on with him?

Nurse : well doc, this morning his temperature rises and he has headache too.

Dr. F : I see, how high is his temperature?

Nurse : it’s about one hundred and four Fahreinheit.

Dr. F : excuse me, can you convert it into Celsius please?

Nurse : one hundred and four Fahreinheit equals to forty degrees Celsius Doc.

Dr. F : Hmmm….Okay how often the temperatures come on and off?

Nurse : the fever usually comes on in the afternoon or evening and off in the morning.

Dr. F : how is his pulse, blood pressure, and respiration nurse?

Nurse : Ok, his pulse is 100 BPM, respiration rate is 24x/minute, and his blood pressure is

Dr. F : So, what have you done for him, nurse?

Nurse : I have given a tapid water compress, a lot of fresh water.


Dr. F : okay, you can give him Paracetamol 500 mgs 4X1 and I’ll be there in a few minutes.

2. Dialogue 2

Nurse : Good Morning Dr. Frank

Dr. F : Good morning too nurse, can I help you?

Nurse : Yes, I want to report about Mrs. Syifa’s and Mrs. Tania’s condition, Doc.

Dr. F : Hmm okay, how are their condition pulse, blood pressure, and respiration, nurse?

Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Syifa’s condition is better than Mrs. Tania’s condition because her pulse is 100
BPM, respiration rate is 24x/minute, and her blood pressure is 120/90mmHg, meanwhile
Mrs. Tania’s vital signs are 120 BPM, respiration rate is 30X/minute, and her blood pressure
is 130/100 mmHG.

Dr. F : So, you checked it by yourself, didn’t you, Nurse?

Nurse : Yes, Absolutely Doc.

Dr. F : Okay, I’ll be right there in a few minutes.


B. Oracy

1. Conversions :


212º 100º

0º 0º

The Boiling Point = 212º The Boiling Point = 100º

The Freezing Point = 50º The Freezing Point = 10º

Temperature Conversion :
a. How to convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade :

FORMULA : - 32 X 5 : 9

Ex : 100º F – 32 = 68
68 X 5 = 340
340 : 9 = 37,78ºC.

a. How to convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit :

FORMULA : X 9 : 5 + 32

Ex : 37,78ºC X 9 = 340
340 : 5 = 68
68 + 32 = 100ºF.

Jadi, 37,78ºC = 100ºF


2. Comparative Degree :(Tingkat Perbandingan) :

Bentuk Comparative Degrees terbagi 2 bentuk, yaitu :

a. Bentuk satu – dua suku kata ( - er & - st ) + “Than”

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

(- er ) ( - st )
Big Bigger Biggest
Small Smaller Smallest
Tall Taller Tallest
Short Shorter Shortest
Long Longer Longest
Warm Satu Suku Warmer Warmest
Kata Faster Fastest
Fast Colder Coldest
Cold Hotter Hottest
Hot Nicer Nicest
Nice Smarter Smartest
Busier Busiest
Busy Happier Happiest
Happy Funnier Funniest
Funny Dua Suku Luckier Luckiest
Kata Easier Easiest

Good / Well Better The best

Bad Worse The worst
Far Farther (untuk jarak) The farthest
Little Further The furthest
More Polite The least
Pengecualian More The most
Polite Elder (untuk orang) The eldest
Many/Much Older (untuk orang / The oldest

3. Question Tags:

Question Tag terbagi dua bentuk kalimat :

A. Statement / Pernyataan
B. Request / Perintah

- Adapun Rumus Pembuatan Qustion Tag tersebut adalah sbb :

Rumus Question Tag :





+ -

- +






BARELY (-) (+)

A FEW (-)







 Seperti contoh di bawah ini :

a. Rumus Question Tag ( Statement) pada Kotak TO BE :






, WAS SHE ???
, ARE WE ???
, ARE I ???
, ARENT WE ???
, WASN’T HE ???
, ISN’T IT ???
, ARE YOU ???
, AREN’T I ???

b. Rumus Question Tag ( Statement) pada Kotak TO DO :











10. I HAVE A NEW BOOK , DO I ???

, HASN’T HE ???




c. Rumus Question Tag (Request) pada Kotak TO DO :







, WILL YOU ???
, WILL YOU ???
, WILL YOU ???

b. Bentuk lebih dari 2 suku kata ( more & the most ) + “Than” :

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

(more) (most)
Interesting More Interesting The Most Interesting
Diligent More Diligent The Most Diligent
Beautiful More Beautiful The Most Beautiful
Delicious More Delicious The Most Delicious
Famous More Famous The Most Famous
Polite More Polite The Most Polite
Expensive More Expensive The Most Expensive
Difficult More Difficult The Most Difficult
Intelligent More Intelligent The Most Intelligent

Important More Important The Most Important

Comfortable More Comfortable The Most Comfortable
C. Practises

1). Convert Those Degrees Below Into Centigrade or Fahrenheit !!!!

1. 38 º C = ________ º F. 6. 50 º C = ________ º F.

2. 130 º F = ________ º C. 7. 212 º F = ________ º C.

3. 194 º F = ________º C. 8. 80 º F = ________º C.

4. 36 º C = _________ º F. 9. 37 º C = _________ º F.

5. 100 º F = ________ º C. 10. 150 º F = ________ º C.

2). Comparative Degree Exercises :

1. Miss Jane is ....... (beautiful) than Mrs. Tania.

2. The Trouser is ...... (cheap) than the shirt.

3. The doctors are ..... (busy) than the nurses.

4. The English book ..... (expensive) than the fairy tales book.

5. The injection ..... (hurt) then medicines.

6. This man is ..... (polite) than that man.

7. Miss Syifa is ...... (small) than miss tanti.

8. This Sofa is ..... (comfortable) than that wood chair.

9. This Hospital is ...... (far) than that Health Center.

10. I am ..... (smart) than him.

1. He has three brothers. John is the ______ of the three.

1.   ?    most cleverest

2.   ?    more clever

3.   ?    cleverest

4.   ?    cleverer

2. The pianos in the other store are _________, but _________.

1.   ?    cheaper --- not as better

2.   ?    cheaper ... not as good

3.   ?    more cheap --- not as better

4.   ?    more cheap --- not as better

3. They came ______ than we had expected.

1.   ?    more later

2.   ?    much later

3.   ?    more late

4.   ?    much late

4. She does her work ______ than her classmates

1.   ?    far more diligently

2.   ?    such more diligently

3.   ?    so more diligently

4.   ?    much more diligent

5. He walked 10 miles that day. He never thought he was able to walk ______ far.

1.   ?    such

2.   ?    that

3.   ?    so

4.   ?    B and C

6. She is _________ as any of us.

1.   ?    as a good swimmer

2.   ?    so good swimmer

3.   ?    as good swimmer

4.   ?    as good a swimmer


7. He has _________ to take us all.

1.   ?    too small a car

2.   ?    a too small car

3.   ?    very small a car

4.   ?    so small a car

8. The price of the jacket is too __________.

1.   ?    high

2.   ?    big

3.   ?    much cheap

4.   ?    expensive

9. A _________ language should be learned orally.

1.   ?    alive

2.   ?    lived

3.   ?    living

4.   ?    live

10. The star looks smaller than the sun because it is __________ away from us.

1.   ?    much farther

2.   ?    more farther

3.   ?    more far

4.   ?    more further

11. Africa is _________ second _________ continent in the world.

1.   ?    a --- large

2.   ?    the --- large

3.   ?    the --- larger

4.   ?    the --- largest

12. The more we looked at the picture, _________ we liked it.


1.   ?    the less

2.   ?    the best

3.   ?    the most

4.   ?    better

13. As he was so tired, he soon __________.

1.   ?    felt asleep

2.   ?    fell sleep

3.   ?    fall asleep

4.   ?    fell asleep

14. Go _________ and you'll see him waiting for you in his office.

1.   ?    to upstairs

2.   ?    to upstair

3.   ?    upstairs

4.   ?    upstair

15. It's the _________ job he's ever had.

1.   ?    worse

2.   ?    worst

3.   ?    bad

4.   ?    badly

16. She plays tennis _________ than the others.

1.   ?    more a lot better

2.   ?    very well

3.   ?    a lot more better

4.   ?    a lot better

17. Of all the questions, the last one is the __________ troublesome.

1.   ?    least

2.   ?    much

3.   ?    more

4.   ?    less

18. My watch keeps _________ time.

1.   ?    the most perfect

2.   ?    perfecter

3.   ?    perfect

4.   ?    more perfect

3). Question Tags Exercises :

1. She often comes late, ....................... ???? doesn’t she ?

2. Maria was at home last night, .............. ???? wasn’t she ?
3. He always comes early on Monday morning, .......... ?? doesn’t he?
4. Carla went to England with her mother, ............ ?? didn’t she
5. The man worked hard Last night, ................ ?????? didn’t he
6. Everyone tried to speak English well, ........... ????? didn’t they
7. Nobody were here, ............... ?????? were they
8. They have passed the examination, .............. ??? haven’t they
9. Open your book, ........ ???? will you / wont you
10. Don’t go, ............ ????? will you
11. Put down your books, ....... ???? will you / wont you
12. Don’t cry like that, ......... ????? wont u
13. She is my English teacher, ...... ?????isnt she ?
14. The head nurse has already made the daily report, .........? hasn’t she?
15. Dr. Frank hasn’t come yet, ........ ????? has he ?
16. Midwife Shanty took the medicine, ......... ?????? didn’t she ?
17. Dr. Daina was the head nurse of this hospital, ....... ???wasn’t she
18. I studied hard last night, ......... ??didnt I
19. Please, stay with me, ........ ?? wont u / will you
20. Dr. Smith didn’t give the patients the right prescription, ....... ???????
21. Nurse Dhita examined the patient’s body temperature yesterday, ...... ?????
22. I won’t go with them, ....... ?? will I ?
23. Dr. Jane hasn’t measured the patients’ blood pressure, ............ ??has she
24. Nurse Sisca Injected the patients’ buttock last couple of minute,? didn’t she

25. I love being a student nurse, ....... ??? dont I

He's still sleeping,
You do go to school,
Let's go for a walk,
We won't be late,
Nobody called,
They will wash the car,
We must lock the doors,
I'm correct,
So you bought a car, Congratulations!
You wouldn't want to invite my Dad,

a) Which sentence goes with the question tag?

1) haven't we?

2) aren't I?

3) don't they?

b) Put in the correct question tags into the gaps.

1) They did not go to Vienna last week,

2) Sue will be 14 next week,

3) You don't like yoghurt,

c) Which sentences are correct?

1) Which sentence is correct?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, do you?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, will you?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, won't you?

2) Which sentence is correct?

Pass me the salt, aren't I?

Pass me the salt, aren't you?

Pass me the salt, won't you?

3) Which sentence is correct?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, will it?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, will she?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, won't it?

a) Which sentences are correct?

1) Which sentence is correct?

Let's go swimming, aren't we?

Let's go swimming, isn't it?

Let's go swimming, shall we?


2) Which sentence is correct?

We must be at school at 8 o'clock, aren't we?

We must be at school at 8 o'clock, mustn't we?

We must be at school at 8 o'clock, needn't we?

3) Which sentence is correct?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, do you?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, will you?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, won't you?

4) Which sentence is correct?

I think he's from India, doesn't he?

I think he's from India, don't I?

I think he's from India, isn't he?

5) Which sentence is correct?

Pass me the salt, aren't I?

Pass me the salt, aren't you?

Pass me the salt, won't you?

6) Which sentence is correct?

They used to live in New Orleans, aren't they?

They used to live in New Orleans, didn't they?

They used to live in New Orleans, don't they?

7) Which sentence is correct?

The slide show was fantastic, isn't it?

The slide show was fantastic, was it?

The slide show was fantastic, wasn't it?


8) Which sentence is correct?

There's a fly in your soup, is there?

There's a fly in your soup, isn't it?

There's a fly in your soup, isn't there?

9) Which sentence is correct?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, will it?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, will she?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, won't it?

10) Which sentence is correct?

We had better leave, hadn't we?

We had better leave, haven't we?

We had better leave, weren't we?

a) Which sentences are correct?

1) Which sentence is correct?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, will it?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, will she?

The sun won't shine tomorrow, won't it?

2) Which sentence is correct?

They used to live in New Orleans, aren't they?

They used to live in New Orleans, didn't they?

They used to live in New Orleans, don't they?

3) Which sentence is correct?

Pass me the salt, aren't I?

Pass me the salt, aren't you?


Pass me the salt, won't you?

4) Which sentence is correct?

We had better leave, hadn't we?

We had better leave, haven't we?

We had better leave, weren't we?

5) Which sentence is correct?

I think he's from India, doesn't he?

I think he's from India, don't I?

I think he's from India, isn't he?

6) Which sentence is correct?

We must be at school at 8 o'clock, aren't we?

We must be at school at 8 o'clock, mustn't we?

We must be at school at 8 o'clock, needn't we?

7) Which sentence is correct?

There's a fly in your soup, is there?

There's a fly in your soup, isn't it?

There's a fly in your soup, isn't there?

8) Which sentence is correct?

The slide show was fantastic, isn't it?

The slide show was fantastic, was it?

The slide show was fantastic, wasn't it?

9) Which sentence is correct?

Let's go swimming, aren't we?

Let's go swimming, isn't it?

Let's go swimming, shall we?


10) Which sentence is correct?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, do you?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, will you?

Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, won't you?

b) Put in the correct question tags into the gaps.

1) She can speak French,

2) Barbara could have helped you,

3) Angela has ordered pizza,

4) Chris got up at seven,

5) Your friends enjoy swimming,

6) He has a car,

7) Sue will be 14 next week,

8) They did not go to Vienna last week,

9) You don't like yoghurt,

10) The teacher was late for school,

1. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ?

2. The car isn't in the garage, ?

3. You are John, ?

4. She went to the library yesterday, ?

5. He didn't recognize me, ?

6. Cars pollute the environment, ?

7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ?


8. The trip is very expensive, ?

9. He won't tell her, ?

10. Hugh had a red car, ?

4). Filling Gaps Exercises

bits    closer    cut    disinfected    fooling    glass    hurt    look    more    next thing    problem  
removed    shirt    slipped    stitch

Doctor: What exactly is the ...... young man.

Patient: I was ...... around in the hall and .........

Doctor: There is ...... to it than that.

Patient: Well, yes , I went through the glass door and ........ myself.

Doctor: I had better .......... to see if there is any .......... in the wound.

Patient: I want to know if it will ............. much.

Doctor: Take off your ........... and I will take a

Patient: Can you see any .......... of glass?
Doctor: Yes, I have .......... them all and ......... the wound. `
Doctor: The ........... I shall do is ............... you up.

5). Reading Comprehension


Nurse Jane on The Wards

Do you remember Jane Johnson ??? she and her friend, Joan Chapman are both nurses. They work at
Saint Peter’s Hospital, a large teaching hospital in London. Joan did her training at St. Peter’s and last year
she passed her State Finals and qualified. She is an S.R.N. she is working as a staff nurse in a men’s
medical ward.

Jane is a student nurse and is still training. Last month, she worked in one of the hospital’s surgical
wards. She learned to set trolleys for sterile procedures such as surgical dressing, intravenous infusion and
catheterization. She carried out certain procedures herself and assisted doctors with others. She often had
to go to the central sterile supply department to fetch sterile dressing packs. Sometimes, she took patients
to the X-Ray department or to the occupational therapy unit.

This month, Jane is working in the same ward as Joan. She is learning to nurse patients suffering from
diseases such as cardiac infarction, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis and pneumonia. At the
moment, she is helping a staff nurse to give injections. The staff nurse is explaining to her the doses, action
and side effects of the drugs they are administering.

The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties. Some are doing bed-baths, one is
helping a patient to get out of bed, and another is taking

A doctor is doing a ward round and a physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia – patient to do deep –
breathing exercises.

Answer The Questions Correctly :

1. What sort of hospital is St. Peter’s ????

2. Where did Joan do her training ???

3. When did Joan pass her State Finals ????

4. Which ward is Joan working in now ???

5. Where did Jane work last month ????

6. Which sterile procedures did she learn to set trolleys for ????

7. Where did she go to fetch sterile dressing packs ????

8. Where did she sometimes take patients ????

9. Where is Jane working this month ????

10. Which patients is Jean learning to nurse ???

11. What is the staff nurse explaining to her ???


12. What are the other nurses in the ward doing ???

13. What is the doctor doing ???

14. What is one nurse taking ????

15. What is the physiotherapist doing ????


In The Admission

A. Oracy

1. Dialogue 1 & 2 :

Situation : Before entering a hospital a patient is given an admission form. It is used to obtain information
about case history in order to determine a patient goes to appropriate ward. After that he / she is received by

nurse. Based on a temperature chart a case history sheet and care report the nurse develop a precise report of
care. Therefore a nurse needs an interview.

Useful Expressions

Welcome Mr./ Mrs. / madam / miss

I’ll show you your room now.
I’d like to ask you some questions.
Have you ever been in a hospital?
When was the last time you were hospitalized?
Have you had any operation?
Are you allergic to anything?
Do you use hearing aid?
Do you smoke? How many cigarettes in a day?
Could you tell me about yours illness?
What medicine have you taken at home?
Do you want a religious service?

Nr. S: How are you feeling today?

Mr. R: Not too well, Nurse. I’m afraid I have a bit of cold.
Nr. S: Ok, Mr. Robert. I’d like to ask you some questions.
Have you ever been in a hospital?
Mr. R: yes I have.
Nr. S: what is your chief complaint?
Mr. R: I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath, and I also get stomachache.
Nr. S: Ok, Let me examine you, please take your dress off, Mr. Robert.
Mr. R: Okay.

Nr. S: Sir, may I ask u something?

Mr. R: Yes.

Nr.S: what did you eat last night?

Mr.R: I think, I ate too much spicy food nurse. I would not eat that spicy food if I knew that I would have
great stomach ache like this.

Nr. S: hmmm, okay, next time, you must pay attention enough to what you eat Sir in order to keep your
stomach in a good health.

Mr.R: Thank you nurse.


B. Literacy

 If - Clauses :

If – Clause Adalah Kalimat Pengandaian !!!!!



(KEJADIAN YANG MASIH (S + Ves/s /V1 + O + A/C) (S + Will + V1 + O + A/C)

(S + Tobe Verbs + A/C) (S + Will Be + A/C)

( is,am,are )


(KEJADIAN YANG SUDAH (S + V2 + O + A/C) (S + Would + V1 + O + A/C)

(S + Were + A/C) (S + Would Be + A/C)

Note : semua “S” memakai

Tobe Were, khusus di

If Clause.


(KEJADIAN YANG (S + Had + V3 + O + A/C)
SANGAT TIDAK (S + Would + Have + V3 + O +
(S + Had Been + A/C)

(S + Would + Have + Been +


 Seperti Contoh Di bawah Ini :

Type I :

1. If he doesn’t want to understand me, I will not be his girl friend anymore
2. If I have enough money, I will buy a new car for my wife.
3. If he invites me to his birthday party, I will go with my friends.
4. If you are here with me, I will treat you some soft drinks.
5. If she buys a new car, I will go together with her to school.

Type II

1. If I were you, I would accept that job.

2. If I knew the truth first, I would apologize you.
3. If you didn’t study hard, I would not give you extra money.
4. If I had a car, I would go to around the city.
5. If he lied again, his mother would not forgive him anymore.

Type III :

1. If I had met her, I would have asked her to call me.

2. If I had seen her at the party, I would have said hello to her.
3. If he had not played basketball well, I would not have introduced you to my friends.
4. If you had been me, you would have understood what I underwent last night.
5. If the doctor had invented the new medicines of Heart Attack, my mother would not have died.

C. Practices

1). Grammar Exercises

1. I would accept her as a new staff in this office if I ....... (be) in you position.

2. The janitors will adjust (adjust) the Air Conditioner (AC) temperature if the customer asks her to.

3. Mr. Frank ....... (help) my father if he is called by him self.

4. If Ms. Nita ....... (introduce) her self with the others staff, the senior staff would have respected her, first

5. If Dr. John would not have had a surgery, he ........ (attend) the Health Conference. Had attended

6. If you ......... (have) attention enough to the marks street before, you could have avoided the accidents.

7. I ......... (blame) you if your brother didn’t pass the exam. I blamed

8. My mother would have concerned enough to me if my sickness ........ (be) worst. Had been

9. Nurse Shanty would bring the patient to the maternity ward if the Doctor ...... (ask) her. asked

10. I ...... (consult) my health if I had needed to.

11. My mom would apologize my brother if he ...... (promise) not to do that silly mistake again.

12. If I want to be a nurse, I ...... (enroll) my self to the Nurse Academic Program. Will enroll

13. She ..... ( be, accept) to work in this hospital if she spoke English well.

14. If he had wanted to try once more, maybe he ...... (be, hire) in that position.

15. If I were you, I ...... (not, let ) him go away like that.

16. I will always get hungry if I ..... (not, eat) breakfast.

17. If the temperature goes above 100 C, water ...... (boil).

18. I ....... (accept) their invitation if I were you.

19. Sally would have answered the phone if she ..... (be) in her office.

20. If the weather was nice yesterday, we .... (go) to the zoo.

21. I would help you if you .... (tell) me the truth.

22. If I have enough apples, I .....(bake) an apple pie this morning.

23. The class will be cancelled if the teacher ....(be) absent tomorrow.

24. If I were a bird, I ..... (fly) to the sky.

25. I would visit the museum several times if I ..... (have) a car.

26. If they invited me, I ...... (come) together with my friends.

27. She will pass the exam if she .....(study) hard.

28. If she waits patiently, she ...... (see) the movie.

29. I ...... (lend) him my dictionary if he promised to return it on time.

30. She would have asked me the problem a thousand times if I ..... (not, answer) it correctly.

Complete the sentences according to the basic rules for Conditional Sentences.

 It silly if we tried to walk there.

 I the film only if the reviews are good.

 She'd have taken me to the station if her car down.


 If you , he won't help you.

 If it yesterday, we would have gone sailing.

 after their dog again if they go on holiday this year?

 Would you mind if I your mobile?

 I the mail if it had contained a virus.

 Even if I a wet-suit, I wouldn't go scuba-diving.

 that strict if you'd known the truth?

Complete the following sentences. Note that you might have to use other tenses (active/passive voice) than
required in the basic rules.

 If I had more time, I (come) to your party yesterday.

 Give the book to Jane if you (read) it.

 If you hadn't lost our flight tickets, we (be) on our way to the Caribbean now.

 If you (have) dinner right now, I'll come back later.

 If we (set) off earlier, we wouldn't be in this traffic jam now.

 What would you do if you (accuse) of murder?

 If I hadn't eaten that much, I (feel / not) so sick now.

 We would take another route if they (close / not) the road.

 She only (sing) if she's in a good mood.

 If she were sensible, she (ask) that question, by which she offended him so much.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

 If you (go) out with your friends tonight, I (watch) the football
match on TV.

If you go out/ she goes out …, I will watch …..

 I (earn) a lot of money if I (get) that job.


 If she (hurry / not) , we (miss) the bus.


Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

 If he (try) harder, he (reach) his goals.

If he tried harder, he would reach his goals.

 I (buy) these shoes if they (fit) .

I would buy if they fit.

 It (surprise / not) me if he (know / not) the answer.

It would not surprise me if he didn’t know the answer.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.


 If we (listen) to the radio, we (hear) the news.

If we had listened to the radio, we would have heard the news.

 If you (switch) on the lights, you (fall / not) over the chair.

If you had switched on the lights, you would not have fallen over the chair.

 She (come) to our party if she (be / not) on holiday.

She would have come …..if she had not been on holiday.

Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).

 If I stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.

 If we'd seen you, we .

 If we him tomorrow, we'll say hello.

 He would have repaired the car himself if he the tools.

 If you drop the vase, it .

 If I hadn't studied, I the exam.

 I wouldn't go to school by bus if I a driving licence.

 If she him every day, she'd be lovesick.

 I to London if I don't get a cheap flight.

 We'd be stupid if we him about our secret.


Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

 If you (wash) the dishes, I (cook) dinner tonight.

If you wash the dishes, I will cook dinner tonight

 If my dad (have) time next week, we (paint) my room.

If my dad has time next week, we will paint my room.

 You (learn) a lot about American history if you (visit) the


You will learn a lot …….if you visit

 If the weather (be / not) too bad tomorrow, we (play) golf.

If the weather is not too bad, we will play golf.

 We (get / not) there on time if we (catch / not) the bus.

we will not get there….if we don’t catch the bus.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

 If I (have) more time, I (learn) to play the guitar.

If I had more time, I would learn

 If she (study) harder, she (get) better marks.

If she studied harder, she would get


 If we (know) more about history, we (be / not) afraid of the test.

If we knew…., we would not be afraid of the test

 I (go) jogging with Tom and Sue if they (be) here this week.

I would go ….if they were here this week.

 It (surprise) me if she (help / not) you.

It would surprise me if she didn’t help you

Complete the sentences with the correct form (Type I or II).

 If you need the car in the afternoon, I shopping in the morning.

 If I a hat, I would look like an old woman.

 I'll buy this bag if they it in blue.

 She wouldn't pay cash if she a credit card.

 If I didn't have you, I what to do.

 In the if clause of a Conditional Sentence Type I, we use .

 In the main clause of a Conditional Sentence Type I, we use .

Choose the correct form.

 If we to London, we the Tower.

 If the shop open, I a souvenir.

 If she the bus, she here on time.


 He me if he the answer.

 Jane you in if I here.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.

 If you (eat) an ice-cream, I (have) a hot chocolate.

If you had eaten, I would have had a hot chocolate.

 If she (need) a computer, her brother (give) her his computer.

If she had needed, her brother would have given her ……

 If we (have / not) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow.

If we had not had time ….., we would have met tomorrow

 He (talk) to her if you (want / not) to do it.

He would have talked ……if you had not wanted to do it

 You (win / not) the game if you (know / not) the rules.

You would not have won the game if you had not known the rules…..

1. I would accept her as a new staff in this office if I ....... (be) in you position.

a. were c. had been

b. was d. am

2. The janitors...... (adjust) the Air Conditioner (AC) temperature if the customers ask her to.

a. would adjust c. adjusted

b. wouldn’t adjust d. will adjust

3. Mr. Frank ....... (help) my father if he is called by him self.

a. would have helped c. will help

b. would helped d. won’t help

4. If Ms. Nita ....... (introduce) her self with the others staff, the senior staff would have respected her, first

a. introduced c. had introduced

b. introduces d. has introduced

5. If Dr. John would not have had a surgery, he ........ (attend) the Health Conference.

a. had attended c. attended

b. had attend d. attends

6. If you ......... (have) attention enough to the marks street before, you could have avoided the accidents.

a. had paid c. he doesn’t pay

b. had pay d. he didn’t pay

7. I ......... (blame) you if your brother didn’t pass the exam.

a. will blame c. would have blamed

b. would blame d. would have blame

8. My mother would have concerned enough to me if my sickness ........ (be) worst.

a. had worst c. was worst

b. is worst d. had been worst


9. Nurse Shanty would bring the patient to the maternity ward if the Doctor ...... (ask) her.

a. had asked c. asked

b. has asked d. asks

10. I ...... (consult) my health if I had needed to.

a. will consulted c. would consult

b. would have consulted d. will consult

11. My mom would apologize my brother if he ...... (promise) not to do that silly mistake again.

a. promised c. had promised

b. promises d. has promised

12. If I want to be a nurse, I ...... (enroll) my self to the Nurse Academic Program.

a. would enroll c. would enrolled

b. will enroll d. enrolls

13. She ..... ( be, accept) to work in this hospital if she spoke English well.

a. will be accepted c. would be accepted

b. will accept d. would accept

14. If he had wanted to try once more, maybe he ...... (be, hire) in that position.

a. could have hire c. could have hired

b. could have been hired d. could have be hired

15. If I were you, I ...... (not, let ) him go away like that.

a. would not letted c. would not let

b. would not have let d. will not let

16. I will always get hungry if I ..... (not, eat) breakfast.

a. hadn’t eaten c. don’t eat

b. wouldn’t eat d. didn’t eat


17. If the temperature goes above 100 C, water ...... (boil).

a. boils c. would have boiled

b. will boil d. would boiled

18. I ....... (accept) their invitation if I were you.

a. accepted c. would accept

b. would accepted d. will accept

19. Sally would have answered the phone if she ..... (be) in her office.

a. had been c. were

b. has been d. is

20. If the weather was nice yesterday, we .... (go) to the zoo.

a. would go c. will go

b. would have gone d. would gone

21. I would help you if you .... (tell) me the truth.

a. had told me c. tell

b. told d. had been told

22. If I have enough apples, I .....(bake) an apple pie this morning.

a. bake c. would bake

b. will baked d. will bake

23. The class will be cancelled if the teacher ....(be) absent tomorrow.

a. was c. had

b. is d. were

24. If I were a bird, I ..... (fly) to the sky.

a. will flown c. would fly

b. would have flown d. will fly

25. I would visit the museum several times if I ..... (have) a car.

a. had had c. had have


b. has have d. had

26. If they invited me, I ...... (come) together with my friends.

a. came c. will come

b. would came d. would come

27. She will pass the exam if she .....(study) hard.

a. studies c. had studied

b. studied d. study

28. If she waits patiently, she ...... (see) the movie.

a. will see c. would have seen

b. would seen d. would see

29. I ...... (lend) him my dictionary if he promised to return it on time.

a. lent c. will lent

b. had lent d. would lend

30. She would have asked me the problem a thousand times if I ..... (not, answer) it correctly.

a. don’t answer c. had not have answered

b. wouldn’t have answered d. had have answered

31. Mrs. Jane ..... (enroll) her child to the good school institution if her child is old enough to go to

a. would enrolled c. would has enrolled

b. will enroll d. will enrolled

32. The army would withdrew their troops if their enemy ..... (compromise) to each other.

a. compromises c. had compromised

b. compromised d. had been compromised

33. If he wanted to understand me, maybe I ...... (be, never) like this.

a. will never be c. would never


b. would never have been d. would never be

34. Nita’s fever would increase if your mother ..... (take) her to the nearest hospital.

a. didn’t take c. didn’t took

b. doesn’t take d. hadn’t taken

35. I ...... (always, love) my family if my family loves me too.

a. would always have loved c. will always love

b. will always loved d. would always love

36. I ...... (give) him some money if I had had a lot.

a. give c. would give

b. gave d. would have given

37. She ..... (accept) the jobs if she gets the high salary.

a. accepted c. would accept

b. will accept d. will accepted

38. If I had enough time, I ...... (come) to your party.

a. will come c. would have come

b. would come d. would has come

39. If my mother ....... (permit) me to go to your home, I would have taken my brother with me.

a. had permit c. permits

b. had permitted d. will permit

40. My father ....... (reject) his Boss order if he knew about it first.

a. would reject c. would rejected

b. will rejected d. will be reject

41. I ....... (invite) a lot of my friends if you ask me to.

a. would invite c. will invite

b. will invited d. would have invited


42. Mrs. White ..... (answer) her students’ request if the students had finished their homework.

a. would have answered c. will answer

b. would has answered d. would answer

43. If I ...... (know) the truth, I would have forgiven you before.

a. knew c. know

b. has known d. had known

44. I ...... (give) him some money if I had a lot.

a. give c. would give

b. gave d. would have given

45. She ..... (accept) the jobs if she gets the high salary.

a. accepted c. would accept

b. will accept d. will accepted

46. If they invited me, I ...... (come) together with my friends.

a. came c. will come

b. would came d. would come

47. She will pass the exam if she .....(study) hard.

a. studies c. had studied

b. studied d. study

48. If she had waited patiently, she ...... (see) the movie.

a. will see c. would have seen

b. would seen d. would see

49. I ...... (lend) him my dictionary if he had promised to return it on time.

a. lent c. will lent

b. had lent d. would lend


50. If she were a child, she ........ (play) with them.

a. will play c. would play

b. would played d. will played

2). Filling Gaps Exercises

cause    cereal    contact    cups    going    gone    have    last    like    off    runs    stopped    suggest  
suppose    today    

Patient: Doctor I'm afraid I have the .

Doctor: Are you to the toilet often?

Patient: Haven't since very early this morning.

Doctor: What did you for breakfast?

Patient: Just and a few of tea.

Doctor: That doesn't seem to be the unless the milk was .

Patient: I doubt it very much, more the soup night.

Doctor: Do you think it had off?

Patient: I so, it had been in the fridge for a few days.

Doctor: I you eat nothing and me tommorow.

I agree    a better idea    absorbent    after    all the time    at the latest    be    be back    case    clothes  
curtain    difference    in    letter    locker    long    minute    on    or    round    see you    synthetic    tell  
to    to get changed    to give you a hand    to put    you    

NURSE: Now .... This is where you’ll be you’re with us.

PATIENT: How long will I be ?

NURSE: Not - you'll be home on Tuesday - the doctor will give you

when he comes .

PATIENT: When will that ?

NURSE: Just nine, usually. Meantime, I'm going to draw the round your bed and ask you

into your nightie. You can keep your knickers and your bra. Are they cotton
synthetic ?

PATIENT: Cotton. Why? What's the ?

NURSE: We prefer cotton. More . I would’ve asked you some of ours, if you’d been

wearing .

PATIENT: They should put it in the .

NURSE: . I'll them. While I’m away, ask your son if you need any help. I'll

in a minute.

PATIENT: Thank !

NURSE: So - in a minute.

PATIENT: Where shall I put my and shoes ?

NURSE: In your , if you like - and then stand the case next to your . I'll be back in a .

And again - welcome our ward . . .


3). Reading Comprehensions


In Britain, most people who fall ill are treated at home by their family doctors. Not all illnesses can be
treated at home, however, so many people are admitted to hospital at some time during their lives. They are
admitted either as arranged admissions or as emergency admissions.

Arranged Admissions

A patient who goes into hospital as an arranged admission has previously attended an out – patients’
clinic to which he has been sent by his family doctor. At the clinic, he is examined, his previous history is
taken and all the necessary investigations are carried out. If admission is recommended, his name is put on a
waiting list and when a bed in an appropriate ward becomes vacant, he is sent a letter which tells him when
to report to the hospital for admission. With this letter, most hospitals enclose a leaflet telling the patient
what he will need while he is in hospital. The leaflet also outlines the general ward routine and gives details
of visiting hours.

Emergency Admissions

Nowadays, many people go into hospital as a result of accidents or sudden illnesses. These patients are
called Emergency Admissions. They are often seriously ill and in need of immediate care and attention.
Unlike arranged admissions, little or nothing is known about Emergency Admissions or their previous
histories. They are usually taken to casualty and emergency department by ambulance. They are often
unconscious. Sometimes they are accompanied by friends or relatives who are able to supply at least their
personal particulars. In the casualty department, they are examined and the necessary emergency treatment is
carried out. If possible their pervious histories are taken. The appropriate ward is notified that a patient is
being sent up so that the necessary preparations can be made.

Answer The Questions Correctly :

1. Why are most people admitted to hospital at some time during their lives ???

2. What sort of clinic has an arranged admission previously attended ???

3. What is done if admission is recommended ???

4. What is the patient sent by the hospital ???

5. What does the leaflet sent by the hospital tell the patient ???

6. Why are patients admitted as emergencies ???


7. What is known about emergency admissions ???

8. What information can be friends and relatives of emergency admissions give us ???

9. What happens to an emergency admission in the casualty department ???

10. Why is the ward notified that a patient is being sent up ???


I’ll Take Your Blood Samples

A. Oracy

1. Dialogue

Situations : I would like to take  Blood samples,Mrs.

Nurse:  Good evening, Mrs. Dani

Mrs. D: Good evening , Nurse

Nurse:  Well, Mrs. I just got a phone call from dr. Andrew. Dr. Andrew gets me to take your BS

Mrs. D: Dr. Andrew, who is he?

Nurse:  He is an orthopedic surgeon.

Mrs. D: I see, so?

N:           Dr. Andrew said that I have to take some blood samples from you  before you are operated

M:          What is it for?

N:           We want to know about your blood group, CBC, ESR,, BT, CT, etc. Dr Andrew gets your blood
taken before operating

M:          I see you can take it now

N:           Good, thanks, now would you mind laying down on your bed, please?
M:          All right

N:           Thanks and now will you raise your arm, please? Because I want to put this rubber sheet under your

M:          No problem

N:           Can I have your arm?

M:          Which one, left or right?

N:           The right one, Mrs.

M:          Here it is

N:           Thanks, now would you roll your sleeve up, please?

Good, and now will you fist your hand and I will apply this tourniquet above your elbow

M:          Yes

N:           And now I will clean your skin by this alcohol

M:          That’s good Nurse

N:           Please don’t move when this needle is inserted into your vein, maybe you will feel a bit pain but it’s all

M:          Be careful Nurse, I am afraid of needle

N:           Don’t worry you are in a good hand


B. Literacy


( Kalimat Perintah Yang Menggunakan Kata2 “ HAVE & GET “ )

 Causative HAVE & GET ini terbagi dalam 2 bentuk kalimat :

A. Active (Kalimat Aktif) :

S + HAVE / HAS + O (Pronoun) + V1 + O (noun)

S + GET + O (Pronoun) + To + V1 + O (noun)

Contoh :

1. I have the boy clean the blackboard.

2. She has her sister sweep the floor.
3. You have your little brother wash the car. “ HAVE / HAS “
4. He has the maids mop the floor.

5. Shinta Gets Titha to clean her room.

6. I get my brother to do my homework. “ GET / GETS “
7. You get me to write your letter.

B. Passive (Kalimat Pasif) :

S + HAVE / HAS / GET + O (noun) + V3 + By (agent)

Contoh :

1. I have the blackboard cleaned by the janitors.

2. She had the floor swept. “ HAVE / HAS “
3. You get the book bought.
4. We have the house painted pink.

5. I get the car fixed.

6. She had the floor swept. “ GET / GETS “
7. They have the movie tickets sold out.

C. Practises

1). Grammar Exercises:

1. My father ..... (have) my brother ...... (fix) his motorcycle.

2. Titha ....... (get) her car ....... (clean) by the boy.

3. Mrs. Smith ..... (have) her hair ...... (wash) by her daughter.

4. Mr. Abdullah .... (get) his son ...... (drive) his car.

5. I .... (have) my sister ........... (sing) a song for me.

6. He .... (get) his body ....... (examine) by the doctor.

7. Dr. frank ...... (get) all his nurses ....... (prepare) their nursing note last night.

8. Nurse Anne ...... (have) the one of her friend ....... (replace) her for awhile time.

9. My mother ....... (get) the dishes ....... (clean) by herself.

10. Mother ...... (get) the flower ...... (water) yesterday.

11. He has his sister ........ (do) his homework.

12. Dr. White ..... (get) the blackboard ..... (clean).

13. Melanie .... (have) her nails ..... (cut) by cut nails.

14. I ...... (get) my hand ....... (bandage) because it wounded.

15. I ..... (have) my brother ..... (mend) my bicycle.

1. The nurse measured my blood pressure.

I had ...........................................................................................................
2. The tester took my blood for some tests such as jaundice and cholesterol.
I got ............................................................................................................
3. The dentist checked my teeth and filled one of them.
I had ...........................................................................................................

4. The nurse took my electrocardiogram.

I got ............................................................................................................
5. They put my leg in plaster.
I had ...........................................................................................................
6. The optician tested my eyes.
I had ...........................................................................................................
7. The nurse gave me an allergy injection.
I got ............................................................................................................
8. The doctor gave me some vitamins to use for my low blood value.
The doctor made ........................................................................................

1. John’s back is aching. What is he going to do?

He ........................................ x-rayed.
2. Your mother’s eyesight is pretty poor. What are you planning to do?
I’ll ........................................ checked.
3. Your grandfather had some symptoms including headaches and vomiting. What did you do?
I ............................................... have a check-up.
4. You never wash your hands before and after every meal. What does your mother do?
My mother ........................................ wash my hands before and after every meal.
5. You didn’t want to drink a glass of milk before sleeping last night. What did your father do?
He ........................................ drink a glass of milk before sleeping last night.

2). Filling Gap Exercises

Are    all    am    ambulance    at    chest    couldn't    for    seemed    siren    spoke    sure    surgery  
traffic    treatment    way    weak    

NEIGHBOUR you Dr Blasco? I'm Mr Lindley's neighbour - we on the phone.

DOCTOR Yes, I . Where's Mr Lindley?

NEIGHBOUR He's gone off in the . They've taken him off to the A & E Department St Mary's

NEIGHBOUR I told them you were on your but the ambulancemen said they were sorry, they

DOCTOR Just as well - I got stuck in . There's a burst water-main at Tolley Cross. How's Mr Lindley?

NEIGHBOUR Still alive, but very . He didn't look very good at all. I saw them put an oxygen mask on

him, then they stretchered him into the ambulance and left with the on.

DOCTOR Did they put any electrodes on his and give him a shock?

NEIGHBOUR Not that I saw. They were very quick - they to know exactly what they were doing.

NEIGHBOUR They said to tell you he'd be going to St Mary's Cardiac Unit and that they were pretty it
was a stroke he'd had.

NEIGHBOUR They didn't wait for you because he needed urgent - and they knew about that burst

DOCTOR Good job they've got that siren, then, eh? I'd better be getting back to the - I've still got

some patients to see. Thank you for you've done - you did a good job calling the surgery.

NEIGHBOUR Thanks coming.

3). Reading Comprehension


Nurse Jane & Her Work

Nurse Jane Johnson works in a London Hospital. Jane does shift work, so she does not go to work at the
same time everyday. When she in on an early shift, she goes on duty at 7 a.m. and comes off at 3 p.m. Late shift
starts at 2 p.m. and finish at 10.p.m., Jane does not like late shift. Jane always goes to work by bus when she in
on an early shift. The bus stops outside the out – patients department. When she in on a late shift, Jane generally
walks from her home to hospital.

When she comes off duty at 10 p.m. , she is usually rather tired, and takes the bus home. Sometimes, she
goes by taxi – rank outside the main entrance of the hospital and goes home by taxi. Jane is not a qualified
nurse. She is a student nurse, so she does not work in the ward everyday.

On certain days, she has to attend the lecturer on general nurse, anatomy and physiology, hygiene and
various subjects. She wants to pass the final examination and become an expert nurse. Being a registered nurse,
she will help everyone who needs her help.

1. Who is the exact person that the author means ?

2. In what hospital does she work ???

3. At what time does she go on duty when she is on an early shift ?

4. When does she comes off duty when she is on late shift ?

5. At what time do late shift start ?

6. When does the early shift finish ?

7. Does she feel happy when she has the turn to the late shift ?

8. Where does the bus stop ?

9. When does she go to work by bus ?

10. What is her occupation ?

Jack & His Recovery


Soon after Jack had returned to the ward, he began to regain consciousness. The nurse who was looking after
him removed the airway from his mouth and gave him a pillow for his head. For next few hours he slept
soundly. From time to time the toes of his injured leg were examined to see if they were warm and pink, and his
pulse and blood pressure were taken half hourly.
At 6 p.m. Jack woke up and complained of severe pain in his leg. The dermatologist who had
performed the operation had prescribed Pethidine if Jack complained of pain. And he was given an intra
muscular injection of 50mgs of Pethidine at 6.10 p.m. As his blood was now within normal limits, the bed
blocks were taken away and a bed cradle was put in his head to take the weight of the bed clothes of his legs. A
nurse offered him a bottle but he said he could not manage to pass water.
A house man visited Jack during the evening to check that he was alright and he would be able to sleep.
He prescribed a second injection of Pethidine, which was to be given at midnight if Jack complained of further
pain. Two nurses came and helped Jack to wash his hands and face to change from the white theater gown into
his pajama jacket. Jack who had been allowed frequent sips of water because he had not complained of nausea,
was given a cup of tea and told the nurses that he was beginning to feel fine.

Answer The Questions Correctly !!!!!!!

1. What happened soon after Jack returned to the ward ???

2. What did the nurse look after him to do ???
3. What did Jack do when he woke up at six p.m. ???
4. What was Jack given at 06.10 p.m. ????
5. Who had prescribed the Pethidine ???
6. Why was a bed cradle put in Jack’s bed ???
7. Why did a house man visit Jack during the evening ???
8. What did two nurses help Jack to do ???
9. Had Jack complained of feeling sick ???
10. What did he tell to the nurse ???
11. Did the doctor give him a second injection if he complained about his pain ???
12. How many injection that has been given to him, actually ????
13. How many hours that his pulse & blood pressure were taken ???
14. At what time did Jack wake up and tell of severe pain ???
15. Who had visited Jack during the evening ???


Take This Medicines, Sir !

A. Oracy

1. Dialogue 1

Patient: … what about the problems I've been having sleeping?

Doctor: I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine to help you get a better night's sleep.

Patient: Thank you doctor.

Doctor: Here, you can get this prescription at any pharmacy.

Patient: How often should I take the medicine?

Doctor: Just take one pill about 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Patient: How long should I take them?

Doctor: The prescription is for thirty days. If you're not sleeping well after thirty days, I'd like you to come back

Patient: Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night?

Doctor: Don't worry so much about things at work. I know, I know... easier said than done.

Patient: Should I stay home from work?

Doctor: No, I don't think that's necessary. Just remember to stay calm.

2. Dialogue 2

Joe        : good afternoon, Doctor!

Dentist  : good afternoon. what makes you come to see me?
Joe        : I have a toothache. it makes me lose my appetite and I can't sleep  well at night. my job was done by
my sister.

dentist  : have you taken any painkiller for that?

joe        : yes. but the pain is getting worse and i can't stand it.
dentist  : well, please let me take a look at your mouth. Alas! You have poor oral hygiene. your caries needs
nerve treatment. Besides, some other teeth need scaling
joe        : am i going to be anaesthetized? i am really afraid
dentist  : no you are not. this is only minor dental treatment. Except when being extracted, your tooth needs no
joe        : may i drink or eat after this?
dentist  : Certainly. I'll prescribe antibiotics and a painkiller to relieve your complaint. Your teeth are brushed by
you every after meal
joe        : all right, Doc. how much should I pay you? i have only 50 dollar.
dentist  : never mind

B. Literacy

1. Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that "joins". A conjunction joins two parts of a sentence.

Here are some example conjunctions:

Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions

and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so although, because, since, unless

We can consider conjunctions from three aspects.


Conjunctions have three basic forms:

 Single Word
for example: and, but, because, although

 Compound (often ending with as or that)

for example: provided that, as long as, in order that

 Correlative (surrounding an adverb or adjective)

for example: so...that


Conjunctions have two basic functions or "jobs":

 Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two parts of a sentence that are grammatically equal. The
two parts may be single words or clauses, for example:
- Jack and Jill went up the hill.
- The water was warm, but I didn't go swimming.

 Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a subordinate dependent clause to a main clause, for
- I went swimming although it was cold.


 Coordinating conjunctions always come between the words or clauses that they join.

 Subordinating conjunctions usually come at the beginning of the subordinate clause.


Coordinating Conjunctions

The short, simple conjunctions are called "coordinating conjunctions":

 and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so

A coordinating conjunction joins parts of a sentence (for example words or independent clauses) that are
grammatically equal or similar. A coordinating conjunction shows that the elements it joins are similar in
importance and structure:

Look at these examples - the two elements that the coordinating conjunction joins are shown in square brackets

[ ]:

 I like [tea] and [coffee].

 [Ram likes tea], but [Anthony likes coffee].

Coordinating conjunctions always come between the words or clauses that they join.

When a coordinating conjunction joins independent clauses, it is always correct to place a comma before the

 I want to work as an interpreter in the future, so I am studying Russian at university.

However, if the independent clauses are short and well-balanced, a comma is not really essential:

 She is kind so she helps people.

When "and" is used with the last word of a list, a comma is optional:

 He drinks beer, whisky, wine, and rum.

 He drinks beer, whisky, wine and rum.

The 7 coordinating conjunctions are short,

simple words. They have only two or three
letters. There's an easy way to remember them -
their initials spell:


For And Nor But Or Yet So

Subordinating Conjunctions

The majority of conjunctions are "subordinating conjunctions". Common subordinating conjunctions are:

 after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where,
whether, while

A subordinating conjunction joins a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clause:

Look at this example:

main or subordinate or
independent clause dependent clause

Ram went swimming although it was raining.


A subordinate or dependent clause "depends" on a

main or independent clause. It cannot exist alone.
Imagine that somebody says to you: "Hello! Although
it was raining." What do you understand? Nothing!
But a main or independent clause can exist alone. You
will understand very well if somebody says to you:
"Hello! Ram went swimming."

A subordinating conjunction always comes at the beginning of a subordinate clause. It "introduces" a

subordinate clause. However, a subordinate clause can sometimes come after and sometimes before
a main clause. Thus, two structures are possible:

Ram went swimming although it was raining.

Although it was raining, Ram went swimming.

2. Elliptical

Kalimat Elliptical ini terbagi dua, yaitu :

A. Positive Elliptical ( Too & So ) :

a. Positive Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO BE :

- To Be Using “ SO “ :

SO + TO BE (is, am, are, / was, were / will be / has been, have been / had been +

b. Positive Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO BE :

- To Be Using “ TOO “ :

S + TO BE (is, am, are, / was, were / will be / has been, have been / had been + TOO

c. Positive Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO DO :

- To Be Using “ SO “ :

SO + TO DO (do, does, did / have, has, had / will + S


d. Positive Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO DO :

- To Be Using “ TOO “ :

S + TO DO (do, does, did / have, has, had / will + TOO

B. Negative Elliptical ( Neither & Either ) :

a. Negative Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO BE :

- To Be Using “ NEITHER “ :

NEITHER + TO BE (is, am, are, / was, were / will be / has been, have been / had been + S

b. Negative Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO BE :

- To Be Using “ EITHER “ :

S + TO BE (is, am, are, / was, were / will be / has been, have been / had been + NOT + EITHER

c. Negative Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO DO :

- To Be Using “ NEITHER “ :

NIETHER + TO DO (do, does, did / have, has, had / will + S

d. Negative Elliptical Dalam Kotak TO DO :

- To Be Using “ EITHER “ :

S + TO DO (do, does, did / have, has, had / will + NOT + EITHER

Contoh :

Elliptical Sentences:
SO /  TOO is used for   “Positive Sentence”
For Example  :
->1. John is happy, so am I.
->2. Hadi speaks English well, Manik does too.
->3. Toni studied English yesterday, so did Rini.
->4. I have visited Bali, she has too.
->5. Dodik has finished SMP, I have too.
->6. I have visited Jakarta, so has she.
->7. Dodik can swim well, so did I.
->8. I went to Bali last month, so did Tina.
->9.  John is writing a letter, I am too.
->10. She was late yesterday, so was Doni.

EITHER / NEITHER is used for “Negative Sentence”.

For Example :
->1. John isn’t happy, neither am I.

->2. Hadi doesn’t speak Italian, Manik doesn’t either.

->3. Toni didn’t study yesterday,neither did Rini.

->4. I haven’t visited Bali, she hasn’t either.

->5. Dodik hasn’t finished SMP, I haven’t either.    -

>6. I haven’t visited Jakarta, neither has she.

->7. Dodik can’t swim well, neither did I.

->8. I didn’t go to Bali last month, neither did

->9.  John isn’t writing a letter, I am not either.

->10. She wasn’t late yesterday, neither was Doni.

For example :
->1. Either John or Tina speaks  English well.
->2. Neither John nor Tina speaks Indonesian.

->3. Both John and Tina speak English well.

->4. Both John and Tina don’t speak Indonesian.
->5. Either John or I speak English well.
->6. Either I or John speaks English well.
->7. Both restaurants are very good.
->8. Neither restaurant is expensive.
->9. We can go to either restaurant.
->10. I didn’t like either restaurant.
->11. Both of us were very tired.
->12. Neither of us is ( or are ) married.
->13. Neither of children wants (  or want ) to go to bed.

3. Prescription

a. Some of the common latin prescription abbreviations include:

 ac (ante cibum) means "before meals"

 bid (bis in die) means "twice a day"
 gt (gutta) means "drop"
 hs (hora somni) means "at bedtime"
 od (oculus dexter) means "right eye"
 os (oculus sinister) means "left eye"
 po (per os) means "by mouth"
 pc (post cibum) means "after meals"
 prn (pro re nata) means "as needed"
 q 3 h (quaque 3 hora) means "every 3 hours"
 qd (quaque die) means "every day"
 qid (quater in die) means "4 times a day"
 Sig (signa) means "write"
 tid (ter in die) means "3 times a day"

Generic vs. Brand Name

When writing a prescription, your doctor may use either the "generic" name of the medication or the "brand
name". For example, sertraline is the "generic" name and Zoloft is the "brand name" used to identify a
medication frequently prescribed for the treatment of depression.

In many states, pharmacists are allowed to dispense a generic medication, even if your doctor writes a
prescription for the brand name version of the drug. However, if your doctor writes "DAW" (which means

"dispense as written") or initials a box labeled "DAW" on your prescription, the pharmacist cannot legally
substitute a generic medication for the brand name one.

Reading Your Prescription

Your prescription is usually written on a pre-printed pad with your doctor's name, address, and phone number.
You may also see, either on the top or bottom of the prescription, special identification numbers, such as your
doctor's Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number for narcotics or controlled substances.

Of course, there is space for your name and address, your age, the date, a place for your doctor's signature, and a
blank area in which your doctor writes the following directions:

 Name of the medication

 Dose of the medication

 How often to take the medication

 When to take the medication

 How to take the medication

Additionally, your doctor will indicate how much medicine the pharmacist should give you and the number of
times that your prescription can be refilled.

b. Commonly Used Medical Abbreviations

Your doctor may use different abbreviations or symbols. If you do not understand them, ask your doctor or
pharmacist for clarification.

How Often to Take Your Medication

ad lib - freely, as needed
bid - twice a day
prn - as needed
q - every
q3h - every 3 hours
q4h - every 4 hours
qd - every day
qid - four times a day

qod - every other day

tid - three times a day

When to Take Your Medication

ac - before meals
hs - at bedtime
int - between meals
pc - after meals

How Much Medication to Take

caps - capsule
gtt - drops
i, ii, iii, or iiii - the number of doses (1, 2, 3, or 4)
mg - milligrams
ml - milliliters
ss - one half
tabs - tablets
tbsp - tablespoon (15ml)
tsp - teaspoon (5ml)

How to Use Your Medication

ad - right ear
al - left ear
c or o - with
od - right eye
os - left eye
ou - both eyes
po - by mouth
s or ø - without
sl - sublingual
top - apply topically

Often the abbreviation "sig" will appear just before the directions on the prescription. "Sig" is short for the
Latin, signetur, or "let it be labeled."

c. How to Read Your Doctor's Prescription - Some Examples

Example #1: Your diagnosis is high cholesterol


Zocor 10 mg.
This is the name of the medication and the dose.
Sig: i po qhs
Your instructions are to take 1 pill, by mouth, at bedtime.
Dispense #90
You will be given 90 pills, enough for about 3 months.
Refill 0 times
Your doctor has indicated no refills, most likely because she would like to check your blood cholesterol and then
decide if you need more medication or a different dose.
DAW left blank
Your pharmacist will most likely give you simvastatin, the generic version of Zocor.

Example #2: Your diagnosis is type 2 diabetes

Glucophage 500 mg.

This is the name of the medication and the dose.
Sig: i po bid pc
Your instructions are to take 1 pill, by mouth, twice each day, after meals - this means that you should take this
medication right after breakfast and right after dinner.
Dispense #90
You will be given 90 pills, enough for about 3 months.
Refill 3 times
Your doctor has indicated 3 refills, enough medication for one year. This may mean that your diabetes is
"stable" and well controlled on this medication.
DAW left blank
Your pharmacist will most likely give you metformin, the generic version of Glucophage.

Example #3: Your diagnosis is high blood pressure

Diovan 40 mg.
This is the name of the medication and the dose.
Sig: i po qd
Your instructions are to take 1 pill, by mouth, once each day - you most likely can take this medication either
before or after a meal since your doctor did not say otherwise.

Dispense #90
You will be given 90 pills, enough for about 3 months.
Refill 0 times
Your doctor has indicated no refills, most likely because she would like to check your blood pressure and then
decide if you need more medication or a different dose.
DAW left blank
Your pharmacist will give you Diovan since there is no generic available for this drug.

d. Basic Facts About Your Prescription

 Why am I taking this medicine? Have your doctor include the reason on the prescription label; for
example, "Take two in the morning for high blood pressure."
 What is the medication's brand name?

 What is the generic name?

 Is there a generic version of the medication that offers the same benefits?

 How much should I take and how often?

 Do I take it at a particular time of day? For example, does three times a day mean every 8 hours or one
at each meal?

 Are there other instructions for taking the medication?

 Should the medication be taken with a full glass of water?

 Should it be taken with or without food?

 How soon will the medication start working after I begin taking it?

 Is there any printed information I can have about this medicine?

(You can always reference profiles on more than 200 drugs right here on Drugs A-Z.)

Interactions With Other Substances

 While taking this medication, should I avoid alcohol? Are there other beverages or foods I should
 Will any of my other prescription drugs interact with this one? How so?

 If I experience such interactions, should I stop taking the other drug while using this one?

 Will any vitamins or herbal supplements affect this drug (or can it affect them)?

 What about over-the-counter (OTC) drugs? Are there any I should avoid?

Other Important Considerations

 What are the drug's potential side effects? How serious are they? How can I avoid them?
 What should I do if I experience side effects? Should I stop taking the drug? Should I call my doctor?

 Are there any activities (such as driving) that I should avoid while on this medication?

 Should I avoid exertion while taking this medication?

 How will I know if the drug is working?

 What happens if I get better? Should I finish the prescription or stop taking it?

 What if I don't feel better or if I get worse? How long should I wait before contacting the doctor?

 What should I do if I miss a dose? Should I take it immediately or should I skip it, and wait for the

 Will I need prescription refills? If so, can I get them without a doctor's authorization?

 Do I need any blood tests, other lab work or x-rays to monitor the effects (or side effects) of this drug?

Storage and Leftover Medication

 How do I store this medication? Should it be refrigerated?

 When does it expire?

 If there's any left over, what should I do with it?

It's a good idea to print out these questions and bring them to the doctor's office or pharmacy. Keep the
questions and answers, and give a copy to a friend or family member. You may also want to bring a friend or
family member to jot down the answers. If no one can go with you, a tape recorder can help you keep track of
the information.

Try to use the same pharmacy for all your prescriptions, keeping all the information in one place. It's also a good
idea to maintain your own up-to-date list of all medicines, vitamins and dietary supplements you're currently

e. Storing medicine safely


Alternative Names

Medicine storage


Many people store their medications in the bathroom. But this popular spot is actually one of the worst places to
keep medicine. Bathroom cabinets tend to be warm and humid, an environment that speeds up a drug's break
down process.

This is especially true for tablets and capsules. Unnecessary exposure to heat and moisture can cause them to
lose their potency prior to their labeled expiration date. For example, a warm, muggy environment can cause
aspirin tablets to break down into acetic acid (vinegar) and salicylic acid, both of which are potential stomach

Instead, keep medicines in a cool, dry place and out of a child's reach.

If you must keep them in the bathroom, always keep the containers tightly closed. Never repackage them.

If medicines are to be stored in a kitchen, store them away from the stove, sink, and any heat-releasing

In rare cases, medicine that is improperly stored can actually become toxic. To prevent danger, follow these tips:

 Always store drugs out of the reach of children.

 Don't leave the cotton plug in a medication bottle. Doing so can draw moisture into the container.

 Check the expiration date each time you take a drug. Throw out and replace any medications that are
out of date.

 Never use a medication that has changed color, consistency, or odor, regardless of the expiration date.
Throw away capsules or tablets that stick together, are harder or softer than normal, or cracked or

 Ask your pharmacist about any specific storage instructions.

Travelers need to follow additional tips for safe storage of their medications:

 Before leaving home, list all your medications, as well as the name and number of your pharmacist and
 Pack your medicine in a carry-on bag instead of a checked suitcase.

 Bring an extra supply with you in case your return is delayed.


 Never leave medicines in an automobile, where heat can rapidly destroy the drug.

 Watch time changes. Set a separate watch to your usual time so you can remember when to take any

f. 15 Common Questions To Your Doctor About Your Prescriptions?

1. What Is the Name of My Medication

You should know the names of all of your medications, both prescription and over the counter. Since
you may receive treatment from more than one doctor, you should inform each doctor about all the
medications and dietary supplements that you take. This will help to make sure that the medication
your doctor has prescribed is the correct one for your health condition.

2. What Does My Medication Do?

You should know why your doctor has prescribed a medication for you. Your doctor should tell you for
what condition you are being treated and why you need the medication.

3. How and When Should I Take My Medication?

It is very important to take your medication correctly to ensure that it gives you the help you need.
Although the label on your medication container will tell you how much medication to take and when,
you should know what to expect before you have a prescription filled. You are more likely to take your
medication correctly if you know how to use it and how it fits with your daily routine.

4. For How Long Should I Take My Medication?

You may develop a serious problem by not taking your medications as prescribed. Make sure that you
clearly understand how long you need to take the medication and if you need refills. If you have a
chronic disease such as diabetes, you may be on the medication for many years.

5. What Should I Do if I Feel Better and I Do Not Want to Finish the Entire Amount of Medication
Prescribed By My Doctor?

You should not stop taking your medication before speaking with your doctor. Your doctor will help
you understand your health condition and the reason why you were prescribed the medication. This
should help you better appreciate why you need to complete the full course of your medication.

For example, if you are being treated for strep throat, it is important to take your antibiotic for a full 10
days, even though you may feel better after 24 to 48 hours of treatment. Stopping your medication too
soon can cause a flare up of the infection or lead to complications from the strep germ.

6. Does My Medication Contain Anything That Can Cause an Allergic Reaction?

Ask your doctor if there is anything in your medical history that would make you more likely to have
an allergic reaction to your medication. People with health conditions related to allergies, such as
asthma and hay fever, may be more likely to have an allergic reaction to a medication. Also, certain
medications such as antibiotics and over-the-counter pain medications are more likely to cause allergic

7. What Foods, Drinks, or Activities Should I Avoid While Taking This Medication?

Certain foods and alcohol can interact with your medication. For example, grapefruit juice interacts
with medications used to treat high cholesterol, such as Lipitor (atorvastatin). Alcohol can increase the
side effects of medications used to treat pain, such as Tylenol with Codeine.

Some medications such as Diovan (valsartan), used to treat high blood pressure, can cause drowsiness
and may affect activities such as driving.

8. Is It Safe For Me to Take This Medication With Other Drugs or Dietary Supplements?

Your medication may interact with other drugs causing an adverse reaction. It is important to inform
your doctor about all of the medications and supplements that you are taking so she can advise you
about possible interactions.

9. Should I Expect Any Side Effects From My Medication?

All medications can cause side effects, but they are not always serious. Your doctor can help you
anticipate these side effects and advise you on how to deal with them. If you experience unexplained
side effects, contact your doctor. Do not stop taking your medication without talking to your doctor
first. If you think you are having a serious side effect that is of immediate danger to your health, call
911 or go to your local emergency room.

10. Is There a Generic Version of My Medication?

Generic drugs are often less expensive than their brand name counterparts. Your doctor can tell you if
there is a generic version of your medication and answer any questions you have about safety.

11. What Should I Do if I Miss a Dose of My Medication?


On occasion, you may make a mistake or forget to take your medication. The decision to take your
missed dose depends on the drug. You should know the answer to this question before it happens.

12. Is it Safe to Use This Medication if I Am Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should ask your doctor before using any prescription or over-
the-counter medications. Some medications cause no problems, but others can cause birth defects if
taken early in pregnancy. Also, some drugs pass through your system into breast milk.

13. How Soon Should I Feel the Effects of the Medication?

Medications vary in how quickly they work in your body. Some drugs, such as sleep aids containing
Benadryl (diphenhydramine), can work in less than an hour. Other drugs, such as Paxil paroxetine
(used to treat depression) may take as long as two weeks before you notice any effects.

14. Will Any Tests Be Necessary While I Am Taking This Medication?

Your doctor should tell you if you need any tests while you take a medication, how often you should be
tested, and, what the test results mean. Some commonly used drugs that may require regular blood tests
are Lipitor (atorvastatin), to check for liver damage; Synthroid (levothyroxine) to check levels of
thyroid hormone; and, Dilantin (phenytoin) to make sure the levels of the drug in the body are safe.

15. What Are the Risks Associated With the Medication, and Do the Benefits Outweigh Those Risks?

This is an important discussion that you should have with your doctor to help you decide if you are
going to take a medication. If you have a mild health problem, such as a common cold, then you most
likely will not want to take a medication with potentially serious side effects.

However, if you have a chronic condition with potentially serious complications, then you are more
likely to agree to a treatment that can help prevent these complications. For example, your doctor may
prescribe daily insulin injections if you have diabetes, however, these injections can cause dangerously
low blood sugar.

C. Practises

1). Grammar Exercises

1. Sally got wet while tracking. She became ill and stayed in bed for two days. (because)
2. Bill wanted to take a break. He wasn’t feeling well. (because of)
3. My sister has some brown spots on her body. She always stays long hours in the sun. (since)
4. Their mother didn’t wash the fruit properly. The children got poisoned. (as)
5. Judy generally eats fatty food. She looks fatter than the others at her age. (on account of)
6. My father doesn’t take the pills the doctor has given. He hasn’t been able to get well. (for)
7. Sue used the wrong moisturiser. She suffers from allergy on her face. (owing to)

Fill in the blanks with these words:” although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when”.

 1 Things were different _____ I was young.

 2 I do it _____ I like it.

 3 Let us wait here _____ the rain stops.

 4 You cannot be a lawyer  _____ you have a law degree.

 5 That was years _____ years ago.

 6 She has not called _____ she left last week.

 7 I saw him leaving an hour _____ two ago.

 8 This is an expensive _____ very useful book.

 9 We were getting tired _____ we stopped for a rest.

 10 He was angry _____ he heard when happened.

 11 Walk quickly _____ you will be late.

 12 He had to retire _____ of ill health.

 13 We will go swimming next Sunday _____ it's raining.

 14 I heard a noise _____ I turned the light on.

 15 Would you like a coffee _____ tea?


 16 Do you know _____ she will arrive?

 17 _____ the car is old it still runs well.

 18 Do you want a pen _____ a bit of paper?

 19 I would like to go _____ I am too busy.

 20 She will die _____ the doctors operate immediately.

In the following questions, you will be presented with different sentences. Put a tick next to the ones you think
are correctly punctuated.

1 Top of Form
a) I like fried chicken, but I really really love cous-cous.

b) She went to the shops but couldn't find anything she liked.

c) Everybody, but Tim was given a huge present.

2 Top of Form
a) I brought the washing in because it was raining.

b) I brought the washing in, because it was raining.

c) Because it was raining, I brought the washing in.

3 Top of Form
a) She was shaking, as she had never been to the palace before.

b) She was shaking as she had never been to the palace before.

c) As she had never been to the palace before, she was shaking.

4 Top of Form
a) Find the bag of gold, or I shall be forced to cut off your ears.

b) I cannot find the gold or the diamonds.

c) Find the bag of gold or I shall be forced to cut off your ears.

5 Top of Form

a) Go to your room, and finish your grammar exercises.

b) Fetch me a bucket, and a large sponge.

c) He went to London and he found a good job with a leading bank.

6 Top of Form
a) Although the weather was awful, we went fishing, and caught a lot of fish.

b) We went fishing, although the weather was awful.

c) We went fishing although the weather was awful.

7 Top of Form
a) Unless you finish that essay, you will not get any tea.

b) You will not get any tea unless you finish that essay.

c) Your marks will suffer unless you learn some grammar.

8 Top of Form
a) She could have got a good job in the City, or she could have gone to work with the poor in Africa.

b) She could have worked in the City, or with the poor.

c) You can have custard or ice-cream.

9 Top of Form
a) Paul took a holiday in Dorset, and his mum had a quiet week in Ibiza.

b) Steve wanted to go camping in Cornwall and his brother wanted to come too.

c) Paul's mum went to Ibiza, and Mallorca this year.

10 Top of Form
a) You can go to Ibiza, or you can have a nice week in Dorset.

b) You can go to Ibiza or Dorset.

c) I wanted to go to Dorset, but my parents insisted that we go to Ibiza.


1 You can come to the meeting ______ you don't say anything.

so that

as long as



as if

2 I'm not leaving ______ I get an apology from you.

so that

as long as



as if

3 I came her ______ you could give me an explanation.

so that

as long as



as if

4 Bob is very tall ______ Bill is very short.

so that

as long as



as if

5 You look ______ you've seen a ghost.

so that

as long as



as if

6 I refuse to pay anything ______ you do the work properly.

so that

as long as



as if

7 I'm going shopping for food this evening ______ I don't have to go at the

so that

as long as



as if

8 You look ______ you haven't eaten for a week.

so that

as long as



as if

9 I came early ______ I could talk to you privately.

so that

as long as



as if

1 ______ I don't think she's perfect for the job, she's certainly better
0 qualified than Steve.

so that

as long as



as if

1 I don't mind if you go out for lunch ______ you're back for the meeting at
1 two.

so that

as long as



as if

1 Are you OK? You look ______ you have a problem.


so that

as long as



as if

1 ______ the job is very interesting, it's also very badly paid.

so that

as long as



as if

1 We'll go to the mountains on Saturday ______ it doesn't rain.


so that

as long as



as if

1 The winters here are very cold ______ the summers are very hot.

so that

as long as



as if

1 You can write the report when you want ______ it's ready by the end of the
6 month.

so that

as long as



as if

1 It looks ______ the government has got a lot of problems.


so that

as long as



as if

1 I want Mary to be in charge ______ I get back from holiday.


so that

as long as



as if

1 ______ I don't approve of what you did, I'm not going to punish you for it.

so that

as long as



as if

2 I'm learning English ______ I can get a better job.


so that

as long as



as if

 Latihan Soal , Fill The blank Using The Negative Elliptical !!!!

1. I am not a student nurse and (he) …

2. She will not work in the hospital and (they)....

3. My friend didn’t speak English well and (I ).......

4. We didn’t have an English exam yesterday and (my brother) ......

5. I don’t study about Pathology and (they).......

6. The nurse has not forgetten to inject the patient and (he).......

7. The doctor is not a smart person and (the nurse)........

8. Nurse Jane didn’t inject the patient and (nurse Tania) ............

9. Nurse Head Tiara will not be in the class tomorrow and (the students) ......

10. Mr. Charles is not hungry and (Mr. Steven) ......

11. I haven’t read the books and (they) ..............NEITHER HAVE THEY / THEY HAVE NOT EITHER

12. She didn’t go to Bali and (we) ........................RINA

13. Dr. Frank didn’t do the heart surgery and (Dr. White) .............FINDI

14. The student nurse hasn’t studied English and (the student midwife) ....................ARY

15. Dr. Brenda will not measure the patient next day and (Dr. Jack) ..........................ABDUL

16. We didn’t watch Movies and (they) .........................WIWI


17. Nurse Reiza doesn’t measure the patient’s blood pressure and (nurse wanda) .......NEITHER DOES SHE /

18. I hadn’t learnt Biology and (he) ........NEITHER HAD HE / HE HAD NOT EITHER

19. They hadn’t worked in the London Hospital and (I) .................................SITI NURJANAH

20. She doesn’t wash the clothes and (he) ..............................SAFIRA

 Latihan Soal , Fill The blank Using The Positive Elliptical !!!!

1. I am a student nurse and (too, so, he) ................ HE IS TOO / SO HE IS .

2. She will work in the hospital and ( too, so, they)...THEY WILL TO / SO WILL THEY

3. My friend speaks English well and ( too, so, I ).......

4. We had an English exam yesterday and (too, so, my brother) ...HE DID TOO / SO DID HE

5. I studied about Pathology and (too, so, they)....... THEY DID TOO / SO DID THEY

6. The nurse forgot to inject the patient and (too, so, he).......FINDI

7. The doctor is a smart person and (too, so, the nurse).. THE NURSE IS TOO / SO IS THE NURSE.

8. Nurse Jane injected the patient and ( so, too , nurse Tania) .............ARY

9. Nurse Head Tiara will be in the class and (so, too, the students) ..THE STUDENTS WILL BE TOO /

10. Mr. Charles is hungry and (so, too, Mr. Steven) ...MR STEVEN IS TOO / SO IS MR STEVEN.

11. I have read the books and (so, too, they) ....THEY HAVE TOO / SO HAVE THEY.

12. She goes to Bali and (so, too, we) ... WE DO TOO / SO DO WE.

13. Dr. Frank did the heart surgery and (so, too, Dr. White) .............HIKMAH

14. The student nurse had studied English and (so, too, the student midwife) ......SHE HAD TOO/ SO HAD

15. Dr. Brenda will measure the patient next day and (so, too, Dr. Jack) ............WIWI

16. We watched Movies and (so, too, they) ................ABDUL

17. Nurse Reiza measures the patient’s blood pressure and (so, too, nurse wanda) .....DOES

18. I had learnt Biology and (so, too, he) ............SAFIRA

19. They had worked in the London Hospital and (so, too, I) ...............SITI AFIROH

20. She washes the clothes and (so, too, he) ....................SITI NURJANAH DOES

2). Filling Gap Exercises

consult    cough mixture    get better    hanging on    look after    making up    on    over the
counter    relies on    short with    turn into    

A woman walks into the pharmacy to buy some medicine for her toddler. The sales assistant

first wants to the pharmacist the situation.

The woman has to wait a little as the pharmacist is just busy a prescription. She is angry and rather

the pharmacist first because she doesn’t like to be kept .

Finally the pharmacist suggests her some but warns her if the baby doesnt in a

day, the cough may something bad.

The customer then decides to stay at home and her child, even though her company greatly

on her work.

bits    closer    cut    disinfected    fooling    glass    hurt    look    more    next thing    problem    removed  
shirt    slipped    stitch

Doctor: What exactly is the young man.

Patient: I was around in the hall and .

Doctor: There is to it than that. Isn't there?


Patient: Well, yes .. I went through the glass door and myself.

Doctor: I had better to see if there is any in the wound.

Patient: I want to know if it will much. .

Doctor: Take off your and I will take a look.

Patient: Can you see any of glass?

Doctor: Yes, I have them all and the wound.

Doctor: The I shall do is you up.

3). Reading Comprehension

The Skin

The skin is the outer covering of the body. It consists of two coats: the epidermis or cuticle, and the dermis
or corium. Beneath these, there is a layer of adipose tissue which connects the skin to the underlying structure.
This layer is known as the subcutaneous layer.

The skin is usually warm, dry, and elastic, but changes in its condition can occur both in illness and in
health. The skin of patients who are dehydrated as a result of prolonged pyrexia is dry and inelastic. In some
infectious disease, it is hot and wet due to hyperpyrexia and profuse sweating. In case of shock and hemorrhage,
it is cold and clammy. In skin disease, it can be either excessively moist or excessively dry and scaly.

The color of the skin can also vary considerably. It can be flushed in pyrexia, pallid in shock, cyanosed in
anoxaemia or yellowish in jaundice.

Answer The Questions Correctly :

1. Which layer connects the skin to the underlying structures ???


2. What is the normal condition of the skin ???

3. What is the condition of the skin in dehydrated patients ???

4. When can the skin be hot and wet ???

5. When is the skin cold and clammy ???

6. When can skin be excessively dry and scaly ???

7. What is the color of the skin in patients who suffering from shock ???

8. What color can the skin be in patients with fever ???

9. What color is the skin in jaundiced patients ???

10. What can cause dehydration (in your opinion) ????


A hospital is the largest and most complex from of medical facility. It deals with patients who need complex
diagnostic procedures. Treatment in a hospital is a team effort. The physicians are directly responsible for a
patient’s welfare. All the hospital personnel support the work of the physicians.

A hospital has many departments in it. They are medical and surgical service, food service, laboratory,
scanning and X-day department, medical records department, pharmacy, and rehabilitation department.

There are many kinds of hospital. Acute-care hospitals include primary, secondary and tertiary institution.
The low –technology primary hospitals are located in rural areas. The Secondary hospitals provide a greater
range of physicians skills and modern technology than the primary hospitals. Meanwhile the tertiary hospitals
provide the latest medical equipment.

Other types of hospitals are specialty hospitals. They admit only those patients who fit a restricted group of
diagnoses. Psychiatric hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospitals. They are the larges patient

Answer The Questions Correctly :

1. What does paragraph one tell us about?

2. How many departments are there in a hospital?

3. Where can you get the medicine?

4. What does the word “physicians” in paragraph 3 mean?

5. What does the purpose of the report text above?


6. What Kind of hospitals that the most numerous specialty ?

7. How many kind of hospital that has been mentioned above ?

8. How many departments that hospital has & mentioned it ?

9. What does the tertiary hospitals provide ?

10. Why does the Psychiatrics hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospitals ?







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