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FITRA ASHARI (17084014020)






Abstract: This research is aimed to find the reasons why Bahasa Indonesia combined
with English in the daily communication among artists and youtubers What
vocabularies used, when or in what situation, and why They use the combination of
both languages at the same time while the vocabularies are also available in Bahasa
Indonesia. The result concludes that when they use both Languages at the same time
they have self confidence in their community, but it is Usually used in informal
situation with their friends.

1. Introduction
Indoglish is a term that is often used for the use of English which is still
nuanced in Indonesian culture and language. Speech events like this in
sociolinguistic studies are often said to be phenomena in the form of code mixing
and borrowing. However, if studied further and deeply the Indoglish form is a
unique and unique form in which the existing form is a blend of English and
Indonesian. Indoglish is a special form because even though it is a blend of
Indonesian and English, the Indoglish form is also not clearly included in
Indonesian or English. Because the speech form is English but the meaning
contained in it is culture and Indonesian.

The emergence of this Indoglish form is generally not due to lack of

competence from the speakers. But sometimes it appears because of certain
backgrounds and goals of the speakers. Based on the observations of researchers
so far, it turns out that there are many factors behind the use of Indoglish in the
community. One of the backgrounds of the emergence of this Indoglish form is as
a form of prestige or prestige. This phenomenon is often used by celebrities in
Indonesia, especially in infotainment. Speakers feel prestigious when using
Indoglish forms. Therefore, this Indoglish form used by celebrities or youtuber,
this phenomenon is then imitated by society in general, especially teenagers.
Teenagers in general will feel prestigious when they can follow trends carried out
by celebrities or youtuber , one of which is related to the use of language.

Another background that drives the emergence of the Indoglish form is that in
the Indonesian language the exact form when expressing the speech has not been
found. Often there are words or phrases contained in Indonesian that cannot fully
represent the meaning of the speech so that speakers use foreign languages more
often, in this case English. However, the form of the language that appeared was
already nuanced in Indonesian and this was later stated in the Indoglish form.
This Indoglish form is a distinctive form, in which the form is in English but its
meaning has entered the Indonesian language culture.

The Indoglish phenomenon is for example the utterance "up to you lah". The
meaning of the speech has a background in Indonesian culture, moreover there are
words that express the submission of speakers to the said partner. If in English the
word occurs in a formal and serious situation but in the Indonesian language the
speech occurs in an informal or relaxed situation.

The use of Indoglish in society is dominated by young artist or teenagers. This

is because at that age teenagers are looking for identity in a variety of ways to
express themselves, one with language. At that age it can be said that it is school
age and college so that this Indoglish study is found in the educational realm. This
Indoglish phenomenon often arises when fellow teens communicate with various

2. Research Methods
This study examines the Indoglish phenomenon used by Indonesian artists and
YouTubers in their daily lives. The main purpose of this Indoglish study is to
describe linguistic phenomena related to the intricacies of mixing and borrowing
words between these languages (Indonesia-English). In this study it is referred to
as data. The data source of this study was taken from several video interviews that
showed the use of indoglish by some artists and youtubers, They are Agung
Hapsah, Fathia Izzati, Maudy Ayunda, Cinta Laura, Naila Farhana, Richard Kyle,
Mike Lewis.

The method of the research is a qualitative descriptive method. The qualitative

descriptive method was used to describe English - Indonesian mixing. In
collecting data the researcher employed observation and documentations. The
observation is seeking the data which videos contain indoglish. The researcher
observes some conversations from videos’ artists and youtubers, come near to
them who do a conversation using code Mixing (English-Indonesia), the
techniques used in implementing the methods were watching and typing and then
The documentation is saving and documenting the data which is taken from the

3. Result and Discussion

The phenomenon of using indoglish is actually not new and has been around
for a long time in Indonesia, especially in big cities like Jakarta. Especially since
English has increasingly been accepted as an international language. This
phenomenon is in the form of the use of 2 languages in this case Indonesia and
English which are often used when speaking directly or through social media in
the language of science known as code mixing.

Code mixing can be said to be an unavoidable phenomenon. This is because

indeed most Indonesian people have at least two or more languages called
bilingualism. The use of English in conversations is not only in a formal but also
informal manner. Bilingual speakers are accustomed to inserting English in
Indonesian speech. Symptoms of mixed code in informal varieties are also widely
used by Indonesian artists and youtubers.

The presence of internet, social media, site, and smartphone technology that is
widely presented in English either partially or completely will certainly affect the
user's vocabulary. It is clear that social media entering Indonesia is very smelly in
English. Even unconsciously the user does not know whether the language used is
English or Indonesian. Let's say the words "download, upload, hashtag" and so on
instead of using the words "unduh, unggah, tagar" etc. whereas the equivalent of
those words already exists in the Dictionary of the Great Language of Indonesian
and the Indonesian book Foreign Terms and Expressions. But indeed the swift
foreign vocabulary is much faster than its absorbent or its equivalent in the
Indonesian language.

In addition, mixing code can also occur due to the influence of outside culture,
especially western culture that is synonymous with European and American
culture. There is a sense of awe for things that smell foreign, so the westernized
style is often regarded as a prestige and symbol of "slang". One of the most
frequently used styles is the use of foreign language terms. In addition, mixing
code can also occur due to the influence of outside culture, especially western
culture that is synonymous with European and American culture. There is a sense
of awe for things that smell foreign, so the westernized style is often regarded as a
prestige and symbol of "slang". One of the most frequently used styles is the use
of foreign language terms.

Another reason behind the indoglish development is the wider community,

until now there are still many who think that English is important as an
international union language. To learn it must be by practice in everyday
conversation, including mixing up between mother tongue and English. That's
why many Indonesian artists and youtubers use indoglish in their daily lives as
seen in the following interview;

1. Youtuber: Agung Hapsah

Question: hal pertama yang Agung Hapsah tahu saat pertama dengar tentang Fathia

Agung: Youtuber girl, who does accents very well. Ya jadi dulu pokoknya dengar
Fathia itu, sudah kayak the accent girl dulu banget, so that’s what I knew her as
Indonesian who can sounds like she is not from Indonesia

Question: Video pertama Fathia yang kamu tonton?

Agung: Video pertama ya? Sepertinya eh she made a cover gitu. I forgot what cover
it was but dia bikin cover lagu pakai ukulelenya dengan stylenya dia and I was like oh
that’s nice. Dia bikin cover gitu and I really liked it dan disalah satu suggested video
saya gitu disampingnya it was the 21 accents video and I watched that and I was like
good damn baru aku lihat oh she is from Indonesia, dope. So yah awalnya dari itu

Question: Dari semua video favoritnya Agung yang mana?

Agung: Kalau aku jawab 21 accents yah dia pasti gak suka because that's she says
that's her one-hit wonder gitu but I think I like her cover of the beatles song. She
covered the song by the beatles, oh what’s the song’s name I forgot. Ya pokoknya she
covered the song by the beatles and I really liked it dan covernya kayak lightingnya
gelap semua videonya noisy banget yak karena Fathiah gak terlalu peduli tentang
video quality gitu kan, I think she does tapi dia gak tahu caranya biar mengatasi itu
but yeah I really like the cover vibesnya vintage banget dan Fathiah bangetlah

Question: Apa yang bikin kamu mengagumi sosok Fathia?

Agung: At the time, salah satu youtuber yang Indonesia yang bisa ngomong bahasa
inggris dengan lancar was Fathia Izzati so apa yah? There wasn`t much option jadi
yeah I think gravitate gravitated towards Fathia karena ya bahasa inggris adalah
bahasa pertama aku jadi we can talk to each other fine gitu and I also like Nessie
judge, she also spoke English, I like her videos also but yeah there's not really a lot of
she's rare gitu an Indonesian youtuber that speaks English for now this there wasn't a
lot back then

Question: Cerita akhirnya kamu bisa kenal Fathia itu gimana?


I I'm to be honest yah memoriku sangat buruk I don't really awalnya gimana I think
she commented on my video maybe I commented on her video kayaknya oh no no no
wait wait I remember I DM Fathia kayaknya namanya dia dulu itu masih katten dangs
gitu in Instagram I think yah and in Instagram I DM dia and it started from there yeah
pokoknya it started from instagram DM kayaknya. Antara itu atau youtube comment

Question: Ceritain dong gimana waktu pertama kali Agung akhirnya ketemu dengan

Agung: Ah sebenarnya waktu itu ke Jakarta untuk melakukan project ya was making
a music video dan kebetulan lagi stay di Jakarta There some free time kenaoa gak
ketemu aja kan so we decided to meet up gitu yeah it just started from there kebetulan
aja ada waktu kosong in Jakarta when whenelse am I gonna have this free time so I
said hey Fathia. Aku gak tau kalau aku yang ngajak dia atau dia yang ngajak aku atau
kita ajak-ajakan tapi pokoknya we just we made we just spent the whole day togather
making a vlog
Question: Tanggal berapa pertama kali ketemu Fathia?

Agung: No way. April maybe, I don’t know. April 2017 something, I don’t know I
have very bad, memoriku buruk sih

Question: First impression Agung ketemu Fathia?

Agung: I don't know maybe I just thought wow she's very hipster like everything
about her was so so vintage bisa dibilang I don’t know she just acted like I I don't
know she just acted like she's in a different era but with the voice that's from this era I
don't know she's just very vintage kind of person very hipster la that's my very first
impression was like yeah she's hipster

Question: Setelah kenal lama, ternyata Fathia Izzati orangnya seperti apa?

Agung: Comparing from her videos yah she is not that gak beda jauh sih dari yang
kalian lihat divideo. Hanya bedanya mungkin in real life tidak sehappy itu dan
suaranya tidak setinggi itu. Gak tau kenapa kalau dia divideo suaranya dua hal lebih
tinggi daripada sebenarnya but yeah in real life she is much more shell she's much
more down-to-earth Sama divideo sebenarnya cuman yah more chill aja

2. Youtuber: Fathia Izzati

Agung: Hi guys, I’m right now ah I don’t know. What are we doing Fathia?

Fathia: Hi guys, I hope it doesn’t get awkward

Agung: I hope not. I don’t even know what are doing. Jadi ini katanya challenge tapi
gak juga challenge katanya kaya

Fathia: Hari ini kita harus jujur-jujuran

Agung: Okay. Nah hari ini jujur-jujuran.


Agung: Pokoknya berharap Fathia tidak merusak karirku setelah ini

Fathia: Saya juga harap seperti itu. I hope this answer anything to belatedly

Agung: We don’t say anything to bad

Fathia: Okay. Let’s just do this

Question: Hal pertama yang kamu tahu saat pertama dengar tentang Agung Hapsah?

Fathia: Pertama kali banget, Nothing. Karena dulu I don’t know who he was, tapi
setelah itu saya watched salah satu video dia pertama kali itu tentang buku yang
jurnal hitam something like that and I was like uhm interesting

Question: Dari semua video agung favoritnya Fathia yang mana?

Fathia: Uhm favorite. I don’t know because he makes a lot of great video but like I
have to choose one. I don’t know karena semuanya kayak konsisten kayak Agung
style jadi, Oh yang ada guenya aja.

Question: Gimana tanggapan Fathia ketika tahu bahwa Fathia adalah satu-satunya
youtuber yang mau Agung ajak collab?

Fathia: I was like Okay. Gak tahu. Responnya gimana ya? I think I commented waktu
itu. I forgot tapi setelah video itupun belum ngobrol kayaknya. Ya udah komen doang
tapi gak lanjut ke DM

Question: Cerita akhirnya bisa kenal Agung Hapsah itu gimana?

Fathia: Ceritanya tuh waktu itu uhm kayaknya Agung lagi di Jakarta lupa buat apa.
Agung lagi di Jakarta and maybe one of us was like hey let’s make a video. Ya udah
terus akau jemput dia. I picked him up di thamrin waktu itu and we made a video
lanjut lagi besoknya bikin video lagi, right?

Question:Tanggal berapa pertama kali ketemu Agung Hapsah?

Fathia: Yes itu kayaknya juni atau juli. Kayaknya juni atau juli gitu tahunnya 2016
juni. Yah

Question: First Impression Fathia ketemu Agung

Fathia: First Impression, he is quiet. Beda dari video-video Agung kalau in real life
he is very quiet and reserved and like serious. Mungkin dari video kelihatan sih
serius, tapi kayak in real life juga cukup serius. Oh, Agung dulu banget I remember
dia kayak banyak hal yang belum Agung coba seperti Sushi, Ice tea. Ice tea belum
pernah kan I was like this guy never tried ice tea dan akhirnya nyobain and Oh I I
remember like on a first date aku cuman pengen nunjukin ini loh Jakarta so we went
to like a book store and we went to different places
Question: Setelah kenal lama, ternyata Agung Hapsah orangnya seprti apa?

Fathia: He’s very dark. Agung is very dark. He’s a very dark person and he has a
certain taste jadi kalau misalnya kamu ke apartemennya Agung dan look all of his
stuff Oh ini Agung banget cause he has unique not unique but like an Agung taste in

Question: Deskripsikan Agung Hapsah dalam 3 kata?

Fathia: 3 hal, Young, Brave, Film maker. I don’t know

Question: Pertanyaan yang sama, menurut Fathia, Agung bakal bilang apa?

Fathia: Oh, I don’t know. I hope creative. I don’t know. Apa yah? He’s gonna say I’m
old cause like Kaltim young. Ketiga Musician. I hope so

Question: Sudah berapa lama kenal Agung Hapsah?

Fathia: 2 tahun. Two years

Question: Saat ini Fathia menganggap Agung sebagai sosok seperti apa?

Fathia: Uhm. I see him as a future, future apa nih. Future colleague yah karena I’m
like waiting like I hope that it works in a long run karena aku pengennya ini semacam
Quentin Tarantino on Uma Thurman kind of thing. Jadi kayak kalau dia bikin film
aku yang diajak yah, Okay. Righ. So, I’m his uma hopefully

Question: Apa sudah ada rencana untuk bikin project film bareng?

Fathia: Belum sih. Tapi pernah diomonging. Aku doing yang ngomongin dalam
kepala kayak semoga yah semoga

Question: Banyak netizen bilang kamu sama Agung cocok banget, kenapa nggak

Fathia: Oh I love it. Keep going. Gak karena it’s funny but like fun at the same time,
it’s funny cause I also have a boyfriend juga and Agung juga he’s open for any
tackers, you know

Question: Pacar Fathia pernah cemburu nggak sama Agung?

Fathia: Pacarku nggak cemburu sama sekali. Dia nggak cemburu sama sekali karena
dia juga udah sering ketemu Agung. Uhm yeah like they have respect. Waktu itu
Agung kayak takut sama pacarku gitu like Oh no I don’t wanna step over boundaries
tapi kayak santai. Dia juga kayaknya nggak pernah nonton video-video aku, sad

3. Artist: Maudy Ayunda

Question: Apa bedanya system pendidikan di Oxford dan di Indonesia?

Maudy: Jadi kalau disini itu system mengajarnya unik banget sih dan awalnya agak
menyeramkan juga. Jadi, we have lectures jadi itu yang kayak muridnya 100 orang,
terus nggak terlalu interaksi sama professornya. Tapi abis itu kita juga ada eh
namanya tutorial dan tutorial itu beda sama kelas. Kalau kelaskan kayaknya paling
nggak lebih dari 5 orang gitu. Jadi di tutorial ini isinya Cuma 1 professor sama 2
murid gitu dan disitu kita kayak berargumentasi dan membahas essay kita, terus
membahas topic minggu itu gitu and it’s quiet scary because everytime you write an
essay, basically harus prepared banget karena kan kita harus bisa defender point of
view setiap kali tutorial gitu. Jadi, awalnya sih aku takut banget tapi lama-lama
karena you know I have 2 in a week jadi udah terbiasa sekarang. Jadi mungkin
bedanya itu sih kalau di compare sama sistem Indonesia, tutorial sistemnya. Yah

Question: What’s the biggest difference between yourself when you first came to the
UK and after you lived there for some time? How do you manage to make friends
with people from cultures different to yours? And do you have any tips to fellow
Indonesians who want to study abroad?

Maudy: Right. That’s a really good questions. I think the difference between me
before I went here at me now is definitely a difference in independence I feel a lot
more independent I feel like I know myself a lot more just because I've been living
alone and I haven't had anyone around me to help so it's been really helpful in terms
of just like self-reflection also I guess I've grown up a bit and but that's I don't know
if that's like the UK Factor or that's just like you know the years gone by I feel like I
feel like I'm slightly less immature and

I've definitely learned so much more I've learned about different cultures I've had new
experiences that I think add to my character and absolutely as a person and maybe
that links to the second question talking about how I actually learned to interact with
people from different cultures it's actually not that difficult in the sense that a lot of
the students here international too so we come from a similar background and I think
we can relate on a lot of things like a friend of mine is Brazilian and a friend of mine
is it came from Mexico and another for me like she's London Nigerian and yeah
you've got several Asians here in there as well so it's really just a matter of opening
up to people I guess and opening up to new cultures and being being a good listener
I'd say and then you just sort of interact really well yeah and last thing hmm

do I have tips for anyone I guess the main tip is just be very flexible with things
because I know that not not every place is the same as it is here Oxford is quite a
small town so that would be different from someone who say wouldn't want to go to
like New York or London but yeah be flexible and try to adapt to the different
changes I think just and be very positive about it as well because I think if you start
off in a really bad note when you first sort of see the environment cetera then you'll
end up seeing the whole experience as something rather grim so yeah I think I think
that's my tip just start off positive and just be open and adapt the changes

Question: Kenapa memilih sekolah di Oxford?

Maudy: Jadi kenapa aku milik Oxford, sebenarnya karena jurusannya. Jadi,
terhubunglah. Jadi, jurusannya itu aku udah lama banget pengen belajar PPE jadi
menurut aku kombinasi antara politik, ekonomi dan filsafat itu bukan cuma kayak I
think it’s really cool dan juga apa yah sangat melengkapi satu sama lain gitu. Menurut
aku 3 subject itu sangat melengkapi dan kayaknya menambahkan extra value
dimasing-masing subject itu and menurut aku sih kalau belajar ekonomi bagusnya ada
backround politik juga dan mungkin belajar politik ada background ekonomi juga
karena kan itu semua terhubung banget gitu. So that’s why Oxford karena aku suka
Inggris dan basically kayaknya Oxford yang juga pertama mencetuskan mata
pelajaran itu sih. Jadi, kayaknya mimpi aku tuh waktu itu bener-bener masuk sini dan
ke major itu dan Alhamdulillah tercapai. So aku bersyukur banget

4. Artist: Cinta Laura

Presenter: Hi Cinta, apa kabar?

Cinta: Hi, baik baik. Apa kabar?

Presenter: Kabar baik sekali. Thank you so much for being here. Ini kan pertama kali
di Indonesia ditahun ini yah?

Cinta: Iya. Pertama kali tahun ini

Presenter: Okay. What brings you here?

Cinta: Aku disini karena aku promo film. Film horror pertama aku akan tayang 28
March. The second, aku lagi mau prepare untuk bikin 3 single karena aku udah
berhenti nyanyi untuk 7 tahun dan beberapa hari lagi aku terbang ke Sweden karena
disitu aku bakal recording 3 International Singles cause I just signed the contract with
an International label

Presenter: Banyak public kemudian (Indonesia) melihat Cinta Laura adalah

Indonesia. Mereka expect nya adalah wah Cinta Laura jangan-jangan siap-siap mau
ikut Miss Universe nih. Representing Indonesia

Cinta: Pertama-tama aku bilang terima kasih banget untuk semua supporter aku yang
ngerasa aku orang yang pas untuk representing Indonesia di Miss Universe, itu benar-
benar it’s an honor. Untuk sekarang nggak bisa karena banya sekali contract aku
belum selesaiin. Aku ada contract buat iklan,film,music. You know, I’m a very
proffesioanl person dan nggak bisa aku cancel begitu aja. You never know. Mungkin
tahun depan aku bakal consider buat ikutan Putri Indonesia dan Miss Universe tapi
aku nggak mau bikin janji karena aku nggak mau disappoint orang-orang.

Presenter: Beauty Pageant is about brave, beauty and behavior. Apa dari 3 ini yang
kamu nggak punya?

Cinta: Mungkin kalau ada yang kurang dari aku, mungkin behavior

Presenter: Why? This is interesting. Why?

Cinta: Karena aku orangnya sedikit temperamental. So kalau ada yang bikin aku
frustasi sedikit kadang-kadang itu bisa effect mood aku

Presenter: Apa yang buat kamu frustasi?

Cinta: People who are late, People who aren’t straight to the point. Yang pasti yang
bikin aku frustasi orang yang juga hipocrate

Presenter: To do good is not tidak hanya melalui cara menjadi seorang beauty
pageant. Karena kamu sekarang juga charity. I’m interested in individual charity.
Sukarseno yah.Sukarseno Foundation . What do you do in this foundation?

Cinta: Jadi Sukarseno peduli itu sebenarnya Foundation yang dimulai sama mami dan
aku tahun 2004.

Presenter: Who is idea is this?

Cinta: Of course mami aku. Aku waktu itu masih anak kecil. The goal of this
foundation is to rebuild schools in the area of Bogor. Jadi kita ngebangu sekolah-
sekolah rusak di bogor. Kenapa bogor? Karena waktu itu emang kita punya rumah
disana dan semua agama selalu ngajarin kita help those who are need around you dan
kebetulan waktu itu kita dibogor jadi our neighbor is those living in bogor. Jadi dari
situ kita ngebangun beberapa sekolah-sekolah SD yang ada dikaki bukit gunung
salak. Jadi tempat-tempat ini isolated yang benar-benar untuk kesana tuh naik motor,
nggak bisa jalan karena jalannya terlalu kecil dan waktu aku umur 10 aku Cuma
ngajarin English aja.

Tapi lama-lama once I enter the entertainment industry, aku mulai donasi a certain
percent of my salary untuk biaya operational sekolah-sekolah disitu dan makanya kita
bisa bikin semua sekolah-sekolah kita gratis. Everything is free dan untuk keluarga
yang benar-benar kurang mampu kita juga kasih uniform yang gratis and one of our
biggest success stories itu adalah student yang namanya Bondan dan dia tadinya dari
keluarga yang bisa dibilang sangat kurang mampu, dia sekolah di yayasan sekolah
kita and dia kita kasih beasiswa untuk lanjut ke SMA and dia S1 di UI dan akhirnya
saking pintarnya dia dapat scholarship buat sekolah di German, dan sekarang dia S2
di Jepang. This is from benar-benar dari kampung yang sangat isolated digunung
salak dan akhirnya sekarang dia sangat sukses dan udah bisa ke German, ke Jepang,
we are so proud of him but he’s not only the success story. Banyak dikampung itu
dulu anak-anak perempuan yang habis SD dipaksa untuk menikah tapi karena
yayasan kita, karena kita push mereka untuk selesaiin education mereka. Mereka
selesai SMP, mereka selesai SMA dan sekarang banyak yang jadi designer, Guru SD,
Guru TK, Guru SMP, ada juga make up artist ada apoteker juga. So there all living a
much better life

5. Youtuber: Naila Farhana

For lovers of comic books, you are gonna find this video very helpful

Hi guys, so divideo kali ini aku bakal sharing ke kalian beberapa tips, beberapa cara
untuk belajar bahasa inggris secara otodidak lewat baca komik.

If you go to one of the biggest local bookstores in Indonesia, There is probably like a
special floor just for comic books. As you can see, I love reading comic books, ya
jadi aku suka baca komik and I'm also a Miko fanatic. I even went to the meet &
greet session with the comic artist Miiko (Ono Eriko sensei) last year.
In this video, I’m gonna tell you that reading comic books is actually an underrated
method to learn English. Okay bahasanya agak campur aduk sedikit yah. Divideo kali
ini aku bakal saranin kalian, daripada kalian harus ketoko buku dan beli buku,
lumayan mahalkan sekarang komik. Dulu cuman 9rb perak sekarang it’s like, I don’t
know 20rban, 50rban. Mendingan kalian baca buku komik di Internet pakai bahasa

So, in this video I’m gonna tell you a few reasons why reading comic books in
English is a very good way to learn the language. Not even English even other
languages you wanna learn.

1. Alasan pertama adalah kalian nggak akan ngerasa kayak lagi belajar. Apalagi
buat kalian yang emang hobby baca komik. Jadi kalian tuh menemukan
aktifitas yang kalian sukai, yang kalian enjoy and at the same time it’s been
official for you, for your brain and also for your language
2. Just like watching a series on Netflix. Baca komik itu juga bisa menjadi
aktivitas yang addictive. Because, you know when you guys are watching
series on Netflix so you just gonna keep on going to next episode, next
episode and then it’s also same on comic books and it could be addictive. At
least for me is very addictive. Once I read only one voulume, I can’t stop. I
will go on like the entire series and like won’t go.
3. Kombinasi, ilustrasi text dalam bahasa inggris. Apalagi kebanyakan komik
itu, text bahasa inggrisnyakan suka pendek-pendek. No, it’s not really like
long sentence like a novel, right. So If you combine those short sentence with
the images, you are able to learn a lot quicker
Ini adalah cara yang bikin kalian cepat nangkap dan lama nempel dikepala
kalau misalnya kalian belajar dengan begini
4. Next one is that you don’t always have to open your dictionary for that
demonstration on the comic books which is kind of do the “translation” for
you. So If you really don’t know what a word means of course you can always
search on the dictionary but just by seeing the images that go with it, you can
kind of guest what is happening, what is the context, what is word possibly
mean. Jadi, you know it gets you to think a little bit more

Nah ini akan membantu kalian belajar secara konteks dan nggak
menerjemahkan kata per kata karena disertai gambar jadi kalian tuh bisa
menebak-nebak situasi dan keadaannya apa. Apalagi kalau misalkan kalian
belum tahap comfortable untuk baca novel full dalam bahasa inggris, This is a
good preerequest for that because sometimes if you are reading a book in
English and you come across a word that you don’t know it’s going to kind of
hinder your ability to imagine what is happening at that moment, right? but
you don’t really have this in comic books because they are doing the
imagination for you, they are doint the visuals for you. So, you don’t have to
visualize on your head, you can see what is happening.

5. Another reason why is really good is because ini gampang di akses. You can
easily do a google search and you will find any comic books you want, maybe
not any but let’s say buku-buku komik popular lah yah yang kayak detective
conan, atau doraemon, atau miko, atau one piece,naruto, dragon ball. Ya pasti
kalian bisa akses ini di internet just with simple google search. Misalnya
kalian suka apa? Suka miko cause I like miko so it’s an example

Halo. Nah buat sekarang akau pakai hp dulu karena kameraku yang canon itu
lagi rusak dan lagi di service, jadi tolong maklumi kualitasnya. Nah aku mau
explain buat ke kalian kalau misalkan kalian punya komiknya dalam bahasa
Indonesia dan kalian juga bisa nemuin komik ini dalam bahasa inggris
versinya (di internet), you guys are very lucky karena dengan ini kalian bisa
nerjemahin dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Jadi, kalian bisa
ngebandingin bahasanya. Maksudnya apa? Begini. Nah kita coba pakai contoh
salah satu komik kesukaan aku, komik cewe banget. Eh kalian dalam begini
bisa belajar ekspresi-ekspresi bahasa Indonesia yang nggak bisa diterjemahin
secara langsung ke bahasa inggris. Misalnya nih ada “apaan sih” bahasa
inggrisnya apa yah, kan biasanya orang suka bingung mikirnya kayak apaan
sih tuh, bahasa inggrisnya apa yah. Kalau misalnya kita lihat terjemahannya
(di internet), dalam bahasa inggris diterjemahkannya “ what was that all
about” at least dalam konteks ini. This is how we would say in English.

6. Artist: Richard Kyle

Presenter: Hi Richard. How are you?

Richard: I’m good

Presenter: Sehat

Richard: Yeah

Presenter: Ganteng sekali. Kamu mau menyapa? Say hallo ke fans-fans yang ada
disini semuanya?

Richard: Hallo semuanya orang sini

Presenter: Silahkan duduk Richard

Richard: Terima Kasih

Presenter: Terima Kasih sudah hadir disini. Kamu sekarang travelling kesana kemari

Richard: Iya, keliling kemana-mana

Presenter: Jadi, Richard ini seorang model yang sebetulnya dia sekarang lagi tinggal
di Australia, orang tuanya lagi tinggal di Thailand dan kamu lagi keliling-keliling di
Asia, sempat ke Eropa juga. Sudah kemana aja sih?

Richard: I have been everywhere really. Europe, All Asia. I walk a lot in Korea,
Hongkong, Bangkok. So yeah

Presenter: Wow. Di Indonesia sekarang udah berapa lama?

Richard: Seminggu aja

Presenter: Oh Cuma seminggu?

Richard: Ya aku ada kerja disini, Syuting

Presenter: Oh, Kemarin baru foto untuk majallah yah, di Vietnam? How was that?

Richard: Awesome

Presenter: It was good?

Richard : Yeah. We went to Hanoy and went to place called Meanbeen and cantik
sekali. The landscape everything the Greenree, the season, wow

Presenter: Jadi fotonya dimana? Di pinggir sungai atau?

Richard: Yeah. Iike kind of river, there is mountains everywhere, we were like on the

Presenter: Di atas perahu gitu?

Richard: Yeah. Di atas perahu semua

Presenter: Wow. How do you like it so far? Sudah seminggu sibuk terus yah tiap hari

Richard: Yeah. Sibut tapi you know having fun really like enjoy being back in Jakarta

Presenter: Gimana kamu bisa awalnya jadi model? Karena sebetulnya kuliahnya,
kamu kuliahnya ambil Sinematography, belajar tv production juga kalau nggak salah

Richard: Iya

Presenter: dan kalau di Thailand katanya dia itu biasanya sehari-hari bikin custom

Richard: Iya

Presenter: Jadi, motor yang di design khusus, dia yang merancang dengan teman-
temannya sesuai dengan pesanan orang

Richard: Yeah. That’s my fashion and hobby

Presenter: Jadi kamu anak bengkel?

Richard: Yeah I mean

Presenter: Oh my God. Aku mau ke bengkel. Ini sudah lama?

Richard: 3 tahun sekarang. My fashion was to design and If I naik motor was like you
know young laki kind of “boys toy” right

Presenter: Okay. Kamu naik motor juga nggak?

Richard: Yeah.

Presenter: Oh yah Okay

Richard: Setiap hari

Presenter: Oh motor besar gitu?

Richard: Everyday

Presenter: Kamu tahu nggak dibonceng artinya apa?

Richard: Nggak tahu

Presenter: Naik dibelakang motor

Richard: Oh iya iya

Presenter: Disini udah pernah naik ojek belum?

Richard: Sudah

Presenter: Oh sudah

Richard: Gojek

Presenter: Okay. Jadi sudah 3 tahun melakukan ini sama teman-teman karena kamu
suka design dan sekarang ini pekerjaan sehari-hari. Pesenan banyak banget yah?
Everybody wants you to do there bike also, dipesan yah sama teman-temannya

Richard: Yeah

Presenter: Terus jadi model nih dimana caranya mualainya? Awalnya?

Richard: Dulu aku belajar di Universitas. Ada orang kaya kasih card bilang I’m
legancy, I like your look, you interested you know and I was like oh okay, coba aja
you know. So, It started from there just in Australia I was with a n agency companion
and from there I started getting jobs, going to castings going runways and you know I
just kind of became normal part time job while I was studying

Presenter: Jadi, belajar juga, modeling juga, ngerjain bike juga,

Richard: Yeah

Presenter: Nah ini waktu pertama kali jalan di catwalk itu because obviously when
was your first time, you won’t used to it, kan belum terbiasa. Susah? Degdegan?
Grogi? Atau anything funny happen?
Richard: Yeah. Like I was always thinking oh my God, what happen to my trip yo
know, what is my emotion to I look at people you know but yeah dulu susah tapi it
was kind of quiet easy because you know everyone used to say “you quiet tall” and
“you walk is quiet grant” So it kind of became natural you know

Presenter: So It was a natural thing

Richard: Yeah, yeah

7. Artist: Mike Lewis

Presenter: Cheers Brother

Mike: Cheers

Presenter: How are you man?

Mike: I, You know a couple things in my life are not so great right know but you
know I keep trying to keep putting a smile on my face

Presenter: You know what, I’m honor man cause you DM, lu nge DM gue dan lu
bilang gue pengen klarifikasi. I wanna talk about what’s going on in the news and
you’ve never done this before but here. Why choose me to do it for you huh?

Mike: Well. Ada beberapa alasannya. The first one is cause you’re not a network so
you have should have nothing to gain or lose and you’re kan, you are friend so you
listen to me dengan I think you know we can be honest with each other dan itu juga I
want to know, I want to setting uhm yeah that’s why

Presenter: That’s pretty much it man

Mike: That is why

Presenter: Let’s cheers everything out in the open

Mike: Yeah

Presenter: People don’t know is me and you we go way back

Mike: mm-hm

Presenter: Yeah, gue udah kenal lu tuh udah lama banget, gue tau tuh lu orangnya
gimana man makanya once I heard the news “the fuck”
Mike: Yes. “What the fuck, What the fuck” is right you should see me the first time I
saw the news I was like ah like honestly I was like oh pengen muntah, gue like kaget,
antara kaget dan mau muntah dan nggak percaya juga

Presenter: By the way guys Mike would say the name, we are talking about the
infamous Lucinta Luna

Mike: Okay ada alasan jug ague nggak mau pake namanya dia karena that’s itu yang
dia mau. This is something that empowers her. Jadi setiap kali orang ngomongin
namanya dia, makes her happy, makes her seem powerful this is what gives her
strength. Dia mau jadi terkenal dan dia suka manfaatin orang gitu. that's then that's
something that I want to bring up today

Presenter: Okay. Mike take me back to when you first met her

Mike: this is exactly what happened I had never met her before I was asked to come
to my one of my best friend's places because he has like it was a Sunday Sunday Day
parties they're like a house party it's his it's his penthouse and to be honest it's where I
live now so I have to like relive these moments every day his is like where I live I
don't want to throw my friend under the bus but you know I just won't use his name
okay but he brought lucinta there and they were

Presenter: Okay, jadi temannya mike yang bawa lucinta ke pesta itu?

Mike: Yeah, and they were I guess you could say pacaran satu malam or I don’t know
but he brought her there with the you know with the with the thoughts of getting
together with her this guy with her nothing to do with me, nothing to do with me at

Presenter: Jadi sebenarnya yang ngedeketin dia tuh bukan lu tapi si teman lu ini nih

Mike: Yeah and I was just there and you know like like I do normally with you know
girls who are fans me whatever and I'm drunk like yeah okay I fine I admit I was
drunk I like I took a maybe a little bit too intimate of a photo but at the time I thought
I was just taking a selfie in a place where I considered nyaman

Presenter: She asked for the picture apa lu yang hey let’s go take a selfie?

Mike: of course not

Presenter: okay
Mike: why would I want a photo with her?

Presenter: Who knows?

Mike: no no no no even if she was just a girl that's still not my type

Presenter: the first time lu ngeliat berita ini keluar, what was going to your head?

Mike: okay the first time that this person posted IG stories the first one was just a
post of us taking a selfie together and then people like oh my god Mike he was like
you took a selfie with this person I was like ehfirst of all that was two years ago
secondly it's just a selfie everyone relax I take a lot of selfies so I wasn't prepared I
didn't know that there was this video right so I didn't care cause a lot of people post
selfies a lot of people try and say their pacaran with me because you know they want
to be famous it's what happens you know this I'm sure you get this a lot too right?

Presenter: It happens all the time

Mike: so but that was my problem so I never thought that people would actually
believe her until the video came out and it was edited so smartly then I was like fuck
it was like no and then I saw it I was like first of all I'd like like I said before I want to
vomit because I've never seen that lingerie part before that was edited to be put in the
video that's not my house it's not my friend's house it's somewhere completely
different and she edited to make it look more mesra kan like something happened and
like this thing she's pretty smart she waits two years right for her to like start her
album or whatever to need this sort of momentum to propel her her fame she uses this
this photo in this video on her IG stories like it happened yesterday, right

Based on the background of the seven artists, the style of indoglish language that
was done by the seven was not just a mere fulfillment of prestige. There is a
social identity that they want to show. They certainly can be categorized as the
upper middle class, with a "luxurious" lifestyle, and living in a cosmopolitan and
classy environment. In addition, there are educational and work experience
backgrounds that require them to be able to speak English fluently.

4. Conclusion
From the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that there are many
factors why artists and youtubers use indoglish such us: educational background,
class, life style, etc. In this modern era, people especially artists and youtubers are
familiar with social networks such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. They
use them as a media of expressing feelings, getting information, or finding friends
from all over the world. Recently, we notice that phenomenon like Indoglish can
be found in social networks. Indoglish phenomenon has become popular in artists
circles, people who post a status or comment on the social media are mostly
bilingual or even multilingual. The existence of social media mixing between the
two languages very quickly spread to various layers of society.

5. References
Ani Rakhmawati, Kundharu Saddhono, Sri Hastuti, Rio Devilito, 2016. A
Phenomenon Of Indoglish Usage At Universities In Indonesia: Breaking
Down The Motives From Sociolinguistics Perspective. Surakarta: Universitas
Sebelas Maret.
Saddhono, 2018. Indoglish as adaptation of english to Indonesian: change of
society in big cities of Indonesia. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret.

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