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1. I consider choosing a space for studying that is peaceful and quiet so I can focus on my studies.

remove the distractions around me like my phone and computer. I set my studying schedule at
night because my brain works at night. I always plan which assignments and project will I do first
so I will not cram if its already its due date. Sometimes my friends and I have a group video chat
so we can help each other on studying. I bring my notes to review the lecture before class.

2. Music makes me sleepy. Sometimes I fell asleep while studying. When I skipped class, I’m having
trouble understanding other lessons.

3. I always practice to identify distractions so I can focus on studying. I make sure to finish my
school works to prevent myself for cramming. I put my phone on silent mode or airplane mode
to avoid myself from using them. I follow my study plan so I will not cram and do multitasking.

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