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Class: 11A9
Express your opinion (in about 150 words) on the time back to school (next week). Give
reasons to support your ideas.

At present, the most concern and gossip, the most domestic and foreign press is the
pneumonia caused by "Corona Virus". And the most frequently mentioned issue is
how we can prevent and protect our health and the whole community before the
Corona pandemic ... More important is the time off Study of students across the
country. The nCoV epidemic spread to Vietnam and there were 16 patients positive
for the virus but so far all patients have been cured. This shows that the Ministry of
Health and our state have very good disease control measures. At the end of the
holiday, we will return to school on 2/20/2020. However, many people think that
the Ministry of Education should let students stay until the end of March.
According to subjective opinion from individuals, I should send students to school
early because after a long vacation will cause Students lack a lot of knowledge that
online teachers cannot convey and also make them lose interest in school. Even so,
when we go to school - a crowded public place, we should still wear a mask and
bring disinfectant solution. A new school week will start again, I hope it will be a
full of energy and excitement !

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