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ATOLBA, Charles

GALVAN, Raul Rovic


BIANAN, Elysha Margaret

CORPUZ, Jovelyn


GANALONGO, Naomi Grace


Submitted to


Senior High School Teacher

January 27, 2023




Table of Contents

Content Page


Background of the Study.........................................................................................................3

Statement of the Problem........................................................................................................6

Conceptual Framework...........................................................................................................7

Scope and Delimitation...........................................................................................................8

Significance of the Study........................................................................................................8

Operational definition of terms...............................................................................................9

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY....................................................................10

Research Design and Methodology......................................................................................10

Sampling and Locale of the Study........................................................................................10

Data Gathering Tool..............................................................................................................11

Data Gathering Procedure.....................................................................................................12

Treatment of Data.................................................................................................................12



Background of the Study

In the present time alcoholic beverages are more accessible to the youth which

prompts young adults to consume whenever and as much as they want. An alcoholic

beverage is a drink that acts as an antidepressant when consumed moderately but threaten

one’s life when abused, when used excessively it can lead to health problems such as high

blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems, cancer of the

breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon and rectum (Center for disease

Control and Prevention, 2022). The positive effects of alcohol are quick lived but still, a lot

of people drink alcohol to feel good about themselves, they forgot that it can lead to anger,

depression, and anxiety due to the chemical changes in the brain (National Health Service

[NHS], 2022). Alcohol can also weaken inhibitions, making you more inclined to act in a

hurried, irrational, or reckless manner that could results in a loss of control and a variety of

negative outcomes, such as violence or accidents. It contains ethanol, a type of alcohol that

works as a drug and is made by fermenting grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar (National

Institute of Health, 2018).

According to Jiang et al. (2014), the co-use of alcohol and cigarettes may alter

patterns of intake of one substance or both, and young adults may be particularly vulnerable

to doing so. Young adults think that drinking alcohol increases their desire for the pleasure of

cigarettes. The consumption of these substances is already harmful as they are but when

combined they are even more dangerous to people’s health. The health effects of these two

were already mentioned but due to the mixture of alcohol and cigarettes there will be a rapid

progression of the said diseases.

Nightclubs and bars are common gathering places for young adults who use both

cigarettes and alcohol. Moreover, bars and nightclubs have long been targets of coercive

tobacco marketing, the majority of which has mainly focuses on young adults as well as

showcased liquor by creating free or reduced-price alcohol and alcohol-related contests. As a

result, young individuals who are regulars in bars are particularly susceptible to nicotine

addiction. Young adult bar patrons repeatedly indicated a high smoking rate, and there was a

clear connection between alcohol consumption and smoking (Jiang, N. et al., 2014).

In the Philippines, drinking is more than just a way to relax with friends. Additionally,

it is an essential part of Filipino culture. At fiestas, rice harvesting ceremonies, and healing

rituals, alcohol is consumed on special occasions and celebrations (Caballar, R. 2016). Beer

is often served at birthdays, fiestas, and other celebrations. Many Filipinos continue to drink

gin and tonic, which is also regarded as a less expensive alcoholic beverage, even when there

is no occasion to do so, whether it be in bars, convenience stores, on the streets, in front of

their homes, or in the street itself. Liquor addiction is a developing distress in the way of life

and public activity of Filipinos.

The most current issue in the Philippines is the addiction of youth towards

psychoactive drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes. As reported by Department of Health

(DOH) (2021), the common ages of Filipinos to use cigarettes are ages 13-15 and as for

alcoholic drinks there is a legal drinking age which is 18 but it is not followed for anyone

with money can buy alcohol. The low academic achievement of students in the Philippines is

noticeable because the academic rate in the country is decreasing, according to the Philippine

Statistic Authority (PSA), 2022, the current academic rate is 68.8 percent.

According to Madelsohn, C. (2016), a very high percentage of drug and alcohol

dependent individuals smoke are much more likely to pass away from a smoking-related

illness than from their primary substance issue. In this at-risk group, quitting smoking is

typically given a lesser priority, postponed, or disregarded. Smoking usually takes precedence

over crises that are frequently presented by people who use alcohol and other drugs at risk.

Additionally, this community has a lot of myths about quitting smoking that make

interventions ineffective. For instance, medical practitioners frequently believe that smokers

who are hooked on alcohol or other drugs lack motivation or are unable to quit. Additionally,

a lot of people who struggle with alcoholism and other substance addiction mistakenly think

that stopping will interfere with their ability to recover from drug use or that smoking helps

them relax.

It is challenging to kick a drug habit. Exploring social psychological mechanisms to

lower relapse has significant theoretical and practical importance because relapse is a

common occurrence and has a negative impact on people, families, and society. The

underlying mechanism, however, by which the interaction of family and individual factors

influences the propensity to relapse is still unknown. (Zeng, X. et al, 2021).

All studies have been made for the researchers to have insights about the behavior of

students regarding the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes from the contents of related

literature and related studies. This study is a replication of the studies made abroad or in other

countries concerning socio-demographic factors that influence the consumption of alcohol

and cigarettes. There aren’t any researches conducted concerning socio-demographic factors

that significantly influence the consumption behavior of grade 12 Accountancy, Business and

Management students towards alcohol and cigarettes in the Philippines.

There are many factors affecting the student’s behavior regarding alcoholic beverages

and cigarettes, it may vary from one person to another based on the student’s sex and daily

allowance. This paper aims to determine the prevalence of alcohol and cigarettes and which

variables are greatly affecting the behavior regarding the consumption of alcohol and

cigarettes of the senior high school students in Baguio City National High School. This will

enable the school to understand the situation of these students which will allow them to help

the students and break the unending cycle. The purpose of this research is to make students

aware of the factors that influence their consumption behavior concerning the said


Statement of the Problem

The researchers’ focus is to determine the factors that influence the behavior of senior

high school students regarding alcoholic beverages.

1. What is the prevalence of alcoholic beverages among G12 ABM students?

2. What is the most significant factor that influences the students’ behavior concerning

alcohol when grouped according to:

a. Sex

b. Daily Allowance

3. Is there a significant difference between the mean scores of males and females when

grouped according to sex and daily allowance?

Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between males and females when

grouped according to sex and daily allowance.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between males and females

when grouped according to sex and daily allowance.

4. Is there a significant difference between males and females regarding the consumption of

alcoholic beverages?

Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between males and females

regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between males and females

regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

5. Is there a significant difference between males and females concerning their daily


Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between males and females

concerning their daily allowance.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between males and females

concerning their daily allowance.

Conceptual Framework

The socio-demographic aspects affect and influence the student’s drinking habits. The

student’s profile includes the following: daily allowance and sex. They are used to determine

which factor has the most significant effect on the student’s drinking habits and the number

of students who drink alcohol. As for the process, survey questionnaires were given to the

Grade 12 students under the ABM strand of Baguio City National High School. Also, for the

output the researchers used statistical tools to evaluate the prevalence of alcoholic beverages.


 Collection of
Student’s Profile  Prevalence of
data through
 Sex
beverages among
 Daily questionnaires.
 Differentiation
students in Baguio
of factors that
City National High
greatly affect
the student’s
 Significant factor
drinking and
that influence the
smoking habits.
students’ drinking


Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the prevalence of alcoholic beverages and which factors that

are affecting the drinking habits of grade 12 Senior High School Students. The identified

factors are sex and daily allowance. The data in this research is based on the answers of grade

12 Senior High School students in the academic strand Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) in Baguio City Nation High School.

Significance of the Study

The study is focused on the prevalence of alcoholic beverages and which factors are

affecting the behavior of Accountancy Business and Management students regarding the

consumption of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the results of this study will be beneficial to

the students because the results will help the students to be aware on how consuming

alcoholic beverages will greatly affect their behaviors and their health. This will not only help

the students but as well as the teachers whereas they can know about why their students

develop dangerous desires to drink alcohol. Furthermore, it will also help the parents be

cognizant for their child’s negative changes in their behavior or habits for them to encourage

their children to stop drinking alcohol. Lastly, it can help the researchers obtain new

knowledge about the factors they can acquire for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

This can also be reference for future researchers.

Operational definition of terms

The operational definition ensures a concise explanation of the study's concepts and

terms for the purposes of this study. In order to facilitate the collection of meaningful and

standardized data, the operational definitions of the following terms are based on the study




Antidepressant. A medicine that can help relieve the symptoms of depression, such

as low mood, anxiety, and worthlessness. (Fookes, 2022)

Daily Allowance. Is the amount of money or financial support that will serve as the

pocket money for a day of the student. (Moneva & Marijune, 2020)

Ethanol. It the intoxicating ingredient of many alcoholic beverages such as beer,

wine, and distilled spirits. (Gaur, et al., 2022)

Nicotine. Is found in the plants of the nightshade family, having a strong effect on the

parasympathetic nervous system and it also have addictive quality. (Staughton, 2020)

Psychoactive Drugs. It is the medications designed to alter the brain’s chemical

signals affecting different mental functions. (Dragomir, 2021)

Sex. In this study, it refers to the physical and biological aspects of an individual,

which make someone biologically male or female, such as chromosomes, hormones,

and reproductive anatomy. (Simkus, J., 2022)

Socio-demographic. Defined as characteristics of a population, characteristics such

as sex, religion, daily allowance, and stress level. (Dobronte, 2013)

Substances. Can include alcohol and other drugs (illegal or not) as well as some

substances that are not drugs at all.



Research Design and Methodology

The descriptive research design was utilized by the researchers for their quantitative

research. Researchers use descriptive method that are exceptionally valuable when

conducting investigations whose point is to recognize characteristics, such as to identify

which socio-demographic factor has the most impact on students' drinking and smoking

habits. Siedlecki (2020) stated that the descriptive research design is a framework where

research is conducted following a set of data collection guidelines. Therefore, a descriptive

research design is the most suitable to be employed for this study because the researchers will

gather data through the administration of surveys and statistically evaluate it. The researchers

wanted to describe the prevalence of the students' drinking behaviour. Furthermore, they also

want to determine which socio-demographic factor they are more prevalent in.

Sampling and Locale of the Study

The chosen ABM senior high school students will participate in this study as the

respondents. Learners enrolled in classes at Baguio City National High School who enrolled

in the year 2022–2023. The researchers will utilize the Simple Random Sampling to

determine the study's respondents. The sampling size which is 130 was determined through

the use of Slovin’s Formula.

Data Gathering Tool

To collect the data needed for this study, the researcher will use a survey

questionnaire. The survey questionnaire will be used to determine the profile of the

respondents, who are students; this profile will include personal socio-demographic factors

such as sex and daily allowance. It was validated by the senior high school counselor, Ms.

Maria Luisa S. Mirano.

Part I of the questionnaire will ask the respondents about whether they drink alcoholic

beverages or otherwise. Further, if the respondents answered yes, they would have to answer

the following question, which inquires about how many bottles of alcohol they can drink in a


I. Do you consume alcoholic beverages?

o Yes
o No

If yes, how many bottles of alcohol can you drink in a month?

o I can drink 1-2 bottles of alcohol

o I can drink 3-4 bottles of alcohol

o I can drink 5-6 bottles of alcohol

o I can drink 7-8 bottles of alcohol

o I can drink more than 8 bottles of alcohol

Part 2 of the survey will ask the students which socio-demographic factor influence them to

consume alcoholic beverages, the given choices are sex and daily allowance.

II. Which one of the following factors influences your alcohol consumption?

(Skip this part is your answer in part 1 is no)

o Sex

o Daily allowance

Data Gathering Procedure

Before administering the instrument, the researchers sought approval from their

research adviser. To determine which socio-demographic factor has the greatest impact on

the students' smoking and drinking habits the researchers will begin data collection following

approval from the aforementioned authority with making use of printed surveys which will be

conducted at Baguio City National High School- Senior High.

The respondents' identities will be concealed and confidentiality will be maintained

during the information gathering process. The gathering of data and information will take

approximately one to two days to collect the data from the students and another three to eight

days to analyze the data gathered.

Treatment of Data

The researchers used frequency counts and tables to answer research questions one (1)

and two (2). In determine the prevalence of alcoholic beverages, frequency counts were

utilized to evaluate the data collected and figure out the frequency of alcoholic beverages

among G12 ABM students. Furthermore, to better understand the impact of socio-

demographic factors, frequency counts were also used to determine which socio-demographic

factor was the most prevalent, and tables were used to visually organize the collected data.

Chi-square was utilized by the researchers to answer research questions three (3), four

(4), and five (5). The aforementioned research questions are comparative research question

that is why the researchers thought that the statistical test chi-square would best answer the

research questions.


Table 1: Respondents
Sex n Percentage
Male 49 37.12%
Female 83 62.88%

Table 2: Alcohol prevalence and Sex (n=132)

Sex Alcohol Use n Percentage
Male (49) Drink Alcohol 25 51.02%
Do not drink alcohol 24 48.98%
Female ( 83) Drink Alcohol 38 45.78%
Do not drink alcohol 45 54.22%

The study, "Alcohol Prevalence and Socio-demographic Factors Influencing Grade 12

Accountancy, Business, and Management Students" gathered responses from 132 ABM

students in total, which comprises male and female students in the percentages of 37.12% and

62.88%, respectively. Based on the survey conducted, only 47.73% of the Grade 12 ABM

population are drinking alcohol, and 52.27% of the students do not drink alcoholic beverages.

There are 63 students who consume alcoholic beverages, with 60.32% being female and

39.68% being male.

Table 3: Daily Allowances of the students who drink alcohol

Daily Allowance n Percentage

50 0 0

51-100 13 20.63%

101-200 35 55.56%

201-300 9 14.29%

301 6 9.52%

Table 3.1: Daily Allowance for the students who don’t drink alcohol
Daily Allowance n Percentage
50 3 4.35%
51-100 39 56.52%
101-200 24 34.78%
201-300 3 4.35%
301 0 0

The daily allowances of the students vary from below 50 pesos to above 350 pesos.

Frequency counts were utilized to determine the frequency of the daily allowances of the

respondents. 2.27% of the population have an allowance below 50 pesos, 39.39% have an

allowance of 51-100 pesos, 27.27% have an allowance range of 101-150 pesos, 10.67% have

an allowance range of 151-200 pesos, 7.58% have an allowance range of 201-250 pesos, and

2.27% have an allowance range of 251-300 pesos. Finally, 4.55% have an allowance of more

than 300. The most frequent allowance for the students who drink alcohol ranges from 100 to

150. In contrast, the frequent allowance of the students who don’t drink alcoholic beverages

ranges from 51 to 100.

Table 4: Gender and consumption of respondents influenced by their sex (n=16)

n Percentage
Sex Male 7 43.75%
Female 9 56.25%
Alcohol 1-2 bottles a month 10 62.50%

3-4 bottles a month 4 25%
5-6 bottles a month 0 0%
7-8 bottles a month 2 12.50%

When grouped according to socio-demographic influence, out of 63 respondents who

consume alcohol, 16 indicate that their sex influences how much they drink; of these, 9

(56.25%) are female and 7 (43.75%) are male. Ten of the sixteen respondents, or 62.50%,

may consume 1-2 bottles of alcohol per month, while four of the sixteen respondents, or 25%,

can consume three to four bottles. Last but not least, two out of sixteen respondents, or

12.50%, can consume two bottles of alcohol every month.

Table 5: Gender and consumption of respondents influenced by their daily allowance (n=47)

n Percentage
Sex Male 18 38.30%
Female 29 61.70%
Alcohol Consumption 1-2 bottles a month 15 31.91%
3-4 bottles a month 14 29.79%

5-6 bottles a month 4 8.51%

7-8 bottles a month 14 29.79%

In contrast, daily allowance influences 47 out of 63 respondents: 5 or 10.64% of

respondents have an allowance range of 51-100 pesos; 18 or 36.30% have an allowance range

of 101-150 pesos; 12 or 25.53% have an allowance range of 151-200 pesos; 7 or 14.89%

have an allowance range of 201-250 pesos; 1 or 2.13% have an allowance range of 251-300

pesos; and finally, 4 or 8.51% have an allowance higher than 300 pesos. Whereas 15 or

31.91% can drink one to two bottles, 14 or 29.79% can consume three to four, 4 or 8.51% can

consume five to six, and 14 or 29.79% can consume seven to eight bottles of alcohol in a


Table 6: Daily Allowance and Alcohol Consumption for Females (n=38)

Daily Allowance n Percentage

50 0 0
51-100 6 15.79%
101-200 23 60.53%
201-300 8 21.05%
300 1 2.63%
Alcohol Consumption
1-2 18 47.37%
3-4 12 31.58%
5-6 1 2.63%
7-8 7 18.42%

Table 6.1: Daily Allowance and Alcohol Consumption for Males (n=25)

Daily Allowance n Percentage

50 1 4%
51-100 10 40%
101-200 8 32%
201-300 4 16%
300 2 8%
Alcohol Consumption
1-2 7 28%

3-4 6 24%
5-6 3 12%
7-8 9 36%

When grouped according to sex, specifically male and female, the total number of

females who drink alcohol is 38 and 25 for the males. The most common daily allowance

runs from 101 to 150. 73.68% of the population of females are influenced by their daily

allowance, and 26.32% of the population are influenced by their sex. In a month, 47.37% of

females can drink 1-2 bottles of alcohol, 31.58% can consume 3–4 bottles, 2.63% can

consume 5–6 bottles, and 18.42% can consume 7-8 bottles. Meanwhile, males have a

frequent allowance ranging from 51 to 100. 28% of the male population who drink alcoholic

beverages are influenced by their sex, and 72% are influenced by their daily allowance. 28%

can drink 1-2 bottles of alcohol; 24% can drink 3–4 bottles. 12% can drink 5–6 bottles, and

36% can drink 7–8 bottles of alcoholic beverages.

Table 7: Difference of males and females according to sex and daily allowance (n=63).

Sex Daily Allowance Row Total

Male 7 29 38
Female 9 18 25
Column Total 16 47 63

Out of the 63 respondents who drink alcoholic beverages 16 are influenced by their

sex, in which 7 comprises of males and 9 of females, and 47 are influenced by their daily

allowance, in which 29 are males and 18 and females.

An online Chi-Square calculator was utilized to evaluate the difference of male and

females when grouped according to what socio-demographic factor best influences them

which are sex and daily allowance.

The results are: The chi-square statistics is 0.0217. The p-value is .882862. The result is not

significant at p > .05.

Therefore, there is no significant difference between males and females when grouped

according to sex and daily allowance, ×2 (1, N=63) = 0.0217, p= 0.882862. The null hypothesis is

accepted for the reason that the p-value is greater than 0.05, the significance level used.

Table 8: Difference of males and females regarding their consumption of alcoholic beverages


1-2 bottles 3-4 bottles 5-6 bottles 7-8 bottles Row Totals
Females 18 12 1 7 38
Males 7 6 3 9 25
Column 25 18 4 16 63

Out of the females who drink alcoholic beverages, 18 can drink 1-2 bottles a month,

12 can drink 3-4 bottles a month, 1 can drink 5-6 bottles a month, and 7 can drink 7-8 bottles

a month. Furthermore, out of the 25 male respondents who drink alcoholic beverages, 7 can

drink 1-2 bottles of alcohol in a month, 6 can drink 3-4 bottles, 3 can drink 5-6, and 9 can

drink 7-8 bottles of alcoholic beverages in a month.

The aforementioned statistical test was also used and the results are: The chi-square statistic

is 5.648. The p-value is .130053. The result is not significant at p > .05.

Therefore, there is no significant difference between males and females regarding the

consumption the consumption of alcoholic beverages, x² (I, N =63) = 5.648, p= 0.130053. The null

hypothesis is accepted for t5he reason that the p-value is greater than 0.05, which was the significance

level used.

Table 9: Difference of males and females concerning their daily allowance.

Below 50 51-100 101-200 201-300 Above 300 Row

Female 3 27 41 11 1 83
Male 5 26 11 4 3 49
Column 8 52 52 15 4 132


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