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A reading from the book of Songs of Solomon

The Bride says:

On my bed at night I sought him whom my heart loves, I sought him but I
did not find him. I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings
I will seek Him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him. The
watchmen came upon me, as they made their rounds of the city: Have you seen
him whom my heart loves? I had hardly left them when I found him whom my
heart loves.
The Word of the Lord.


For the Holy Catholic Church, for Francis our pope, Medil our bishop, and for all
bishops, priests, and deacons, we pray to the Lord. 

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

For the leaders of the world, that they work together to promote the good of all, we
pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

For our school community: that we continue to form the minds and hearts of all
students, allowing them to grow in faith and intellect, we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

For our graduates: that they excel in everything they do, and that they carry the love
of Christ with them always, we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

In thanksgiving for those who have helped our graduates achieve excellence: for all
parents, relatives, teachers, school staff, clergy, and other community members, we
pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

For all those who have died, especially the departed alumni of our school, we pray
to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

For our own needs and intentions that we now recall in our hearts [6 second pause],
we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

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