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General Objectives:

1. Dress appropriately. 6. Make sound judgments.

2. Reports to work as scheduled. 7. Produces quality and quantity of work.

3. Demonstrates an interest and ability to learn. 8. Completes work on schedule.

4. Works cooperatively with others. 9. Take initiative in assigned tasks.

5. Communicates effectively both written and orally. 10. Demonstrates leadership qualities.


(This section to be completed by the Student, Faculty Intern Coordinator, and Host Training Establishment Supervisor)

Student Trainee Host Training Establishment (HTE)

Makes new interns feel welcome.

1. To adopt to the new surroundings. 1.

Trading and socializing activities were very closely linked, each leading to the other.
2. To socialize with others 2.
You deliver work ahead of schedule and never forget any
3. To manage time 3.
One of your greatest strengths is your ability to manage multiple
4. To handle two things at the same time. 4. responsibilities.

You have proven to be a reliable employee by arriving each day prepared to tackle
5. To be strict with time 5. your work with a positive attitude.

There’s always room for improvement, but be selective about what’s worth addressing,
6. To improve my communication skill 6. and choose your words wisely.

7. To gain knowledge and experince 7. You are very detail-oriented, and we appreciate how you share your knowledge about
the latest trends in the business.

*Additional sheet(s) may be attached

_________Arlene M, Sacristan__________________ ___4__/__21___/__2022___

Student Intern Date

Romela May Sallatic 5 27 2022

HTE Supervisor Date

Engr. Jeffrey Cacho _____/_____/_____

Faculty Intern Coordinator Date

*______ see attachment(s)

Original: Internship Portfolio Copies: Host Training Establishment & Student

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