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Liceo Eleuterio Ramírez – 2022


Docente(s): Karen Carrasco Fecha: __/04/2022

Profesor(a) en formación: Cynthia Maldonado

Departamento Departamento de Inglés Nivel de logro

Nombre Alumno(a): Curso 2°__

Unidad: 1

Objetivo de aprendizaje By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to identify general and specific
information from a listening passage to raise awareness about the wasting water

Habilidad Listening
Activity 1: Before listening:
1. Mention 3 ways in which people waste water every day______________________________________
2. Do you do these things?_______________________________________________________________
Activity 2: While-listening:
According to this audio and these ● The audio is ● The people in the audio were:
images, what was the topic of the
audio?______________________ a. An Interview a. Mother and Son

b. A Conversation b. Friends
c. Siblings
c. A monologue

Activity 3: Fill in the gap

Marie: Hey, Andrew. Stop _________ water! Turn the shower off!
Andrew: What? I can't hear you! I have the _______ running.
Marie: Yes, exactly.
Andrew: What? Oh. Okay. I can hear you now. What do you want?
Marie: Listen. You were in the shower for more than ______________. That is more than enough water for ______
people. I mean, don´t you care about the _________? You used at least 60 _________ of water. That is a terrible waste.
Andrew: I wasn't in the shower that long.
Marie: Yes, you were. I _____________.
Andrew: You timed me?
Marie: Yes, yes. I timed you. Our water bill was _______________ last month. [Really?], and you don't pay for any of it. It
was a hundred and _________ dollars ($113). And it's going up. [Really?] I… I mean, I know you lost your job, but I am not
made of _________. Please be careful. I mean, at least, maybe you _________ take one of your showers at the gym when
you go in the morning. I… I don´t know how you can _________ gym membership when you can't pay rent. Please be
careful. Okay?
Andrew: Okay, sorry _____.
Activity 4: Number the following sentences in the correct order:
____ Marie: Yes, exactly.
____ Marie: Yes, you were. I timed you.
____ Andrew: What? I can't hear you! I have the shower running.
____ Andrew: I wasn't in the shower that long.
____ Marie: Hey, Andrew. Stop wasting water! Turn the shower off!
____ Marie: Listen. You were in the shower for more than half an hour. That is more than enough water for ten people. I
mean, don´t you care about the planet? You used at least 60 gallons of water. That is a terrible waste.
____ Andrew: What? Oh. Okay. I can hear you now. What do you want?
____ Andrew: You timed me?

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