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DosenPengampu :
Jamaris,SS, M.Pd
Group 2
Class 1B:
Dzahriatul Meisya (231211059)
Fadhilah Maharani (231211060)
FarasMelta Putri (231211061)
Fiolina Putri Enjelita (231211062)
FirhanNabielTafarel (231211063)
Genia Yenza (231211064)
Hafsa Luviah (231211065)


A healthy home is one of the means to achieve optimum health
status. One of thema components for obtaining a healthy home is
determined by the availability of housing sanitation facilities. Sanitation is
an effort to prevent disease through controlling environmental factors
which are links in the chain of disease transmission.
According to WHO, a house is a physical structure or building for
shelter,where a healthy environment is useful for physical and mental
health and social conditions both for the health of families and individuals
(WHO Commission on Health and the Environment, 2001). Quoted from, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2012), a
healthy house is a house that meets minimum criteria such as access to
drinking water, access to healthy latrines, floors, ventilation and lighting.
Thus, the authors can conclude that a healthy home is a home that is free
from both air and environmental pollution.
A. Here are Come structures and Function of the Healthy House
1) The house must meet the basic human physical needs.
2) The house must meet the basic spiritual needs of humans.
3) The house must protect humans from disease transmission.
4) The house must protect humans from outside disturbances.
5) The house indicates a place to live.
B. Healthy House Terms
1) Meet physiological needs, including lighting.
2) Fulfiment of psychological needs includes the adequacy of privacy,
3) Fulfil the requirements for preventing disease transmission
between occupants of the house by providing clean water.
4) Meet the requirements for preventing accidents arising from
external and internal conditions, including requirements for road
dividers, construction that does not easily collapse.
C. Benefit of a Healthy and Clean House
1) Reducing stress
2) Preventing the spread of disease.
3) Prevent the gathering of mice and insects.
4) Reducing the risk of allergies and asthma recurrence.
5) Fixing the Mood.
6) Avoid Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).
7) Maintain sleep quality.
8) More productive.
D. Characteristics of a Healthy House
1) Have good air ventilation
2) Free of Fungi and Disease-Carrying Animals
3) Clean Garbage Disposal
4) Good Sanitation and Smooth Water Disposa
5) Watertight house floors
6) Have Good Smoke Disposal
7) Has Sturdy Walls
8) Healthy Room Arrangement
9) Have Yards and Trees
10) Have a good roof and ceiling
11) Clean Kitchen Equipment
There are various problems of Healthy House:
1) Lack of concern for lighting in the house.
2) Less clean home environment.
3) Lack of ventilation.
4) The yard of the house is left to long grass.
5) Lack of plants such as trees in the yard.
Solutions to the problem of a healthy home:
1) Home voters should care about home lighting, because A healthy
home must have lighting that can illuminate the entire room with a
minimum intensity of 60 lux and not be dazzling.
2) Homeowners must maintain the cleanliness of the house and provide a
trash can in the house.
3) Provide windows or gaps for healthy homes, good ventilation
measures at least 10% of the total floor area in the room so that there
are no stuffy or damp words that are harmful to the health of the home
and occupants.
4) Pay attention to the grassy yard so that it is not long and always clean
the grass.
5) Healthy homeowners provide trees around the house, because trees
provide good oxygen for body health.
1) A healthy home is a place of refuge or shelter and a place to rest so as
to give rise to a perfect life both physically, spiritually and socially.
2) The house does not only function as a place to rest and shelter, but also
as a means to improve health. For that the house must meet the
requirements of health requirements.
3) A healthy home doesn't have to be expensive and luxurious. However,
a healthy home must meet health requirements. Therefore, a simple
house if it meets the health requirements can also be said to be a
healthy house.
4) Housing health requirements are technical health provisions that must
be met in order to protect residents and the public living in housing
and the surrounding community from health hazards or problems.

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