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Activity 1: Small Group Discussion

1. What is art?
- Art is the creative and proficient expression of human ideas, feelings, and
perceptions, frequently done through literary, musical, or visual means and valued
for its aesthetic impact and individual interpretation. It has the power to defy
expectations, provoke thought, or just evoke joy thanks to its aesthetic attraction.

2. Where can you find Art?

- Art is everywhere around us. You can spot it in museums and galleries
where there are special places to see paintings, sculptures, and other creative things
made by artists. You can also find art on the internet, where artists share their
awesome work on websites and social media platforms for everyone to enjoy.

3. Why is art found in human society?

- As it serves a variety of fundamental purposes, art is an essential
component of human society. It acts as a medium of expression, allowing people to
express feelings, thoughts, and experiences that might otherwise go unheard.
Through its many forms, art serves as a mirror, reflecting the complexity of human
existence and revealing cultural, societal, and personal facets. In addition to
fostering connection, art also recognizes and celebrates individual viewpoints while
bringing people together via common interpretations and reactions.

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