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2022학년도 ( 1 )학년 1학기 기말고사

과목명 영어 과목코드 19

수 험 생 유 의 사 항
1. 시험시간 중 휴대전화(공기계 포함), MP3 등 모든 전자기기를 소지한 학생은 부정행위로 처리합니다.
2. OMR카드의 선택형 문항 마킹 시, 빨간색(혹은 파란색) 플러스펜으로 예비 마킹하지 않고 오직 컴퓨터용
싸인펜만 사용합니다. 컴퓨터용 싸인펜이 아닌 필기도구로 마킹한 문항과 OMR카드의 정확한 위치에
표기하지 않아 판독 시 오답으로 인식된 문항은 0점 처리됩니다.
3. OMR카드의 서답형 답안은 빨간색 플러스펜을 사용하며 글씨를 깨끗이 작성합니다.
4. 수정테이프를 사용하여 정답을 수정할 수 있습니다.
5. 시험 종료 후에는 OMR카드를 표기 및 수정할 수 없으며, 감독교사의 답안지 확인이 끝날 때까지 학생
들은 퇴실할 수 없습니다.
6. 정답은 고사 종료 후 당일 학교 홈페이지에 게시합니다.
7. 아래의 부정행위 유형을 유념하여 절대 부정행위가 없도록 합니다. 부정행위자 및 부정행위 협조자의 해당
과목 지필평가 성적을 0점 처리하며 학칙에 의하여 징계를 받습니다.

부정행위 유형

þ 부정한 휴대물(쪽지 등)을 보는 행위 þ 휴대전화, 무선통신기기, 전자계산기, 디지털카

þ 책상이나 벽에 시험 관련내용을 기록하는 행위 메라 등 모든 전자기기 제출 지시에 불응하거나
þ 다른 수험생의 답안지를 보거나 보여주는 행위 소지한 행위
þ 다른 수험생과 눈동작, 소리 등으로 서로 신호 þ 감독관의 지시에 불응하는 행위
를 주고받는 행위 þ 매 교시 종료 전 시험실을 무단이탈하는 행위
þ 다른 수험생에게 답안을 보여주도록 강요 또는 þ 대리로 응시하는 행위
위협하는 행위 þ 기타 감독관이 부정행위로 판단하는 행위

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
1 ( 1 )학기 (

기말 )고사 반 1 ~ 9 과(반) 목
19 서 20 점

장 감 장

총 ( 7 )면, 선택형-( 27 )문항, 서답형-( 7 )문항 in the evening raises the level of a stress-related substance in
1. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.2] your blood and keeps you awake. So, remember to avoid
On Saturday, November 22, Wonderful Length will host its late-night exercises, eat your meals regularly, and turn off
third annual campaign to collect hair! On this day people those screens long before you go to sleep!
nationwide will cut and donate their hair to kids who have lost ① How Insignificant Sleep Is
their hair due to cancer treatment. Hair loss affects more than ② What Disturbs Sound Sleep
just a child's appearance. It can also undermine their ③ How to Follow Your Routine
self-confidence and limit their quality of life. Wonderful Length ④ Factors That Make You Oversleep
helps these children regain their confidence by providing free ⑤ The Importance of Regular Exercise
wigs. This is why your assistance is critical. You just need to
grow out your hair to help them. Then cut it and donate it to [4∼7] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
kids. Your simple act will be extremely beneficial. 4. [2.2]
① to introduce a new free wig Jonathan Livingston Seagull is aware that he is unique.
② to explain what makes people donate Jonathan spends all of his time learning to fly instead of
③ to inquire how to enhance the quality of life fighting over food with the other seagulls. Every day, he rolls,
④ to encourage people to take part in a campaign spins, and dives high above the sea to hone his skills.
⑤ to inform people of ways to improve confidence Jonathan flies through his flock during one of his practices. He
expects the others to compliment him on his extraordinary
2. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.9] talent. Instead, they look at him coldly, as if he is no longer fit
People spend much of their time interacting with media, but to be a member of the flock. Jonathan tries his best to rejoin
that does not mean that people have the critical skills to the flock, but he’s no longer content flying in formation with
analyze and understand it. One well-known study from Stanford the other seagulls as he knows .
University in 2016 demonstrated that youth are easily fooled by ① how amazing eating delicious food is
misinformation, especially when it comes through social media ② how marvelous being a flight captain is
channels. This weakness is not found only in youth, though. ③ how wonderful the world we live alone is
Research from New York University found that people over 65 ④ how remarkable being someone else’s hope is
shared seven times as much misinformation as their younger ⑤ how astonishing it feels to soar above the clouds
counterparts. All of this raises a question: What’s the solution
to the misinformation problem? Governments and tech platforms 5. [2.3]
certainly have a role to play in blocking misinformation. Health and the spread of disease are very closely linked to
However, every individual needs to take responsibility for how we live and how our cities operate. The good news is
combating this threat by detecting misinformation. that cities are incredibly resilient. Many cities have experienced
① a lack of interaction between people epidemics in the past and have not only survived, but
② advertisement of social media channels advanced. The nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries saw
③ government’s responsibility in social media destructive outbreaks of cholera, typhoid, and influenza in
④ technological evolution of blocking misinformation European cities. Doctors such as Jon Snow, from England, and
⑤ reckless recognition of misinformation through media Rudolf Virchow, of Germany, saw the connection between poor
living conditions, overcrowding, sanitation, and disease. A
3. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.3] recognition of this connection led to the replanning and
We all understand the importance of sleep, but many teenagers rebuilding of cities. In the mid-nineteenth century, London’s
do not get enough of it. Today I'd like to tell you about what's pioneering sewer system, which still serves it today, was built
really keeping you awake at night. To begin, staying up late as a result of understanding the importance of .
texting and watching TV will undoubtedly disrupt your sleep. ① clean water in stopping infectious diseases
The artificial light emitted by these screens deceives your brain ② medical facilities to treat endemic diseases
into keeping you awake later! Second, eating at random hours ③ a key treatment for the spread of epidemics
can throw your body off track and keep you awake. When you ④ facilities to treat mental illness of the disabilities
stick to a routine, your body works best. Finally, exercising late ⑤ nursing homes in treating disease of adult people

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
2 ( 1 )학기 (

기말 )고사 반 1 ~ 9 과(반) 목
19 서 20 점

장 감 장

6. [2.8] 9. [2.8]
We have a tendency to interpret events selectively. If we Thus winning can be a double-edged sword in teaching
want things to be “this way” or “that way” we can most character development.
definitely choose, stack, or arrange evidence in a way that
supports such a viewpoint. Selective perception ______________. Research has confirmed that athletes are less likely to
What seems to us to be standing out, however, may very well participate in unacceptable behavior than are non-athletes. ( ① )
be related to our goals, interests, expectations, past experiences, However, moral reasoning and good sporting behavior seem to
or current demands of the situation — “with a hammer in decline as athletes progress to higher competitive levels, in part
hand, everything looks like a nail.” The phenomenon of because of the increased emphasis on winning. ( ② ) Some
selective perception is stressed in this quote. If we want to use athletes may want to win so much that they lie, cheat, and
a hammer, then the world around us may begin looking as break team rules. ( ③ ) They may develop undesirable
though it is full of nails! character traits that can enhance their ability to win in the
① is a collection of different perspectives short term. ( ④ ) However, when athletes resist the temptation
② results from exploring the absolute majority to win in a dishonest way, they can develop positive character
③ is interpreted as the lack of situational demand traits that last a lifetime. ( ⑤ ) Character is a learned behavior,
④ emerges from internalizing the perspective of others and a sense of fair play develops only if coaches plan to teach
⑤ is grounded in what appears to be easily noticed to us those lessons systematically.
7. [2.9] 10. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C) 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
When people think about the development of cities, hardly do 적절한 것은? [3.5]
they _______________________________. Yet, more than 7 billion Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a (A)
elevator rides are taken each day in tall buildings around the [unconditioned / laborious] work as an interesting challenge to
world. Moreover, efficient vertical transportation can enable us take on. A stressful meeting with our boss becomes an
to build ever-taller skyscrapers. According to Antony Wood, opportunity to learn. A nervous first date turns into an exciting
Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology, night out with a new person. A colander becomes a hat. In
advances in elevators over the past 20 years are probably the general, curiosity (B) [warn / inspire]s us to view stressful
most significant ones we have seen in tall buildings. Elevators situations as challenges rather than threats, to talk about
in the under-construction Jeddah Tower in Jeddah, Saudi difficulties more openly, and to try new approaches to solving
Arabia, for example, will reach a height record of 660m. problems. In fact, curiosity is associated with a less defensive
① ignore the critical role of vertical transportation reaction to stress and, as a result, less (C) [affection / hostility]
② consider the importance of building skyscrappers when we respond to irritation.
③ tend to deny the development of the elevator industry (A) (B) (C)
④ contemplate the significance of vertical transportation ① laborious warn affection
⑤ construct many elevators as the means of vertical moving ② laborious inspire hostility
[8∼9] 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 ③ unconditioned warn affection
절한 곳을 고르시오. ④ unconditioned inspire hostility
8. [2.8] ⑤ unconditioned warn hostility
As a result, it is critical to overcome your instinct to 11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ①∼⑤ 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절
avoid uncomfortable situations at first.
Out of discomfort, you may feel the need to avoid doing 하지 않은 것은? [2.9]
something that will lead to success. ( ① ) Perhaps you are Have you ever felt ① better after seeing a painting, watching
avoiding extra work because you are exhausted. ( ② ) You are a movie, or reading a book? Taking medication can help you
actively shutting out success because you do not want to be ② refrain your emotions and ③ increase your positive feelings,
uncomfortable. ( ③ ) Try doing new activities that are outside but sometimes art can sometimes be the ④ solution you’re
of your comfort zone. ( ④ ) Change is never comfortable. ( ⑤ ) looking for. As you will see, the use of color, different
But it is key to doing things differently in order to find that perspectives, and engaging plots can have an ⑤ uplifting effect
magical formula for success. on your mind, body, and soul.

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
3 ( 1 )학기 (

기말 )고사 반 1 ~ 9 과(반) 목
19 서 20 점

장 감 장

[12, 서답형 1] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (B) While the actor or creator him/herself is the first audience
Teachers can better motivate students by considering their of the artifact being produced, this kind of distantiation can
work as (A) [deficient / decent] and then requiring additional only be achieved by internalizing the perspective of others
effort, rather than attempting to punish students with a low on one’s work.
grade or mark in the hope that it will encourage them to give (C) However, from a sociocultural standpoint, the creative act
greater effort in the future. Students' grades are recorded by is never “complete” in the absence of a second position ―
teachers at Beachwood Middle School in Beachwood, Ohio, as that of an audience.
A, B, C, or I. (Incomplete). Students who receive an I grade (D) It is the view we include and blend into our own activity,
are required to do additional work in order to bring their including creative activity. This outside perspective is
performance up to an (B) [improper / adequate] level. This essential for creativity because it gives new meaning and
policy is based on the assumption that students perform at a
failure level or submit failing work in large part because value to the creative act and its product.
teachers (C) [reject / receive ] it. ⑴ The Beachwood teacher ① (A)-(C)-(B)-(D) ② (A)-(C)-(D)-(B)
reason what if they no longer accept substandard work, ③ (B)-(D)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(B)-(A)-(D)
students will not submit it. And they believe that with ⑤ (D)-(A)-(B)-(C)
sufficient support, students will continue to work until their
performance is satisfactory. 14. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.6]
Sound and light travel in waves. An analogy often given for
12. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C) 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적 sound is that of throwing a small stone onto the surface of a
절한 것은? [3.5] still pond.
(A) (B) (C)
① deficient adequate receive (A) The same thing happens if you repeat the experiment with
② deficient improper receive two heavy stones, but you get a different sound due to the
③ decent adequate receive density and surface of the stones, and the sound is likely
④ decent improper reject to be louder because they have displaced more air. As a
⑤ decent adequate reject result, any physical disturbance in the atmosphere around
us will generate sound.
[서답형 1] [총 3점] (B) As the sticks get closer together each other, the air
(1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ⑴의 어법상 틀린 부분을 모두 바르게 고 immediately in front of them is compressed and energy
쳐서 다시 쓰시오. [1점] accumulates. This energy is released as sound waves when
➜ _______________________________________________________ the point of impact occurs.
(C) Waves radiate outwards from the point of impact, in the
(2) 윗글의 주제문을 작성하고자 한다. 아래에 제시된 단어를 same way that sound waves radiate from the sound
모두 사용하여 어법에 맞게 완성하시오. (필요시 어형 변화 가능, source. This is caused by a disruption in the air around
단어 추가 불가) [2점] us. You will get a sound if you bang two sticks together.
/ a certain / to reach / them / their work / give / level / ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
/ the opportunity / motivate / students / help / to improve / ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
➜ _______________________________________________________
15. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [3.1]
[13∼14] 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 Harold is a tennis coach. He’s ① been teaching Kate, a
고르시오. talented and passionate player, for years. While practicing for
13. [3.5] an upcoming match, Kate injured her elbow ② severe. Her
It is common to assume that creativity concerns primarily doctor strongly recommends she ③ quit playing tennis for a
the relation between actor(creator) and artifact(creation). month. However, Kate insists on playing the match. Harold
(A) This means that, in order to be an audience to your own knows ④ how heart­broken she would be to miss the match.
creation, a history of interaction with others is needed. We But he’s concerned about her tennis career ⑤ if her elbow
exist in a social world that constantly confronts us with doesn’t recover. So he wants to persuade her to calm down
the “view of the other.” and focus on her recovery.

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
4 ( 1 )학기 (

기말 )고사 반 1 ~ 9 과(반) 목
19 서 20 점

장 감 장

16. 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것끼리 묶인 것은? [4.0] colors appear a bit lighter. Although the color red is dominant,
Detailed study over the past two or three decades is showing it works together with the various contrasting colors to form a
⒜ that the complex form of natural systems is essential to harmony. Seeing this balance keeps you from becoming
their functioning. The attempt to straighten rivers and give overwhelmed by your emotions and helps you overcome your
them ⒝ regular cross-sections become perhaps the most anger. As the painting’s title suggests, this must be the power
disastrous example of this form-and-function relationship. The of the harmony in red.
natural river has a very irregular form: it curves a lot, spills (A) (B)
across floodplains, and leaks into wetlands, ⒞ causes it to be ① Furthermore At the same time
an ever-changing and incredibly complex shoreline. This allows ② For example Nevertheless
the river to prevent variations in water level and speed. ⒟ ③ In addition As a result
Pushing the river into tidy geometry destroys functional ④ Moreover In other words
capacity results in disasters like the Mississippi floods of 1927 ⑤ In short However
and 1993 and, more recently, the unnatural disaster of
Hurricane Katrina. A $50 billion plan to “let the river loose” in 19. Walter Mitty에 대한 설명 중, 일치하지 않는 것은? [2.6]
Louisiana recognizes that ⒠ the controlled Mississippi is Walter Mitty has developed the pictures used on the front cover
washing away twenty-four square miles of that state annually. of Life magazine for the past sixteen years. Aside from that, he
① ⒜, ⒝, ⒞ ② ⒜, ⒞, ⒟ ③ ⒝, ⒞, ⒟ lives a dull life filled with daydreams. His world, however, is
④ ⒝, ⒞, ⒟, ⒠ ⑤ ⒜, ⒝, ⒞, ⒟ about to change: Life will soon become an online-only
publication. Unfortunately, the picture for the final cover is
missing. Walter decides to hit the road to find the picture. He
17. 다음 중 가리키는 대상이 서로 같은 것끼리 짝지어진 것은? [2.3] believes the photographer still has it and follows his trail. This
A woman named Rhonda who attended the University of is how Walter’s wild dash across Greenland, Iceland, and the
California at Berkeley had a problem. She was living near Himalayas begins. During this adventure, he survives a volcanic
campus with several other people ― none of whom knew one eruption and a fall from a helicopter. Although he eventually
another. When the cleaning people came each weekend, they finds the photographer, Walter realizes he has, more importantly,
left several rolls of ⓐ toilet paper in each of the two evolved into the person he always imagined himself to be.
bathrooms. However, by Monday all the toilet paper would be ① He takes the pictures of the front cover of a magazine.
gone. It was a classic tragedy-of-the-commons situation: ② He leads a monotonous life full of daydreaming.
because some people took more toilet paper than their fair ③ He ventures to find the missing picture.
share, ⓑ the public resource was destroyed for everyone else. ④ He survived a volcanic eruption during his trip.
After reading ⓒ a research paper about behavior change, ⑤ He became the man he dreamed of through his travel.
Rhonda put ⓓ a notice in one of the bathrooms asking people
not to remove the toilet paper, as it was ⓔ a shared item. To 20. Which of the following can NOT be answered from this
her great satisfaction, one roll reappeared in a few hours, and passage? [3.1]
another the next day. In the other note-free bathroom, There were clear skies and temperatures well above 30˚C that
however, there was no toilet paper until the following weekend, first week. Under the burning sun, we carried bricks, mixed
when the cleaning people returned. concrete, and dug holes for pipes. We had to gradually
① ⓐ toilet paper ⓔ a shared item dismantle the family's hut in order to obtain more bricks and
② ⓑ the public resource ⓓ a notice other materials for the new house. Every morning, the family
③ ⓒ a research paper ⓓ a notice and their neighbors would provide breakfast for everyone.
④ ⓓ a notice ⓔ a shared item Then, all of us—the volunteers, community members, and the
⑤ ⓔ a shared item ⓒ a research paper family—would get to work. We would occasionally share food
and stories from time to time. We were all very tired and
18. 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.2] sweaty by the end of the day, but we were happy. The house
As you watch the woman working dutifully at her task in was finally finished after another week. On the last day, we
this red room, your anger melts away instead of getting worse. had a party to celebrate the completion of the new house. It
(A) , the yellow fruit on the table brings out positive and was the perfect way to cap off such an incredible experience.
cheerful emotions. (B) , the green and blue space outside The entire community was there. Everyone was dancing or
the window causes healing and relaxing feelings. The existence crying tears of joy. I will never forget the looks on the faces
of these cool colors actually makes the “heaviness” of the red of the family as they waved goodbye to us.

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
5 ( 1 )학기 (

기말 )고사 반 1 ~ 9 과(반) 목
19 서 20 점

장 감 장

① What did the locals give the volunteers? ① ⒜ : not false or fake
② How long did it take to build the house? ② ⒝ : not expressing or showing true feeling
③ How many people took part in the construction? ③ ⒞ : connected by participation or association or use
④ Why did the volunteers tear down the family's hut? ④ ⒟ : a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances
⑤ Why did the people throw a party when the house was ⑤ ⒠ : to make an effort to do something, to attempt to accomplish
completed? or complete something

21. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT [23-24, 서답형 2] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
true? [3.1] One day, I learned about a program that needed (a) to go to
This is Linda from “Life and Science.” Have you heard that different parts of the world to help to build houses for the poor.
light pollution from bright lights at night can drive wildlife to After watching a presentation about it, I was really touched by
death? Sea turtles, for example, lay eggs on beaches and their the (b) , so I decided ㉠ to participating in the next volunteer
babies find their way to the sea with the help of moonlight. trip. I had my doubts, though. I didn’t know anything about
Artificial lights, however, can confuse them, causing them not to construction, and we’d only be there for two weeks. Could we
reach the sea and die. Fireflies have been disappearing across really (c) these people’s lives as the presentation ㉡ have
the globe. Male fireflies get disturbed by artificial lights when suggested? I was going to find out soon enough.
they try to attract mates. This means fewer fireflies are born. The volunteers and I got to meet the family that would be
Also, salmon migrate randomly when exposed to artificial lights moving into the home we were going to build the day after
at night. This threatens their chances of survival. Lastly, light we arrived in Karjat, India. This family ㉢ was living in a poor
pollution interrupts the mating calls of tree frogs at night. As hut. (가) [ for / of / in / one-room / a family / impossible /
male frogs reduce the number of their mating calls, the females almost / this / five / to live / seem / comfortable / it /
don’t reproduce. So light pollution can be a matter of life and cottage ]. In addition to that, there were jars everywhere to
death for some animals. catch all the rainwater dripping from the (d) . With all these
① Light pollution caused by bright lights at night can kill jars on the floor, there was hardly any (e) to sit, let alone
wildlife. lie down. I was ㉣ shocking to see how they were living. After
② Sea turtles use moonlight to guide their young to the sea. meeting them, I felt ㉤ very more determined to build them a
③ When male fireflies try to attract partners, artificial lights beautiful home.
help them.
④ When salmon are exposed to artificial lights at night, they 23. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)∼(e)에 들어갈 단어의 문맥상의 영영풀이
travel at random. 로 옳지 않은 것은? [3.4]
⑤ Light pollution disrupts tree frogs' nighttime mating calls. ① ⒜ : those who do something without being forced to or
without getting paid for it
② ⒝ : a task or job that someone is given to do
22. 다음 밑줄 친 (a)∼(e)에 들어갈 단어의 문맥상의 영영풀이로 ③ ⒞ : to give something and receive something in return
옳지 않은 것은? [3.8] ④ ⒟ : the cover or top of a building or vehicle
There have been occasions in which you have observed a
smile and you could sense it was not ⒜ . The most obvious ⑤ ⒠ : an empty area between things
way of identifying a genuine smile from an ⒝ one is that a
fake smile primarily only affects the lower half of the face, 24. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ㉠∼㉤ 중에서 어법상 틀린 것의 개수는? [3.8]
mainly with the mouth alone. The eyes don’t really get ⒞ . ① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개 ④ 4개 ⑤ 5개
Take the ⒟ to look in the mirror and manufacture a smile
using the lower half your face only. When you do this, ⒠ [서답형 2] 윗글의 밑줄 친 (가)에 제시된 단어들을 문맥과 어법
how happy your face really looks ― is it genuine? A genuine 과 조건에 맞게 배열하여 완전한 문장으로 쓰시오. [2점]
smile will impact on the muscles and wrinkles around the eyes <조건>
and less noticeably, the skin between the eyebrow and upper 1. 주어진 단어를 모두 사용할 것
eyelid are lowered slightly with true enjoyment. The genuine 2. 단어를 추가하지 말 것
smile can impact on the entire face. 3. 필요시 어형을 변형할 것

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
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19 서 20 점

장 감 장

è easier to design a tidy way to face many social fears step by

step. The social situations you need to expose yourself to may
not be available when you want them, or they may not go
[25-26] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. well enough for you to sense that things are under control.
Food chain means the transfer of food energy from the source The progression from one step to the next may not be
in plants through a series of organisms with the repeated apparent, creating unavoidable large increases in difficulty from
process of eating and being eaten. In a grassland, grass is one to the next. People around you aren’t (d) machine, that you
eaten by rabbits while rabbits in turn are eaten by foxes. can endlessly experiment with for your own purposes. This is
(A) Hence the number of steps or links in a sequence is not to say that facing social fears is (e) meaningless when
limited, usually to four or five. The shorter the food chain socializing. The principles of gradual exposure are still very
or the nearer the organism is to the beginning of the useful. Although it is harder to process of applying them,
chain, the greater the available energy intake is. knowing that before you start is helpful.
(B) It has been observed that at each level of transfer, a large
proportion, 80-90 percent, of the potential energy is lost as 27. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)∼(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하
heat. 지 않은 것은? [3.4]
(C) This is an example of a simple food chain. This food chain ① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)
implies the sequence in which food energy is transfered
from producer to consumer or higher trophic level. [서답형 3] 아래에 제시된 영영풀이에 해당하는 단어를 윗글에서
찾아 쓰시오. [각 1점, 총 2점]
25. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.6] (1) to act together, to come together and have an effect on
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) each other
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
(2) done or organized according to certain rules, instructions,
26. Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the or procedures
passage above? [3.4] (1) [1점]
① Grass is one of the producers in the food chain. (2) [1점]
② A food chain shows how food energy passes from one
organism to another. [서답형 4] 다음 대화의 밑줄 친 부분을 be동사를 활용하여 6글자
③ An amount of potential energy is lost at each level of 로 영작하시오. [2점]
movement. M: Good afternoon. May I help you?
④ There is usually no restriction of the number of steps or W: Yes, please. I want to buy a bag for my laptop. Can you
links in a food chain. recommend one?
⑤ The organism should be closer to the beginning of the M: How about this one? It’s only 30 dollars on sale. The
chain in order to take more energy. original price was 65 dollars.
W: Wow, more than 50% off?
[27, 서답형 3] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. M: It’s a very good deal.
If you were afraid of standing on balconies, you would start W: I like the design and color, but it’s not big enough.
on some lower floors and slowly work your way up to higher M: If you want something bigger, how about this one? It has
ones. It would be easy to face a fear of standing on high a USB charging port, too.
balconies in a way that’s completely controlled. Socializing is W: I like it, but it looks expensive.
trickier. People aren’t like (a) motionless features of a building M: It’s 70 dollars. But I can give you a 10% discount.
that you just have to be around to get used to. You have to W: Well... 그건 여전히 제 예산을 초과해요. Let me look at
interact with them, and their responses cannot be (b) predicted. the first one again.
Your feelings toward them are more complex too. Most M: Here it is. 30 dollars is a bargain.
people’s self-esteem isn’t going to be affected that much if W: Okay. I’ll take it.
they don’t like balconies, but your confidence can be (c) è _______________________________________________________
complimented if you can’t socialize effectively. It’s not also

No ( 2022 ) 학년도 1 학 년 과 코드 선 80 점 부 교 교
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19 서 20 점

장 감 장

[서답형 5] 문맥상 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사를 순서대로 쓰시오. ➜ __________________________________________________________

[각 1점, 총 4점] ____________________________________________________________
Starting ⑴ birth, babies are immediately attracted to faces.
Scientists were able to show this by having babies look at [서답형 7] 다음 글의 밑줄친 부분에 제시된 단어를 전부 사용하
two simple images, one that looks more ⑵ a face than the 여 어법과 조건과 해석에 맞게 단어를 배열하여 문장을 완성하시
other. By measuring where the babies looked, scientists found 오. [3점]
that the babies looked at the face-like image more than they In a culture where there is a belief that you can have anything
looked at the non-face image. Even though babies have poor you truly want, there is no problem in choosing. Many cultures,
eyesight, they prefer to look at faces. But why? One reason however, do not maintain this belief. In fact, many people do
babies might like faces is because of something called not believe that life is about getting what you want. Life is
evolution. Evolution involves changes to the structures of an about doing what you are supposed to do. [ be / because /
organism(such as the brain) that occur over many generations. decisions / desire / difficulty / feel / have / make / nothing /
These changes help the organisms to survive, making them suppose / that / they / to do / what / with ]. The weight of
alert ⑶ enemies. By being able to recognize faces ⑷ afar outside considerations is greater than their desires. When this is
or in the dark, humans were able to know someone was an issue in a group, we discuss what makes for good decisions.
coming and protect themselves from possible danger. If a person can be unburdened from their cares and duties and,
⑴ ________________ [1점] ⑵ _________________ [1점] just for a moment, consider what appeals to them, they get the
⑶ ________________ [1점] ⑷ _________________ [1점] chance to sort out what is important to them. Then they can
consider and negotiate with their external pressures.
[서답형 6] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [총 4점] 1. 필요시 어형 변화 가능
Due to technological innovations, music can now be 2. 제시된 단어를 여러번 사용 가능
experienced by more people, for more of the time than ever 3. 제시되지 않은 단어는 추가 불가
before. Mass usability has given individuals unheard-of control <해석>
over their own sound-environment. However, it has also 그들은 결정을 하는 데 어려움을 겪는데 왜냐하면 그들이 열망
confronted them with the (1) 무수한 장르의 음악의 동시 이용가 하는 것이 그들이 해야 할 일과 관련이 없다고 느끼기 때문이다.
능성, in which they have to orient themselves. People start
filtering out and organizing their digital libraries like they used ➜ __________________________________________________________
to do with their physical music collections. However, there is _____________________________________________________________
the difference that the choice lies in their own hands. Neither
(2) [ radio program / nor / the choice / the local / by / it / be /
affect / inspire / music-distributors ], the individual actively has “이 시험문제의 저작권은 동일여자고등학교에 있습니다. 저작
to choose and determine his or her musical preferences. The 권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되
search for the right song is thus associated with considerable 며, 이를 어길시 저작권법에 의거 처벌될 수 있습니다”
(1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (1)번의 의미에 맞도록 단어 7개를 사용하여
영작하시오. [2점]
➜ ____________________________________
(2) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (2)번에 제시된 단어를 전부 사용하여 문맥과
어법과 조건에 맞게 단어를 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오. [2점]
1. 필요시 어형 변화 가능
2. 제시된 단어의 중복 사용 가능
3. 제시되지 않은 단어는 추가 불가

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