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Aluno (a): __________________________________________

Professor (a): Ms. Padilha Ano/Turma: 2° ANO

Disciplina: Inglês Data: _______ / ______ / ______

Dear students, you may write the

article in pairs or individually.
You are not allowed to use your
smartphones or any other note,
however you are allowed to use
dictionaries. Follow all the
instructions below.

Post for a website

You are going to write a post for

the site. Chose one of the titles
- Going to work abroad: an ex-
citing opportunity or a scary
- Being a celebrity: a dream or a
List two or three disadvantages
and advantages, and number
them in ordem of importance.
Decide if you think there are more
advantages or disadvantages.
Write 210 - 240 words, organized
in four paragraphs: introduction, advantages, disadvantages and conclusion. Use a for-
mal style and the linking words from the text beside. Don’t use 1st person singular in
the text.

Evaluation criteria:

Content Communicative Organization Language








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