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UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology


Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1:
Research and analysis of the audience (U10:LO1_AC1.1)
Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section.

Question/task Answer
In your own words explain what a In my opinion I would define a demographic as a fact about someone’s
demographic is? general life that can be proven for a fact.

In your own words explain what a A psychographic is more of an opinion than a fact like someone’s likes and
psychographic is? dislikes which steer them in a different path through life. For example, if
someone likes or dislikes dogs.

Cta or call to action in my own words I would describe It as a add for a

limited time event or item such as t shirts and games ect. To make people
In your own words explain what CTA feel like its more valuable than its being sold for, or like someone is peer
means? pressuring them to buy it as it’s a 1 time deal.

An audience profile is a collection of data that depicts what your audience

is and makes a data base on it to help you improve upon it. It would
In your own word explain what an become useful in this project because it can help us generate a wide variety
audience profile is? And how it might be of relevant information so that we can learn what our audience likes and
useful on this project? gradually add in more of the content they enjoy to hopefully expand our

1. gen z
Suggest at least 3 groups within society
who might attend a festival / convention
2. gamers
style event.

3. people who a specific genre of music

Provide examples in each box.

1. comic con

Suggest an event for each group you have 2.twitch con

mentioned above, this should be relevant
to their demographic.

How does the audience engage with the 1. looking at the stalls and other events going on before hand to plan your
event before, during and after? trip ahead of time. Find out what people are staring and maybe check out if
EG social media, Websites etc there any competitions going on.
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

buying items from stalls such as comics or many custom items people have
made. Interacting with many events going on like talks going on and the
meet and greets that most likely go on. participating in the competitions
being held there.

posting the items, they got or photos they gathered from people
cosplaying or staring at the event.
2.finding streamers they like going and what other events might be going
on like competitions or stalls being held there. There also might be some
live events that you can attend to.

visiting the multiple streamers there and buying the products they are
selling or get a signature. Attend the multiple live events going on like big
streamers interacting ect. There could also be some competitions you could
play in.
Provide examples in each box.

posting photos or videos you took while attending the event like photos
you got with the people staring there or any live events that were hosted.
3. finding the line-up for the event so you can see who is playing and plan
what you are Gunna do on different days. And fine out if any other events
are going on.

watching and attending the many events and songs going on while your
there. There could also be food stalls or many other stalls while you’re
there that you can by an affinity of confectionaries or other objects.

Uploading the many photos and videos you took while you were there and
promo for next year, there also still might be merch that you can buy after
the events.

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