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UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology


Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1:
Research and analysis of the audience (U10:LO1_AC1.1)

Question/task Answer
In your own words explain what a Information Based on the person/people that are pronounced as factual
demographic is? information and typically set in stone aside from a few things such as how
much money is earned.
In your own words explain what a Information Based on the person/people that are based on the likes/beliefs
psychographic is? of the person. This can fit anywhere from the type of sport they like to their
favourite genre of music.
The Definition of CTA is an acronym for the words “Call to action” This is
typically seen in the way items are purchased. This could be just in the
In your own words explain what CTA
wording by using phrases such as BUY NOW! Or it can also be used with
limited time offers. Limited time offers are used typically to make someone
feel like they are missing out and CTA is a big part of that.
In your own word explain what an An audience profile is used to create information based apon the audience
audience profile is? And how it might be you wish to sell your product to, this is helpful to realise what targets you
useful on this project? need to hit to be able to sell your product more effectively.
Suggest at least 3 groups within society
Gamers, Collectors (Gaming Festivals or events like PAX)
who might attend a festival / convention
style event. 2.
Gypsy, Music infusiests (Music Festivals/Rave concerts like Camp Bestival)
Provide examples in each box.
Middle Class, Posh people (Art gallery like arts by the sea)
Suggest an event for each group you have
mentioned above, this should be relevant
Camp Bestival, Summerfest
to their demographic.
Art by the sea, France art gallary
How does the audience engage with the 1.
event before, during and after? Social Media – social media would most likely be used at the beginning to
EG social media, Websites etc advertise the event to all of the groups that would be interested since most
people would just come across the event instead of actively searching for it.
Provide examples in each box.
Live Interactions inside – When inside the event, Besides the occasional
video and photo, Phones would most likely not be used that much and you
would just interact with all the different stands.

Social Media/Websites – After the event has passed, if anyone wanted to

revisit the even or share bits with friends/family, then they would most
likely use their website or their social media since throughout the event, it
would be likely that they would of posted
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)
Social Media – social media would most likely be used the same way it
would be for the Gaming Festivals besides the few events that happen the
same time every year. They would typically post on their social medias to
advertise the event and how it would start.

Dancing/ Listening – When at the event, since this is a music festival, the
majority of the interactions throughout the event will consist of

Social Media – After the event Is complete, it is most likely that the majority
of interactions with the event would lie within social media since a lot of
the participants typically post/record a lot of the things that happen during
the event from a viewer’s perspective.
Leaflet/Website – Since an event like this is typically much smaller in hype,
its most likely that you will figure out the event through a flyer put up or a
leaflet, or if it’s a more known event, its likely that they will locate the
events details on a webpage.

Viewing – When at the event, unless there was a tour then there wouldn’t
be too much human interaction and majority of the interaction subsides in
the viewing of the art.

Photos – After the event, theres a high chance a lot of photos were taken,
Therefore this is the most probable way they will interact with the event
after using photos.

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