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Materials-Handling Equipment—Design

and Costs

Md Shahinoor Islam
Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET

Ref: Chap-12: Peter, M.S., Timmerhaus, K. D., West R., E., Plant Design
and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 5th Ed.
Materials-Handling Equipment
 Liquid: Pump
 Gas: Compressors, fans and blowers.
 Solid: Conveyors, chutes and hoists.
 Other types of special equipment: Blenders, mixers,
crushers, and grinders.
Basic Concept of Fluid Transport
 Power/mechanical energy is required to transfer materials to overcome
frictional resistance, changes in elevation, changes in internal energy,
and other resistances encountered in the flow system.
 At steady state the total energy balance equation per unit mass:

V12 V22
Eqn-12.01: Z1 g + p1 1 + + u1 + q + W = Z 2 g + p2 2 + + u2
2 2
Z is the vertical distance above datum plane
g the local gravitational acceleration
p the absolute pressure
v the specific volume of the fluid
V the average fluid velocity
α the correction factor (1 for turbulent flow and 0.5 for viscous flow) to account for
the use of the average velocity
u the internal energy of the fluid
q the heat energy transmitted across the fluid boundary from an outside source
Mechanical Energy balance
V12 V22
Eqn-12.02: Z1 g −  vdp + + W0 = Z 2 g +
1 2 2

W the total shaft work provided from an outside source

W0 the mechanical work provided from an outside source, and
F the mechanical energy loss due to friction.

Evaluation of  1
vdp term is difficult for a compressible fluid

However, for a noncompressible fluid, the specific volume v remains

constant, and the integral term reduces simply to v(p2 — p1).
Newtonian Fluids
Fanning Friction Factor, f =
2  2VL
DV 
Reynolds number, Re =

Laminar flow (Hagen-Poiseuille eqn):
16 16 
f = = ; when Re  2100
Re DV 
Turbulent flow (Blasius eqn):
f = ; when 4000  Re  10 5

( Re )
The Colebrook relation is a good approximation
of the friction factor for rough pipe over the entire
turbulent flow range:
1   D 1.256 
= −4 log  +  ; Re  4000

f  3.7 Re f 

If the velocity, viscosity and density remains constant, and the pipe
diameter is uniform over the total pipe length, the mechanical
energy loss due to friction may be obtained from:

2 fLV 2
Newtonian Fluids
Power required for noncompressible fluids:

V2 
 +  ( pv ) +  F
W0 = g Z +  
 2 
 V2  P F
As head W0 = Z +   +  + 
 2 g    g
F L V2
 g =  hL = f D 2 g ;α = 1for turbulent flow
The use of the mechanical energy balance is not recommended for
compressible fluids when large pressure drops in the flow are
involved. In such cases, the total energy balance should be used.
Rearrangement of the total energy balance is given by:

V2 
Eqn-12.13: W0 = g Z +    + h − q
 2 

where h is the enthalpy and is equal to u + pv.

Table 12-1 Expressions for evaluating frictional losses in the flow of fluids through
pipeline systems
(For noncircular, cross-sectional area and turbulent flow, replace D by RH= 4 (cross-
sectional flow area/wetted perimeter)for an approximate frictional loss).
K CV2 2
Sudden contraction, FC = ;  = 0.5 for streamline flow
(V1 − V2 ) 2
Sudden enlargement, Fe = ;  = 1.0 for turbulent flow
Flow through long, straightpipe ofconstant cross-sectional area:
2 fV 2 L
F =
2 fV 2 Le
Fittings, valves, etc.: F =
(V0 − V2 ) 2
Rounded orifice: Fe =
Sharp-edged orifice, venturi: Fp=-p f
Pump Design and Costs Estimation
Example 12.1:
Water is pumped from a large reservoir into an open tank using a
standard steel pipe with an inside diameter of 0.0525 m. The
reservoir and the tank are open to the atmosphere. The difference in
vertical elevation between the water surface in the reservoir and the
discharge point at the top of the tank is 21.3 m. The length of the
pipeline is 305 m. Two gate valves and three standard 90° elbows
are part of the piping system. The efficiency of the pump is 40
percent and includes the losses at the entrance and exit of the
pump. If the flow rate of the water is to be maintained at 3.15 x I0-3
m3/s and the water temperature remains constant at 160C, estimate
the power rating of the motor required to drive the pump.
Use the mechanical energy balance between locations 1 (surface of
the water in the reservoir) and 2 (outside at the discharge point). By
rearranging Eq. (12-2), the mechanical work required is given by:

V22 V12
W0 = ( Z 2 − Z1 ) g + ( − 1 1) +  F
) + ( P2v2 − Pv
2 2

The selection of points 1 and 2 results:

V22/2α = 0, V12/2α = 0, and p2 = p1.

Water is noncompressible:
v2 = v1, P2v2 = P1v1. and Z2 — Z1=21.3 m.

g(Z2 – Z1) = (21.3)(9.806) = 208.7 N-m/kg

µ H2O (16 0C) = 1.12 x l0-3 Pa-s and ρ H2O (16 0C) = 997 kg/m3
3.15 10−3
Average velocity in the pipe, V = = 1.455 m / s

(0.0525) 2
DV  0.0525 1.455  997
Re = = = 68000
 1.12 10 −3

 4.57 10−5
= = 0.00087
D 0.0525
The friction factor from Fig. 12-1 is estimated as 0.0057.
The total Le for fittings and valves is
Le = 2(7)(0.0525) + 3(32)(0.0525) = 5.8 m
Friction due to flow through pipe and all fittings is :
2 f ( L + Le )V 2 2  0.0057  (305 + 5.8)  (1.455) 2
F= = = 143.4 N .m / kg
D 0.0525
Friction due to contraction and enlargement (from Table 12-1) is :
K CV2 2 (V1 − V2 ) 0.5  (1.455) 2 (1.455 − 0) 2
F= + = + = 1.6 N .m / kg
2 2 2 1 2 1
 F =(143.4 + 1.6) N .m / kg = 145.0 N .m / kg
The theoretical mechanical energy required from the pump is 208.7 + 145.0 = 353.7 N-m/kg.
353.7  3.15 10−3  997
W0 = = 2780W  3kW
A software package designed to establish pumping requirements indicates that a 3.5-kW motor would
be needed. Assuming 85 percent efficiency for the motor, the software value for W0 , is also ~3 kW.
Problem 2:
Crude petroleum oil at a flow rate of 2×105 kg/h is pumped from bottom of a column to the
bottom of a storage tank through a 130 m long pipeline. The product having a viscosity of
0.6×10-3 N.s/m2 and a density of 800 kg/m3. The pipeline has 70 m of 200 mm ID at pump
suction and 60 m of 140 mm ID at pump discharge. The 200 mm pipe ID has 2(two) 900
standard radius elbows. The level of the liquid in the column is maintained at 4 m above
ground while the liquid level in the storage tank may vary from 5 m to 12 m, above the ground
level. If the pump operating efficiency is 70%, what will be the supply power in the pump?
Neglect the entrance and exit losses at the column and storage tank. Assume both distillation
column and storage tank were operated at atmospheric condition. Le/D for 900 standard radius
elbow is 32.
 𝑓= for Re < 2100, and

 𝑓= for Re > 2100
𝑁𝑅𝑒 0.16
Pumps types and selection
➢ Gas Pumps
➢ Liquid Pumps

Selection of Pumps
 the total dynamic head required
 the suction and discharge heads
 temperature, viscosity, vapor pressure, and density of the fluid
 solids content in the liquid
 liquid corrosion characteristics
Table 12-4 General guidelines in the preliminary selection of liquid pumps

Type of Max Max Approx Pump Advantages or limitations

pump system Δp/stage, cap limit, efficiency
P, kPa kPa m3/s range, %
Centrifu 48000 2000 10 40-80 Simple, inexpensive, low maintenance cost,
gal viscosities <0.1 Pa-s, require priming, possible
(radial) cavitation, limited peak efficiency.
Axial 35000 200 10 50-80 Moderate cost, low maintenance cost, viscosities
<0.1 Pa-s, possible cavitation, high speed,
and low head.
Regener 5000 3500 <1 20-40 Moderate cost and maintenance, handles
ative volatile liquids, viscosities <0.1 Pa-s, low
(turbine) capacity, high head.

Gear 35000 20000 0.1 40-85 Moderate cost, low maintenance cost, wide
range of viscosities to 400 Pa-s, low capacity,
high head, low noise, overpressure protection
Centrifugal Pumps
 Most widely used in the chemical industry for transferring
 Capacity range 0.5 to 2 x 104 m3/h and discharge heads from a
few meters to approximately 4.9 x 103 m.
Hp  N2
W  N3
Q = volumetric flow rate, N = speed of rotation,
Hp = pump head
W = power required (prime mover)

The preceding equations apply for the ideal case in which there
are no friction, leakage, or recirculation losses.
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

Patm VS2
+  hL
− hS = +
  2g hs

PS VS2 Patm
+ = − hS −  hL
 2g 
PS VS2 PVapor Patm PVapor
+ − = − hS −  hL −
 2g   
Patm PVapor
( NPSH ) A = − hS −  hL − For no cavitation:
 
Specific Speed
 Pump types may be more explicitly defined by the parameter
called specific speed (Ns) expressed by:

Where: Q = discharge (m3/s, or l/s).

Ns = 3
H = pump total head (m).
H 4 N = rotational speed (rpm).

Table 12.5: specific speeds of different pumps

Pump type Ns range (Q – m3/s, H-m)
Process and feed up to 2000
Turbine 2000-5000
Mixed flow 4000 to 10000
Axial flow 9000 to 15000
Pump Efficiency
Poweroutput Wo  QH t
p= = =
Powerinput Wi Wi

 QH t
Wi =
or p

Which is the power input delivered from the motor to the impeller of
the pump.
Change in pump speed (constant size)
 If a pump delivers a discharge Q1 at a head H1 when running at
speed N1, the corresponding values when the same pump is running
at speed N2 are given by the similarity (affinity) laws:

Q2 N 2
= H2  N 2 
Wi 2  N 2 
=  = 
Q1 N1 H1  N1  Wi1  N1 
where Q = discharge (m3/s, or l/s).
H = pump head (m).
N = pump rotational speed (rpm).
Wi = power input (hP, or kw).
Characteristic curves and flow controls
Pump groups
Multistage pumps
Costs for Pumps and Motors

Figures 12-19 through 12-24 provide approximate costs for different

types of pumps and motors that can be used for preliminary design
estimates; firm estimates should be based on vendors' quotations.
Example 1
For the following pump, determine the required pipes diameter to pump
60 L/s and also calculate the needed power.
Minor losses 10 V2/2g
Pipe length 10 km
Roughness = 0.15 mm
Head Hs = 20 m
Q 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Ht 31 35 38 40.6 42.5 43.7 44.7 45

P 40 53 60 60 57 50 35 -
To get 60 L/s from the pump Hs + hL must be < 35 m
Assume the diameter = 300 mm

A = 0.070m 2 ,V = 0.85m / s
Re = 2.25 105 ,  / D = 0.0005, f = 0.019
0.019 10000  ( 0.85 )

hf = = 23.32m
0.3 19.62
10  V 2 10  (0.85)
hm = = = 0.37m
2g 2g

hs + h f + hm = 43.69m  35m
Assume the diameter = 350mm

A = 0.0962m 2 ,V = 0.624m / s

Re = 1.93 105 ,  / D = 0.00043, f = 0.0185

h f = 10.48m,

10  V 2 10  (0.624)
hm = = = 0.2m
2g 2g

 hs + h f + hm = 30.68m 35m

The pump would deliver approximately 70 l/s through the 350 mm pipe and to
regulate the flow to 60 l/s an additional head loss of 4.32 m by valve closure
would be required.
 QH t 1000  9.81 1000
 35
Pi = = = 38869.8W = 38.87kW
p 0.53
 A centrifugal pump running at 1000 rpm gave the following relation between
head and discharge:
Discharge (m3/min) 0 4.5 9.0 13.5 18.0 22.5
Head (m) 22.5 22.2 21.6 19.5 14.1 0
• The pump is connected to a 300 mm suction and delivery pipe the
total length of which is 69 m and the discharge to atmosphere is 15 m
above sump level. The entrance loss is equivalent to an additional 6
m of pipe and f is assumed as 0.024.
1. Calculate the discharge in m3 per minute.
2. If it is required to adjust the flow by regulating the pump speed,
estimate the speed to reduce the flow to one-half.
1) System curve:
 The head required from pump =
static + friction + velocity head
H t =H stat +h f d +  hmd +h f s +  hms +

 Hstat = 15 m
 Friction losses (including equivalent entrance losses) =
8 f LQ 2
 h fs + hms +  h fd +hmd = 2 g D 5
8  0.024  (69 + 6) 2
= Q
 g (0.3)
2 5

= 61.21Q 2 where Q in m3/s

Vd2 1 Q
 Velocity head in delivery pipe = =   = 10.2Q

2g 2g  A 
where Q in m3/s

 H t = 15 + 71.41Q 2 where Q in m3/s
 H t = 15 + 19.83  10 Q 2
where Q in m3/min

 From this equation and the data given in the problem the following table
is compiled:
Discharge (m3/min) 0 4.5 9.0 13.5 18.0 22.5
Head available (m) 22.5 22.2 21.6 19.5 14.1 0
Head required (m) 15.0 15.4 16.6 18.6 21.4 25.0
Pump and Sytem Curves

Head,Ht (m)

4 Pump Curve
2 System Curve
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Discharge, Q (m3 /min)

From the previous Figure, The operating point is:
 QA = 14 m3/min

 HA = 19 m

W0 = QH t = 1000  9.81 1000

19 = 2609.5W = 2.61kW

 At reduced speed: For half flow (Q = 7 m3/min) there

will be a new operating point B at which:
 QB = 7 m3/min
 HB = 16 m
Pump and Sytem Curves

Head,Ht (m)

14 B
Pump Curve
6 System Curve
4 A
2 B
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Discharge, Q (m3 /min)

Q2 N 2 H2  N 2 
= = 
Q1 N1 H1  N1 

H Q 
= 
Based on the conditions of affinity laws, frictional losses
are not considered here. Static head and frictional losses
H B  QB  will be automatically accounted in the total head required.

16 2
H = 2 Q = 0.327Q 2

This curve intersects the original curve for N1 = 1000 rpm at C where
Qc= 8.2 m3/ h and Hc= 21.9 m, then
QB N 2 7 N2
= = N2 = 855rpm
QC N1 8.2 1000
Pump and Sytem Curves

Head,Ht (m)

14 B
12 Pump Curve
10 System Curve
8 A
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Discharge, Q (m3 /min)

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