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Inauthentic Error – ASINs Inactive, No Invoices

Dear Amazon,

Thank you for your message. I highly value the precautions you take to ensure that
customers receive authentic items when purchasing on Amazon. I want to comply fully with
your processes and take responsibility for my actions.

The ASINs you specify were inactive in my account and I have never sold these products. I
have not purchased stock of them, but intended to in the future, hence creating the listings -
to allow for creating a shipment for FBA.

As a result, I don't have any invoices available to send you for these products because I
didn't buy or sell them yet.

I've reviewed your anti-counterfeiting policy and ensured that we are complying with your
policies in all our behaviour.

I hope that this explanation is sufficient and you will reinstate my selling privileges.

Kind regards,

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