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M C L C ...................................................................................................................I
NG D N ........................................................................................................... II
DEBATING SKILLS ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................. 1
................................................................................ 9
TOPIC: TECHNOLOGY IMPROVES OUR LIFE............................................................ 11
TOPIC: VIETNAMESE TET SHOULD BE ABOLISHED. ................................................ 47
TOPIC: IT IS FOOLISH TO GIVE MONEY TO BEGGARS. ........................................... 58
TOPIC: EXPLORING THE PAST IS PURPOSELESS. ................................................... 77
APPENDIX: EXTRA MATERIALS ................................................................................. 89

H c ph n cung c ng th c hành ngôn ng b c nh,
cung c p ki n th c v t v ng, c u trúc ti ng nh m giúp SV t tin và
s c khi tham gia tranh lu n v i bài h c trình bày
tu n t theo quy trình phát tri n ki n th c và phát tri n ki n th c xã h i và k
tranh lu n nhóm thông qua các ho ng, bài t c thi t k trong giáo trình SV
c th c hành tranh lu tài trong su t h c ph n.

Bài 1: Technology improves our life.

Bài 2: Exams exert a pernicious influence on education.

Bài 3: Should sex education be taught in middle school?

Bài 4: Vietnamese Tet should be abolished.

Bài 5: It is foolish to give money to beggars.

Bài 6: Permissive parenting has

Bài 7: Exploring the past is purposeless.

i h c ph i d các bu i h c trên l p và làm bài t p (t i l p và v nhà).


ih c tài li u trong sách và tìm ki m tài li u (báo chí, website, và các bài báo
khoa h chu n b ng cho ch n l p.

n l i h c c n tích c c tham gia th o lu n n hoàn thi n ph n

h n ph n bi n c i h c luy n t p
tranh lu n theo nhóm nh c khi tranh lu c l p. Khi có nhóm
cl ih ct h n xét d a trên
các tiêu chí h c t u khóa.

Môn h m:

- m quá trình chi m h c ph n, g m chuyên c n, bài t p (10%) và thi

v (40%) v các ch c h c trên l n th m thi.

- m thi chi m h c ph n. i h c thi v n).


I. Overview

1. What is a debate?

Look at Figure 1, 2 and 3, then answer the remaining questions.

Figure 1: Communication setting for Academic debate Figure 2: British Parliamentary Debate structure

Figure 3: Speakers in Debate Teams

Extra source:

2. What is a resolution?


3. According to Figure 2, what is the other name of this debate arrangement? How
many teams can be involved in this type of debate?


4. According to Figure 2, what are the roles of each position and what do they do?


5. According to Figure 2, how many minutes should each speaker have?


6. Regarding Figure 3, how many teams are there?


7. Regarding Figure 3, what is the team agreeing with the resolution called?


8. Regarding Figure 3, What is the team disagreeing with the resolution called?

II. Debate format

Instruction: Look at Figure 4. Put B, C and D in the correct order.

Figure 4: The order of speech and their roles

III. The method

A strong argument should include 3 components: Assertion, Reasoning and Evidence.

Here is an example of an argument stated by a speaker in the Affirmative Team for the
resolution education should be taught in middle .

9. What is assertion?
10. What is reasoning?
11. Why is evidence/proof important to build a strong argument?
12. What kinds of evidence/proof can you use to support your argument?
Instruction: Imagine that you were a speaker in
practice: the Affirmative Team / Negative Team, how
would you use ARE method to build your
arguments for these resolutions?
Affirmative team Negative team
A: A:
social media is harming our mental health, self- ...............................................................
image, communication skills, and society at large,
......................................................... ...............................................................
potentially causing more harm than good overall.
......................................................... ...............................................................
does more harm
than R: R:
it is because social media promotes unrealistic
......................................................... ...............................................................
expectations and standards of beauty and
......................................................... ...............................................................
success, often leading to feelings of inadequacy
......................................................... ...............................................................
and low self-esteem.

E: E:
Since the release of smartphones, mental health
......................................................... ...............................................................
concerns have increased in children and young
......................................................... ...............................................................
adults. The rate of adolescents reporting
......................................................... ...............................................................
symptoms of major depression in a given year
increased by 52% from 2005 to 2017. From 2009
A: A:
to 2017, it grew by 63% in adults ages 18 to 25.
......................................................... ...............................................................
Experiencing psychological distress in a given ...............................................................
month grew 71% in young adults from 2008 to ...............................................................
2017. Even worse, the rate of suicidal thoughts in
sex marriage be
young adults increased 47% during that same
R: R:
......................................................... ...............................................................
......................................................... ...............................................................
......................................................... ...............................................................

E: E:
......................................................... ...............................................................
......................................................... ...............................................................
......................................................... ...............................................................
IV. How to rebut (refute) an argument

13. What is a rebuttal?


Here are examples of rebuttals for three different arguments of

three resolutions. Read them carefully then answer the questions

Resolutions Arguments Rebuttals

sex education Sex education should be taught in You said that teen pregnancy can be
be taught in middle middle schools so that students avoid by sex education. a good
can protect themselves from teen point but we must remember that
pregnancy. comprehensive understanding
of sex education may entice them to go
for it.

Vietnamese Single-use plastics should be You claimed that plastic bag is the main
government ban banned by government because cause of global warming. I can see what
single-use plastics the cremation of plastic bags you mean. However, I believe that other
results in the emission of CO2 that culprits such as deforestation and car
accelerates global exhaust fumes are mostly responsible for
warming. global warming rather than plastic bags.

stricter traffic Tet should be abolished due to the You mentioned that there are many
laws can prevent alarming rate of alcohol abuse on traffic accidents because of alcohol abuse
this occasion that leads to high during Tet. true to a certain extent.
death tolls in traffic accidents. The point like to make is that Vietnam
has already witnessed a large number of
victims of traffic accidents every day
despite the presence of police officers.

14. Pay attention the highlighted phrases of each rebuttal. What is the
purpose by using this phrase?


15. What are other signal phrases that can be used to have the same effect?


16. Look at the second sentence of each rebuttal. What is the purpose in
using this sentence?


17. Look at the third sentence of each rebuttal. What is the purpose in using
this sentence? What are signal phrases used to state this purpose?


+ Rebut these arguments
+ Google, Google and Google, then repeat.
Resolutions Arguments Rebuttals
The death penalty is irreversible. Absolute .....................................................
judgments may lead to people paying for .....................................................
crimes they did not commit. A Texas man, .....................................................
named Cameron Todd Willingham, was .....................................................
executed in Texas in 2004 for allegedly .....................................................
Capital punishment setting a fire that killed his three
is the only way to daughters. Following his execution, Further
deter criminals. .....................................................
evidence revealed that Willingham did not
set the fire that caused their deaths. .....................................................
However, it came too late. .....................................................
There is no credible evidence that the death .....................................................
penalty deters crime more effectively than .....................................................
a prison term. In fact, Evidence reveals the
opposite. Since abolishing the death
penalty in 1976, Canadas murder rate has
steadily declined and as of 2016 was at its
lowest since 1966.
People work long hours for very little pay ......................................................
and because of that, they value the money ......................................................
It is foolish to give which they have worked hard to earn. I fail ......................................................
money to beggars. to see why they should give their hard- ......................................................
earned cash to someone who sits on the
street all day. In addition, they pay a
fortune in taxes that supposedly go
towards welfare. Finally, a majority of the ......................................................
beggars are either scams or drug users. I ......................................................
believe that beggars need to earn the ......................................................
money by working instead of being handed
money like a parasite on civilization.

People should be ......................................................

rewarded according In the first place, I do believe that the older ......................................................
to ability, not people get, the wiser they are. It is ......................................................
according to age and apparent that the middle-aged and the old
experience. ......................................................
are considered to be more experienced ......................................................
than the young. Besides, scientists have
also stated that older people are more
likely to make wise decisions than younger
ones. The elderly's brains are scientifically ......................................................
proved not to be ruled by the chemicals ......................................................
that fuel emotion and impulse; therefore, ......................................................
older people hardly make wrong decisions
as younger ones often do.

Preparation for Week 1 Resolution:

Technology improves our life.

Write down 4 benefits + 4 drawbacks of technology

(Here are some key words that can help you brainstorm your ideas:

social media; online shopping system; robot; tech gadgets; Artificial Intelligence;
industrial equipment; means of transport; genetic technologies; spatial technologies;
high-tech crime; health problems; e-waste; data security; privacy concerns; social
disconnect; job insecurity; plagiarism and copyright; etc.)

After studying, students will have the following:

1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding the pros and cons of technology.
enrich technology related vocabularies.
2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding technology.



A. Connect to the topic. Give your opinion. How digital are you? Check ( ) your

I agree I disagree

Educational technology facilitates learning and academic performance.

Google hinders our creativity.

Virtual Reality technology creates a rich source of entertainment.

Young people prefer online chatting to face-to-face communication.

Thanks to technology, business can operate efficiently and effectively.

Some tech gadgets may affect their health.

B. Pair work. Share opinions about how digital you are and give reasons for your answers.

C. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage on pages 1 2 to answer

the questions below.

1. What is the passage mainly about?


2. What aspects were the pros of technology discussed?


3. What aspects were cons of technology discussed?

Reading Passage

T echnology in the 21st century has enabled us as humans to make strides our
ancestors could only dream of. Love it or loathe it, technology affects almost
everything we do today and it also influences most of our plans for the future.
And yet, nagging doubts remain that technology is taking over our lives. One question
remains: Is a hi-tech society delivering all it promised?

Medical practitioners are diagnosing illness quicker and more efficiently through the use
of artificial intelligence and performing surgery effectively with the help of flexible
robots - their hands essentially mimicking the human hand, but with the advantage of
greater rotation and flexibility.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative tech evolutions of our times.
Most companies have started to explore how they can use AI to improve the customer
experience and to streamline their business operations. Currently, these platforms,
provided by the likes of Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, tend to be somewhat broad in
scope, with (often expensive) custom-engineering required to apply them to the specific
tasks an organization may require.

Machine learning and virtual reality now dominate the entertainment space. On-
demand television means that we no longer have to wait to watch our favourite TV
shows, or indeed make decisions on what to watch: machine-learning makes
recommendations based on our viewing habits. Everything personalised, everything
individualised. Virtual reality immerses viewers into live roleplay, and mixed reality has
enabled games like Pokemon Go to flourish.

According to the latest insights as to how exactly modern students of today prefer to
use technology and how does their learning get an impact if they use technology, it
was revealed that the use of modern equipment, technology and tools, the learning and
interactivity of students increases. Visual images always have a strong appeal
compared to words. Using projectors and visuals to aid in learning is another form of
great technological use. Top institutions around the world, now rely on the use of
amazing PowerPoint presentations and projections in order to keep the learning
interactive and interesting.
While we owe a debt of gratitude to the brilliant minds who have gifted us such
innovations, it would be shortsighted to consider technology as solely a boon to
humanity. Often, it can be a bane, having both seen and unseen effects of innumerable
kinds on individuals, groups, and mankind as a whole.

Using tech devices is addictive, and it's becoming more and more difficult to disengage
with their technology. In fact, the average US adult spends more than 11 hours daily
in the digital world, psychologist Doreen Dodgen-Magee wrote in a column for The
Washington Post. She argued that tech addiction should be classified as a diagnosable

Technology can have a negative impact on relationships, particularly when it affects

how we communicate. One of the primary issues is that misunderstandings are much
more likely to occur when communicating via text or email, physician Alex Lickerman
wrote in an article for Psychology Today. Technology is helping to erode is young
people's ability to read body language and nuance in face-to-face encounters.

Using your devices too much before bedtime can lead

to insomnia. That's because of the short-wavelength,
artificial blue light that digital devices emit, which
delays your body's internal clock and circadian
rhythm, and suppress the release of melatonin, the
sleep-inducing hormone, according to the National
Sleep Foundation.

Instant access to information makes us less self-

sufficient. These days, we have a world of information
at our fingertips via the internet. While this is useful, it does have some drawbacks.
Entrepreneur Beth Haggerty said she finds that it "limits pure creative thought, at
times, because we are developing habits to Google everything to quickly find an
D. Watch a clip. Answer these questions:

Click the link:

1. What types of technology are discussed in the video clip?



2. Name two advantages of technology in the clip.



3. Name two disadvantages of technology in the clip.



4. is nothing. important is that you have faith in people, that

basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, do wonderful things with
said Steve Job in the clip. How you do understand this statement?



Here are two ideas from the reading passages you can use to think about
the rebuttals. Write down the rebuttals for these two ideas and write your own
arguments using the keywords if possible.

Learn Arguments Rebuttals

A: Using projectors and visual aids in R:
learning is another form of great .......................................................
technological use in order to keep the .......................................................
learning interactive and motivated. .......................................................
R: Learners, especially at young ages, .......................................................
tend to react well to pictures, colorful
illustrations and highlighted words. As a C:
result, the teaching and learning process .......................................................
can be markedly enhanced, thus, it is not .......................................................
uncommon to notice the application of
technology in daily classroom these C: Visual aids, in fact, bring benefits to
days. visual students while kinesthetic, auditory
ones and other types of learners may not
E: According to a research by be susceptible to such technology
Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad and Iqbal advancement. Some children find those
in 2015, 70% of the students and are distracting and not facilitating their
teachers agree that the visual aids study. Thus, visual assistance in teaching
increase is not a one-size-fits-all approach to
incentive to teaching.
broaden their [You can also rebut by mentioning the
horizon quality of the projectors (blurry images/
broken), and not all teachers are able to
use those effectively => waste resources]

..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
Communicate Arguments Rebuttals
A: Technology is contributing to the R:
erosion young people's ability to .......................................................
communicate through forming body .......................................................
language such as making eye contact .......................................................
and nuance in face-to-face encounters. .......................................................

R: C:
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................

E: According to Emily research C: proficiency in decoding body

(2015) on 100 students from Elon language and in-person conversations
University, an overwhelming 92% of relies on their communicative skill which
respondents believed technology is mostly influenced by their
negatively affects face-to-face surroundings. Therefore, technology
communication. be reproached for our poor

..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................
..................................................... .......................................................

Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or disagree?

Which were the strongest arguments for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10.

I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:







[3]Drago, E. (2015). The effect of technology on face-to-face communication. Elon

Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 6(1). Retrieved from
[4]Shabiralyani, G., Hasan, K. S., Hamad, N., & Iqbal, N. (2015). Impact of Visual
Aids in Enhancing the Learning Process Case Research: District Dera Ghazi Khan.
Journal of education and practice, 6(19), 226-233. Retrieved from

After studying, students will have the following:

1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding the pros and cons of standardized

enrich exam related vocabularies.

2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding exams.





A. Connect to the topic

Do you think these statements about your learning are true or false? Check
( ) your ideas.

True False Reason

1. I have butterflies in my stomach

when sitting an exam.

2. My academic performance in class is

high but my test scores are low.

3. Teachers only to the but

overlook other areas of the lessons.

4. My parents just care about my test


B. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage on pages 1 3 to answer the

questions below.

1. What are the passages mainly about?

Passage 1:

Passage 2:

2. Do the benefits of standardized test outweigh the drawbacks?

Reading Passage 1

The debate over standardized testing can be heated. Some say that standardized
testing is the best way to accurately evaluate students. Others believe that
standardized testing provides skewed, inaccurate results. There are many pros and
cons of standardized testing. important to cut through the debate and identify
exactly what these tests are designed to do, and why.

Standardized tests attempt to take an the measurement of a

educational ability. It is used to determine current averages and identify high and low
performers so that each student can be treated accordingly. All test takers answer the
same questions and are scored the same way. This makes it possible to compare
individual students based on their performance. The testing sample can be as small as
a classroom or as broad as the entire country.

Whether to identify struggling students who need help, or gifted children for possible
advancement, standardized tests provide benchmarks of average performance so this
is possible. These benchmarks also help decide the distribution of federal funds to
schools across the country. Standardized tests remain part of our education system,
but are they really helping or hurting students?

There are a number of reasons standardized testing is good:

- Standardized testing can provide benchmarks for parents and teachers. This allows
parents and teachers to see how a student is doing compared to other students in
his or her class, city, and country.

- Standardized tests can help identify problem areas in individual students, as well as
schools and curriculums.

- It provides guidelines for curriculum. Standardized tests give teachers a structure

of what needs to be taught. This helps keep classroom material consistent across
the country.

- It prevents subjective grading. This helps to eliminate marking bias and ensures
rationale behind each test question.
- It is a practical and accurate way of evaluating what a student does or does not
know across areas like math, reading, and writing.

While this method of testing can provide value, there are also a number of
reasons standardized testing is bad:

- It can create major stress. Students feel the pressure when it comes to performing
well on tests. Test scores can affect student confidence. This can lead to students
developing a negative attitude about their abilities and a dislike for school.

- Teachers may end up to the rather than giving students a deeper

understanding of a subject. This also creates a classroom atmosphere that lacks
creativity and can limit a learning potential due to boredom.

- It evaluates performance without considering external factors.

Standardized tests consider factors like test anxiety, home life, or the fact that
some kids are extremely bright but just test well.

- It only considers a single test performance upon evaluation. It does not consider
how much a student has grown over the course of the year. This can be a disservice
to teachers who worked to help their students grow, and students who put in their
best effort to improve but performed poorly on one test.

- It creates a limited scope of learning and success. Standardized tests only measure
specific areas like reading, writing, and math. They provide a full picture of
soft skills needed to learn, such as creativity, motivation, and cooperation.

Teaching students good study habits can help relieve test-taking stress and anxiety. This
is one of the main factors cited by standardized testing critics as contributing to out-of-
character scores. If you are concerned about the performance of your child, there are
ways to improve the easiest of which is to hire a tutor. A tutor can help students
develop a test-taking strategy, manage their time, and improve critical thinking skills.
Holding frequent tutoring sessions can help identify a strengths and
weaknesses. This will give him or her a better idea of how to best prepare for a test.

Reading Passage 2

Study says standardized testing is overwhelming public schools

By Lyndsey Layton

October 24, 2015

The number of standardized tests U.S. public

school students take has exploded in the past
decade, with most schools requiring too many
tests of dubious value, according to the first
comprehensive survey of the largest

A typical student takes 112 mandated

Yamarko Brown, 12, works on math problems

standardized tests between pre-kindergarten
as part of a trial run of a new state assessment classes and 12th grade, a new Council of the Great
test at Annapolis Middle School in Annapolis,
City Schools study found. By contrast, most
Md. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
countries that outperform the United States on
international exams test students three times during their school careers.

In a video posted to Facebook by the White House on Saturday, President Obama

pledged to take steps to reduce testing overload.

In smart, strategic tests can help us measure our progress in school,

and it can help them Obama said. I also hear from parents who, rightly,
worry about too much testing, and from teachers who feel so much pressure to teach
to a test that it takes the joy out of teaching and learning, both for them and for the
students. I want to fix

The heaviest testing load falls on the natio eighth-graders, who spend an average of
25.3 hours during the school year taking standardized tests, uniform exams required
of all students in a particular grade or course of study. Testing affects even the youngest
students, with the average pre-K class giving 4.1 standardized tests, the report found.
Parents are revolting against standardized tests

The study analyzed tests given in 66

urban districts in the 2014-2015 school
year. It did not count quizzes or tests
created by classroom teachers, and it did
not address the amount of time schools
devote to test preparation.

It portrays a chock-a-block jumble, where

tests have been layered upon tests under
mandates from Congress, the U.S.
Department of Education and state and
local governments, many of which the
study argues have questionable value to
teachers and students. Testing companies
that aggressively market new exams also
share the blame, the study said.

is culpable said Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of

the Great City Schools. got multiple actors requiring, urging and encouraging
a variety of tests for very different reasons that necessarily add up to a clear
picture of how our kids are doing. The result is an assessment system not very
intelligent and not

Ahead of the release, the U.S. Department of Education offered a mea culpa of
sorts, issuing a 10-page to states and local districts that spells out ways
to reduce redundant and low-quality testing. The department pledged to make money
and staff available to help and promised to amend some of its policies.

The agency is recommending that states cap the amount of time devoted to test-taking
to no more than 2 percent of class time. A similar proposal is part of the bill pending in
the Senate to replace No Child Left Behind. Casserly cautioned against an arbitrary
limit, saying he is concerned that states would indiscriminately lop off tests to meet a
federal testing cap. A better approach, he said, would be a coordinated effort among
all players federal, state and local to come up with a more thoughtful system.
The report adds fuel to the national debate about testing that has spurred
various movements among parents and students and has put growing political
pressure on Congress and state legislatures to cut back.

In one of the most notable attempts to reduce testing, Miami-Dade County Public
Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho earlier this year cut the number of district-
created end-of-course exams from 300 to 10 and eliminated them entirely for
elementary schools.

believe in said Carvalho, who runs the fourth-largest school

district. fewer assessments of higher quality are better. . . . What we have now
across the country is confusing, hard to navigate and, I believe, abusive of both teacher
and student

California eliminated its high school graduation test three weeks ago, joining Minnesota,
Mississippi, Alaska, Rhode Island and South Carolina. Virginia has reduced its number
of state-level tests, and Montgomery County, Md., last month put an end to its high
school final exams.

One of largest school districts ditches high school final exams

Standardized testing has caused intense debate on Capitol Hill as lawmakers work to
craft a replacement for No Child Left Behind. Testing critics tried unsuccessfully to erase
the federal requirement that schools test in math and reading. Civil rights advocates
pushed back, arguing that tests are an important safeguard for struggling students
because publicly reported test scores illuminate the achievement gap between
historically underserved students and their more affluent peers.

Is it a civil right to take a test?

But even testing supporters agree about an overload.

those of us who support annual assessments,

it doe mean we support this said
Kati Haycock, president of the Education Trust, an
advocacy group focused on reducing the
achievement gap. a clear problem

Testing tends to be concentrated between

February and May. The study found
numerous examples of redundancy, with students
often taking an end-of-course test, an Advanced Placement test and a final exam for
the same course.

In 40 percent of districts surveyed, test results available until the following school
year, making them useless for teachers who want to use results to help guide their
work in the classroom, Casserly said.

Jeffrey Cipriani teaches second grade at Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot School in Boston.
Even though his students are not in a grade that is required by federal law to be tested,
the Boston Public Schools has him administer reading tests to his students three times
a year. Because the tests are individual and can be as long as 90 minutes, it takes
Cipriani about three weeks to test the whole class.

a colossal amount of he said. probably spend about 60 hours not teaching

reading but just sort of giving those assessments. valuable but not that

The study found no correlation between the amount of testing in a district and the way
its students perform on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a
federal test given every two years that is the only consistent measure of student
achievement across state lines.

assess our way to academic excelle Carvalho, of the Miami-Dade school

system, said.

While public schools have been administering standardized tests for generations, the
current buildup began after Congress passed No Child Left Behind in 2001 and required
states to test all students in math and reading annually from third grade through eighth
grade, and once in high school.

States that failed to make academic progress faced a series of consequences. States
and districts responded by adding new tests during the school year to ensure students
were on track.

prepare for the test to prepare for the test to prepare for the said Robert
Schaeffer of the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, a nonprofit organization
critical of standardized testing.

And, the study found, Obama administration policies have escalated the issue.
To win a grant under the competitive Race to the
Top program, or to receive a waiver from No Child
Left Behind, states had to evaluate teachers based
in part on student test scores. Since federal law
required standardized tests only in math and
reading in certain grades, states added tests in
social studies, science, languages even physical
education to have scores they could use to evaluate teachers.

In its new guidance to states, the U.S. Department of Education tries to soften its
emphasis on using test scores to evaluate teachers and urges states and local districts
to cut down on redundant and low-quality tests.

The agency also pledged to work with states to amend waivers they have received
under No Child Left Behind reduce testing in grades and subjects that are not subject
to federal testing requirements and/or find alternative to judge student
achievement and use that to evaluate teachers.


Here are two ideas from the reading passages you can use to think about
the rebuttals. Write down the rebuttals for these two ideas and write your own
arguments using the keywords if possible.

Stress Arguments Rebuttals

A: Standardized testing can create major R: ........................................................
stress. Students feel the pressure when it ............................................................
comes to performing well on tests. ............................................................
R: ..................................................... ............................................................
.......................................................... C: ........................................................
.......................................................... ............................................................
.......................................................... C: high expectation can be the
.......................................................... primary source of stress when students are
.......................................................... under pressure of standing out with high
E: From an article in in
2019, 80% of the teachers are able to use
assessment data to monitor their
progress and help them with areas that
need improvements.

.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
28 VIE

Benchmarks Arguments Rebuttals

A: Standardized testing can provide R: .......................................................
benchmarks for teachers and parents to ............................................................
see if their children are doing well at school ............................................................
compared to other students in his or her ............................................................
class, or even in other cities, and countries. ............................................................

R: ..................................................... C: ........................................................
......................................................... ............................................................
......................................................... C: Even though standardized testing can
provide a benchmark for teachers, it cannot
E: From an article in in reflect a full potential. This is
2019, 80% of the teachers are able to use because each student has different
assessment data to monitor their strengths and weaknesses.
progress and help them with areas that
need improvements. [Optional] For example, multiple-choice
tests in which students choose A, B or C,
reveal problem-solving
strategies for their options. Students may
come up with correct answers due to their
random selection. Therefore, teachers
cannot help students improve their

......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................
......................................................... ..........................................................

Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or disagree? Which were the
strongest arguments for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10.

I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:








Extra sources:

[1]Should we get rid of standardized testing?

[2]How stress affects your body - Sharon Horesh Bergquist

[3]Do Standardized Tests Do More Harm Than Good?

[4]Standardized Testing: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.

[5]10 reasons why Finland's education system is the best in the world

[6]No Child Left Behind (NCLB): What You Need to Know

[7]Formative vs. Summative Assessments: What's the Difference?

After studying, students will have the following:

1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding the pros and cons of sex-
enrich sex-ed related vocabularies.

2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding sex-ed.






A. Connect to the topic

Discussion: In a group of two, talk and decide whether these statements are True
(T) or False (F).

Statements True False

1. Females are born with a lifetime supply of eggs.
2. Only guys have nocturnal emissions (also known as wet dreams).
3. Ejaculated sperm can live in a body for up to five days.
4. A penis has more nerve endings than a vagina.
5. The clitoris is the only human organ that exists for pleasure.
6. Women can ejaculate, too.
7. You can fracture a penis.
8. Sperm is the same thing as semen.


Extra questions:

education-13110515 )
B. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage 1, 2 and extra to answer the questions below.

1. What are the passages mainly about?

Passage 1:


Passage 2:




2. What are some arguments made about sex education for middle schoolers??

Passage 1:




Passage 2:





Reading Passage 1


By Elizabeth Boskey, PhD.

There's nothing simple about teaching kids

about sex. In these times of precocious pre-
teens, pregnancy among teenagers, and
sexually transmitted diseases and infections
(STDs), children and adolescents need much
more than a one-time chat about the birds and
the bees. Pregnancy prevention and safe sex really should be ongoing, age-appropriate

Ideally, children will get all of the information they need at home from their parents,
but school should also be an important source of information. Research has shown time
and time again that abstinence-only education doesn't work. Here are 10 reasons why
comprehensive sex education should be taught in schools.

1. Studies Say "Just Say No" Doesn't Change Opinions

The research has shown it time and time again: Abstinence-only education doesn't
affect the rates at which teenagers decide to have sex. Given that the primary purpose
of abstinence-only education is to do exactly that, it is clear that it doesn't work.

Admittedly, comprehensive sex education doesn't discourage kids from having sex
either. However, it does teach them how to have safer sex.

2. Just Teaching No Doesn't Help Those Who Will Say Yes

One of the biggest problems with abstinence-only education is that it denies teenagers
the chance to learn about acceptable options other than abstinence. Given that no form
of sex education has been shown to effectively convince teenagers not to have sex, this
is a significant problem. Presumably, parents and educators want adolescents to be as
healthy and happy as possible. One would hope that would be true even if those
adolescents aren't managing to conform to the standards of behavior that adults would
consider ideal.
3. Just Because You Have a Raincoat Doesn't Mean It's Going To Rain

There's a silver lining to studies that say abstinence-only doesn't encourage kids not to
have sex. What is it? All the other studies that say providing condoms in schools doesn't
make kids more promiscuous. Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have consistently
demonstrated that teaching comprehensive sex education in schools doesn't have the
downside most people are afraid of. In other words, providing condoms in schools doesn't
encourage adolescents to start having sex earlier, or even more often.

Having those condoms available does seem to encourage teens to use them, but only
if they would be having sex anyway.

4. One in Two High School Students Have Had Sex. Which One Is Yours?

A large number of teens are sexually active.

According to the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance Survey, or YRBSS, in 2015, 41%
of high school students had had sex at least once. Eleven-and-a-half percent had had
four or more sexual partners. Fifty-seven percent of sexually active students had used
condoms the last time they had sex, but only 18 percent had used birth control pills.
Furthermore, one-fifth of sexually active high school students had used drugs or alcohol
before the most recent time they had sex.

5. Start Safe and Stay Safe

A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that teens who
start using condoms from the first time they have intercourse score higher on several
sexual health measures than teens who don't.7 The scientists followed more than 4,000
teens for an average of almost seven years. They found that those adolescents who
used condoms at their first intercourse had the same number of sexual partners as
those who didn't. However, they were 30% more likely to have used condoms during
their most recent sexual experience. They were also only half as likely to have been
infected with chlamydia and gonorrhea.

6. Boys Want to Be Men, So Teach Them to Be Good Men

Part of staying healthy is seeking appropriate health care. As boys age, many of them
stop going for preventative health care. This limits the opportunities they have to be
screened for, among other things, STDs.
A study in Pediatrics found that parents who talk to their male children about sex are
more likely to have boys who go to the doctor. It's all about setting a good example.

One of the biggest risk factors for not seeking care is holding traditional views about
masculinity. It's important that young men learn early that taking care of their health
is one of the most "manly" things they can do.

7. Comprehensive Sex Ed Doesn't Encourage Kids to Have Sex

Comprehensive sex education doesn't encourage kids to have sex. Just like abstinence-
only programs, good comprehensive programs teach students that abstinence is the
only surefire way to prevent pregnancy and STDs. The difference is that these programs
also give students realistic and factual information about the safety of various sexual
practices, and how to improve the odds.

8. It's the Parents' Job to Teach the Faith

Nothing about comprehensive sex education prevents parents from teaching their kids
their standards for moral behavior. If anything, having them learn the facts at school
frees parents to focus on explaining their own personal religious beliefs and behavioral

9. The More Kids Know, the More Likely They Are to Say No

Teenagers aren't stupid. When a teacher tells them that only abstinence can protect
them from the dangers of STDs and pregnancy, they know they're being lied to. At the
very least, they know they're being misled. Giving adolescents an accurate picture of
the risks of different types of sexual behavior can help them make informed decisions
about sex.

The most effective sex education programs tend to be the ones that try to steer teens
away from specific activities that are particularly high risk.

10. Comprehensive Sex Encourages Abstinence, Not Ignorance

What do teenagers do when they haven't been given accurate information about sexual
risks? They have oral sex, or even anal sex, instead of vaginal intercourse. In particular,
many teenagers don't see oral sex as incompatible with abstinence. That's true even
though oral sex can transmit several STDs. Abstinence-only education sometimes
encourages students to abstain from sex without ever telling them what sex is. In
contrast, when comprehensive sex education is taught in schools, it may encourage
teens to make more informed decisions before participating in alternative sexual
behaviors. Without enough information, those are behaviors that teens may falsely
assume are safe.

(Title: Top 10 Reasons to Support Sex Education in Schools)


Reading passage 2:


By Nursing@USC Staff

1. Health Outcomes

The impact of sex education policies becomes clearer when

considering that in 2016, the United States had higher rates
of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease than
most other industrialized countries. What feels like progress
at the state level can be seen as mere catch-up to the policies
of other developed nations that require teachers to discuss
sex ed as early as kindergarten.

2. Teen Pregnancy

Even though the U.S.

falls behind other
industrialized nations in
preventing teen births,
its teen pregnancy
rates hit an all-time low
in 2016, a decade-long
trend that has been
attributed by many studies to increased education about contraception in public
Research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health External link concluded that
when sex education included information about contraception, teens had a lower risk
of pregnancy than adolescents who received abstinence-only or no sex education. The
findings could alleviate a common fear of parents and teachers who worry that students
are more likely to increase their sexual activity after receiving comprehensive sex

The more teens can access accurate information from a trusted provider, the more
prepared they can be when making decisions about their bodies and relationships.
Granger said that in her clinical experience, teens will make a decision to engage in
sexual activity whether or not they feel adequately informed, leaving health
professionals with an opportunity to promote sexual health literacy.

will often reach out for education after they have made their Granger
said. they reach out, important for this education to be accurate and
comprehensive, not biased or based on

3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections

According to the CDC, teens who identify with LGBTQ communities can be at higher
risk of contracting STDs, but safeguarding against transmissions becomes difficult when
states prohibit teachers from discussing sexual orientation in class.

Some states expect that sexual orientation will get discussed at home, but the reality
is that many students feel they lack the relationships to comfortably ask parents,
teachers or peers about health information related to orientation.

who are healthy

and in supportive
relationships involving
friends and family will
often make much
different decisions than those who said Granger, who has conducted research
on the impact of relationships on adolescent development. present and
meaningful relationships with parents and other family members are all protective
factors from a variety of interrelated risky
some states, teachers are allowed to answer questions from students, even if it
focuses on a forbidden topic like STDs or sexual orientatio Nash said. Though this
loophole is disappearing in some states like Tennessee, it allows students to stay
engaged in discussions that would otherwise exclude them because of focus on
heterosexual relationships.

students are becoming open about their sexual identities and preferences, and
schools have to address Nash said. But discrepancies persist across communities
over the responsibility of providing meaningful sex education.

4. Having

One of the main challenges of mandating comprehensive sex education is considering

everyone involved in the process: students, their classmates, parents, teachers and
legislators. Teachers feel pressure from parents to deliver just the right amount of
information, but students tune out when educators fail to address their individual

So whose responsibility is it to make sure young people have the information they need
to make healthy choices? In areas where sex ed required, states can assume that
parents will educate their children at home, but studies show that adolescents are
increasingly more likely to seek information from social media and online communities,
which can be more inclusive of gender and sexual minorities, but not consistently
reliable for medical accuracy.

Granger said assigning responsibility for is

part of the problem that leaves teens uninformed.

of the weaknesses in our current system is that

we're trying to assign primary responsibility and it is
too tall of an order for any single entity to try to
she said.

When a disconnect between the information students get at school and what
they can find on the Internet, mixed messaging makes it harder for teens to rely on
the people they trust.
where medical professionals can step in, according to Granger. She currently
practices in Washington, one of few states that allows minors to seek testing and
treatment for STDs, as well as contraception, without consent from a parent or

do, however, tell patients' parents about the consent to treat law, and the
fact that it was designed to help youth seek treatment for communicable
Granger said. Though the conversations can be difficult, she said acknowledging the
awkwardness can alleviate the tension around discussions of sexual health for parents
and their children.

practitioner handles this she said. I always try to talk to

the parents separately, the child separately, and then the parent and the child

Encouraging openness and compassion helps both parents and teens keep
communication flowing with honesty, according to Granger, and is something all family
nurse practitioners can do with their patients.

Sometimes the best place to start can be asking teenage patients to talk about what
they already know. does having sex mean to Granger recommends asking
as a jumping off point to deeper conversations.

developing these curricula, myself

included, need to think about the common goal to
help youth maintain a positive sense of self-
esteem, work toward healthy life goals and make
responsible decisions with their Granger
said. all need to do our part. We need to
educate teens whenever and wherever they


Here is an idea from the reading passages you can use

to think about the rebuttals. Write down the rebuttals for
these two ideas and write your own arguments using the
keywords if possible.

Abstain Arguments Rebuttals

A: Comprehensive sex education may serve ..........................................................

the purpose of helping children abstain ..........................................................
from early-age sexual activities. ..........................................................
R: Having a thorough understanding of sex ..........................................................
such as oral sex, vaginal intercourse or even ..........................................................
anal sex may quench their curiosity, which ..........................................................
(in turn) can encourage teens to make more ..........................................................
informed decisions before participating in ..........................................................
sexual behaviors. ..........................................................
E: Findings from a recent study conducted ..........................................................
in Portugal by a group of researchers ..........................................................
reveals that in 2019 formal sex education ..........................................................
before first sexual intercourse was ..........................................................
associated with delaying sexual initiation, ..........................................................
in particular, this form of raising awareness ..........................................................
lessens the number of adolescents (<15 ..........................................................
years old) who have sexual intercourse. ..........................................................

.......................................................... ..........................................................
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.......................................................... ..........................................................

A task for
Arguments Rebuttals

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AGAINST ..........................................................

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Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or disagree?

Which were the strongest arguments for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10.

I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:




[1]Reis, M., Ramiro, L., Matos, M. G. D., & Diniz, J. A. (2011). The effects of sex
education in promoting sexual and reproductive health in Portuguese university
students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 477 485. doi:
10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.266. Retrieved from:

[2]America's Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students. (2017, September 18).
Retrieved from

Extra sources

[1][Recommended] Greater Boston Video: Debating Sex Education Curriculum

[2][Recommended] Why Schools Teach Sex-Ed

[3] Being a Young Person: Comprehensive Sexuality Education

[4]Best of Advice | Sex Education

Extra reading:

Many think it is inappropriate to teach children about sex, whilst others think it should
be a choice to inform their own child, according to a poll by baby product

The survey, published May 2011, which questioned more

than 1,700 parents of children aged five to 11, found that
59 per cent do not agree with the fact that sex education is
often taught to children in schools, even from a young age.
Almost half (48 per cent) of those questioned said children
should be at least 13 years old before it is appropriate to teach them about sex, the survey
found. Of those that agree that sex education should be taught in schools, 41 per
cent said it was inappropriate to teach youngsters about the subject, while one in four (28
per cent) said it should be the choice to teach their own child.

A similar proportion (27 per cent) said there was no need for children to know about
sex. Contraception was the most popular topic that parents said should be covered in
sex education lessons (chosen by 65 per cent), followed by puberty (49 per cent),
homosexuality (48 per cent) and sexually transmitted infections (47 per cent). co-founder Andy Barr said: am not surprised by the results of the
study, with the majority of parents against the idea of sex education in a school
environment. is a sensitive subject and parents have their own way to approach
it and want to control what their children know, even more so at a young

At the moment, both primary and secondary schools have to teach pupils age-
appropriate lessons about the biology of sex in science. Schools must also have a sex
education policy, although the subject is not compulsory. The future of sex education
is part of a current review of the entire national curriculum ordered by ministers. polled 1,732 parents in the UK, with children aged between 5 and 11 years old.

- Respondents were initially asked you agree with the fact that sex education is
often taught to children in schools, even from a young to which over half of
them, 59%, said
- The respondents who claimed that sex education should not be taught in schools to
children were then asked to explain their decision. 41% said that sex education is
for whilst just less than a third, 28%, stated that it should
be to decide whether or not they wanted to educate their child
on the subject.

- A further 22% thought that might encourage children to ask more about sexuality
and whilst one in ten, 9%, feared that would be if taught to
younger children in schools.

- According to the research, just under half of the total respondents, 48%, also
thought that sex education should not be part of the school curriculum until at least
the age of 13 and, even then, the majority, 65%, said it should mostly be about
contraception. 36% claimed that they thought it should focus more on relationships
between men and women.

- Furthermore, when asked you already been asked about sex by your
just under two third, 61%, answered 47% of these same parents admitted
that their child was aged between 4 and 5 when they first asked the question, whilst
36% said they were aged between 6 and 7 when they first asked.

- When asked did you react when you were asked about sex by your over
a third, 38%, admitted to feeling One in three, 32%, know
what to whilst 13% their children to the 2nd for them to
deal with it and 7% just the

After studying, students will have the following:
1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding the pros and cons of Tet holiday.
enrich Tet related vocabularies.

2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding Tet.

V 47




A. Connect to the topic

Warm-up: talk about the Tet of 2020

What are your opinions Do you think that over-3-month-long holiday is not enough
and it is too early to get back to school? What did you do to kill time during the social
distancing? What are three things that you miss most?

To doctors -
all heroes wear

Discussion: In a group of three, talk to your partners and fill in the table.

Partner A Partner B Myself

1. What do you usually do to prepare
for Tet holiday?
2. What do people usually do during
Tet holiday?
3. How much lucky money did you
receive for Tet 2020?
4. Is lucky money important to you?
Do you let your mom keep it?
5. How do you think of a 30-day Tet
holiday for 2021?
B. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage on pages 1 3 to answer the questions below.

1. What are the passages mainly about (preserving or abolishing Tet)?

Passage 1:


Passage 2:


Reading Passage 1


By Tran Dinh Thu

A government decision to allow a long nine-day Tet holiday, January 28 to February 5,

has prompted me to speak out on an issue that I have long been concerned about. A
long Tet holiday, considered a move to encourage consumption, can do more harm
than good. A long holiday surely encourages consumption and promotes some
businesses. But it should be considered carefully. It encourages consumption for the
rich while further impoverishing the poor.

According to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, eight percent of
Vietnamese people are considered poor. But that statistic is based on our low poverty
thresholds, a monthly income of VND400,000 (US$19) in rural areas and VND500,000
in the cities.

If we apply the World Bank threshold of $60 monthly, Vietnam has up to 17 million
people (18 percent of population) under the poverty threshold and 23 million others
living near the poverty line. In total, nearly half of Vietnamese people are either poor
are nearly poor, who have to struggle every day to make ends meet. Only 20 percent
of the population have real disposable income.

It may be reasonable to encourage this group to consume in some other countries, but
not in Vietnam where many people consider it a loss of face if they can't do something
others can. Those on top take pride as though they are superior to others if they have
things others don't.
With this way of thinking, consumption encouragement will affect the whole society and
not just 20 percent of population. The rich spend their own money, but the poor spend
borrowed money, which can have harmful consequences.

We are no longer living in a time when people are worried that they do not have enough
food. Poverty now means a lack of money for other demands like recreational activities.
But watch out if we want to encourage spending for these demands.

With a majority of people having monthly incomes of VND1.3 million ($62) or a little
bit more, encouraging consumption is harmful. Many people have already gone deep
into debt with their Tet spending. Swindling and robbery are only one of the results of
these debts.

When writing the script for the movie Lay chong Han (Marrying Korean Husbands), I
was really surprised by related statistics. Nearly half a million Vietnamese women have
married South Korean men and some 100,000 women are marrying foreigners every
year. I guess many of them do so because of poverty and the common but incorrect
perception of loss of face. And encouraging consumption plays an indirect role in this.

Frequent encouragement of consumption when a majority of the population is living

near the poverty line can significantly affect society. It can impoverish a major group
of people and weaken the country generally. I think we should instead curb holidays
and encourage people to curb their spending to stabilize their lives rather than
encourage consumption.

For the entrepreneurs, they should focus more on international markets rather than
earning on local people. Because actually, encouraging people to spend more on
holidays is getting them to waste money on things they don't need.

Like any other Vietnamese, I understand that the Lunar New Year is a holy tradition.
But it is a cultural event. Economically, we should reconsider the celebration.

In the old days, when Vietnam was an undeveloped agricultural country, people farmed
for their family's demand. They could take a long Tet of up to two months without
affecting the society as a whole. Each family spent the holidays however they wanted
as long as they could produce enough for their own demand.
But things have changed. If an economic sector stops, the whole society is affected.
We have an open economy now, and each sector affects another. But instead, we still
maintain the long-time tradition of our Tet holidays without improving on the tradition.

How can a long Tet holiday affect an economy? I'll just list some of the many ways that
it affects development.

1. First, many urgent tasks will be delayed.

During the last month of the Lunar Year before Tet, workers think about the holidays
and do not focus on work as the celebration draws nearer. They often delay
important tasks until after Tet: from small things like internal affairs to more
important things like signing contracts and breaking ground for major projects.

2. Second, many people do not return to work with

all of their productivity after Tet.

It is clear in governmental offices, when many

people do not work seriously during the first
weeks after Tet. Many bosses leave the office at
noon or at around 2-3 p.m. for year-end and
new-year parties. Many workers who want to
work seriously do not have the chance to do so,
as they may have to wait for orders or approvals
from these bosses.

Such a lazy working attitude affects the whole economy. I think Tet is not suitable for
the modern economy. Remove it or modify it to be suitable with the current situation!
Otherwise, it will be a major hindrance to the country's development.

Reading passage 2:


By Chu Lan Huong

And/or, why are we celebrating two New Years every


Amidst all the happy hustle and bustle associated with the
approach of Tet (Lunar New Year), this topic is being
revisited this year on social media with surprising fervour.

If memory serves me right, the topic was first raised more than 10 years ago by a
famous professor who controversially suggested that the Lunar New Year celebration
be done away with, and Viet Nam as a nation shifts to celebrating the solar New Year,
based on the Gregorian calendar.

The argument went thus: The long time that Vietnamese people took to
celebrate Tet meant the loss of opportunities to do business with foreign partners;
farmers would spend less time tending to the Winter-Spring rice harvest, the biggest
of the year, causing losses; it wasted time that students should spend studying; the
celebration promoted social evils like gambling and drinking; there were more traffic
accidents; and working days were wasted.

Many people applauded this suggestion, including economists and other experts. They
argued that having two different holidays for the solar and lunar new years affected
businesses and production. This year, the argument has gained some added traction,
with people saying greater international integration, an avowed national target, was a
reason to celebrate just one New Year. Japan is pointed to as an example, with some
even going to the extent of saying celebrating the New Year like Westerners was one
of the factors in the East Asian many economic achievements, including
becoming the third largest economy in the world.

Other reasons have weighed in against the festival, too. Some people said it stressed
them out. They were tired of shopping before the holiday, and then cooking and visiting
relatives during the holiday.
"Actually, I am afraid of Tet now. The traditional part of it has been gradually
vanishing", said Nguyen Hai Huyen, from Ha Noi. It was no longer a big family affair
with people getting together to make things, she said.

"Every year, I am exhausted preparing for Tet (on my own), and the enjoyment is
missing, really," she said. .

Predictably, the other side is outraged.

seen this nonsensical debate going on these days over whether we should abolish
the traditional Tet said To Quyen, a Vietnamese woman living in the United
Kingdom. say nonsensical because this should not be an issue at all. If you are
Vietnamese, you celebrate Tet. This cannot

She has a point, I would say. There can be no argument that Tet is the biggest and
perhaps the oldest festival in Viet Nam, bringing people together to celebrate a sacred,
meaningful annual event. It is an occasion when members of a family, no matter where
they are and what they do to earn a living, get together and pray in front of the
ancestral altar. Returning home to celebrate Tet is de rigueur for just about every
Vietnamese citizen, whether they are away from home within the country or abroad.
In fact, the festival draws thousands of foreign visitors looking to get an authentic feel
for the country.

Duong Trung Quoc, a historian, says that like other

countries in Asia, Vietnamese people are original rice
farmers, and their lives are connected closely with lunar
calendar. All the important events of a Vietnamese
life, the one-month old celebration, weddings,
funerals, and death commemorations are based on lunar calendar, he said.

This has been happening for thousands of years. Why should we change now? Are we
to dismiss and undermine our own culture and identity for the sake of

I would say that this economic efficiency is even more of an abstract idea than a cultural
festival that is linked to actual, daily life events like harvests, change of seasons,
traditional festival the list goes on and on. So let us take the learned
contention that the long celebration of Tet is one of the reasons Viet Nam is less
developed and lags behind other countries.

What about Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. We all know people from other
countries flock to Thailand for the own New Year celebrations. And what of
India? Its citizens probably celebrate a dozen different New Years, which are local
holidays. All that cultural diversity should be destroyed to honour commercial gods?

I am reminded of the story where a development worker approaches a poor man sitting
and relaxing under a tree at the beach. The expert advises the man to work hard and
make progress. For what? So that he can sit and relax at the beach.

If we work harder (as if we do that now) and do not celebrate Tet, what will we
do with the added prosperity? Celebrate Tet. And there is evidence aplenty that
honouring the commercial god will rob the soul of a nation and its people.

get this clear, once and for all: Tet marks our culture and our identity, and it
represents our soul.


Here are two ideas from the reading passages you can use to
think about the rebuttals. Write down the rebuttals for these two
ideas and write your own arguments using the keywords if

Consumption Arguments Rebuttals

A: Tet encourages consumption for the ...........................................................

rich while further impoverishing the poor. ...........................................................
R: Frequent encouragement of ...........................................................
consumption when the majority of the ...........................................................
population is living near the poverty line ...........................................................
can significantly affect society. In fact, they ...........................................................
need to purchase many things such as new ...........................................................
outfits, decorations, and foods to prepare ...........................................................
for a fancy Tet holiday. As a result, it can ...........................................................
impoverish a major group of people and ...........................................................
weaken the country generally. ...........................................................
FOR ...........................................................
E: According to the Ministry of Labor, War ...........................................................
Invalids and Social Affairs, eight percent of ...........................................................
Vietnamese people are considered poor; on ...........................................................
top of that, only 20 percent of the ...........................................................
population have real disposable income. An ...........................................................
online survey carried out by Thomasen ...........................................................
(2020) reveals that the most noticeable ...........................................................
thing about Tet this year is that people are ...........................................................
spending considerably more; in addition, ...........................................................
two-thirds of 960 interviewees reported ...........................................................
that Tet 2020 would be the holiday they ...........................................................
would splurge their money most. ...........................................................
Consequently, Tet would exacerbate the ...........................................................
problem of poverty.
Sacred Arguments Rebuttals

A: Tet is a sacred, meaningful annual ...........................................................

event. ...........................................................
E: Duong Trung Quoc, a historian, says that ...........................................................
like other countries in Asia, Vietnamese ...........................................................
people are original rice farmers, and their ...........................................................
lives are connected closely with lunar ...........................................................
calendar. All the important events of a ...........................................................
Vietnamese life, the one-month ...........................................................
old celebration, weddings, funerals, and ...........................................................
death commemorations are based on lunar ...........................................................
calendar, he said. ...........................................................
AGAINST R: The different festivities embodied in the ...........................................................
celebration, from the food, amusements, a ...........................................................
display of Vietnamese arts and crafts, as ...........................................................
well as its customary practices, all mirrors ...........................................................
distinct culture. Being the ...........................................................
grandest and most significant holiday in the ...........................................................
country, it would equal the most important ...........................................................
celebrations of other parts of the globe like ...........................................................
the Fourth of July, Christmas, New Year, ...........................................................
Easter and Thanksgiving all combined ...........................................................
( ...........................................................
<You can invert the order of A-R-E, but ...........................................................
please, be careful> ...........................................................

Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or disagree? Which were the
strongest arguments for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10. I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:



[2]Thomasen, T. (2020). Tet spending in Vietnam will hit at an all time high. Retrieved
2 May 2020, from


Extra activities:

Activity 1: Watch these Youtube videos and note down the adjectives that the
foreigners utilize to depict the beauty of Tet and think of your own version of Tet.



Activity 2: Go around the city, interview the foreigners regarding their experience
during Tet, then make a similar 2-minute-video

(Sample: ).


After studying, students will have the following:

1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding offering financial support for

enrich social work related vocabularies.

2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding giving money to beggars.



I/ Brainstorming ideas

A. Connect to the topic. Do you frequently encounter beggars or homeless people in

your city? How do you feel about them? Have you ever tried to help them? If yes, what
did you do?

(Fake beggars; Credit:

B. Pair Work. Which of these common things do you think would be best to support
beggars or homeless people? Check ( ) it. Then explain your answers to your partner.

Money x Food/Drink Clothes Others:......................

C. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage on pages 1 3 to answer the questions below.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

Homelessness in the UK has soared in recent years

2. Who support the idea of giving money to homeless people? Why?

The views of charities and homeless support groups , other groups say giving money is often essential to helping
homeless people buy the "bare necessities". Jon Glackin, founder of Streets Kitchen who has been homeless
himself, told The Independent the best way to help rough sleepers is to give them money directly, and that drug
and alcohol addicts make up an "absolute minority" or homeless people

3. Who argue against the cash provision to homeless people? Why?

The Salvation Army, which offers emergency accommodation on a night-by-night basis in some of their life
houses, advises against handing money to the homeless. Because recognise that providing cash can keep
people trapped in the endless cycle of homelessness and rough sleeping, particularly for those who are also
battling drugs and and alcohol issue.’
Reading Passage

omelessness in the UK has soared in recent years, with MPs and charities
have condemned the situation as a state of affairs that is nothing
short of a . Over 79,000 households living in temporary
accommodation a rise of 65 per cent since 2010 and the number of rough
sleepers on our streets up 134 per cent since 2011.

Yet while the public is increasingly aware that

thousands of homeless people are forced to spend
their nights in the cold, there remains confusion
about how to help homeless people.

The views of charities and homeless support

groups are mixed. While some advise against
giving money directly to rough sleepers, warning
that it can fuel addictions, other groups say giving
money is often essential to helping homeless
people buy the "bare necessities".

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, which offers emergency accommodation on a night-by-night basis

in some of their life houses, advises against handing money to the homeless. A
spokesperson told The Independent: sleeping is dangerous and cold weather
can be very tough for people who are homeless. If worried about someone
sleeping rough there are a few things you can do. Buying a hot drink, some food or
warm clothing like socks for someone sleeping rough can make a diff

applaud the generosity of the public in wanting to help people directly, but we
recognise that providing cash can keep people trapped in the endless cycle of
homelessness and rough sleeping, particularly for those who are also battling drugs
and alcohol
Jon Glackin, founder of Streets Kitchen

The founder of Streets Kitchen, a grassroots group that operates across the UK to
provide soup kitchens and support for the homeless, is of a very different view. Forty-
seven-year-old John Glackin, who has been homeless himself, told The Independent
the best way to help rough sleepers is to give them money directly, and that drug and
alcohol addicts make up an "absolute minority" or homeless people.

would say if you can afford to give money to a homeless person on the street, do it.
That person may need that money to buy a jumper, or stay in a hostel. told all
these scare stories, but if I gave a pound to a charity, how much of that money actually
goes to that person? about bare needs. They might need clothes,
underwear. Hostels cost

Dylan Stone, homeless man

Mr Stone, who is homeless in

Barnstaple, says the money he is
given on the street is essential to
enabling him to afford basic things
like cooking his own food and
getting his clothes washed. The 29-
year-old told The Independent:
"Money given to me in the streets
either buys me my evening meal,
gas for the mini cooker, a quick
wash at the launderette.

Everything in this world seems to

cost money, and organisations
don't have everything. Most are also closed weekends, and most only give out one meal
a day, once or twice a week."
Mike Nicholas, communication manager at Thames Reach

people begging are not individuals in temporary difficulties, but people who are
dependent on a begging income. This is almost certainly to fund a serious drug habit.
As an organization that has worked people on the street since 1984, we have seen
many lives damaged by hard drugs and alcohol misuse. We have even lost people
through overdoses in situations where a significant portion of the money they spent on
drugs came from members of the public giving loose

May Bulman

D. Watch a clip. Answer these questions:

Should We Give Food and Money to the Homeless?

Click the link:

1. What do you think the homeless men in the clip need? Why?



2. According to Lord John Bird, founder of The Big Issue, what ways are good to support
the homeless?



3. Does Matt Broomfield, journalist, support the idea of handing cash to homeless
people? Why/Why not?




4. In the video clip, The Big Issue founder says: people a hand up not a
How do you understand his statement?


Here are two ideas from the reading passages you can use to think about
the rebuttals. Write down the rebuttals for these two ideas and write your own
arguments using the keywords if possible.

Drugs/ Arguments Rebuttals

A: Providing cash can keep people trapped in R: you say that giving them cash puts them in a
vicious circle, especially drug and alcohol addicts. I
the endless/vicious cycle of addictive think your idea is great but not all homeless people
substances, particularly for those who are are addicted. Moreover, the things we buy may not
match what they need, so I think money is the
also battling against drugs and alcohol fastest way to help them overcome temporary
issues. difficulties.
C:you claimed that they did not use the money for
themselves, they use this to buy alcohol or drugs to
R: They did not use the money for the purpose that the use. That's a good point. Most of them are people
helper gave them. Some people take that money to buy
who need material help such as food, clothes, and
alcohol or drugs to use, it makes them not only better,
personal belongings, but we don't know exactly what
but the body is also increasingly destroyed, more
dangerous and also related to the lives of others.
they need, so giving cash is the best way to help them
quickly. Not all homeless people are addicts, have a
positive look, they are also the elderly, orphans, and
people without a home

E: In 2017, there were approximately C: Not all homeless people are drug or alcohol

554,000 homeless people in the United addicts. Many of them are the elderly or the

States. The National Coalition for the handicapped who are unable to get a job to
FOR Homeless has found that 38% of those are do for their living. They need cash for their
bare necessities
alcohol dependent, and 26% are chronically
such as food, clothes
enslaved to other harmful chemicals (Murray,
or hostels which
always costs money.
Basic Arguments Rebuttals
A: Money is essential as it allows beggars to
R: You said money was needed because it helps
afford basic things like cooking their own food
beggars bought basic things. Your idea is quite
and getting their clothes washed. good, but we can't be sure they will use the
money for the right purpose. So, in my opinion,
we can help them with clothes, and food directly
R: The food that people help may spoil, but if without having to give them money.
you give money to beggars, they can buy it C:You thought that the money you give to the
whenever they feel hungry without fear of poor, they will buy food when they are hungry
food spoiling. without fear of food spoiling. It's good when you
think so, but most of the beggars are the elderly,
the children, the disabled. And all of them are
people with poor use of money so I believe that
E: homeless cheap or free, they
giving money is unnecessary.

still need food, support, shelter and access to C: What a unique comparison!. But for me,
the two are completely different. The
resources in order to help themselves. And
beggars just sit there and ask for
they rely as much on your donations as you help with no effort. But if we want to
do on your boss paying you every get a monthly salary from our boss,
we have to work with our labor in
AGAINST say Hayley Smith, founder of FlowAid
exchange for money. Therefore,
(February, 2020; I do not agree with Hayley
Smith's comments above.

.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... ..........................................................

Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or


Which were the strongest argument for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10.

I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:








Murray, K. (2019). Homelessness and Addiction - Addiction Center. Retrieved from

After studying, students will have the following:

1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding the pros and cons of permissive

enrich parenting related vocabularies.

2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding permissive parenting.




I/ Before You Read

A. Connect to the topic

Give your opinion: What do you think about contemporary parenting style?

Your partner:
From your observation, parents nowadays Yourself

1. Have few rules and standards of behaviors.

2. Are usually very nurturing and loving towards their kids.

3. Seem more like a friend, rather than a parent.

4. Emphasize
Check (their freedom instead of responsibility.
) your answer.

5. Ask their opinions on both major and minor decisions.

6. Rarely enforce any type of consequences/ penalties.

Pair work: share your opinions/ observations and ask your ideas.

B. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage on pages 1 3 to answer the questions below.

1. What are the passages mainly about?

Passage 1:

________ ______characteristics , advantages
definition and disadvantages of permissive parenting_____________

Passage 2:

The passages are mainly about the effectiveness of permissive parenting as a parenting style and the importance of
cultural context in determining the optimal parenting style
2. What is the tone regarding this seemingly permeating phenomenon?

Passage 1:
The writer's tone appears to be neutral and informative because the passage presents both the pros and cons of
permissive parenting in a factual manner without expressing a clear positive or negative attitude towards this
parenting style.
Passage 2:
the writer's tone appears to be neutral and informative because the passage presents a balanced view on permissive
parenting, discussing both the positives and negatives of this parenting style, also shows conflicting evidence on the
effectiveness of permissive parenting.
Reading Passage 1


By Michelle Guerrere

There is no single successful approach to parenting. In fact, you may even want to find a
hybrid of styles that work for you and your little one. Though there are multiple parenting
methods to examine, such as attachment, authoritative, and even gentle parenting, the
pros and cons of permissive parenting can cause quite a bit of controversy.

hat Is Permissive Parenting?

In permissive parenting, parents tend to be very loving

and provide few guidelines and rules. They do not
expect mature behavior from their children, and are usually seen
more like a friend than a parent.

It's true that permissive parenting sometimes gets a bad reputation, but there are parts
of this style (as well as situations) in which it can be quite effective. A 2009 study in
Spain found that adolescents who were brought up with a permissive (aka indulgent)
parenting technique were rated equal to or better in the categories of self-esteem,
competence, psychosocial maladjustment, and problem behaviors, compared to those
whose parents followed an authoritative style.

According to clinical psychologist Diana Baumrind, permissive parents are "more

responsive than they are demanding. They're nontraditional and lenient, do not require
mature behavior, allow considerable self-regulation, and avoid confrontation." With this
type of parenting, the child does not have a bevy of rules; in fact, parents tend to be
pretty hands-off and even act like more of a big sister or brother rather than as a
traditional mom or dad. While these children usually end up growing up independent,
there are also cons like not having enough rules and challenging authority.
These are the pros, cons and the in-betweens of permissive parenting.

The Characteristics

Like authoritarian parents, permissive parents are very responsive to their children.
However, the difference becomes apparent when it comes to limitations and rules.
Authoritarian parents are strict and set boundaries; permissive parents do not enforce
rules (or sometimes even set them in the first place).

Permissive Parenting Pros

1. Communication: Communication can be more of a two-way street since parents and

child both have a say and children do not feel nervous speaking their minds.

2. Self-esteem: Because children know their parents will love them unconditionally
whether they mess up or not their self-esteem may be higher than other children's.

3. Imagination: Children are often encouraged to be creative, which can lead to the
development of more hobbies and can spark a sense of imagination.

4. Positivity: Conflict is minimized since parents tend to work around their child and
their wants and needs.

Permissive Parenting Cons

1. Risky Behavior: Some studies have found that this type of parenting technique can
lead to risky behavior in older children, especially pertaining to alcohol use. "A
permissive parenting style combined with beer drinking are risk factors for alcohol
abuse among late adolescents and young adults," a 2015 study found.

2. Undeveloped Coping Skills: This approach can also cause kids to internalize their
problems rather than letting them out. A 2009 study found that it can affect children
as young as age four.

3. Lack of Boundaries: Kids can have no real sense of boundaries since their parents
react to their actions rather than impose sanctions in advance.

4. Disrespect: Children don't always understand the concept of respect since they tend
not to defer to their parents or treat them with more reverence. This can especially
become difficult in school, work, and other social settings.

5. Defiance: They're not used to hearing "no," so they can sometimes lash out when
they hear this from authorities or elders outside of their home.

Reading passage 2: (An extract)


By Gwen Dewar

Some studies have linked the permissive parenting style with optimal child outcomes.
But the results depend on how researchers define "permissive."

Kids don't benefit when parents ignore anti-social behavior. But being supportive of
autonomy? That's different. Studies suggest that kids thrive when parents are less
bossy and punitive, and more focused on shaping good behavior through reasoning and
positive emotions.

Permissive parents are warm and responsive,

and that's a good thing. Studies show that
affectionate, responsive parenting fosters secure
attachment relationships. It promotes
psychological development, and protects
children from toxic stress. But when it comes to
another factor -- setting limits -- permissive
parenting is often portrayed as second-best. What's the optimal parenting style? That
distinction is usually awarded to authoritative parenting.

Authoritative parenting has a lot in common with permissive parenting. Like permissive
parents, authoritative parents are warm and responsive. But unlike permissive parents,
authoritative parents are relatively demanding. They set limits -- enforce standards of
behavior -- that permissive parents let slide. And according to conventional wisdom,
this difference puts the children of permissive parents at risk. They are more likely to
develop behavior problems, and less likely to perform well in school.

There are studies to back this up -- particularly among families in the United States.
For example, Susie Lamborn and colleagues surveyed over 4000 American families and
found that adolescents with permissive parents achieved less at school, and were more
likely to engage in self-destructive activities, like drug or alcohol use (Lamborn et al
1991). Another study -- focusing on American children under the age of 8 -- found that
permissive parents were more likely to have kids showing deficits in self-control
(Piotrowski et al 2013).
But there is conflicting evidence. Some researchers report that the children of
permissive parents thrive.

For example, consider a study conducted on teenagers in Spain. Fernando Garcia and
Enrique Gracia questioned more than 1400 kids about their parents. Many teens
reported that their parents provided them with high levels of emotional support. So the
researchers classified these parents as warm and responsive.

How did kids behave? Were they confident? Emotionally and socially well-adjusted? Did
they have behavior problems? Were they using drugs? Were they performing well at
school? Did they have a positive view of the world?

For every outcome, "indulgent" parenting was on a par with authoritative

parenting, and on a few measures, it actually came out better.

Teens with permissive parents had higher self-esteem. They were less likely to view
the world as a hostile, threatening place, and less likely to be emotionally withdrawn.
They were even less likely to be failing in school (Garcia and Gracia 2009).

How was this possible? Were the results of this study a fluke? Not likely. A number of
studies -- conducted in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America -- have reported similar
findings (e.g., Garcia and Gracia 2014; Garcia et al 2018; Garcia and Serra 2019;
Martinez et al 2007). And in recent years, researchers have expanded their focus to
countries elsewhere.

Using the "Parental Control Scale," Amador Calafat

and his colleagues found evidence that "indulgent"
parenting is just as protective against substance
abuse as is authoritative parenting -- not only in
Spain, but also in Sweden, the United Kingdom,
and the Czech Republic (Calafat et al 2014).

Using a different screening tool, the Parental

Socialization Scale, researchers have asked kids how their parents respond to
disobedience, or failures to conform to family norms. By reasoning with you? Scolding
you? Taking away privileges? Imposing physical punishments?

Parents are scored as being stricter if they make more frequent use of punitive measures
(scolding, revoking privileges, using corporal punishment). And child outcomes?
In an international study of adolescents -- in Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the
United States -- Fernando Garcia and colleagues found that the best-adjusted
kids had parents who scored low on strictness and high on warmth.

Authoritative parents -- who were scored as both strict and warm -- had kids with better
outcomes than did parents who were less emotionally supportive. But for several outcomes
-- including academic and emotional self-esteem, and the internalization of prosocial
values -- "indulgent" parenting came out on top (Garcia et al 2019). So what's going on?
Is permissive parenting suboptimal? Or is it every bit as good as authoritative parenting -
- maybe even better? Clearly, we've got studies in conflict with each other. Why?

One explanation is that parenting styles affect children differently in different


As Fernando Garcia and colleagues have argued, Spain is an egalitarian society, and one
that emphasizes collectivism (prioritizing the group over the self). In such settings, parents
motivate children through affection, acceptance, and involvement. They tend to perceive
strictness and firm parental control as unnecessary, and perhaps even harmful.

What happens if you're a Spanish parent who goes against this norm? Your family may
have a harder time fitting in, which could have a negative impact on your child's
adjustment. Thus, Spanish kids may be at a disadvantage if their parents aren't
indulgent (Garcia and Gracia 2009).

And perhaps, say Garcia and his colleagues, a number of other countries are undergoing
a cultural shift. These countries might be less egalitarian and collectivist than Spain,
but people in them are beginning to view parental strictness as unnecessary, and
possibly detrimental to the development of confidence and self-esteem. This could
explain why some recent studies have found positive outcomes in countries outside
Spain -- countries that are more hierarchical and individualistic (Garcia et al 2019).

But there is more going on. Before we consider the important influence of culture, we
need to make sure we're all talking about the same thing when we describe a parent
as "authoritative" or "permissive."


Here are two ideas from the reading passages you can use to think about
the rebuttals. Write down the rebuttals for these two ideas and write your own
arguments using the keywords if possible.

Arguments Rebuttals
A: It has been proved that permissive type R:You've stated that studies have shown permissive
of parenting technique can lead to risky parenting can result in risky behavior, particularly alcohol
behavior in older children, especially use, among older children. However, it's also worth noting
pertaining to alcohol use. that not all permissive parenting styles are the same, and
there may be variations in how parents implement this
R: This is due to the fact that permissive parents tend
to be lenient and indulgent, and they often avoid C:While permissive parents may be more lenient and
setting clear limits or enforcing rules. Without clear indulgent than other parenting styles, it doesn't
boundaries and consequences, children may feel that necessarily mean that they don't provide guidance or
they can engage in risky behavior without any support to their children. Permissive parents may still
repercussions. (And alcohol is one of the most have open communication with their children, offer
commonly used substances nowadays) advice, and provide emotional support.
E: A 2015 study in the US found that "A C: Reckless decisions of youngsters should
permissive parenting style combined with not be regarded as the outcome of
beer drinking increases risk factors for inordinately indulgent/ lax parents. Although
FOR alcohol abuse among late adolescents and Coden (1997) found that alcohol use among
young adults to 60%". a sample of 8th and 9th grade students was
[Acquired from associated with a child perception of lower
authoritativeness and higher permissiveness,
it should be noted that there was no
relationship between parental perceptions of
their parenting style and child alcohol use.
(As cited in Newman et al., 2008).

Permissive parents may not be the primary

cause of risky behaviors as there
are other contributing factors such as peer
influence. In fact, children devote most of
their time at school, playground, and other
places rather than their own home.
Communi- Arguments Rebuttals
A: Communication can be more of a two- R:You make a good point that communication in
way street since permissive parents and permissive parenting styles can be more two-way since
child both have a say. Furthermore, children children feel comfortable expressing their opinions.
however, due to the lack of setting limits and boundaries
living with this type of caregivers do not feel
in this parenting styles, their communication skills may
nervous when speaking their minds.
cross the line of social constraints.
C: Permissive parenting encourages self-expression,
R: One of the primary reasons behind this is that but it often fails to provide appropriate guidance in
this parenting style is characterized by high response. Children are not taught how to effectively
responsiveness and low demands. Permissive parents communicate their needs and thoughts in a way that
allow and encourage self-expression from children. takes others' perspectives into account.
They are receptive to the child's input and opinions, C: Their communication etiquette and
which teaches the child that their thoughts and manners may lack respect and
feelings matter. This freedom can boost children's understanding for other people, especially
confidence in communicating. the seniors. This is due to the fact that they
get accustomed to expressing their mind
E: A 2006 study in the journal Communication with too much leeway.
Education examined parent-child communication in
permissive versus authoritative families. The
researchers found that children in permissive families
AGAINST perceived their parents as being more receptive to
communication from them, while children in
authoritative families felt their parents were less likely
to listen.

Furthermore, the open, non-judgmental environment You've made a valid point by saying openly and
created by permissive parenting can also lead to non-critism communication helps children improve
higher self-esteem and better mental health outcomes. their mental stability. However, it's important to
note that permissive parenting can have negative
When permissive parents listen and respond openly outcomes if it is taken to an extreme, such as a lack
to children without judging or criticizing them, it of structure and discipline.
helps children feel accepted for who they are. Children of permissive parents often grow up
believing they deserve to get their way. They may
Research finds that children of permissive parents expect others to accommodate them without having
tend to have higher self-esteem. Feeling good about to compromise. This can lead to frustration and a
oneself is a fundamental aspect of mental health. high stress level in their relationships and eventually
damage their psychological well-being.
CS 75

Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or disagree?

Which were the strongest argument for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10.

I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:








[7]Newman, K., Harrison, L., Dashiff, C., & Davies, S. (2008). Relationships between
parenting styles and risk behaviors in adolescent health: an integrative literature
review. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 16(1), 142-150. Retrieved from:

After studying, students will have the following:

1. Knowledge:

develop arguments and rebuttals regarding exploring the past.

enrich past discovery related vocabularies.

2. Skill: present and rebut arguments regarding exploring the past.



I/ Before You Read

A. Connect to the topic

Give your opinion: What activities listed below belongs

to the act of exploring the past? Check ( ) your answer.

Your partner:
Exploring the past involves Yourself

1. Visiting museums, and historical sites (E.g.: War

Remmants museum, Cu Chi tunnels, and Temple of

2. Studying history (E.g. the story of Hung King, war

heroes: Quang Trung, Lê Tám).

3. Writing diary/ journal or things that are similar

(E.g. writing your stories, feelings into a notebook OR
posting status, stories on Facebook, Instagram and
other social platforms).

4. Collecting items that belong to the past (E.g. coins,

stamps and other artefacts).

5. Keeping a photo album (either physical or digital).

6. Sharing past experiences with your friends.

Pair work: share and explain your choices, then and ask your ideas.
B. Preview the reading

Skim the reading passage on pages 1 3 to answer the questions below.

1. What are the passages mainly about?

Passage 1:
The passages are mainly about the potential downsides of journaling, how these negative effects can be avoided and
providing examples and tips for individuals to find a journaling approach that works best for them.

Passage 2:
The second passage is mainly about the benefits of learning about history, including understanding human nature, learning
from past technology, gaining perspective on modern problems, and breaking preconceived ideas about the past.

2. What is the tone regarding past discovering and his main points?

Passage 1:
the author of the passages takes an objective and informative tone because the passage shows both the potential
downsides and benefits of journaling and encourages readers to approach it with a balanced and mindful perspective

Passage 2:

The tone of the writer in this passage is enthusiastic and persuasive.


Reading Passage 1


By Hugo

Journaling may cause you to overthink your life

"How am I going to journal about this experience?". Some people think about their
journal so much that it keeps them from experiencing their lives first hand.

Example: you're at a concert with a couple of friends and you're enjoying a drink. You
have a great time together and feel a little tipsy. One of your friends makes a joke and
you laugh so hard that your drink spills through your nose. By fear of losing this
awesome joke and the memory of this good moment, you rush to the toilet in order to
make a little note about it in your phone or notebook.

Then you go back to the concert and you find out that you missed your favorite part of
a song...
This might just be a silly example, but it is possible that a compulsive journaling habit
can cause you to constantly overthink your life. This can keep you from living in the
moment and enjoying your life as it goes.

Journaling can be confronting at times

When you are in a rough spot and want to write down the negativity that's in your life,
doing so can be very confronting. This can cause anxiety for some people. I've found a
great example of this which I'll share with you later in this article.

Journaling can feel very overwhelming for some!

Writing about negativity might cause you to spiral down. Our minds are interesting, as
the things that are on our mind can cause a reaction of thoughts. More often than not,
we are unaware when our mind enters such a chain reaction. It's very simple, actually.
The mindset that you are in NOW can influence the mindset that you'll be in LATER.

It's why I believe that optimism is a great skill, and why you should consider training
your mind into being more optimistic. Either way, when you are going through a rough
patch, journaling can cause your mind to spiral down into a chain reaction of negativity.
I'm not saying that this will happen to you per definition. In fact, most people find
tremendous support by writing negative thoughts into a journal, as it allows them to
clear these things from their minds. But for some, this venting can result in a negative
mindset. This can sometimes be prevented by simply not journaling about your
negativity at all.

You can get stuck inside your journal

Some people feel such an extreme urge to journal that their lives are consumed by it.
A great example of this is Robert Shields. For 25 years, he journaled about every single
5-minute interval of his life. When he had to stop due to a stroke, he had produced a
journal of 37.5 million words that filled 94 boxes. Just think about the scope of such a
journal. It's truly bizarre.

For your reference, I've been journaling for over 5 years and my journal currently
contains 275,000 words. I was able to calculate this quite easily since I write my journal
digitally. At my current rate, 25 years of journaling would result in roughly 1.4 million
words. Robert Shields basically wrote 23 times as much as I do.

Robert Shield's habit of journaling can definitely be described as compulsive. I think

this is the best example of how you can get stuck inside your journal. Do you really
want the majority of your life to be about how you've been journaling about your life?
I guess not.

Journaling is only harmful if you allow it

As I did my research on this question, I noticed something very interesting. In all of

these examples, journaling is only harmful because it's allowed to be. The truth is, all
these scenarios are easily avoidable.

The issue with these examples is that there is no sufficient moderation. You have to
moderate the amount of time you spend journaling daily. This goes for basically
anything you do. No matter how much you like it or how much it benefits your life, you
shouldn't spend your whole life doing that one thing.

A good example of what I'm trying to say is my biggest passion, running. Running has
a great effect on my happiness. But does that mean I should run every waking hour of
my life? Of course not! The benefits of journaling, running, or anything really,
diminishes as the quantity increases. That's why you need to properly moderate the
time you spend on these things.

These examples of how journaling can be harmful are easily avoided when a little
moderation is applied.

Have I ever been harmed by journaling? No.

As I said, I've written 275,000 words in my journal and I have never felt anxious or
troubled by my words. And before you ask, there is plenty of negativity in my journal!
I don't just write about the positive things that are happening in my life. If you want to
know more, I publish parts of my personal happiness journal every month. These will
show you a little more about how I fill my journal!

That's why I feel confident in saying that I've never been harmed by my habit for
journaling. At least, not as far as I know. Then again, that's probably what Robert
Shields thought as well, as he was writing his 37.5 millionth word in his journal. I simply
don't know for sure.
All I can really say is that I've never felt harmed by my journaling habit.

Can journaling cause anxiety?

Yes, for some people, the act of journaling can cause anxiety to set it. I've asked around
for actual examples of this journaling and anxiety and a kind Redditor has allowed me
to share her experience here in this article. I think it shows a true example of how
journaling can cause anxiety.

When I first started journaling, it was an outlet

to help me in my recovery from drugs & alcohol.
It really took a TON of effort and a it till
you make attitude to get me to even put pen
to paper. My entries never made sense; it was
just madness on paper. After a while, I was able
to put my thoughts down in a way that flowed
and was healing.

Now, after 5 years of an on-again-off-again relationship with journaling, I have figured

out where those feelings come from: Fear.
Writing is black and white. Once you get it down on paper, you can see it for what it really
is. I can go back and read what written and see my thought process. I can see my
secrets, my dishonesty, my selfishness and whatever else dealing with. scary for
me and usually what makes the pen feel like it weighs 200 lbs. also a good
place to start with too... Just start with your feelings about struggling to start.

I think this beautifully captures how journaling can cause anxiety.

Even better, it also shows the easiest way to deal with these struggles. Just write about
your feelings of anxiety when journaling. So instead of being afraid of what you'll write
down, just write down about your feelings of being afraid!

No idea what to write about in your journal?

If you have no idea what to write about, then you're not alone. A lot of people pick up
the pencil but don't know where or how to start journaling.

This always makes me think of David Sedaris' journal. He writes his journal in such a
simple - yet playful and funny - way, and it's all because he just writes about the things
he sees. Here's how he explains it in his published diaries:

It might look like my average diary entry amounts to no more than seven sentences,
but in fact I spend an inordinate amount of time writing about my day - around forty-
five minutes, usually. If nothing big happened, I'll reflect on a newspaper article or a
report I heard on the radio. I'm not big on weather writing but have no policy against
it. Thus, when life gets really dull, I'll just look out the window and describe the color
of the sky. That will lead to something else, most often: a bird being mean to another
bird or the noise a plane makes.

- David Sedaris, Theft By Finding

Live your life instead of journaling about it

Before finishing this article, I want to leave you with another beautiful passage from
David Sedaris' diaries:

That's the thing with a diary, though. In order to record your life, you sort of need to
live it. Not at your desk, but beyond it. Out in the world where it's so beautiful and
complex and painful that sometimes you just need to sit down and write about it.
- David Sedaris, Theft By Finding

This comes back to the point I wanted to make in this article at the start. Journaling is
only harmful when we allow it and let it turn into a compulsive habit.

Live is right in front of us, and not inside our journal. If we want something to journal
about, we have to paradoxically put down our pens and start living instead.

Tracking my happiness

I want to mention here that I've been tracking my happiness for over 5 years now, in
addition to keeping a journal.

What does this mean? It means I spend 2 minutes every day to reflect on my day:

- How happy was I on a scale from 1 to 10?

- What factors had a significant effect on my rating?

- I clear my head by jotting down all my thoughts in my happiness journal.

This allows me to constantly learn from my evolving life. It's how I purposefully steer
my life in the best direction possible. And I believe you can do the same.

Reading passage 2:


By Kara Masterson

There are so many different and amazing things that we can learn from history. Many
people study it out of curiosity, but students of history, whether they study it at a place
like UC Clermont College or out of a book, can learn many practical things as well. If
we really take the time to dive into history and really embrace it, it is amazing how
much we can learn.

1) People Never Change

The study of history is the study of humanity, and it reveals truths about the human
condition. Studying history shows us that people much more different today than
they were hundreds of years ago. Historians look at graffiti from the past and find that
it is almost the same as modern graffiti. They can even read historical plays with the
same jokes as modern comedians. Studying
history reveals that people are fundamentally
similar to each other, regardless of where and
when they live, and that many differences arise
because cultures adapted to different
environments. This makes it easy to empathize
with other cultures, and can help people work
with people who come from different places in any endeavor.

2) Their Technology Works

People rarely associate the past with advanced technology, but looking at technology
in the past can still teach us lessons. Engineers often get trapped in their own culture
and focus on improving what they know rather than trying entirely new solutions.
Ancient cultures provide other models that they can examine for useful innovations.
For example, green architecture often involves earth structures that are based on
ancient designs. Modern technology has improved them, but the idea came from the
ancient world.
3) It Gives Perspective

The modern problems can seem terrifying and unsolvable, but historians rarely
suffer from that fear. They can look back on all of the problems that ancient civilizations
faced, and doing so can put modern problems into perspective. They know that while
the Bronze Age Collapse once destroyed almost every city and empire around the
Mediterranean, humans in the area managed to survive, rebuild, and progress. They
can look at crime and death rates from the past and realize that despite the
insistence that the world is dangerous, it has actually been getting safer for decades.
Many problems seem small when they are compared to the ones that humanity has
already overcome, and some seemingly dangerous trends disappear when they are
examined and compared to the past.

4) It Breaks Preconceived Ideas

People have preconceived notions of the past from simple lessons in childhood and
media representations, and those notions are often wrong. Studying history and
realizing those mistakes teaches a valuable lesson about human fallibility, since early
lessons are little more than a sequence of these revelations. Historians quickly become
comfortable with the idea that something they thought was a fact could be completely
incorrect. They can easily apply this to other fields, which makes them relatively good
at admitting their errors and correcting them.

History simply a matter for idle curiosity. It teaches valuable lessons about human
nature, and it also helps people learn to abandon incorrect assumptions. That
knowledge has applications in almost every aspect of human life, and it gives a great
deal of value to the study of history.


Here are two ideas from the reading passages you

can use to think about the rebuttals. Write down the
rebuttals for these two ideas and write your own
arguments using the keywords if possible.

Arguments Rebuttals

A: When journaling focuses on venting R: You've said that journal writing about
negative emotions or describing problems, it negative thoughts can sometimes challenge
can promote a cycle of repetitive negative our moods. That's a good point. Yet, in fact,
thinking. many mental health experts recommend
journaling as a therapeutic tool to help
R: This is because rumination, or the process of individuals process and manage their
dwelling on distressing thoughts and emotions, including negative ones.
experiences, can reinforce negative thought C: Journaling allows individuals to express
patterns and make it difficult to find solutions their thoughts and feelings in a safe and
or gain perspective. private space, without fear of judgment or
criticism. It can help individuals gain insight
E: A 2013 study tested an expressive writing into their emotions, identify patterns, and gain
intervention with 43 clinically depressed a deeper understanding of themselves.
individuals. The researchers found that 73% of C: By putting their negative thoughts and
participants experienced an increase in feelings down on paper, individuals can often
depressive symptoms immediately after writing gain a sense of perspective and distance
sessions, and 67% still had higher depressive themselves from their emotions, which can be
FOR symptoms after one week. (Gortner et al., 2013) helpful in managing them.

When journaling about difficulties in life You've said that journaling difficulties without
without the ability of analyzing them from analyzing from multiple perspectives can
multiple perspectives can also lead to feeling cause overwhelm. You bring up a good point.
overwhelmed. However, for some individuals, simply getting
This is because without deeper understanding of negative thoughts "out of their head" and onto
the situation, exploring different aspects, it's the page through writing can provide a sense
impossible to find right coping strategies. And of relief, even without immediately finding
this can contribute to a sense of helplessness and solutions.
hopelessness. This can be especially helpful for individuals
75% of participants who journaled about who struggle to express their emotions
stressful life events without incorporating verbally.
coping strategies or solutions showed an In the long run, regular journaling can be
increase in rumination, anxiety and depressive beneficial for individuals by making them
symptoms. They reported feeling more aware of the problematic patterns that they've
overwhelmed and helpless. (O’Connor & been having.
Ashley, 2008)

Breaking Arguments Rebuttals

ed Ideas

A: History isn't simply a matter for idle R: You make a good point that people often have
curiosity. It teaches valuable lessons about incorrect or distorted notions of history.
human nature, and it also helps people learn to However, it is important to recognize that history
abandon incorrect assumptions. itself can be influenced by biases and
R: People have preconceived notions of the Our understanding of the past is shaped by the
past from simple lessons in childhood and biases and perspectives of those who recorded
media representations, and those notions are and analyzed historical events. These biases can
often wrong. perpetuate preconceived ideas rather than
challenge them.
E: A 2018 survey found that less than one third Additionally, history does not provide a
of Americans could correctly identify the comprehensive view of all aspects of human
number of years between the Civil War and nature and societal dynamics. To break
World War I. Majorities were off by 20 years or preconceived ideas, it is crucial to engage with a
more. (American Council of Trustees and wide range of disciplines, perspectives, and
Alumni) sources of knowledge, rather than relying solely
on history.


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Where do you stand after the debate? Do you agree or disagree? Which were the
strongest arguments for you?

I score this debate topic ___ / 10.

I score my participation ___ / 10.

Next time I will aim to:







Blog/June-2016/Why- -Important-That-We-Study-History

1/ Develop you own arguments:

Look back over the reading passages and other sources to find two
other ideas.

Write down the rebuttals for these two ideas.

Ideas Rebuttals

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Ideas Rebuttals

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2/ Keynotes for Debate

You now know which side of the debate you will be arguing.
In small groups you will prepare your arguments for the
debate. Use your ideas and rebuttals. Make sure to use both
sides of the argument when making your point. Be clear, be
concise, and refer to your source material.

Eg. First argument I want to make is _______. They could rebut with ________.

I am arguing FOR/AGAINST

First Idea

Second Idea

Third Idea

Fourth Idea

Fifth Idea
3/ Debate Tracker

Listen carefully and follow the debate with your class.

Take notes during the debate about which arguments are being
made and the rebuttal to them. This will help you to follow what has already been
covered or if you feel something needs more attention.

Stage The Argument The Rebuttals


Stage The Argument The Rebuttals

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