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 First Aid Principles

o Characteristics of successful paramedic
o Goals
o General recommendations
‫• مبادئ اإلسعافات األولية‬
‫خصائص المسعف الناجح‬ o
‫األهداف‬ o
‫توصيات عامة‬ o
o Causes
o Types
o Symptoms and signs
o First Aid
‫• الكسور‬
‫س األسباب‬ o
‫س األنواع‬ o
‫األعراض والعالمات‬ o
‫اإلسعافات األولية‬ o
o Types
o Signs and symptoms
o Nervous shock
o Internal Bleeding:
o External bleeding
o Ways To Stop The Bleeding
‫س األنواع‬ o
‫من العالمات واألعراض‬ o
‫صدمة عصبية‬ o
:‫النزيف الداخلي‬ o
o Faint
o Exhaustion
o Sunstroke
o Over Heat treatment:
o Prevent the effects of cold
‫الطقس الحار والبارد‬
‫يا خافت‬ o
‫س اإلرهاق‬ o
‫س ضربة الشمس‬ o
:‫المعالجة الحرارية الزائدة‬ o
‫منع آثار البرد‬ o
 Bites and Stings
o Dog bite
o Insects Sting
o Snake And Scorpion Bite
‫عضات ولدغ‬
‫على عضة الكلب‬ o
‫لدغة الحشرات‬ o
‫لدغة األفعى والعقرب‬ o
 Burns
o Causes
o Degrees of Burns
o Signs and symptoms
o First Aid Treatment
o Special Burns Treatment
‫س األسباب‬ o
‫درجات الحروق‬ o
‫العالمات واألعراض‬ o
‫عالج اإلسعافات األولية‬ o
‫عالج خاص للحروق‬ o
 Artificial Respiration
o Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration
o Death Verification
o Signs of death
‫التنفس االصطناعي‬
‫التنفس االصطناعي الفموي‬ o
‫لتحقق من الوفاة‬ o
‫عالمات الموت‬ o
 Choking
o Causes of Chocking
o Chocking Treatment.
o Paramedic duties
 Loss of consciousness
o Causes
o Shock Signs:
o Treatment
o Types
o Treatment
‫على أسباب االختناق‬ o
.‫أو عالج االختناق‬ o
‫واجبات المسعفين‬ o
‫فقدان الوعي‬ o
‫صدمة عصبية‬
‫س األسباب‬ o
:‫عالمات الصدمة‬ o
‫س العالج‬ o
‫األنواع‬ o
‫العالج‬ o

First Aid Principles

1. First aid: It is what must be done for the injured in the period between his injury and the
arrival of the doctor to him or sending him to the nearest doctor or clinic. Bring the doctor. if
the injury was accidental and simple, it is limited to save the injured with first aid only, without
bringing a doctor.

‫ احضر‬.‫ وهي ما يجب عمله للمصاب في الفترة ما بين إصابته ووصول الطبيب إليه أو إرساله إلى أقرب طبيب أو عيادة‬:‫ اإلسعافات األولية‬. 1
.‫ أما إذا كانت اإلصابة عرضية وبسيطة فيقتصر على إنقاذ المصاب باإلسعافات األولية فقط دون إحضار طبيب‬.‫الطبيب‬

3. Paramedic: He is a well-trained person in practical procedures to aid the injured and use Bandages and
splints on the sound basis.

.‫ هو شخص مدرب جيداً على اإلجراءات العملية لمساعدة الجرحى واستخدام الضمادات والجبائر على أساس سليم‬:‫ المسعف‬.4
4. Characteristics of successful paramedic:
A. A preliminary knowledge of the subject and the ability to think wisely.
B. That he does not get confused or lose his steadiness when seeing the accident or the injured

:‫ خصائص المسعف الناجح‬.4

.‫ معرفة أولية بالموضوع والقدرة على التفكير بحكمة‬.‫أ‬
.‫ أال يتشوش أو يفقد ثباته عند رؤية الحادث أو المصاب‬-‫ب‬

5. First Aid Goals:

A. To prevent immediate death:
1) To stop the severe bleeding that may kill the injured if it does not stop.
2) Removing breathing obstacles and making artificial respiration.
3) Immediate treatment of poisoning cases.
B. Preventing the condition of causality from getting worse, by doing the following:
1) Dressing wounds and burns with antiseptic agents to prevent the entry of germs.
2) Immobilizing fractures with splints and ligaments to prevent them from moving
and not to increase pain.
3) Preventing and treating nervous shock.
:‫ أهداف اإلسعافات األولية‬.5
:‫ لمنع الموت الفوري‬-‫أ‬
.‫) وقف النزيف الحاد الذي قد يقتل المصاب إذا لم يتم إيقافه‬1
.‫) إزالة عوائق التنفس وعمل التنفس الصناعي‬2
.‫) العالج الفوري لحاالت التسمم‬3
:‫ وذلك بالقيام بما يلي‬، ‫ الحيلولة دون تفاقم حالة المصاب‬-‫ب‬
.‫) تضميد الجروح والحروق بمواد مطهرة لمنع دخول الجراثيم‬1
.‫) تثبيت الكسور بالجبائر واألربطة لمنعها من الحركة وعدم زيادة األلم‬2

.‫) منع الصدمة العصبية وعالجها‬3

6. General recommendations on first aid:

A. The injured person is considered alive “always” and an ambulance is given to him until the
medical attendant
B. Bleeding is given over any other first aid, except in the case chocking.
C. First aid is conducted in the place where the injury occurred, unless the situation ie threaten the
life of injury.
D. Do not remove the casualty's clothes before the ambulance, unless it is required.
E. The destiny of the injured is decided immediately after the first aid , and serious injuries are sent
to the hospital. The patient should not be given any food or drink before being presented to the
:‫ توصيات عامة بشأن اإلسعافات األولية‬-6

‫يعتبر المصاب على قيد الحياة "دائما" ويوفر له سيارة إسعاف لحين الرعاية الطبية‬ .‫أ‬
.‫يُعطى النزيف األولوية على أي إسعافات أولية أخرى إال في حالة االختناق‬ -‫ب‬
.‫ ما لم يكن الوضع يهدد حياة اإلصابة‬، ‫يتم إجراء اإلسعافات األولية في المكان الذي حدثت فيه اإلصابة‬ -‫ج‬
.‫ال تنزع مالبس المصاب قبل وصول سيارة اإلسعاف إال إذا لزم األمر‬ -‫د‬
‫ يجب عدم إعطاء المريض أي‬.‫مصير الجرحى يتقرر فور تقديم اإلسعافات األولية وإرسال اإلصابات الخطيرة إلى المستشفى‬ -‫هـ‬
.‫طعام أو شراب قبل عرضه على الطبيب‬
7. General recommendations for Paramedic:
A. do not neglect any required first aid any injury, no matter how bad it is in your opinion.
B. Do it quickly, but professional
C. Diagnose the injury, decide the method and means of work, and note the circumstances
surrounding you.
D. Do not waste time and focus on first aid. Do not talk about the injury except to those who are
authorized , and do not reveal the secrets that you know.

E. Help the authorities with any information that leads to know the causes of the injury.

8. Things to be taken into consideration to save life or mitigate damage.

A. stop the bleeding

B. Return breathing to its normal state when choking and poisoning, or remove obstacles that affect
the airway.
C. Nervous shock first aid.
D. Protect wounds and burns from contamination.
E. Fracture fixation.
F. Remove pain.
G. First aid for head and spine injuries.
H. Rapid evacuation
.‫ أشياء يجب مراعاتها إلنقاذ األرواح أو تخفيف الضرر‬.8

‫أوقف النزيف‬.‫أ‬
.‫ إعادة التنفس إلى حالته الطبيعية عند االختناق والتسمم أو إزالة العوائق التي تؤثر على مجرى الهواء‬-‫ب‬
.‫ اإلسعافات األولية للصدمة العصبية‬-‫ج‬
.‫ حماية الجروح والحروق من التلوث‬-‫د‬
.‫ تثبيت الكسر‬.‫هـ‬
.‫ إزالة األلم‬.‫و‬
.‫ اإلسعافات األولية إلصابات الرأس والعمود الفقري‬-‫ز‬
‫اإلخالء السريع‬.‫ح‬

9. Steps to be followed to do the above actions.

A. Be as calm as possible.
B. Take a quick and close look at injuries.
C. Think of the best way to handle the situation
D. Start first aid immediately and remember that the earlier the first aid, the greater the chances of
survival for the injured.

.‫ الخطوات الواجب اتباعها للقيام باإلجراءات المذكورة أعاله‬9.

.‫ كن هادئا قدر اإلمكان‬.‫أ‬

.‫ إلقاء نظرة سريعة ودقيقة على اإلصابات‬.‫ب‬
‫ فكر في أفضل طريقة للتعامل مع الموقف‬-‫ج‬
.‫ زادت فرص نجاة المصاب‬، ‫ ابدأ اإلسعافات األولية على الفور وتذكر أنه كلما كانت اإلسعافات األولية مبكرة‬-‫د‬


1. Definition: It is the separation of bone tissue from one another or a wound in the bone.
2. Causes:
A. Direct impact: in which the bone comes to direct hit on a surface and is broken, such as a
bullet wound or a hard object falling on a part of the body.
B. Indirect impact: in which impact on one bone causes the break to another bone, either near
it or far from it, such as breaking the collarbone when falling on the hand or breaking the
C. Contracture: The fracture occurs due to severe muscle contraction, as in tetanus, or what
happens to athletes, or fracture of the patella.
D. Pathological causes: They are many and varied, such as glandular diseases, bone
tuberculosis, cancer, bone tuberculosis or syphilis, as well as aging causes fracture.


.‫جرحا في العظم‬
ً ‫ هو انفصال أنسجة العظام عن بعضها أو‬:‫ التعريف‬.1
:‫ األسباب‬.2
‫ مثل جرح رصاصة أو سقوط جسم صلب‬، ‫ حيث يتم كسر العظم الذي يسقط عليه األنف مباشرة‬:‫ التأثير المباشر‬.‫أ‬
.‫على جزء من الجسم‬

‫ حيث يسقط العنف على عظمة وينكسر عظمة أخرى بالقرب منها أو بعيدة عنها مثل كسر‬:‫ التأثير غير المباشر‬-‫ب‬
.‫الترقوة عند السقوط على اليد أو كسر القاعدة‬
.‫ أو كسر الرضفة‬، ‫ أو ما يحدث للرياضيين‬، ‫ كما في التيتانوس‬، ‫ يحدث الكسر نتيجة تقلص عضلي شديد‬:‫التقلص‬
‫ وكذلك‬، ‫ والزهري‬، ‫ والسرطان‬، ‫ والسل العظمي‬، ‫ وهي كثيرة ومتنوعة مثل أمراض الغدد‬:‫ األسباب المرضية‬-‫د‬
.‫الشيخوخة تسبب الكسور‬
3. Types of Fractures. (as in the figure below)
A. Simple fracture: When the bone is broken and the surrounding tissue is not damaged or the
skin is opened.
B. Double or open fracture: When the bone is broken and the surrounding tissues are damaged
or the skin is opened.
C. Mixed fracture: This is either open or closed, in which it presses into the body cavities and
damages the vital organs such as the brain, lung or bladder.

)‫ (كما في الشكل أدناه‬.‫ أنواع الكسور‬.3

.‫ عندما ينكسر العظم وال يتضرر النسيج المحيط به أو ينفتح الجلد‬:‫ كسر بسيط‬.‫أ‬
.‫ عندما ينكسر العظم وتتلف األنسجة المحيطة به أو ينفتح الجلد‬:‫ كسر مزدوج أو مفتوح‬.‫ب‬
.‫ حيث يضغط على تجاويف الجسم ويتلف األعضاء الحيوية مثل المخ أو الرئة أو المثانة‬، ‫ وهو إما مفتوح أو مغلق‬:‫ الكسر المختلط‬-‫ج‬

4. Symptoms and signs:

A. Symptoms: This is what the patient complains about, such as hearing the sound of breaking a
bone, feeling pain, or complaining about the ability to move the member.
B. Signs: are what the paramedic sees, touches, or hears, such as:
1) Tumor
2) Irregular anatomical line
3) Apparent deformity in the fractured limb.
4) Hearing the bone rattling when moving it, so you should avoid moving the bone
as much as possible because this movement increases pain or may turn a simple
fracture into a double fracture.
:‫ األعراض والعالمات‬.4
.‫ وهو ما يشكو منه المريض مثل سماع صوت كسر عظم أو الشعور بألم أو شكوى من القدرة على تحريك العضو‬:‫ األعراض‬.‫أ‬
:‫ هي ما يراه المسعف أو يلمسه أو يسمعه مثل‬:‫العالمات‬.‫ب‬
‫الورم‬ )1
‫خط تشريحي غير منتظم‬ )2
.‫تشوه ظاهر في الطرف المكسور‬ )3
‫ لذا يجب تجنب تحريك العظم قدر اإلمكان ألن هذه الحرك ة تزي د األلم‬، ‫سماع خشخشة العظام عند تحريكها‬ )4
.‫أو قد تحول الكسر البسيط إلى كسر مزدوج‬

5. First Aid
A. Preventing the condition from worsening by avoiding moving the broken organ as much as
possible so that complications do not occur.
B. Reducing the pain to prevent the escalation of the nervous shock.

C. Fixing the broken limb well to prevent its movement and comfort by using any splint that
you have at hand, such as a stick, a gun, or a piece of wood.
D. Transfer the injured person quickly.
E. If bleeding is found, it must be stopped first and the wound covered.
6. First Aid Method: This depends on the type of fracture, which is either fixed or movable:
A. Fixed fracture: a non-moving member, meaning the two ends of the broken bone do not
move, as in the fracture of the skull or ribs. In this case, the member is placed in a
comfortable position as much as possible, using ligaments.
B. Moving fracture: that is, when the two ends of the broken bone move because it is between
two wide-moving joints, such as the thigh and humerus fracture. In this case, the joint above
the fracture and the joint under the fracture must be fixed to prevent complications.
‫ اإلسعافات األولية‬.5
.‫ منع تدهور الحالة عن طريق تجنب تحريك العضو المكسور قدر اإلمكان حتى ال تحدث مضاعفات‬.‫أ‬
.‫ تقليل األلم لمنع تصاعد الصدمة العصبية‬-‫ب‬
‫ مثل عصا أو مسدس أو قطعة‬، ‫ إصالح الطرف المكسور جيداً لمنع حركته وراحته باستخدام أي جبيرة في متناول يدك‬-‫ج‬
.‫من الخشب‬
.‫ نقل المصاب بسرعة‬-‫د‬
.‫ يجب إيقافه أوالً وتغطية الجرح‬، ‫ إذا وجد نزيف‬-‫هـ‬

:‫ سواء كان ثابتًا أو متحر ًكا‬، ‫ تعتمد على نوع الكسر‬:‫طريقة اإلسعافات األولية‬.6
‫ يتم‬، ‫ في هذه الحالة‬.‫ أي ال يتحرك طرفا العظم المكسور كما في كسر الجمجمة أو األضالع‬، ‫ وهو عضو غير متحرك‬:‫ الكسر الثابت‬-‫أ‬
.‫وضع العضو في وضع مريح قدر اإلمكان باستخدام األربطة‬
، ‫ في هذه الحالة‬.‫ أي عندما يتحرك طرفا العظم المكسور ألنه يقع بين مفصلين عريضين مثل كسر الفخذ والعضد‬:‫ الكسر المتحرك‬.‫ب‬
.‫يجب تثبيت المفصل الموجود فوق الكسر والمفصل الموجود أسفل الكسر لمنع حدوث مضاعفات‬

‫انواع الكسور‬ .7
‫منحرف‬ ‫متقاطع‬ ‫حلزوني‬ ‫معترض‬
‫المزدوجة‬ ‫المخفية‬ ‫المفتتة‬

8. Factors affecting fracture healing:

A. type of fracture
B. the location of the fracture
C. Age
D. Gender
E. Nutrition
F. Proper treatment

:‫العوامل التي تؤثر على التئام الكسور‬.8

‫ نوع الكسر‬.‫أ‬
‫ موقع الكسر‬.‫ب‬
‫ العمر‬.‫ج‬
‫هـ التغذية‬
‫ العالج المناسب‬.‫و‬


1. Bleeding is the exit of blood from a blood vessel, and the goal of treating it is always to stop it now.
Bleeding, nervous shock, and thus death, or that blood is the water of life that transports the oxygen
necessary to continue classifying the types of bleeding
A. By location:
1) External bleeding is the exit of blood from the blood vessels outside the body.
2) Internal bleeding: It is the exit of blood from the blood vessels into the body’s tissues
and internal organs.

B. According to its source

1) Arterial hemorrhage, which comes out of the arteries, is bright red in color.
2) Venous bleeding: It comes out of the blood vessels and does not come out in batches,
but rather overflows quietly, its color is dark red at first and then bright red.
3) Capillary hemorrhage: It comes from the capillary blood vessels with a strong
hemorrhage at first, then it breaks off and is outside the skin.

C. According to the time of occurrence

1) Primary bleeding: When it comes out of the blood vessels, the blood stops immediately.
2) Secondary bleeding: It begins 48 hours after the injury.

‫ أن‬، ‫ النزيف يقود الى الصدمة العصبية وبالتالي الموت‬.‫ والهدف من عالجه هو إيقافه في الحال‬، ‫النزيف هو خروج الدم من وعاء دموي‬. 1
‫الدم هو ماء الحياة الذي ينقل األكسجين الالزم‬
‫تصنيف أنواع النزيف‬

:‫ حسب الموقع‬.‫أ‬
.‫) النزيف الخارجي هو خروج الدم من األوعية الدموية خارج الجسم‬1(
.‫ وهو خروج الدم من األوعية الدموية إلى أنسجة الجسم وأعضائه الداخلية‬:‫) ) النزيف الداخلي‬2

‫ حسب مصدرها‬-‫ب‬
.‫) ) نزيف الشرايين الذي يخرج من الشرايين لونه أحمر فاتح‬1
.‫ لونه أحمر غامق في البداية ثم أحمر فاتح‬، ‫ بل يفيض بهدوء‬، ‫ يخرج من األوعية الدموية وال يخرج على دفعات‬:‫) النزف الوريدي‬2(
.‫ يأتي من األوعية الدموية الشعرية مع نزيف قوي في البداية ثم ينفصل ويخرج من الجلد‬:‫) ) النزف الشعري‬3
‫ج ـ حسب وقت حدوثها‬
.‫ عندما يخرج الدم من األوعية الدموية يتوقف الدم على الفور‬:‫) النزيف األولي‬1(
.‫ ساعة من اإلصابة‬48 ‫ يبدأ بعد‬:‫) النزيف الثانوي‬2(

2. Signs and symptoms of bleeding.

A. yellowing of the skin
B. The skin becomes cold
C. The pulse becomes fast and weak
D. The pulse becomes weak
E. Breathing becomes deep, accompanied by yawning and sighing
F. The patient feels thirsty
G. dilated pupils
H. Discomfort and tight throat
I. Fever and low blood pressure.
.‫عالمات وأعراض النزيف‬.2
‫ اصفرار الجلد‬-‫أ‬
ً‫ يصبح الجلد باردا‬-‫ب‬
‫ يصبح النبض سريعًا وضعيفًا‬-‫ج‬
‫ ضعف النبض‬-‫د‬
‫ يصبح التنفس عميقا مصحوبا بالتثاؤب والتنهد‬-‫هـ‬
‫ يشعر المريض بالعطش‬-‫و‬
‫ توسع حدقة العين‬.‫ز‬
‫ عدم الراحة وضيق في الحلق‬.‫ح‬
.‫ الحمى وانخفاض ضغط الدم‬-‫ط‬

3. Symptoms and signs resulting from nervous shock and internal bleeding:
A. nervous shock.
1) Signs and symptoms appear from the time the operation begins.
2) If the patient is warmed, his condition will improve.
3) Local symptoms are not present.
4) In shock, the color of the face is gray and the lips are very red.
5) The pulse is fast and weak, and sometimes slow.
6) Breathing shallow and rapid.
7) The patient has no sense of feeling
8) The patient does not feel dizzy
:‫ األعراض والعالمات الناتجة عن الصدمة العصبية والنزيف الداخلي‬.3
.‫ الصدمة العصبية‬-‫أ‬
.‫) تظهر العالمات واألعراض من وقت بدء العملية‬1(
.‫) ) في حالة تدفئة المريض تتحسن حالته‬2
.‫) األعراض المحلية غير موجودة‬3(
.‫ لون الوجه رمادي والشفاه حمراء للغاية‬، ‫) في حالة الصدمة‬4(
.‫) النبض سريع وضعيف وأحيانا ً بطيء‬5(
.‫) التنفس ضحل وسريع‬6(
‫) ) ال يشعر المريض بأي إحساس‬7
‫) ال يشعر المريض بالدوار‬8(
B. Internal Bleeding:
1) Signs and symptoms of bleeding appear after the operation.
2) If the patient is buried, his condition worsens.
3) Local symptoms are present, such as pain and swelling.
4) In the case of bleeding, the pallor of the color is more visible.
5) The pulse is fast and weak
6) Deep breathing accompanied by yawning and sighing
7) The casualty is sensitive to the feeling.
8) The patient feels dizzy constantly
:‫ النزيف الداخلي‬-‫ب‬
.‫) ظهور عالمات وأعراض النزيف بعد العملية‬1
.‫) إذا دفن المريض ساءت حالته‬2
.‫) وجود أعراض موضعية مثل األلم والتورم‬3
.‫) في حالة النزيف يكون شحوب اللون أكثر وضوحا‬4
‫) النبض سريع وضعيف‬5
‫) التنفس العميق مع التثاؤب والتنهد‬6
.‫) المصاب حساس للشعور‬7
‫) يشعر المريض بالدوار باستمرار‬8

4. External bleeding: It is the exit of blood from a blood vessel outside the body and stopping the
bleeding. It is important that if the patient is presented to the doctor, it will take a lot of time. The loss
of blood, whether it is a rapid or ventricle flow from a large wound, may weaken the patient to the point
that he is unable to bear the operation. The surgery necessary to save his life.
، ‫ من المهم أن يع رض الم ريض على الط بيب‬.‫ وهو خروج ال دم من وع اء دم وي خ ارج الجس م ووق ف ال نزيف‬:‫ النزيف الخارجي‬.4
‫ قد يؤدي فقدان الدم سواء كان سريعا أو تدفق دم البطين من جرح كبير إلى إضعاف الم ريض لدرج ة ع دم‬.ً‫سيستغرق األمر وقتًا طويال‬
.‫ وهنا تكون الجراحة ضرورية إلنقاذ حياته‬.‫قدرته على تحمل العملية‬

5. Ways To Stop The Bleeding:

A. The natural way.
1) By coagulation
2) By wrinkling and clumping of the inner lining of large blood vessels
B. Synthetic method
1) By lifting the affected limb upwards
2) By applying equal pressure to the wound with a field dressing and with the palm of the
hand, because the pressure reduces the flow of blood in the blood vessels and thus reduces
the bleeding and the blood coagulates over the wound, which cuts the bleeding. .
3) By applying pressure to an area higher than the wound with a thunika compressor, and
this is not resorted to except after we have exhausted all other means to cut the bleeding
because it is very dangerous, and even if it remains for a long time, it causes the growth of
the member. The shirt is tied on the member with a normal tie, then a stick or a wooden
piece is placed and inserted into the knot and used as a knot. The more you want the stick
in the knot, the greater the pressure on the member, and so on, until the bleeding stops.
Then, fix the two ends of the stick in the clothes so that it does not decrease. Then
remember the time when you put the thorn in writing on the patient’s forehead. So that it
does not remain tight for more than 20 minutes, which is in the form shown below.
:‫ طرق وقف النزيف‬.5
.‫ الطريقة الطبيعية‬.‫أ‬
‫) عن طريق التخثر‬1
‫) عن طريق تجعد وتكتل البطانة الداخلية لألوعية الدموية الكبيرة‬2
‫طريقة اصطناعية‬
‫) عن طريق رفع الطرف المصاب ألعلى‬1
‫ ألن الضغط يقلل من تدفق الدم في األوعية الدموية وبالتالي‬، ‫) من خالل الضغط المتساوي على الجرح بضمادة ميدانية وبراحة اليد‬2
. . ‫يقلل من النزيف ويتخثر الدم فوق الجرح مما يقطع النزيف‬
‫‪ )3‬من خالل الضغط على منطقة أعلى من الجرح بضاغط ثونيكا ‪ ،‬وال يتم اللجوء إلى هذا إال بعد استنفاد جميع الوسائل األخرى لقطع‬
‫النزيف ألنه خطير للغاية ‪ ،‬وحتى لو بقي لفترة طويلة‪ ، .‬فإنه يتسبب في نمو العضو‪ .‬يتم ربط القميص على العضو بربطة عنق عادية ‪،‬‬
‫ثم توضع عصا أو قطعة خشبية وتدخل في العقدة وتستخدم كعقدة‪ .‬كلما كنت تريد العصا في العقدة ‪ ،‬زاد الضغط على العضو ‪ ،‬وهكذا ‪،‬‬
‫حتى يتوقف النزيف‪ .‬ثم ثبت طرفي العصا في المالبس حتى ال تنقص‪ .‬ثم تذكر الوقت الذي وضعت فيه الشوكة في الكتابة على جبين‬
‫المريض‪ .‬بحيث ال يبقى ضيقًا ألكثر من ‪ 20‬دقيقة وهو بالصيغة الموضحة أدناه‪.‬‬


‫‪1. Heat: When the temperature and humidity rise in the air, the body loses heat by increasing blood‬‬
‫‪under the skin, evaporation and sweating‬‬
‫‪A. Effects Heat:‬‬
‫‪1) Fainting: When the blood increases under the skin and decreases in the brain, this‬‬
‫‪results in dizziness, sweating and fainting.‬‬
‫‪2) Exhaustion occurs due to excessive fluid evaporation from the body, the body loses a‬‬
‫‪large amount of salts through sweat, and this reduces blood circulation, showing signs‬‬
‫‪of nervous shock such as fatigue, mental disorders, pain in the head, pallor and‬‬
‫‪3) Sunstroke: This means loss of body temperature so that the body temperature rises‬‬
‫‪“notably” and it occurs either suddenly, gradually, or after fatigue and its signs are‬‬
‫‪that the injured is unconscious and the skin is dry and red and there is no sweat.‬‬
‫‪B. Over Heat treatment:‬‬
‫‪1) Undressing the casualty, removing all his clothes‬‬
‫‪2) Spray it with cold water‬‬
‫‪3) Place a fan near it‬‬
‫‪C. Prevent the effects of heat:‬‬
‫‪1) Get used to the weather gradually‬‬
‫‪2) A reasonable time to work, with appropriate dress‬‬
‫‪3) Improving public health‬‬
‫‪4) Take appropriate fluids and salts‬‬
‫الطقس الحار‬

‫‪ .1‬الحرارة‪ :‬عندما ترتفع درجة الحرارة والرطوبة في الهواء ‪ ،‬يفقد الجسم الحرارة عن طريق زيادة الدم تحت الجلد والتبخر والتعرق‪.‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬تأثيرات الحرارة‪:‬‬
‫‪ )1‬اإلغماء‪ :‬عندما يزداد الدم تحت الجلد وينخفض في الدماغ ينتج عنه دوار وتعرق وإغماء‪.‬‬
‫‪ )2‬يحدث اإلرهاق بسبب التبخر المفرط للسوائل من الجسم ‪ ،‬يفقد الجسم كمية كبيرة من األمالح من خالل العرق ‪ ،‬وهذا يقلل من‬
‫الدورة الدموية ‪ ،‬وتظهر عالمات الصدمة العصبية مثل التعب واالضطرابات العقلية وآالم الرأس والشحوب والتعرق‪. .‬‬
‫‪ )3‬ضربة الشمس‪ :‬وتعني فقدان درجة حرارة الجسم بحيث ترتفع درجة حرارة الجسم "بشكل ملحوظ" وتحدث إما بشكل مفاجئ أو‬
‫تدريجي أو بعد التعب ومن عالماته أن المصاب فاقد للوعي والجلد جاف وأحمر وليس هناك‪ .‬يعرق‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬معالجة اصابات الحرارية‪:‬‬
‫‪ )1‬نزع مالبس المصاب وخلع مالبسه كلها‬
‫‪ )2‬رشه بالماء البارد‬
‫‪ )3‬ضع مروحة بالقرب منه‬
‫ج‪ -‬منع تأثيرات الحرارة‪:‬‬
‫‪ )1‬االعتياد على الطقس تدريجيا ً‬
‫‪ )2‬وقت معقول للعمل مع اللباس المناسب‬
‫‪ )3‬تحسين الصحة العامة‬
‫‪ 4‬تناول السوائل واألمالح المناسبة‬
2. Cold: It results from extreme cold and freezes the skin and tissues.
A. Cold cases:
1) Freezing: It is the dry cold
2) Feet al-Janq: It is standing for a long time in cold water.
3) Submerged foot: It occurs in the navy and is the result of staying in cold water. This
prevents the effects of cold.
B. Symptoms of a cold.
1) Feeling very cold.
2) numbness.
3) Leukonychia
4) The body does not feel pain at all, and it is called (the white stage).

C. Treatment: The injured or the affected organ is exposed to a temperature equal to the body
temperature only for fear of increasing the exposure of the body to cold. The signs increase
as the color of the organ becomes red and then bubbles appear on it and thus death occurs
and it is called the red stage.

D. Prevent the effects of cold

1) Appropriate dress
2) Walking in pairs, with each one observing a female colleague from time to time.
3) Dry stockings with shoes of an appropriate size.
4) warm-up exercises
5) Watching the wounded for fear of increasing the impact of the cold on them.

Bites and Stings

1. Dog bite: a dog bite ends with a deformed and contaminated wound. The bite is treated with the
A. Wash the bite thoroughly with clean water and soap.
B. Roll with a dry bandage.
C. Send the patient to the doctor.
D. The dog was caught alive and tested for rabies
E. If the dog has rabies, the infected person is given an antidote.
F. News of the competent authorities.
G. Universal vaccination.

2. Insects Sting: the stinging place can become inflamed, so the stinging site must be washed with an
antiseptic in case of infection.
3. Snake And Scorpion Bite:
A. Use a cloth or gauze to apply pressure to the area until bleeding stops.
B. Work in place of the sting.
a. Give an antidote to snake and scorpion bites.
b. Do not put the patient to sleep.
c. Do artificial respiration if the victim is unconscious.
d. Transfer the injured to the doctor.
e. Take the snake to the doctor, alive or dead, if possible, to find out the type of poison.
‫العضات واللدغات‬

:‫ يتم التعامل مع العضة بما يلي‬.‫ تنتهي عضة الكلب بجرح مشوه وملوث‬:‫ عضة الكلب‬.1
.‫ اغسل مكان اللدغة جيداً بالماء النظيف والصابون‬-‫أ‬
.‫ لفة بضمادة جافة‬-‫ب‬
.‫ إرسال المريض إلى الطبيب‬-‫ج‬
‫اذا تم القبض على الكلب حيا واجري اختبار داء الكلب‬
ً.‫ فيُعطى الشخص المصاب ترياقا‬، ‫ إذا كان الكلب مصابًا بداء الكلب‬.E
.‫ أخبار الجهات المختصة‬-‫و‬
.‫زاي التطعيم الشامل‬

.‫ لذلك يجب غسل مكان اللدغة بمطهر في حالة اإلصابة‬، ‫ يمكن أن يلتهب مكان اللدغة‬:‫ لدغة الحشرات‬.2
:‫ لدغة األفعى والعقرب‬.3
.‫ استخدم قطعة قماش أو شاش للضغط على المنطقة حتى يتوقف النزيف‬:‫ج‬
.‫ العمل في مكان اللدغة‬.‫ب‬
.‫أعط ترياقًا لدغات الثعابين والعقارب‬
ِ .‫أ‬
‫ ال تدع المريض ينام‬.‫ب‬
.‫ قم بإجراء التنفس االصطناعي إذا كانت المصاب فاقدًا للوعي‬.‫ج‬
.‫ انقل المصاب للطبيب‬.‫د‬
‫ خذ خذ الثعبان إلى الطبيب حيا أو ميتا إن أمكن لمعرفة نوع السم‬.‫ه‬
1. Burns: It is damage to body tissues as a result of exposure to heat (incendiary materials) or extreme cold

2. Causes:
A. High Temperature:
1) Dry heat: - such as fire and flame.
2) Moist heat: such as steam, hot water, hot tea.
B. Electricity.
C. chemicals.
D. Extreme cold.

3. Degrees of Burns: There are three degrees of burns:

A. First degree: It is a slight redness of the skin with the presence of some painful bubbles
B. Second degree: the appearance of deep skin bubbles filled with yellow liquid and the effect on
the subcutaneous surface
C. Third degree: What affects the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and blood vessels and may
reach the bone and is characterized by the loss of subcutaneous tissue, or the enlargement of the
burned tissues.
4. The importance and severity of burning depends on the following:
A. Heat or cold.
B. Core duration of exposure to incendiary materials.
C. The area of the burn in the body and according to its degree, as the first degree is for a distance
of less than 33% of the body area.
D. place of burning.
E. type of incendiary substance

5. Signs and symptoms.

A. Severe pain: especially when exposed to air.
B. Plasma loss: This takes place after bubbles or liquid spillage from the burned surface.
C. nervous shock:
1) Primary nervous shock: It occurs immediately after the burn and is the result of pain.
2) Secondary nervous shock: It occurs hours after the burn as a result of the absorption
of toxins.

6. First Aid Treatment :

A. If an injured person is seen in a state of burning, the paramedic must lay him on the ground, because
the flame moves to the height, so he lays him on his back if the flame is in the chest and on his chest
if the flame is in the back, then the paramedic throws a rug, blanket or coat over him to prevent the
air from the flame. Then gently remove the clothes from the injured without causing pain to the
injured. For this purpose, the clothes are cut in the areas attached to the body of the injured.

1) First-degree burns: First-degree burns that are less armed than 33% •

a) Thorough washing with soap and water.

b) A sterile cloth with Vaseline or wet fats is placed on the burn.
c) Pain relievers and rest to prevent nervous shock, or analgesics such as aspirin if
he is able to swallow
d) Sending the injured to a nearby medical center for treatment.

2) Second – Degree And Third Degree Burns

a) Resisting pain and anxiety by giving the patient analgesics such as Albarnitorin
under the thigh, intramuscularly or intravenously.
b) Preventing nervous shock by warming the patient and giving him some fluids.
c) Giving the patient (T.T) if he has not been vaccinated.
d) Speed in sending the injured to the hospital where first aid is given:
e) . Gently remove clothing touching burns.
f) The burn is cleaned with a saline solution with saline, and the worn pieces of
skin are removed.
g) The bubbles are still removed by the paramedic, but they are removed by the
h) Putting a sterile spare part and treating it as the doctor sees

B. Special Burns Treatment:

1) Burns with acid:

a) Washing the burned area with running water for a long time and as quickly as
b) Giving sedatives to the patient, such as aspirin.

2) Alkali burns:

a) Wash the burned area with running water for a long time and quickly.
b) Putting dilute acids, such as vinegar and diluted acetate.
c) Giving simple sedatives.

d) If it is through the digestive system, try to give the patient diluted vinegar,
egg white or olive oil.

3) Burns with phosphorous: It is forbidden to put water on the burned area, but it must be
wrapped and covered completely with a piece of gauze wet with water to prevent the
access of oxygen to it.

4) Electrocution:
a) Cut off the electrical current at full speed: by means of an insulator, while
maintaining the same paramedic that the injured is not injured by electricity,
and specifying the source of entry and exit of electricity and keeping him
away from the source of the current
b) Make rapid artificial respiration: the nervous shock must be treated, and then
the burns must be treated:
5) Severe burns: In the case of extensive burns, not much work can be done except to
prevent contamination of the burn with germs, taking into account the following points:

a) Cover the burn with sterile or clean dressings, if available.

b) Do not lower clothes if they are stuck in the burn.
c) Never clean a burn
d) Do not open bubbles of burning
e) Do not put any kind of ointment, such as Vaseline, and remember that
burning is one of the causes of nervous shock. To prevent this, do not water
the injured person if he tries to vomit.

Artificial Respiration

1. There are several ways to perform artificial respiration, but the best way is to blow directly into the
mouth or nose of the victim, and the paramedic must choose what suits the patient’s disease and

2. Artificial Respiration used in:

A. Choking
B. Hanging
C. Nose / Mouth. Obstruction
D. Drowning
E. Electric Shock.
F. Carbon Dioxide Poisoning

3. The complete interruption of breathing can be tolerated for a few minutes, and the injured person can
recover his life if he is treated during it. But if twenty minutes have passed since the complete
interruption, there is no hope for the injured person to return to life.

4. Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration method:

A. This method is the last and most recent method, the method of artificial respiration, the correct aid
during breathing in the inhale, 20% of the oxygen enters the lungs, and the rate of oxygen
exchange in the blood is only 4%, and 16% of the oxygen comes out of the lungs.
B. The number of breaths taken by the casualty is 12 times per minute, at a rate of two seconds for
inflation and three seconds for emptying, or every five seconds once.
C. the position of the patient:
1) The patient sleeps on his back.
2) A blanket or pillow or the like is placed under the shoulders so that the head can go back.
3) If air enters the stomach, the stomach must be pressed to remove it, and it continues in
this way for up to two hours.

5. Death Verification: It is inferred whether or not breathing is present in one of the following ways:

A. A mirror is placed over the nose and mouth.

B. A bowl filled with water is placed on the chest. If breathing is in progress, the surface of the water
in the bowl moves.
C. A piece of cotton is placed in front of his mouth. If the cotton tissue moves, breathing is in

6. Signs of death: When a person dies, the general muscles relax, and after a few hours, the muscles
gradually become stiff, and within 12-18 hours, the general body is stiff and relaxes again after 36


1. Choking: It is the lack of oxygen in the blood and oxygen comes to the blood through breathing and it is
by inhalation the exhale is as follows:

A. Inhale:
1) The respiratory center in the brain.
2) The commands given for contractions are about 14 times per minute.
3) Movement of the chest muscles and diaphragm
4) Expansion of the rib cage.
5) expansion of the lungs.
6) The entry of air from the bronchi.
7) Exchange in the lungs, where the blood takes in oxygen and excretes carbon
B. Exhale
1) Relax the chest muscles.
2) The chest size is reduced.
3) Air is expelled from the lungs.

2. Causes of Choking: Any defect or interference with this breathing mechanism caused by:
A. Paralysis of the respiratory center of the brain from electric shock or morphine poisoning.
B. shallow and rapid breathing in a coma.
C. lack of expansion of the rib cage due to crushing,
D. Loss of oxygen from the upper layers of the atmosphere.
E. The obstruction of the respiratory tract due to the creation, the splitting, the difference.
F. Damage to lung cells due to an irritant gas - chlorine gas.
G. Replacing the oxygen in the blood with carbon dioxide due to coal and smoke poisoning.

3. Choking Treatment.
A. Remove the cause or remove the injured from the air and rescue him.
B. It saves the airway.
C. Do artificial respiration, except in cases of damage to the lung tissue from irritating toxins, and in such a
case, sending the injured to the hospital, not giving oxygen, which is very necessary.
D. If there is obstruction of the airway, the head must be hennaed forward or the patient’s head turned
downward and pressure between the bones of the plate or a simple blow.


1. Drowning: The body cavity is filled with fluid, especially the air sacs in the lungs. A drowned person's body
is usually cold and his face is flushed and bluish, as are his limbs. You may not notice a sign of breathing or a
pulse, and we think that he is dead if his muscles are not really stiff.

2. Paramedic duties

A. He pulled the drowning man out of the water, put him in the open air on his stomach, pulled his hand
forward and turned his face to one side.
B. Remove breathing obstacles such as kelp and artificial teeth from his mouth, then raise his stomach to
the top so that the water in his lungs can escape.
C. Perform the artificial respiration process without stopping. Take off his wet clothes or take them off.
Speed up the process of artificial respiration and then consider asking for help.
D. When the drowning person's normal breathing returns, cover him with a blanket and then move him
not near a shelter, and he must be well taken care of.

Loss of consciousness

1. Loss of consciousness: It is a symptom that accompanies many diseases and injuries, and it is not a disease
with an existing injury alone. It must always be remembered that . All cases of coma or loss of consciousness
can lose breathing. Therefore, attention must be paid to breathing in the ambulance, which must check the
airways from any obstacle, and proceed straight to artificial respiration and loss of consciousness are of two
A. Partial loss of consciousness: the sufferer is between sleep and wakefulness, but is closer to sleep, If
we open the eyelids from the pupil of the eye, we find that they maintain their sensitivity, that is, they
narrow with light and widen with darkness. If we touch the cornea of the eye, the eyelids are forced.
B. Complete loss of consciousness: the sufferer is beneficial to every sense or feeling while he is in a
deep sleep, and the pupils of the eye are dilated and are not affected by the difference in light and

2. Causes: It depends on brain activity and also depends on damage and interference in the work of the brain,
A. Fainting: This results from a lack of blood flow to the brain.
B. Asthma: caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain.
C. Drugs: such as alcohol - morphine - science pills.
D. Concussion: As a result of head injuries, which may damage the brain.
E. Pressure on the brain: A collection or hematoma or a piece of bone inside the skull causes increased
pressure on the brain.
F. Damage to blood vessels, and this occurs due to blockage or damage to one of the blood vessels in the
elderly and people with high arterial tension, causing coma.

3. Fainting: It is the most common cause of exposure to individuals.

A. Causes
1) Long standing in a corrupt environment
2) Physical stress.
3) Sudden, pleasant or distressing nervous irritability or physical pain.
4) Heavy bleeding.
B. Symptoms:
1) The victim suddenly falls to the ground.
2) The color of the face is yellow.
3) Relaxation of muscles and limbs.
4) The pulse is fast and weak.
5) Breathing shallow and rapid.
6) arterial hypotension.
C. First aid:
1) Lower the head to the level of the body and raise the lower extremities.
2) Keep the injured away from bad air, such as crowded places.
3) After the casualty regains consciousness, he is given stimuli such as coffee


1. Shock: It occurs in a situation where the blood and oxygen supply to the multiple cells in the human body is
reduced, and if it is not treated quickly, it leads to death.
2. Causes:
A. Loss of a large volume of blood or fluid from the body
B. Choking
C. Severe pain helps increase shock
D. Severe infections

3. Shock Signs:
A. Thirst
B. Pallor
C. Heavy sweating
D. Increasing Pulse rate and weakness in beats (strength)
E. Gradual loss of consciousness

4. Treatment: The best type of treatment is to prevent the occurrence of shock and treat it.
A. Preventing shock: It is done in the following ways:
1) STOP the bleeding
2) Preventing Choking
3) Stabilization of fractures before transporting the injured person.
4) Preventing the occurrence of severe infections in wounds.
B. Trauma treatment: When dealing with trauma, do the following:
1) Reassure the injured person
2) Loosen tight clothing and belts
3) Do not move the casualty, if required do so gently, consider C-spine immobilization if pertinent
to mechanism of injury (MOI)
4) Place casualty in a comfortable posture (recovery position)/ place, and or quickly remove from
danger area if time/situation permits
5) Give clear fluids to drink if the stomach viscera is not damaged and if casualty is conscious.


1. Wound: A tear in the body as a result of an injury. Most of the wounds are external, affecting the skin and the
tissues under it, but the internal wound is caused by a blow or severe trauma from the outside, such as a severe
blow to the abdominal wall that can cause a wound to the liver or spleen.

2. Types of Wounds: The types of wounds depend on the type of cause or how they occurred, and they are:

A. Incisive wounds: Caused by a sharp cutting instrument that cuts the skin and the tissue beneath it without
causing significant damage to it, because it tears the tissue, and the edges of the wound are regular. Here
the bleeding is profuse and its edges are open. There are two types of incisive wounds:

1) Long cut wounds: They are superficial caused by a razor or blade injury and bleed
2) Deep stab wounds caused by a knife or spear stabbing, leaving a small wound with
regular edges, but it penetrates inward, causing damage to internal organs such as the
heart, reindeer, liver, etc. The bleeding from these wounds is severe, either to the inside
or outside the body cavities, and usually inflammation occurs after being hit with such

B. Torn wounds: Caused by a blow or tearing from a blunt instrument that causes bruises and tears in the
tissues and the edges of the wound are torn, serrated and irregular. Such wounds do not bleed much
because the blood vessels are ruptured and compressed, and the bleeding usually stops on its own, and
this type of wound is subject to severe contamination

C. Bruise: the skin does not open, but a lot of blood vessels and blood erupt and leak into the surrounding
tissues, causing bluishness.

D. Penetrating wounds occur as a result of being hit by a bullet, shrapnel from a bomb, or a spear, and they
are of two types:

1) Type 1 : They are the result of a gunshot, and it has an entrance and an exit and they
differ in shape because the entrance is small and the exit is larger and the edges of the
wound are irregular, and the diameter of the entrance varies with respect to the size of the
bullet and its speed, because the small and fast bullets have the entrance and exit smaller,
including in the case of a bullet wound Bigger and slower The gunshot wound is always
subject to contamination, and penetrating wounds in which a bone of the body is broken,
the exit is very wide and causes a large tear.
2) Type 2: They are the result of a bullet that penetrates the skin and settles in the body,
and the wound has an entrance only, and the shot is taken out by a surgical operation by a

E. Abrasive wounds: an abrasion on the skin surface and the damage is minor.

3. Wound Treatment:
A. STOP the bleeding and prevent contamination of the wound by placing a sterile dressing, if possible, or as
clean as possible on it, and then tying it with a tight compression bandage.
B. Preventing increased bleeding by not moving the affected organ.
C. Treatment of nervous shock.
D. Keep the wound clean in the following manner:
1) Cover the wound with a field band as soon as possible to prevent it from being contaminated with
germs and thus speeding up its healing because wound infection often leads to the loss of life.

2) Do not attempt to wipe or remove foreign bodies from the wound with your hands. Wash with soap
and water if you are able to do so only, then put the dressing on it and tie it as it is.

3) Prevent air from entering the chest cavity, as it presses on the lung, causing it to atrophy, and the
patient cannot breathe, and death occurs to avoid this, quickly cover it with a field bandage and
press it with an adhesive bandage, a blanket, or a pillow.

4) Place the victim on the affected side to relax the lung and reduce breathing in it, and to remove
fluids that collect inside the chest cavity from the wound.

4. Bandages to be used: If the wound is deep and bleeding heavily, it needs to put a filling inside the wound. In
emergency cases, clean paper can be used to cover the wounds. The first thing that must be done is to put pressure
on the wound to stop the bleeding, and then use one of the following bands:
A. The field bandage or field bandage (the way to use it as in the figure below).
B. bomb strap
C. Any other suitable things, such as using cloth-curtains, shirt napkins, or any other clean piece of cloth

5. Symptoms and signs of wound infection: The reproduction of germs and their reproduction in wounds occurs
quickly because they find in the blood clots good food that helps them to grow and reproduce, and the contaminated
wound is considered inflamed and the following signs and symptoms appear:
A. Edema of the surrounding tissues and edges of the wound.
B. Redness of the surrounding skin
C. High temperature above the normal level around the wound.
D. Pain as a result of edema
E. Appearance of pus: it is made up of necrosed white blood cells and bacteria.
When injured, there is always a possibility of normal human flora manifesting into an infection with
tetanus or gaseous death, and these two cases are very dangerous.
The infected wound site could take time to heal.
After healing, it can leave a scar; may appear like a dewy mark in the skin (keloid), and described as
‘ugly’ due to misshapen appearance depending on infection state and bacterial growth.
Proper hygiene and care can also promote to better healing results on affected area.


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