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Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

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Lesson 2
Pedagogical Principles

Name: Date:

A. Objectives:
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
1. Explain the three principles of flexible learning, interactional learning, and
asynchronous/synchronous modularity.
2. Identify concrete practices that demonstrate these principles.


Answer the following.

1. Experience
Considering the pedagogical principles that we have already identified previously, are
there other principles that you think are needed? Are the principles sufficient? Why?
What do you think about the three principles identified previously? Are the principles
pedagogically sound? Provide an example for each of the three principles.
2. Assess
Identify the three principles and explain the areas of learning that they aim to address.
3. Challenge
Below is a table that crosstabs the three principles and the VUCA context. In the space
provided, explain how the principles address the demands of the VUCA world.

Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3


4. Harness
If you were to add to this set of learning principles, what would you include and how
does this principle that you will add fit into the bigger picture of the interplay of the three
principles altogether?
Holistic Rubric for Grading Short Essays

Score (℅
Remarks Criteria

Covers topic completely and in depth.

Content is readily understandable.
Exemplary 10 It contributes to understanding of the topic. Discussion effectively
entices the audience and accurately conveys a message.
Correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling

9 Covers topic.
Content is mostly understandable.
Proficient It contributes to understanding of the topic. Discussion attractive
9.5 and adequately convey a message.
9.75 Few grammars, usage, mechanics, and/or spelling errors

8 Barely covers topic.

Content is somewhat understandable.
Developing It somewhat contributes to understanding of topic. Discussion is
8.5 limited; message is conveyed.
8.75 Several grammars, usage, mechanics, and/or spelling errors

7 Does not adequately cover topic.

Content is confusing.
Unacceptable It does not contribute to understanding of the topic.
7.5 Discussion is confusing or absent; message is confusing.
7.75 Obvious grammar, usage, mechanics, and/or spelling errors

Rate your ANSWER just select from the rubrics score from 6-10. Example 7.75 Needs

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. Thomas Jefferson

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