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Name: Mariefe Perucho

Sec: 12STEM2320


Write your answer the following question:

What are your dance experiences?

= I used to do ballet and ballroom dance in my youth. I didn't sign up for
these events; instead, they approached me and asked whether I wanted to
participate. I acknowledged this in the hopes of gaining experience. I can
safely tell that I greatly cherished them. Despite my love of dance, I was
forced to give it up due to a blood issue.
What benefits did you acquired in dance participation?
=Dancing offered me diverse benefits. It became a means to express
myself physically and emotionally, fostering effective communication
through elegant movements. Additionally, it played a vital role in enhancing
my self-assurance, helping me conquer self-doubt and embrace my
capabilities more fully.

How’s dance different from movement?

=Dance is an artistic movement that includes expressive motions set to
music, whereas movement includes a broader variety of utilitarian and
expressive physical changes.

What can we get from dancing?

=Dancing, in my opinion, has various advantages: it provides learning
opportunities, builds friendships, promotes a healthy body through
exercise, and helps relieve tension and anxiety.

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