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GJIMNAZI: “………………………."









Shpërndarja e përmbajtjes lëndore për realizimin e kompetencave në lëndën e gjuhës angleze për klasën e 12.

34 javë x 3orë\javë= 102 orë vjetore

Periudha I Shtator- Dhjetor Periudha II Janar- Mars Periudha III Prill- Qershor
(39 orë) ( 36 orë) ( 27 orë)
Kompetencat e
Të lexuarit Reading topics. Reading topics. Reading topics.
Reading , would you dare, Who says stress is bad for you, Civilisation, mysterious
making a living, jobs and stages of life, the cost of fame science, black holes,
money, life stile to die for, in pursuit of purpose, a new education, new harbour
travel and shopping , around dimension, vocabulary art, school, reading part of
the worldthe great storm, bird Mona Lisa`s twin sister, food progress check (8 orë)
searcher and health, illness, reading
( 10 orë ) part
(10 orë)

Të folurit Speaking skill, topic: Speaking topics: Speaking topics:
Speaking, job interviews, Experssing feelings,
describing things, CLIL Giving suggestion, advice,
bullying in school,
culture spot, CLIL 2, describing photos, comets,
discussion topic, deciding what to watch
giving opinion, Oliver
environmental problems, on tv, after the Twist (4 orë)
discussion an issue, how impresionist, discussing
geysers work (7 orë ) topic, asking for advice,
food labels
( 7 orë )

Listening topics: Listening topics. Listening topics.
Listening skills, Listening skills, pronunciation, Listening skills, Planning,
pronunciation, listening 2, blue notes, lecture about Studying abroad,
Të dëgjuarit diphthongs, radio interview homelessness pronunciation
(3 orë) (2 orë)

Të shkruarit Writng topics.

Writing topics. Writing an opinion essay, Writing a report,
Writing a letter of writing a review, free topic, a for An opinion essay
application, writing a story, and against essay (2 orë )
An essay suggesting (4 orë)
problems, free topic writing
(4 orë )

Përdorimi i Grammar topics. Grammar topics. Grammar topics
drejtë gjuhës Present simple tense, future Modals, infinitives, gerund form, Grammar in use,
tense, defining, non-defining grammar in use possessive. Adjectives comparisons,
relative clauses, used to, Conditionals, wishes
clauses of result, reported (5 orë )
speech, reporting modal making deductions
verbs, grammar in focus (5 orë)
(7 orë)

Të tjera: Të tjera: Të tjera :

Përfocim Përfocim Përfocim
Projekt Projekt Projekt
Test Test
(8 orë) (7 orë)
(6 orë)

Rezultatet e të nxënit sipas kompetencave kyce

Kompetnca e komunikimit dhe të shprehurit

● diskuton në grup, në mënyrë konstruktive duke dhënë informacion, argumente dhe duke shtruar pyetje në një
dialog prej disa minutash, për një temë të caktuar në gjuhën amtare ose në një gjuhë të huaj;
● lexon rrjedhshëm një tekst të panjohur në gjuhën e huaj, i cili përmban 2-3 faqe (tregim letrar, artikull gazete ose
reviste etj.), identifikon ngjashmëritë dhe dallimet kryesore në strukturën e fjalive në gjuhën e huaj dhe në gjuhën
amtare, duke nënvizuar dhe duke e ilustruar me shembuj konkretë;
● prezanton një temë të caktuar nga arti, nga shkenca, nga jeta e përditshme dhe në mënyrë efektive komunikon me
audiencën, duke përdorur TIK-un dhe mediet e tjera të shkruara dhe elektronike;
● shpreh mendimin e lirë, opinionin dhe qëndrimin e tij për një temë të caktuar nga jeta, nga shkenca, nga
profesioni, nga shoqëria, nga mjedisi, duke përdorur forma të ndryshme të komunikimit, me gojë ose me shkrim;
● përdor në mënyrë efektive programet e TIK-ut gjatë procesit të të nxënit (duke përfshirë edhe të nxënit në
distancë) si dhe gjatë kryerjes së detyrave në një fushë të caktuar mësimore.

Kompetenca për jetën, sipërmarrjen dhe mjedisin

● ndërmerr iniciativë në aktivitete të ndryshme me interes për lëndën/fushën mësimore, për klasën, për shkollën dhe
për mjedisin ku jeton, si dhe tregohet i përgjegjshëm në plotësimin e detyrave, përmbushjen e detyrimeve dhe
respektimin e afateve, referuar projektit apo planit
● zbaton udhëzimet dhe rregullat e shkruara në udhëzues, katalog apo skicë për përdorimin e drejtë të mjeteve
laboratorike, makinave dhe pajisjeve teknike, gjatë një ushtrimi ose aktiviteti (në klasë, në laborator etj.), si dhe
tregon për të tjerët mënyrën e zgjedhjes dhe përdorimit të tyre;
● paraqet kompetencat e nevojshme për të përballuar situata të ndryshme jetësore apo për zhvillimin e karrierës në një
fushë të caktuar;
● merr iniciativa të suksesshme për organizimin e aktiviteteve të ndryshme që nxisin bashkëpunimin e ndërmarrjeve
me komunitetin, duke promovuar interesin e dyanshëm.
Kompetenca personale
● demonstron vetëbesim dhe shkathtësi personale e ndërpersonale në jetën e përditshme, duke dalluar aspektet pozitive
për veten dhe duke ndërmarrë veprime konkrete për arritjen e rezultateve të synuara personale;

● tregon shkathtësi në organizimin e lojës me të tjerët, garave sportive apo aktiviteteve kulturore dhe menaxhon me
sukses emocionet e veta në situata të ndryshme gjatë aktiviteteve dhe gjatë jetës së përditshme;
● shfaq në forma të ndryshme, empati për të tjerët,, merr pjesë në aktivitete bamirësie, ndihmon të moshuarit, të
sëmurët etj., dhe përvojat e tilla i prezanton para të tjerëve;
● paraqet, me gojë ose me shkrim, përparësitë e aktiviteteve fizike ditore për individin e shëndoshë dhe prezanton para
të tjerëve qëllimet e vendosura për veten në këtë fushë (për aktivitetet fizike ditore) dhe nivelin e arritjes së tyre;
● historike, aktuale, sociale etj.;

● prezanton në forma të ndryshme shprehëse mënyrën e zbatimit të planeve personale të jetës (, në shkollim, në
karrierë, në sport, në shoqëri, në biznes etj.), vlerëson nivelin e arritjeve të qëllimeve të synuara dhe ilustron shembuj
të veçantë të planeve personale për të ardhme

Kompetenca qytetare
● prezanton mënyrën e funksionimit të mjedisit shoqëror në nivel lokal dhe me gjerë, si dhe me shembuj konkretë
tregon kontributin e vet në ruajtjen dhe kultivimin e vlerave të mjedisit;

● prezanton në forma të ndryshme, se si i ushtron të drejtat e veta në shkollë dhe në jetën e përditshme dhe si i njeh e i
respekton të drejtat e të tjerëve, duke dhënë shembuj konkretë;
● paraqet në forma të ndryshme të të shprehurit vlerat kryesore të diversitetit në shoqëri apo në mjedisin ku jeton, i
diskuton ato me të tjerët, duke i krahasuar me shembuj nga jeta e përditshme që tregojnë tolerancë, respekt dhe
qëndrim të hapur ndaj dallimeve;
● ilustron me shembuj nga jeta e përditshme, praktikat e menaxhimit dhe të zgjidhjes së konflikteve në mënyrë
konstruktive, duke ndarë me të tjerët përvojat, mendimet dhe ndjenjat e veta gjatë diskutimeve të shembujve
ilustrues në këtë fushë;
● prezanton në një debat me të tjerët ose në një formë tjetër të të shprehurit, masat për mbrojtjen dhe zhvillimin e
vlerave dhe parimeve të të drejtave të njeriut në jetën e përditshme, duke veçuar shembuj konkretë të ndonjë
aktiviteti (, aktivitete për promovimin e barazisë gjinore, shmangien ndaj paragjykimeve dhe diskriminimit,
luftën ndaj varfërisë etj.);
● merr pjesë në përgatitjen dhe në organizimin e një aktiviteti (në shkollë apo në komunitet) për mbrojtjen e mjedisit
natyror dhe atij të krijuar nga njeriu dhe në mënyra të ndryshme kontribuon për zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm të tij;
● ndërmerr apo udhëheq një aktivitet për vlerësimin e cilësisë dhe të saktësisë së informacioneve në një faqe web që
shfrytëzohet më shumë nga moshatarët, arsyeton aktivitetin dhe vlerësimin e bërë, ofron këshilla të mbështetura në
etikën morale dhe profesionale për shfrytëzimin e përgjegjshëm të internetit.

Kompetenca digjitale
● përdor programet e TIK-ut në mënyrë efektive për të komunikuar dhe për të bashkëpunuar me bashkëmoshatarët
gjatë procesit të të nxënit, duke përfshirë edhe të nxënit në distancë;
● prezanton një projekt, duke përdorur sekuenca animimesh, videosh, figurash për demonstrimin e temave mësimore;

● vlerëson cilësinë e informacionit që gjen nga një shumëllojshmëri burimesh dhe mediesh;

● është krijues në zbatimin e njohurive që përmbajnë shkencat kompjuterike dhe mediet digjitale;

● tregon rregullat e sigurisë që duhen zbatuar për të ruajtur privatësinë personale sipas kodit të etikës së komunikimit
personal dhe në grup;
● ndërgjegjësohet mbi globalizmin dhe larmitë e kulturave, duke shkëmbyer me nxënësit e vendeve të ndryshme
përvojat e vendit tonë

Kompetencat e fushës

Të dëgjuarit

Përshkrimi: Nxënësi kupton idenë kryesore të një bisede kur flitet me një gjuhë të ndërlikuar por me dialekt standard për

tema konkrete ose abstrakte në jetën e përditshme shoqërore, akademike ose profesionale duke përfshirë edhe diskutime
teknike. Nxënësi ndjek linjën e argumentit në një fjalim të gjatë dhe kompleks kur tema është e njohur për të.

Rezultatet e te nxenit per kompetencen e te degjuarit

● kupton në detaje çfarë thuhet në gjuhën e folur standarde edhe në ambiente të zhurmshme;

● ndjek një leksion, kur tema është e njohur dhe prezantimi është i strukturuar në mënyrë të hapur dhe të qartë;

● kupton pjesën më të madhe të dokumentarëve në radio që përcillen në gjuhën e përditshme dhe mund të identifikojë
gjendjen shpirtërore dhe tonin e folësit etj.;
● kupton dokumentarët televizivë, intervistat direkt, diskutimet, dramat dhe pjesën më të madhe të filmave në një
dialekt standard;
● kupton idetë kryesore të një bisede të ndërlikuar, qoftë me tema abstrakte apo konkrete që përcillen në një dialekt
standard duke përfshirë diskutimet teknike në fushën e tij të dijeve dhe interesit;
● përdor një varg strategjish për të arritur të kuptojë ҫështjet kryesore në një pjesë që dëgjon duke përdorur të dhënat
nga konteksti.

Te lexuarit


Nxënësi lexon në mënyrë të pavarur duke e përshtatur stilin dhe shpejtësinë e të lexuarit sipas llojit të tekstit dhe qëllimeve të tij dhe
duke përzgjedur burime reference të përshtatshme. Nxënësi ka fjalor aktiv të gjerë, por mund të ketë vështirësi me shprehjet
idiomatike që hasen rrallë.

● Nxënësi:

● lexon dhe kupton artikuj dhe raporte rreth problemeve aktuale në të cilat autori shpreh qëndrime dhe pikëpamje të caktuara;

● kupton në detaje tekste brenda fushës së interesit ose zonës së specialitetit të tij profesional ose akademik;

● kupton artikuj të specializuar jashtë fushës së tij akademike apo profesionale duke përdorur fjalorin nëse është e nevojshme

● kupton përmbledhje që kanë të bëjnë me tema kulturore si filma, shfaqe teatrale, libra dhe koncerte dhe të përmbledhë ҫështjet
e tyre më kryesore;
● lexon letra rreth temave brenda fushave të tij të interesit profesional apo personal dhe kap çështjet më të rëndësishme

Kompetenca: Të folurit

Përshkrimi i kompetencës
Nxënësi flet rrjedhshëm dhe spontanisht duke mundësuar komunikim të rregullt dhe të vazhdueshëm me bashkëfolësin pa
shkaktuar keqkuptime. Nxënësi vë në dukje rëndësinë që kanë ngjarjet dhe përvojat e tij personale, prezanton pikëpamjet
e tij qartë duke i mbështetur ato me detaje dhe argumente.

Rezultatet e të nxënit për kompetencën e të folurit


● nis ose mbështet një bisedë të përgatitur ose intervistë;

● pyet nëse bashkëfolësi është i qartë dhe improvizon pyetje mbi tema interesante që mund të dalin gjatë një
● merr pjesë natyrshëm në një bisedë apo debat mbi një temë të përgjithshme;

● shkëmben informacion të detajuar faktik në fushën e tij të interesit;

● komenton opinionet e të tjerëve duke nxjerrë në pah avantazhet dhe disavantazhet e pikëpamjeve të tyre;

● merr pjesë në një diskutim dhe mbështet mendimin dhe pikëpamjet e tij duke komentuar dhe argumentuar;

● transmeton shkallë të ndryshme të emocionit dhe thekson rëndësinë e përvojave apo ngjarjeve.

Kompetenca: Te shkruarit

Përshkrimi i kompetencës: Nxënësi shkruan tekste të qarta dhe të detajuara për tema të ndryshme që lidhen me fushën e
tij të interesit duke vlerësuar dhe përmbledhur informacionin dhe argumentet e marra nga burime të ndryshme. Nxënësi
gjithashtu shpreh në mënyrë efektive pikëpamjet e tij me shkrim.


● shkruan ese, raporte ose prezantime tekstesh qartë dhe të detajuara për tema që lidhen me fushën e tij të interesit;

● shkruan saktë dhe shkurt përmbledhje të artikujve mbi tema të përgjithshme;

● trajton tema në një ese ose “letër një botuesi” duke dhënë arsye pro ose kundër një pikëpamjeje të caktuar;

● shtjellon një argument në një ese ose raport duke nxjerrë në pah problemet kryesore dhe duke përfshirë edhe detajet
● shkruan rreth ngjarjeve ose përvojave të vërteta ose të sajuara në një mënyrë të detajuar dhe të thjeshtë për t’u lexuar;

● raporton për të rejat e ditës duke bërë të qarta aspektet më të rëndësishme sipas mendimit të tij për një ngjarje.








SHKOLLA: ``…………..``

Topics Learning Methodology and Evaluation and Sources and
situation Ss` activity forms of assessment teaching aids

Highlights on a Communicative Observation, IWB, posters,

assessing answers,
topic language teaching, digital
assessing group
autonomous, key work, presentation,
assessing distance
1 Project 1 Project: Class/phase 1. vocabulary and photos, internet,
structures using checklists, CD/USB, mini

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book,,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
School and Work; Reading
questions and work, dictionary, CD
Module Comprehension; Would you
2 Jobs and money answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
1-a dare do a job like this? Pre-
matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
while-after reading exercises. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Vocabulary exercises: jobs Group work, pair Observation,
and money, work, assessing answers, S. book,,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Jobs and money
questions and work, dictionary, CD
as related to
3 Unit 1-b answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
Character and personality describing
matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
adjectives, phrasal verbs. character questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,
through writing an language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Work book and grammar informal thank
4 Unit 1-b autonomous, key work and peer group references,
exercises you email grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Grammar in use: Grammar Communicative S. book, w. book,

Present tenses; consolidation language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
autonomous, key work and peer references,
5 Unit 1-c Future tenses (time clauses,
grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Grammar Communicative S. book, w. book,
consolidation language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Work book and grammar
6 Unit 1-c autonomous, key work and peer references,
grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Listening skills: Making Observation, S. book,,
listening for gist, mini dictionary,
announcements about assessing listening
sentence CD, listening
missing people; job Making and answers on it,
7 Unit 1-d completion, tracks,
interviews; listening for gist, announcements diagnostic, class and
choosing the best Internet, Digital
sentence completion, peer work platform, IWB
choosing the best answer. assessment.
Speaking skills: describing Communicative Observation, S. book,,
and making comparisons and language teaching, assessing speaking picture
speculations; dictionary, CD
Interviewing a autonomous and answers on it,
8 Unit 1-e Internet, Digital
person. speaking diagnostic, class and
Job interview – replying and platform,Posters,
reinforcement in peer work photos, IWB
contrasting ideas. pair work activities. assessment.
Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Unit 1-d& Work book and grammar
9 autonomous, key work and peer group references,
1-e exercises
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Writing: A letter of Communicative
Observation, S. book, w. book,
application language teaching,
assessing writing writing and
Organizing its paragraphs and autonomous writing
and answers on it, outline
planning it. reinforcement in
10 Unit 1-f Writing a letter diagnostic, class, references,
individual activities,
peer work and useful language,
pair work on model
checklist exercise
analysis and
assessment. worksheets, IWB
paragraph content.
Work book and grammar Communicative Diagnostic, class S. book, w. book,
11 Unit 1-f
exercises- Writing & Skills language teaching, work and peer group grammar
autonomous, key references,
work 1 grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Group work, pair Observation,
work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
Language brainstorming, assessing group picture
Cross curricular activities CLIL
focus and questions and work, dictionary, CD
and workbook exercises: A Careers and
12 knowledge answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
lifestyle to die for, Bird culture spots.
1. Progress matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
researcher and CLIL1 Careers questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
check 1
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Grammar Work book and grammar
13 autonomous, key work and peer group references,
bank 1 exercises
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
14 Project 2
Group work, pair Observation,
work, assessing answers, S. book,,
Travel and shopping brainstorming, assessing group picture
( Everyday life): Reading questions and work, dictionary, CD
Module 2- Travel and
15 comprehension; The pearl of answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
a shopping
the Indian ocean; pre-while- matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
after reading exercises. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

16 Unit 2-b Vocabulary exercises: going Going places Group work, pair Observation, S. book,,
places, travel, money, work, assessing answers, picture
brainstorming, assessing group
questions and work, dictionary, CD
answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
shopping terminology; idioms
matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
and phrasal verbs.
questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Work book and grammar
17 Unit 2-b autonomous, key work and peer group references,
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Grammar in use: Past tenses;
Grammar autonomous, key work and peer references,
18 Unit 2-c used to/would/be/get used
consolidation grammar group evaluation. exercise
to; clauses of result
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Workbook and grammar Grammar autonomous, key work and peer references,
Unit 2-c
19 exercises consolidation grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

20 Unit 2-d Listening skills: radio Experiences of a listening for gist, Observation, S. book,,
interview about the travel writer sentence assessing listening mini dictionary,
experiences of a travel writer; completion, and answers on it, CD, listening
listening for gist and choosing the best diagnostic, class and tracks,
Internet, Digital
peer work platform, IWB
pronunciation. answer.
Communicative Observation, S. book,,
Speaking skills: describing language teaching, assessing speaking picture
Lost property dictionary, CD
things, expressing autonomous and answers on it,
21 Unit 2-e office of a railway Internet, Digital
choice/reason- Prioritizing- speaking diagnostic, class and
network platform,Posters,
Recommending reinforcement in peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.
Listening & Communicative S. book, w. book,
Speaking language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Unit 2-d& Work book and grammar
22 autonomous, key work and peer group references,
2-e exercises
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Writing: A story Communicative
Observation, S. book, w. book,
language teaching,
assessing writing writing and
autonomous writing
and answers on it, outline
Building and organizing reinforcement in
23 Unit 2-f Writing a story diagnostic, class, references,
paragraphs through using individual activities,
peer work and useful language,
useful language and plans. pair work on model
checklist exercise
analysis and
assessment. worksheets, IWB
paragraph content.
Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Work book and grammar
24 Unit 2-f autonomous, key work and peer group references,
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Cross curricular activities CLIL Group work, pair Observation,
and workbook exercises: work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
Language Exploring Fiji; Around the brainstorming, assessing group picture
focus and world in 80 days and questions and work, dictionary, CD
25 knowledge PSHE answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
2. Progress matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
CLIL 2-PSHE - How to be a questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
check 2
responsible tourist. reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Grammar Work book and grammar
26 autonomous, key work and peer group references,
bank 2 exercises
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Further Communicative Observation, IWB, posters,
assessing answers,
highlights on a language teaching, digital
assessing group
topic chosen. autonomous, key work, presentation,
assessing distance
27 Project 3 Project: class/phase 3 vocabulary and photos, internet,
structures using checklists, CD/USB, mini

28 Module Our world: Social life/issues Social life/issues Group work, pair Observation, S. book,,
3-a and environmental problems. and work, assessing answers, picture
Reading comprehension: environmental brainstorming, assessing group dictionary, CD
An island in crisis; problems. questions and work, Internet, Digital
pre-during-after reading answers, gap filling assessing home platform,Posters,
matching exercise, work,
questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book,,
Vocabulary exercises: brainstorming, assessing group picture
landscapes and questions and work, dictionary, CD
29 Unit 3-b environmental problems, answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
phrasal verbs, social issues matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
and prepositional phrases. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Work book and grammar
30 Unit 3-b autonomous, key work and peer group references,
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Communicative S. book, w. book,
Grammar in use: Reported language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
speech; statements, autonomous, key work and peer references,
31 Unit 3-c consolidation od
questions, commands and grammar group evaluation. exercise
orders. reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

32 Unit 3-c Workbook and grammar Grammar Communicative Diagnostic, class S. book, w. book,
exercises consolidation od language teaching, work and peer grammar
structures autonomous, key group evaluation. references,
grammar exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Observation, S. book,,
listening for gist, mini dictionary,
assessing listening
Listening skills: monologues sentence CD, listening
Coalition for the and answers on it,
33 Unit 3-d on homes and the coalition completion, tracks,
homeless diagnostic, class and
for the homeless; choosing the best Internet, Digital
peer work platform, IWB

Communicative Observation, S. book,,

Speaking skills: expressing language teaching, assessing speaking picture
dictionary, CD
surprise and concern, disgust, Solar panels and autonomous and answers on it,
34 Unit 3-e Internet, Digital
hope through introducing a recycling bins speaking diagnostic, class and
topic. reinforcement in peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.
Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Unit 3-d& Work book and grammar
35 autonomous, key work and peer group references,
3-e exercises
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Observation, S. book, w. book,
language teaching,
assessing writing writing and
autonomous writing
and answers on it, outline
Writing: An essay (suggesting reinforcement in
36 Unit 3-f Writing an essay diagnostic, class, references,
solutions to a problems) individual activities,
peer work and useful language,
pair work on model
checklist exercise
analysis and
assessment. worksheets, IWB
paragraph content.

Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Work book and grammar
37 Unit 3-f autonomous, key work and peer group references,
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Group work, pair Observation,
work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Language Grammar and
Reinforcement 1: grammar, questions and work, dictionary, CD
focus and vocabulary and
38 vocabulary, reading and answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
knowledge structures
writing practices. matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
1, 2, 3. consolidation. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Language Grammar and
Reinforcement 2: grammar, questions and work, dictionary, CD
focus and vocabulary and
39 vocabulary, reading and answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
knowledge structures
writing practices. matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
1, 2, 3. consolidation. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Grammar Work book and grammar
40 autonomous, key work and peer group references,
bank 3 exercises
grammar evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
41 Written Written test 1 Individual work, Observation, Test sheets/

questions and
assessing answers,
answers, gap filling
assessing individual
test matching exercise, google form test.
work and level.
reading for gist.

Group work, pair Observation,

Cross curricular reading and work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
activities; CLIL 3-Geology; brainstorming, assessing group picture
Cross How geysers work; The great questions and work, dictionary, CD
The way geysers
42 curricular storm, language and answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
reading 3 grammar focus, reading matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
practice exercise on A force questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
of nature nobody can control. reading for gist. self-assessment.







SHKOLLA: ``…………..``

Evaluation and
Topics Methodology and Sources and
No. Learning situation forms of
Ss` activity teaching aids

Moods and feelings: reading Group work, pair Observation,
comprehension; Who says work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
stress is bad for you? brainstorming, assessing group picture
Pre-while-after reading questions and work, dictionary, CD
Module Body language on
1 exercises. answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
4-a moods and feelings
matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Vocabulary exercises: stages
questions and work, dictionary, CD
in life, body language, moods
2 Unit 4-b Stages in life answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
and feelings, phrasal verbs,
matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
idioms questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Grammar Communicative S. book, w. book,

Grammar in use: modal consolidation language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
3 Unit 4-c verbs- (to) infinitive/-ing autonomous, key work and peer references,
form grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Grammar Communicative S. book, w. book,
consolidation language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Workbook and grammar
4 Unit 4-c autonomous, key work and peer references,
grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
5 Unit 4-d Listening skills: radio The roles and Listening for gist, Observation, S. book, w. book,
importance of assessing listening mini dictionary,
interview about the roles friends and family sentence CD, listening
and answers on it,
and importance of friends completion, tracks,
in our lives diagnostic, class
and family in our lives, choosing the best Internet, Digital
and peer work platform, IWB
pronunciation. answer.
The way teens feel in S. book,,
Communicative Observation,
Speaking skills: evaluating certain language teaching, assessing speaking picture
situations/moods. dictionary, CD
options, asking autonomous and answers on it,
6 Unit 4-e Internet, Digital
about/expressing feelings, speaking diagnostic, class
regret, sympathy reinforcement in and peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.
S. book,
Observation,, mini
Listening for gist,
assessing listening dictionary, CD,
Unit 4-d & Types of and answers on it, listening tracks,
7 Workbook exercises. completion,
4-e films/performances diagnostic, class Internet,
choosing the best
and peer work Digital platform,
answer. IWB

8 Unit 4-f Writing an opinion essay Writing an essay Communicative Observation, S. book, w. book,
language teaching, assessing writing writing and
autonomous and answers on it, outline

writing diagnostic, class, references,
reinforcement in peer work and useful language,
individual activities, checklist exercise
Workbook and writing Communicative
exercise language teaching, Observation, S. book, w. book,
autonomous assessing writing writing and
writing and answers on it, outline
Practicing writing
9 Unit 4-f reinforcement in diagnostic, class, references,
an opinion essay
individual activities, peer work and useful language,
pair work on model checklist exercise
analysis and assessment. worksheets, IWB
paragraph content.
Cross curricular readings and Dealing with and Group work, pair Observation,
activities, CLIL; preventing bullying work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
Language The cost of fame; in schools. brainstorming, assessing group picture
focus and In pursuit of happiness; questions and work, dictionary, CD
10 knowledge CLIL: PSHE-Dealing with and answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
4. Progress preventing bullying in matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
check 4 schools. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

11 Project 4

Graphics and Group work, pair Observation,
animation applied work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
Art and technology: reading brainstorming, assessing group picture
to all areas of
comprehension; A new questions and work, dictionary, CD
Module media.
12 dimension to art; answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
pre-while-after reading matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
exercises questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Vocabulary exercises: arts, questions and work, dictionary, CD
Using media,
13 Unit 5-b film, theatre, phrasal verbs, answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
idioms, word formation. matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Grammar in use:
Advanced passive voice;
Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Grammar autonomous, key work and peer references,
14 Unit 5-c Reflexive/emphatic
consolidation grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

15 Unit 5-c Grammar Communicative Diagnostic, class S. book, w. book,

Workbook and grammar language teaching, grammar
exercises autonomous, key work and peer references,
consolidation grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Observation, S. book, w. book,

Listening for gist, mini dictionary,
Listening skills: A radio assessing listening
sentence CD, listening
interview with a TV Reviewing a and answers on it,
16 Unit 5-d completion, tracks,
presenter reviewing a performance diagnostic, class
choosing the best Internet, Digital
performance. and peer work platform, IWB
Deciding what to Communicative Observation, S. book, w. book,
Speaking skills: Making language teaching, assessing speaking picture
watch on TV.
dictionary, CD
suggestions, expressing autonomous and answers on it,
17 Unit 5-e Internet, Digital
likes/dislikes, comparing and speaking diagnostic, class
contrasting photos. reinforcement in and peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.
S. book,
Observation,, mini
Listening for gist,
assessing listening dictionary, CD,
Heavy traffic, sentence
Unit 5-d & and answers on it, listening tracks,
18 Workbook exercises exhaust fumes and completion,
5-e diagnostic, class Internet,
waste reduction. choosing the best
and peer work Digital platform,
answer. IWB

language teaching, Observation, S. book, w. book,
autonomous assessing writing writing and
writing and answers on it, outline
19 Unit 5-f Writing: A review of a film Writing a review reinforcement in diagnostic, class, references,
individual activities, peer work and useful language,
pair work on model checklist exercise
analysis and assessment. worksheets, IWB
paragraph content.
language teaching, Observation, S. book, w. book,
autonomous assessing writing writing and
writing and answers on it, outline
Workbook and writing Practicing writing a
20 Unit 5-f reinforcement in diagnostic, class, references,
exercises review
individual activities, peer work and useful language,
pair work on model checklist exercise
analysis and assessment. worksheets, IWB
paragraph content.
Describing Group work, pair Observation,
Cross curricular readings and paintings work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
Language brainstorming, assessing group picture
activities, CLIL;
focus and questions and work, dictionary, CD
Jackson Pollock;
21 knowledge answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
Mona Lisa`s twin sister;
5. Progress matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
CLIL: The art of questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
check 5
impressionists reading for gist. self-assessment.

Project 5 Project: class/phase 5 Highlights and Communicative Observation, IWB, posters,

identifications on a language teaching, assessing answers, digital
assessing group
topic chosen. autonomous, key presentation,
vocabulary and assessing distance photos, internet,
22 work,
structures CD/USB, mini
using checklists,
reinforcement. self-assessment. dictionary.

Group work, pair Observation,

The world around us: work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Food and health; Reading
Food both questions and work, dictionary, CD
Module comprehension: Poisonous
23 poisonous and answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
6-a food we love to eat;
loved matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
pre-while-after reading questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
exercises reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book,,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Vocabulary exercises: questions and work, dictionary, CD
24 Unit 6-b illnesses, accidents, injuries; Food and nutrition answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
phrasal verbs, social issues matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
and prepositional phrases. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Communicative S. book, w. book,
Grammar in use:
language teaching, grammar
Conditionals/wishes Diagnostic, class
Grammar autonomous, key references,
work and peer
Unit 6-c consolidation on grammar exercise
25 group evaluation.
structures reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Workbook and grammar autonomous, key work and peer references,
26 Unit 6-c consolidation on
exercises grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Observation, S. book, w. book,

Listening for gist, mini dictionary,
Listening skills: listen to an assessing listening
sentence CD, listening
interview about the and answers on it,
27 Unit 6-d GM crops and DNA completion, tracks,
advantages of GM food; diagnostic, class
choosing the best Internet, Digital
describing jobs. and peer work platform, IWB

Communicative Observation, S. book,,

Speaking skills: introducing a picture
language teaching, assessing speaking
topic, problem solving; dictionary, CD
Discussion on autonomous and answers on it,
28 Unit 6-e asking for/giving/responding Internet, Digital
home-cooked food. speaking diagnostic, class
to advice; comparing and platform,Posters,
reinforcement in and peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.

S. book,
Observation,, mini
Listening for gist,
assessing listening dictionary, CD,
Heavy traffic, sentence
Unit 6-d & and answers on it, listening tracks,
29 Workbook exercises. exhaust fumes and completion,
6-e diagnostic, class Internet,
waste reduction. choosing the best
and peer work Digital platform,
answer. IWB

Communicative Observation, S. book,,

language teaching, assessing speaking picture
Writing an essay on dictionary, CD
Writing A for-and-against autonomous and answers on it,
30 Unit 6- f GM food/ for or Internet, Digital
essay. speaking diagnostic, class
against? platform,Posters,
reinforcement in and peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.

Communicative Observation, S. book,,

language teaching, assessing speaking picture
dictionary, CD
Workbook and writing Practicing on autonomous and answers on it,
31 Unit 6-f Internet, Digital
exercises writing an essay speaking diagnostic, class
reinforcement in and peer work photos, IWB
pair work activities. assessment.
32 Language Reinforcement 1: grammar, Grammar and Group work, pair Observation, S. book, w. book,
focus and vocabulary, reading and vocabulary and work, assessing answers, picture
knowledge writing practices. structures brainstorming, assessing group dictionary, CD
4, 5, 6. consolidation. questions and work, Internet, Digital
answers, gap filling assessing home platform,Posters,
matching exercise, work, photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing answers, S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, assessing group picture
Language Grammar and
Reinforcement 2: grammar, questions and work, dictionary, CD
focus and vocabulary and
33 vocabulary, reading and answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
knowledge structures
writing practices. matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
4, 5, 6. consolidation. questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Individual work, Observation,

questions and assessing answers,
Written answers, gap filling assessing Test sheets/
34 Written test 2
test matching exercise, individual work google form test.
reading for gist. and level.

Further highlights Communicative Observation, IWB, posters,

assessing answers,
and identifications language teaching, digital
assessing group
on a topic chosen. autonomous, key work, presentation,
assessing distance
35 Project 6 Project: class/phase6 vocabulary and photos, internet,
structures using checklists, CD/USB, mini

36 Cross Cross curricular reading and Strange foods and Group work, pair Observation, S. book, w. book,
curricular activities; urban cycling; food labelling. work, assessing answers, picture
brainstorming, assessing group
strange foods of the world, questions and work, dictionary, CD
language and grammar answers, gap filling assessing home Internet, Digital
reading 6
focus, reading practice matching exercise, work, platform,Posters,
exercise on CLIL 6: PSHE questionnaire, using checklists, photos, IWB
Reading food labels. reading for gist. self-assessment.






SHKOLLA: ``……………….``



Evaluation and
Topics Learning Methodology and Sources and
No. forms of
situation Ss` activity teaching aids

1 Module Explanation on Group work, pair Observation, S. book, w. book,

work, assessing
brainstorming, answers,
questions and assessing group
Civilization and science/the dictionary, CD
answers, gap work,
truth about life: reading Internet, Digital
7-a,b mysteries filling assessing home
comprehension: Mysterious platform,Posters,
matching exercise, work,
places and vocabulary exercises photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Grammar Communicative S. book, w. book,

consolidation language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Grammar in use:
2 Unit 7-c autonomous, key work and peer references,
grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB
Visiting a S. book, w. book,
planetarium Listening for gist, mini dictionary,
assessing listening
sentence CD, listening
Listening and speaking: UFO and answers on it,
3 Unit 7-d,e completion, tracks,
Day; Suggestions; diagnostic, class
choosing the best Internet, Digital
and peer work platform, IWB
4 Unit 7-f Writing a report Writing a report Communicative Observation, S. book, w. book,
on volunteering language teaching, assessing writing writing and
somewhere autonomous and answers on it, outline
writing diagnostic, class, references,
reinforcement in peer work and useful language,
individual checklist exercise
activities, pair assessment. worksheets, IWB

work on model
analysis and
paragraph content.
Science reading. Group work, pair Observation,
Work book exercises and Cross work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
Language curricular readings and brainstorming, answers,
questions and assessing group
focus and activities: Astronomy; Black dictionary, CD
answers, gap work,
5 knowledge holes; Internet, Digital
filling assessing home
7. Progress CLIL 7: Comets; platform,Posters,
matching exercise, work,
check 7 photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
. reading for gist. self-assessment.

Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
Education and nature: Reading brainstorming, answers,
questions and assessing group
comprehension: The urban dictionary, CD
Module Environmental answers, gap work,
6 assembly New York Harbor Internet, Digital
8-a,b education filling assessing home
School; pre-while-after reading platform,Posters,
matching exercise, work,
activity; vocabulary exercises. photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Grammar in use: making Communicative S. book, w. book,

deductions/assumptions/modals language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
(ability, requests, permission, Grammar autonomous, key work and peer references,
7 Unit 8-c suggestions, offers) consolidation grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Cross curricular readings and Studying and free Group work, pair Observation,
activities: Balancing study and time. work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
Language free time; Maria Montessori; brainstorming, answers,
CLIL 8: literature Oliver Twist; questions and assessing group
focus and dictionary, CD
answers, gap work,
8 knowledge Internet, Digital
filling assessing home
8. Progress platform,Posters,
matching exercise, work,
check 8 photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

e-learning vs. Communicative

Observation, S. book, w. book,
classroom-based language teaching,
assessing speaking picture
Listening and speaking: learning. autonomous
and listening and dictionary, CD
Expressing opinions on studying speaking and
9 Unit 8-d,e answers on it, Internet, Digital
abroad, speculating/expressing listening
diagnostic, class platform,Posters,
uncertainty reinforcement in photos, IWB
and peer work
pair work
language teaching,
Observation, S. book, w. book,
assessing writing writing and
Discussion about and answers on it, outline
reinforcement in
10 Unit 8-f Writing an opinion essay studying online, diagnostic, class, references,
writing an essay peer work and useful language,
activities, pair
checklist exercise
work on model
assessment. worksheets, IWB
analysis and
paragraph content.

Reinforcement 1: grammar, Group work, pair Observation,
vocabulary, reading and writing work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
practices. brainstorming, answers,
Language Grammar and picture
questions and assessing group
dictionary, CD
focus and vocabulary and answers, gap work,
11 Internet, Digital
knowledge structures filling assessing home
7, 8. consolidation. matching exercise, work,
photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Reinforcement 2: grammar, Group work, pair Observation,

vocabulary, reading and writing work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
practices. brainstorming, answers,
Language Grammar and picture
Workbook and grammar questions and assessing group
dictionary, CD
focus and exercises vocabulary and answers, gap work,
12 Internet, Digital
knowledge structures filling assessing home
7, 8. consolidation. matching exercise, work,
photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Individual work, Observation,

questions and assessing
answers, gap answers,
Written Test sheets/
13 Written test 3 filling assessing
test google form test.
matching exercise, individual work
reading for gist. and level.

14 Project 7 Project: class/phase 7 Presentation on Communicative Observation, IWB, posters,

a topic chosen. language teaching, digital
autonomous, key answers, presentation,
assessing group
vocabulary and photos, internet,
structures assessing distance CD/USB, mini
reinforcement. dictionary.
using checklists,

Presentation on Communicative Observation, IWB, posters,

a topic chosen. language teaching, digital
autonomous, key assessing group presentation,
vocabulary and photos, internet,
15 Project 8 Project: class/phase 8 assessing distance
structures work, CD/USB, mini
using checklists,
reinforcement. self-assessment.

Matura Reading comprehension Reading bank Group work, pair Observation, S. book, w. book,

work, assessing
brainstorming, answers,
questions and assessing group
dictionary, CD
answers, gap work,
Internet, Digital
16 revision exercises filling assessing home
matching exercise, work,
photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Reading bank Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, answers,
questions and assessing group
dictionary, CD
Matura Reading comprehension answers, gap work,
17 Internet, Digital
revision exercises filling assessing home
matching exercise, work,
photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Reading bank Group work, pair Observation,

work, assessing
S. book, w. book,
brainstorming, answers,
questions and assessing group
dictionary, CD
Matura Reading comprehension answers, gap work,
18 Internet, Digital
revision exercises filling assessing home
matching exercise, work,
photos, IWB
questionnaire, using checklists,
reading for gist. self-assessment.

Use of language exercises Communicative S. book, w. book,
language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Matura Consolidation on autonomous, key work and peer references,
revision structures grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Communicative S. book, w. book,

Use of language exercises language teaching, grammar
Diagnostic, class
autonomous, key references,
Consolidation on work and peer
Matura grammar exercise
20 structures group evaluation.
revision reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

Communicative S. book, w. book,

language teaching, Diagnostic, class grammar
Matura Consolidation on autonomous, key work and peer references,
21 Use of language exercises
revision structures grammar group evaluation. exercise
reinforcement. worksheets, IWB

22 Matura Writing exercises Writing bank Communicative Observation, S. book, w. book,

revision language teaching, assessing writing writing and
autonomous and answers on it, outline
writing diagnostic, class, references,
reinforcement in peer work and useful language,
individual checklist exercise
activities, pair assessment. worksheets, IWB
work on model
analysis and
paragraph content.
Writing bank Communicative
language teaching,
Observation, S. book, w. book,
assessing writing writing and
and answers on it, outline
Matura reinforcement in
23 Writing exercises diagnostic, class, references,
revision individual
peer work and useful language,
activities, pair
checklist exercise
work on model
assessment. worksheets, IWB
analysis and
paragraph content.
language teaching,
Observation, S. book, w. book,
assessing writing writing and
and answers on it, outline
Matura reinforcement in
24 Writing exercises Writing bank diagnostic, class, references,
revision individual
peer work and useful language,
activities, pair
checklist exercise
work on model
assessment. worksheets, IWB
analysis and
paragraph content.


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