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What is 3 point lighting?

3 point lighting is used to make a three dimensional look, using three lights equally spaced
out allows the lighting to illuminate three areas of the subject. This creates a clarity of
height, width and depth within a shot.

Why is soft lighting used?

Soft lighting is usually when a second light on a lower power setting is used to balance out
the lighting, filling in shadows. This lighting is typically used in more heartfelt and happy
genres of film, to establish a more neutral tone and give softer shadows in scenes of
innocence or happiness.

When is hard lighting used?

Hard lighting typically uses one light to create shadows and sharp texture within a shot. This
is usually used to have an impact or show emotion to the viewers in more dramatic films
such as action or horror films.

Why is natural lighting unreliable?

As natural lighting cannot be fully controlled, it could be considered unreliable. Although it
can create a realistic feel, natural light can be tricky to work with because of its unreliability.

What can a bounce be used for?

A reflector or bounce can be used to generate more lighting within an area of a scene. For
example, if there is little light available, these can be used to bounce light into a specific
area. These can help to add fill light and prevent shadows.

How can lighting create a mood?

Lighting can create mood through shadows or colour. Bright light is often associated with a happy
and energetic mood, whereas, dim light often means a more relaxed or creepy feel, perhaps more
intimate. Emotions can be linked to the brightness of the light as well as the colours from it.

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