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hit on the head by an apple

2. the same force pulling the apples to earth was keeping the moon in its orbit
3. to prove this mathematically, Isaac Newton invented a whole new branch of
math, _____, for figuring out rates of motion and change.
4. theory of Newton in 1600s that was a staggering revelation
5. Thanks to _____, it was within our grasp to understand, predict, and increasingly
manipulate the laws of the universe in ways no one had been able to do before.
6. Newton’s book
7. often seen as the start of the Enlightenment (1687-1789)
8. was a significant turning point in history, for, armed with the tools of Newton's
laws and calculus, scientists had an unprecedented faith in their ability to
understand, predict, and manipulate the laws of nature for their own purposes.
9. deservedly given credit for the Theory of Biological Evolution; organisms evolve
and discovered the process, natural selection, by which they evolve (or simply
evolution through natural selection)
10. where organisms with genetic variations that suit their environment tend to
propagate more descendants than organisms of the same species that lack the
variation, thus influencing the overall genetic makeup of the species.
11. Natural Theology (1802): the argument-from-design as a forceful demonstration
of the existence of the Creator.
12. were written by eminent scientists and philosophers to set forth "the Power,
Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Creation."
13. born in 185 and saw the entirety of the first World War
14. began his career as an ambitious but isolated neurologist
15. someone who had as great an impact on humanity's conception of itself as had
Copernicus and Darwin.
16. change the way society thought about and dealt with mental illness
17. had an enormous impact on the practice of psychiatry but almost entirely
incorrect in its conception of the mind
18. Psychology and Psychiatry turned away from the search for organic causes and
toward the search for inner psychic conflicts and early childhood traumas.
19. bring what exists at the unconscious or subconscious level up to consciousness.
20. “our present is shaped by our past”
21. famous French psychiatrist
22. Freud’s biggest influence during his early days as a neurologist.
23. claimed that hysteria had primarily organic causes, and that it had a regular,
comprehensible pattern of symptoms.
24. the region from Mexico to Guatemala, Belize and parts of Honduras and El
25. developed on their own and became much more self-reliant.
26. most advanced Mesoamerican civilization; on its way to develop true science.
27. Maya Civilization knew how to make paper and had pictorial-script called _____.
28. Aztec followed them the same road.
29. one of the three recovered books made from long strips of paper folded in
harmonica-style written in Maya hieroglyphs.
30. contains predictions of solar eclipses for centuries and a table of predicted
positions of Venus.
a. made predictions by aligning stars with two objects that were separated
by a large distance (achieved great accuracy of angular measurement)
31. developed the most accurate calendar ever designed.
32. were the first to use pitched ceilings in their buildings after the invention of the
corbelled vault.
33. ___ city builders also understood the need for public sanitation; public latrines
were found along all highways, and to prevent pollution of Lake Texcoco canoes
transported the sewage from Tenochtitlán to the mainland every morning.
34. plants that originated in ______ are corn, papaya, avocado, cocoa
35. the only cultivated plant that was developed so early in human history that its
wild ancestor is no longer known.
36. _____ found at Meso-American sites in 1975, 1979 and 1983 and dating back to
2000 - 1500 BC have clear magnetic properties.
37. In some of these sculptures the north and south poles are in most conspicuous
positions, for example at the snout and at the back of the head of a _____ or_____.
38. Another magnetic object found in ____ was shaped as if it was to be used to
indicate direction.
a. early Meso-American civilizations knew about and used _____.
39. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and China together produce a staggering 90% of the
world’s digital gadgets.
40. the most notable country in Asia in terms of scientific and technological
achievement, particularly in terms of its Electronics and Automobile products.
41. notable in manufacturing
42. cultural popularity around the world has caused a number of startup’s to emerge
working within the Digital and Technology sectors
43. following a similar path to Japan meanwhile; moving away from hardware
production, instead turning to Software and Content Development
44. greatest advances were made in______—very possibly because of its constant shift
of population and openness to foreign influence, in contrast to the relative
isolation of Egypt and the consequent stability of its population.
45. excelled in applied sciences as medicine, engineering and surveying
46. greater advances were made than Egypt
47. construction of such elaborate monuments as vast pyramids and temples of
granite and sandstone
48. development of such practical arts as irrigation
49. early lead in Engineering and Architecture
50. _____ in particular transmitted much of this knowledge to the various lands of the
Mediterranean, especially to the Greeks.
51. The direction taken by these influences can be followed from _____ to Syria,
Phoenicia, and Cyprus, thanks to a combination of excavated art forms that prove
the direction of movement, as well as to Greek tradition, which lays great stress
on what the early Greek philosophers learned from Egypt.
52. greatest invention of the ancient Middle East
53. In the______ period (17th century BC) the Northwestern Semites living in Egypt
adapted hieroglyphic characters; was developed the earliest known purely
consonantal alphabet, imitated in northern Syria, with the addition of two letters
to designate vowels used with the glottal catch.
54. spread rapidly and was in quite common use among the Northwestern Semites
(Canaanites, Hebrews, Aramaeans, and especially the Phoenicians) soon after its
55. 9th century BC:______ were using it in the western Mediterranean
56. 8th: the _____ adopted the alphabet
57. contributed vastly to the Greek cultural and literary revolution in the immediately
following period.
58. From the Greeks it was transmitted to other Western peoples.
59. a variety of African plants were adopted in Asia
60. deepened our understanding of Malian cosmological myths and their
perceptions of the structure of matter and the physical world by making use of
the extensive collections of Marcel Griaule.
61. suggests major interconnections between the thought of the ancient Egyptians
and that of the Malians of West Africa.
62. _____ propositions about Sirius B have been discussed by Charles Finch in The Star
of Deep Beginnings.
63. The _____ that we use today evolved from the Egyptian calendar of twelve
months, calibrated according to the day on which the star Sirius rose on the
horizon with the Sun.
64. ___ builders calculated the volumes of masonry and building materials, as well as
the slopes of pyramids, for construction purposes.
65. ______points to a Nubian engraving at Meroe, in ancient Sudan, dated to the first
century B.C.E., which reflects “a sophisticated understanding of mathematics.”
66. Included in the engraving were several lines, inclined at a 72-degree angle,
running diagonally from the base of a pyramid.
67. Interestingly, the _______, who constructed more pyramids than the Egyptians,
built steep, flat-topped pyramids.
68. among the common principles and procedures were _____, heat therapy, spinal
manipulation, quarantine, bone-setting and surgery.
69. Incantations and other psychotherapeutic devices sometimes accompanied other
70. knowledge of specific medicinal plants was quite extensive in some kingdoms,
empires, and city states such as Aksum, and Borgu (in Hausaland)
71. continues to be well known for orthopedics (bone-setting); as is the case of
Funtua in Northern Nigeria.
72. metal products used over time by Africans includes
73. emerged in the context of various commercial routes and activities involving the
gold trade
74. were the major suppliers of gold, with Egypt a major importer
75. reigned supreme as a major gold producer.
76. various spheres of metal production, specific techniques and scientific principles
included: excavation and ore identification; separation of ore from non-ore
bearing rock; smelting by the use of bellows and heated furnaces; and smithing
and further refinement.
77. The use of _______ and open-shaft systems facilitated circulation of air in intense
heating processes.
78. the ______ produced strong currents of air in a chamber expanded to draw in or
expel air through a valve.
79. building constructions of various dimensions, shapes, and types emerged,
reflecting various concepts, techniques, raw material preferences, and decorative
80. Builders integrated the concepts of the arch, the dome, and columns and aisles in
their constructions.
81. The _______ and passages, as well as the rock-hewn churches of Axum are
matched in Nubia and Egypt with pyramids of various dimensions.
82. . In the _______, adobe, or dried clay, was preferred in the context of moulded
contours, at times integrated with overall moulded sculpture.
83. Permanent scaffolding made of protruding planks characterized the ______
84. The principle of _______ was integrated into building design.
85. ______ were used as part of the decor and also to be saturated repeatedly in order
to cool the room.
86. a period of change that describes current economic, social and technological
trends beyond the Industrial Revolution.
87. was fueled by advances in semiconductor technology, particularly the metal-
oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) and the integrated circuit
(IC) chip, leading to the Information Age in the early 21st century.
88. ________ is at the root of this change, and continuing advancements in that
technology seem to ensure that this revolution would touch the lives of people.
89. are merely devices that follow sets of instructions called computer programs, or
software, that have been written by people called computer programmers
90. led us to the ________; optical communication networks play a key role in
delivering massive amounts of data.
91. tasked to oversee and manage national technology development and acquisition
92. undertake technological and scientific research
93. promote public consciousness of science and technology
94. responsible for formulating and adopting a comprehensive National Science and
Technology plan for the Philippines; to monitor and coordinate its funding and
95. launched by DOST in 2017 thru Administrative Order No. 003 s. 2017
96. response to the government’s call to address inequity in developments within
and among countries; aligned with the national goals and plans
97. aims to make science and technology more relevant to the conditions, needs and
opportunities for contributing to regional development while keeping abreast
with the trends and development in the country and in the world
98. intends to maximize the use of science, enhance innovation and the creative
capacity of the Filipinos towards the achievement of inclusive and sustainable
99. highlights the latest advancements in research and development geared towards
the shared goal of improved nutrition and health for all
100. Focused on health technology development, drug discovery and
101. presents how R&D can be utilized to make key traditional industries
steadfast and competitive through technological innovations that can address
gaps in productivity and increase production yield.
102. The primary industries that will benefit include agriculture, specifically
coconut and rice production, non-wood forest products, i.e., bamboo processing
and utilization, and natural textile among others
103. engages R&D in emerging scientific and technological platforms which lay
the inroads to the development of new products, services, and industries.
104. The Department anticipates the impact of new technologies in existing
industries in the country by supporting local capability programs in the areas of
artificial intelligence for new industry development and supporting research in
nanotechnology for new materials development.
105. focuses on strengthening institutional capacity to undertake research and
development and contribute to regional development.
106. utilizing local researchers equalizes opportunities in generating new
knowledge and technologies suited for the specific need of the region.
107. The Department partners with Higher Education Institutions in the regions
in establishing niche R&D centers which may also serve as hubs for developing
R&D capability of adjacent localities.
108. includes mechanisms to encourage technology transfer and avenues
where R&D results are promoted in the bid to maximize its utilization.
109. The Department provided support in bringing R&D results to its final stage
of development up to commercialization.
110. aims to build a critical mass of competitive researchers, scientists, and
engineers (RSEs) and promoting a culture of STI.
111. The Department continues to provide scholarship programs to scale up
the number of RSEs.
112. features various S&T facilities that offer technical services for carrying out
research and development, as well as addressing the needs of the industry in
terms of quality assurance, adherence to standards, product development, and
113. the electronics, semiconductor, automotive parts, gear assembly
manufacturing, agriculture produce, and food manufacturing industries can
benefit from the various S&T facilities and technical services.
114. focuses on S&T assistance provided to upgrade the technological
capabilities and improve the productivity and efficiency of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
115. The Department has continued to provide technological interventions such
as process and system improvement, technical consultancy, packaging and
labelling, training, testing and calibration, and product development to empower
MSMEs to innovate, move up the technology scale and become more
116. highlights the role of the Department in building a disaster-resilient
community through the provision of accurate and timely information.
117. progress was made by establishing and upgrading observation and
monitoring systems, efforts in hazard and risk assessment, and researches for
disaster risk management, as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation
118. focuses on the linkages and networks being pursued by the Department in
terms of S&T collaboration.
119. In 2017, the Department took part in 24 bilateral engagements and
participated in a number of activities which involved 14 international
120. provides the policy framework that governs the implementation of the
programs, projects and activities of the Department in contribution to national
development and progress.
121. Taking off from the National 0+10 Socioeconomic Agenda and Philippine
Development Plan, the Department crafted the Science for the People 11-point
Agenda, Harmonized R&D Agenda, and Regional Offices Strategy Map.
i. R&D - research and development
122. KIST
123. was designated as a Special Economic Zone under Presidential
Proclamation No. 947, s. 2020.
124. The theme of the launching event was “Towards a New Frontier of
Knowledge-building and Innovation in Science and Technology.”
125. k will serve as a catalyst for industrial productivity and increased economic
growth in CaLaBaRZon.
126. This manifestation of the strong collaboration between government,
industry and academe is central to inclusive innovation strategy.
127. now open and spearheads a long-term vision for “state universities and
colleges in the country to expand their programs for industry, academe, market
synergy, technopreneurship, [innovation-based] business incubation and
acceleration, and knowledge co-creation in science and technology.”
128. was created by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to
accelerate STI in the country in order to keep up with the developments in our
time wherein technology and innovation are game changers.
129. focuses on Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D
Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness which is composed of four (4)
130. capacitates Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the regions to make
significant improvement in regional research by integrating its development
needs with the existing R&D capabilities and resources.
131. provides institutional grants for HEIs in the regions for R&D capacity
building to improve their S&T infrastructure.
132. was established in consultation with the academe and industry; and
endorsed by the Regional Development Council (RDC)
133. is a unique center for collaborative R&D to address specific S&T needs of
local communities and industries, thereby accelerating regional development
134. caters to the specific needs of the Regions, which include upgrading,
development, and acquisition of R&D equipment to undertake collaborative R&D
135. Currently, there are__ existing NICERs across 14 regions for a total funding
of P641M
136. complements the establishment of R&D Centers thru the NICER Program
137. provides the mechanism to bring in experts and highly skilled
professionals with strong leadership, management and innovative policy-making
proficiencies to be in charge of strengthening the research capabilities of the
HEIs, National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Research Development
Institutions (RDIs) in the regions
138. specifically designed to foster collaboration between academe and local
companies to improve competitiveness and catalyze innovation
139. aims to improve the country’s innovation ecosystem by facilitating the
smooth transition of new technologies from universities and research and
development institutes (RDI) to industries - from lab to market
140. The framework of _____ is a trihelix partnership 53 between the
government, the industry and the academe wherein the government finances the
collaboration of the private company and the partner university or RDI
141. aims to address a problem of a Filipino company using R&D to develop
innovative solutions
142. To date, the ____ has already provided almost Php125M of funding to 29
academe-industry collaborations all over the country
143. aims to level up the innovation capacity of the Philippine Industrial Sector
through R&D by helping private companies and industries acquire novel and
strategic technologies, such as state-of-the-art equipment and machinery,
technology licenses and patent rights among others.
144. will cover up to 70% of the total eligible cost of the needed technology at
zero percent interest
145. To date, the_____has approved one project from an herbal company,
Herbanext Laboratories Inc., providing a total financial assistance of Php11.7M.
146. a Steering committee for CRADLE and BIST Programs was created; was
approved on 02 April 2018
147. The Steering Committee: Headed by: _______, Undersecretary for R&D -
Members:> Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)> Federation of Philippine
Industries (FPI)> Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)
149. PCHRD
151. _____ policies relating to the implementation of CRADLE and BIST Program
152. Provide advice and _____ in the management and administration of the
153. Other functions necessary for the successful implementation of ____ and
___ Programs
154. is an environment-friendly and sustainable alternative light source that
runs on saltwater, making it suitable to those who live in coastal areas.
155. With just ____ tablespoons of salt and one glass of tap water, this
ecologically designed lamp can run for eight hours.
156. The idea behind the SALt lamp is the_______ of energy.
157. utilizes the scientific process behind the Galvanic cell, but instead of
electrolytes, it uses saline solution, making it harmless and non-toxic.
158. is also a lot safer since it does not have components and compounds that
may spark fire; does not emit toxic gases and leaves minimal carbon footprint
159. has received various awards and recognition from organizations in the
Philippines, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea
160. have won several awards including KOTRA Top 5 Best Global Startup at
Startup Nations Summit 2014, People's Choice at Startup Nations Summit 2014
and recognized by the ASEAN Corporate Sustainability Summit and Awards 2015
giving them the SME Sustainability Commitment Category.
161. made the Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) lamp
162. The product concept was formed after living with the Butbut tribe for
weeks relying only on kerosene lamps and moonlight to do evening chores.
163. Her mission and advocacy is to address the light inequality gap and end
the use of combustion based light sources (kerosene lamps and candles) for the
16 Million Filipinos and 1.4 Billion people across the world.
164. was invited as an APEC CEO Summit panel member together with ex-
President Barack Obama and Alibaba CEO Jack Ma.
165. a Filipino scientist, inventor and horticulturist
166. known for his successful experiment on the inducement of flowering of
mango trees by spraying them with ethrel and potassium nitrate.
167. developed a process that caused the flowering and fruiting of mango trees
three times a year, instead on once a year, so dramatically improving yields
168. producers of the pest control chemicals, harvesters, sellers, and all the
other smaller groups of workers related to mango industry have benefitted from
his invention.
169. also developed a tissue culture procedure for the banana plant and sugar
cane which enabled production of large quantities of planting materials that were
robust and disease-free
170. devised micro propagation protocols for more than 40 important species
of fruit crops, ornamental plants, plantation crops, aquarium plants, and forest
trees (with his research team)
171. was conferred the rank and title of National Scientist in the Philippines for
his distinguished achievements in the field of plant physiology.
172. a Filipino scientist, inventor and horticulturist
173. known for his successful experiment on the inducement of flowering of
mango trees by spraying them with ethrel and potassium nitrate.
174. developed a process that caused the flowering and fruiting of mango trees
three times a year, instead on once a year, so dramatically improving yields
175. producers of the pest control chemicals, harvesters, sellers, and all the
other smaller groups of workers related to mango industry have benefitted from
his invention.
176. also developed a tissue culture procedure for the banana plant and sugar
cane which enabled production of large quantities of planting materials that were
robust and disease-free
177. devised micro propagation protocols for more than 40 important species
of fruit crops, ornamental plants, plantation crops, aquarium plants, and forest
trees (with his research team)
178. was conferred the rank and title of National Scientist in the Philippines for
his distinguished achievements in the field of plant physiology.
179. woman chemist and pharmacist from Batangas; pioneered modern Filipino
food technology
180. produced the calamansi nip - the desiccated and powdered form of the
fruit which could be made into juice.
181. most notable of her food inventions is Soyalac
182. a powdered preparation of soya-beans, which helped save the lives of
thousands of Filipinos, Americans, and other nationals who were held prisoners in
different Japanese concentration camps during World War II; known to them as
the “magic food.”
183. also credited with the making of the banana ketchup
184. wines from native fruits, like casuy and guava
185. vinegar from pineapples
186. banana starch; soyamilk; banana flour; cassava flour
187. jelly from guava, santol, mango, and other fruits
188. invention of rice cookies “ricebran or darak” - effective in the treatment of
patients with beri-beri.
189. taught Filipinos how to preserve such native delicacies as the adobo,
dinuguan, kilawen and escabeche.
190. -Orosa invented ____ and ____ together with her associates in the Bureau of
Plant Industry
191. helped organize the food preservation division under the Bureau of
Science (1923)
192. became the acting division head (June 3, 1927)
193. invented the “Orosa Palayok Oven” for cooking various dishes
194. the government, recognizing her dynamism and strong leadership, sent
her to various countries as a state scholar to specialize in food (1928)
195. the government has named after her a street stretching from T.M. Kalaw to
Padre Faura in Ermita, Manila, as well as a building in the Bureau of Plants and
196. was one of the 19 scientists who were conferred awards on the occasion of
the 65th anniversary of the Institute of Science and Technology
197. the National Historical Institute installed a marker in her honor at the
Bureau of Plant Industry in San Andres, Manila (November 29, 1983)
198. a Filipino scientist whose biological contributions to the environment and
ecosystems have made him a hero for natural sciences
199. made major contributions to marine biology research efforts in the
200. authored over 160 scientific papers as well as books
201. the first Filipino scientist to engage in comprehensive studies concerning
Philippine reptiles and amphibians and minor studies on mammals and birds
202. from the 400 already known species of reptiles and amphibians, 50 more
species were identified due to his efforts
203. Because of his work, conservation programs in the Philippines are now well
204. established the first artificial reef around the coastline of the Philippines,
greatly boosting the ecosystem's health and viability
205. was given the Field Museum Founders’ Council Award of Merit (1994) for
contributions to environmental biology
206. a recipient of the Magsaysay Award for Public Service
207. received the Gregorio Y. Zara Award for Basic Science from the Philippine
Association for the Advancement of Science Inc. (2011)
208. was proclaimed National Scientist by President Benigno S. Aquino III
through Presidential Decree 782 on June 6, 2014
209. it was during the American period that brought about a most significant
and essential change in the nature of education. There has been a corresponding
increase in knowledge and understanding of natural and social phenomena
covered by all the disciplines of science available now. It is this education that has
been largely credited for the development of science in the Philippines.
210. In ______ the Philippine government made the teaching of science
compulsory in all elementary and secondary schools.
211. A __________ was set up in 1958 to formulate objectives for the teaching of
science education at all levels and to recommend steps that would upgrade the
teaching of science.
212. The committee identified the areas to which improvement efforts were
needed such as integration of science with classroom instruction, acquisition of
more science equipment and tools, coordination of efforts with other agencies,
negotiations for a science institute for teachers, national science talent search and
fellowships, higher salaries of science and mathematics teachers and promotion
of science teachers competence
213. was launched by American Institute of Biological Science, university of
Colorado in order to improve biology education in secondary schools.
214. The project was financed by the National Science Foundation, USA.
215. A steering committee of biological scientists, teachers and educators was
216. started to design high school biology course with the objectives to:>
provide recent and latest knowledge in biological sciences;> develop
understanding of the conceptual structure of biological sciences;> develop skills
and processes of biology among the students;> create an opportunity to use
inquiry approach in teaching and learning of biology;> prepare rich
supplementary or support materials to enrich learning experiences in biological
sciences and present current status of biological sciences
217. necessitated because of the inadequacies and defects felt in the ongoing
or conventional biological sciences teaching (inclusion of dead or useless
contents in syllabus, little practical work, no correlation of biological sciences and
physical science, lack of integrated approach and no proper consideration of
psychological aspects of teaching learning)
218. These were the total efforts of ____ TO improve science education in the
219. First, the dissemination of ________, teaching techniques and approaches in
science and mathematics on basic levels of education through the introduction of
new curriculum and the application of new teaching techniques and approaches
by the returned Master of Arts in Teaching trainees and the teachers that they
220. these institutions disseminated many of the curriculum materials by the UP
Science Education Center
221. Second, quality _______ and _____ education programs in the recipient-
sponsor institutions through new and/or improved course offerings and a
generally improved teacher education program.
222. evolving body of knowledge that is based on theoretical expositions and
experimental and empirical activities that generates universal truths.
223. examine the ways that science and technology shape, and are shaped.
Address issues and concerns of population
224. Principles applied to solve day to day problems
225. group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large
social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to
the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
226. application of science and creation of systems, processes and objects
designed to help humans in their daily activities.
227. were using compasses to aid themselves in their travels.
228. Egyptians, Sumerians, and other races used to write here before Papyrus. a
time-consuming process, and the products were not easy to store or transport
229. became the most respected form of medicine in the known world.
230. role of sci and tech for cognitive enhancement, proton cancer therapy and
genetic engineering.
231. the sum total of our interactions as humans, including the interactions that
we engage in to understand the nature of things and to create things.
232. the heart of egyptian medicine
233. characteristics of islam science.
234. one of the early inventions of Egyptian civilization; ancient form of paper;
made from the papyrus plant
235. were making pottery using the first known potter’s wheel ALSO USED
horse-drawn chariots
236. inventions that sound commonplace today, and revolutionized life during
those times are considered history's _________.
237. made significant scientific innovations, findings and technological
advances and gave the world the Four Great Inventions.
238. was considered advanced as compared with other ancient nations because
239. revolutionized the way information was transmitted from person to person
and generation to generation; the knowledge of one scholar could be easily
transferred to other scholars
240. focuses on the scientific methods, natural processes and understanding
241. sci and tech are _______ between countries that are able to tackle poverty
effectively by growing and developing their economies, and those that are not.
242. time where practical arts like healing practices and metal tradition occured
243. a reed which grows in the marshy areas around the Nile River
244. encompassed a wide range of subject areas, especially,Astronomy,
Mathematics, and Medicine
245. was practiced in other subjects like: Alchemy and Chemistry, Botany and
Agronomy, Geography and Cartography
246. ISLAMIC GOLDEN AGE BEGAN during the reign of __________________.
247. it came to the West from China between 1250 and 1350, papermaking
came from China by way of the Arabs to 12th-century Spain
248. emphasizing systems rather than processes, synthesis more than analysis
and predicting nature’s behavior in order to have useful application in solving
contemporary problems.
249. telecommunications, biotechnology and nano-technology are products
are transforming ________ across the economy, as well as the lives of all who have
access to their effects.
250. key natural philosophers of the Scientific Revolution
251. where scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural
backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical
knowledge into the Arabic language.
252. “Gunpowder, the compass, and the printing press were the three great
inventions which ushered in bourgeois society. Gunpowder blew up the knightly
class, the Compass discovered the world market and found the colonies.
253. he invented printing
254. the “Age of Reason”;characterized by radical reorientation in science,
which emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith,
produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars
and revolutions.
255. directly inspired the American and French Revolutions; marked the peak of
its influence and the beginning of its decline.
256. “Essay Concerning Human Understanding” (1689)
257. dedicated to human progress, the advancement of the natural sciences is
regarded as the main exemplification of, and fuel for, such progress.
258. this enhanced human opportunities for enlightenment and pleasure on
one hand and created previously undreamed-of possibilities for manipulation
and control.
259. a great stimulus to the intellectual activity of the eighteenth century and
served as a model and inspiration for the researches of a number of
Enlightenment thinkers
260. consists in the comprehension of a diversity of physical phenomena – in
particular the motions of heavenly bodies, together with the motions of
sublunary bodies – in few relatively simple, universally applicable, mathematical
261. “Principia Mathematica” (1686) is a work by
262. 17th-century precursors included the key natural philosophers of the
Scientific Revolution includes _____,_______,_____
264. worked on Mathematics that led to advances in: Algebra, trigo, geometry
265. produced books that contain descriptions of the preparation of hundreds
of drugs made from medicinal plants and chemical compounds.
266. determining the Qibla during islamic sci
267. during the ADVENT OF SCIENCE, they were the early thinkers and first true
scientists. They collected facts and observations and then used those
observations to explain the natural world.
268. DURING CIRCA 385 BC, he founded the academy
269. the role of sci and tech where it affects the way people live connect
270. the role of sci and tech that underpins economic development.
271. HE began the "scientific revolution" of the Hellenistic period culminating in
the 3rd to 2nd centuries with scholars such as Eratosthenes, Euclid, Aristarchus of
Samos, Hipparchus and Archimedes.
272. diseases descrbed by islamic dooctors that challenged classical Greek
medical knowledge.
273. This period produced substantial advances in scientific knowledge,
especially in: > Anatomy> Zoology> Botany> Mineralogy> Geography>
Mathematics and;> Astronomy
274. this was passed on from [ Ancient Greek > Medieval Muslim > European
Renaissance > Enlightenment > Modern day]
275. view that says that islamic science lacked innovation, and was mainly
important for handing on ancient knowledge to medieval Europe.
276. was a period of cultural, economic and scientific flourishing in the history
of Islam.
277. Islamic physicists who studied optics and mechanics as well as astronomy,
and criticized Aristotle’s view of motion.
278. was the instrument of Protestantism and the regeneration of science in
general; the most powerful lever for creating the intellectual prerequisites.”
279. Golden Age of Science” 14th century
280. rediscovery of ancient scientific texts was accelerated after this event
281. the invention of printing democratized learning and allowed a faster
propagation of new ideas.
282. coined the term Scientific Renaissance to designate the early phase of the
Scientific Revolution (1450–1630)
283. argued for a two-phase model of early modern science
284. focused on the restoration of the natural knowledge of the ancients;
285. when scientists shifted from recovery to innovation
286. lost much of its rigour as the rules of logic and deduction were seen as
secondary to intuition and emotion.
287. stressed that nature came to be viewed as an animate spiritual creation
that was not governed by laws or mathematics.
288. the most important technological advance of all in this period
289. with movable metal type, about the mid-15th century in Germany
290. amounted to a communications revolution of the order of the invention of
291. immeasurably enhanced human opportunities for enlightenment and
pleasure on one hand and created previously undreamed-of possibilities for
manipulation and control on the other.
292. usually called the Printing’s inventor
293. on wood came to the West from China between 1250 and 1350,
papermaking came from China by way of the Arabs to 12th-century Spain
294. have taken the final steps (in printing), casting metal type and locking it
into a wooden press
295. The invention spread like the wind, reaching Italy (1467), Hungary and
Poland (1470s), and Scandinavia (1483).
296. By ____ the presses of Europe had produced some six million books.
297. the home of the Industrial Revolution
298. the rise of modern science and the Industrial Revolution were closely
299. permitted the tailoring of alloy steels to industrial specifications
300. permitted the creation of new substances, like the aniline dyes, of
fundamental industrial importance
301. harnessed in the electric dynamo and motor
302. posed the problems that led, by way of a search for a theory of steam
power, to the creation of thermodynamics.
303. developed a more complicated and intricate machinery when the industry
304. made possible the construction of ever more delicate and refined
instruments for science.
305. driven by intricate clockwork to observe nebulae
306. Technological changes in industrial revolution
307. an important century in the history of the sciences
308. generated entirely novel insights in all areas of research thanks to the
introduction of novel research methods.
309. established an intimate connection between science and technology;
science is dealing now with the complexity of the real world.
310. The epistemological and methodological questions as well as the
interdisciplinary aspects become ever more important in scientific research
311. The common denominator of the science
312. an organized mode of observing nature
313. -theory by Einstein that marked the start of the 20th century strongly
314. the unifying concept of energy related to mass and the speed of light: E =
315. made many more contributions, notably to statistical mechanics
316. provided a great inspiring influence for many other physicists
317. an important landmark for biology
318. description by Crick and Watson of the structure of DNA, the carrier of
genetic information
319. enabled us to understand the basic components of matter and the entire
structure of natural reality, which we discover as being made up not only of
matter and energy but also of information and forms
320. with the discovery of DNA and the development of genetics, allows us to
penetrate the fundamental processes of life and to intervene in the gene pool of
certain organisms by imitating some of these natural mechanisms.
321. transformed our lifestyle and our way of communicating in the space of
very few decades.
322. The 20th century has seen medicine find a cure for many life-threatening
diseases and the beginning of organ transplants.
323. a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical,
digital, and biological worlds
324. paving the way for transformative changes in the way we live and radically
disrupting almost every business sector.
325. the collective force behind many products and services that are fast
becoming 13 indispensable to modern life
326. describes computers that can think like humans
327. recognizing complex patterns, processing information, drawing
conclusions, and making recommendations
328. used in many ways; spotting patterns in huge piles of unstructured data
and powering the autocorrect on your phone.
329. making computers smarter and millions of times more powerful
330. enable computers to process vast amounts of data faster than ever before
331. computers will have the potential to supercharge AI, create highly complex
data models in seconds, and speed up the discovery of new materials.
332. offers immersive digital experiences that simulate the real world
333. merges the digital and physical worlds
334. harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop new
technologies and products for a range of uses
335. developing new pharmaceuticals and materials, more efficient industrial
manufacturing processes, and cleaner, more efficient energy sources
336. the design, manufacture, and use of robots for personal and commercial
337. allows manufacturing businesses to print their own parts, with less tooling,
at a lower cost, and faster than via traditional processes.
338. designs can be customized to ensure a perfect fit.
339. being connected to the internet and identifiable by other devices
340. describes the idea of everyday items
341. medical wearables that monitor users’ physical condition to cars and
tracking devices inserted into parcels
342. brought by primal needs of survival by hunting wild animals and gathering
fruits and vegetables in the forest.
343. Analysis from archeological artifacts revealed that the first inhabitants in
the archipelago who settled in Palawan and Batangas around 40 000 years ago
have made simple tools or weapons of stone which eventually developed
techniques for sawing, drilling and polishing hard stones.
344. by _______, they can develop sharp objects that are useful in their day to
day activities.
345. technology was developed because of a great necessity.
346. The first inhabitants in the country are learning what can be harnessed
from the environment.
347. They have come to understand that when clay is mixed with 2 water and
then shaped into something before sun drying, it hardens to an object that can
also be useful to them.
348. they have learned how to extract, smelt and refine metals like copper,
gold, bronze and iron from nature and consequently fashion them into tools and
implements; the inhabitants of the country are showing a deeper understanding
of their nature because they were able to obtain valuable resources from nature.
349. inhabitants shifted from wandering from one place to another and learned
to settle in areas near the water source, they also learned how to weave cotton,
engaged themselves in agriculture and are knowledgeable on building boats for
coastal trade.
350. sophisticated products of engineering by Pre-Spanish era Filipinos
351. primitive Filipinos are practicing science and technology in their everyday
lives with understanding the nature of matter involved
352. beginnings of modern science and technology in the country can be
traced back to the Spanish regime because they established schools, hospitals
and started scientific research that had important consequences in the
development of the country (Caoili - 1983)
353. These schools formed the first Filipino professionals; the three highest
institution/s of learning during this time was the ______
354. the very strict hold of the church among citizens and its intervention and
meddling to the government propelled by fear of intellectual awakening among
Filipinos have greatly hindered the progress of these professionals to further
enhance their knowledge, conduct scientific investigations and contribute to the
advancement of society.
355. the epitome of the Renaissance man in the Philippine context
356. a scientist, a doctor, an engineer (water system in Dapitan)
357. a journalist, a novelist, an urban planner and a hero.
358. as a doctor and scientist: he had extensive knowledge on medicine; was
able to operate his mother’s blinding eye
359. as an engineer: creating a water system that improved the sanitation of
households in the area
360. the epitome of the Renaissance man in the Philippine context
361. a scientist, a doctor, an engineer (water system in Dapitan)
362. a journalist, a novelist, an urban planner and a hero.
363. as a doctor and scientist: he had extensive knowledge on medicine; was
able to operate his mother’s blinding eye
364. as an engineer: creating a water system that improved the sanitation of
households in the area
365. was created in 1887 and whose functions were to conduct biochemical
analyses for public health and to undertake specimen examinations for clinical
and medico-legal cases.
366. Laboratorio.. 's publication; probably the first scientific journal in the
country; showed the studies undertaken during that time.
367. By the ___ century, Manila had become a cosmopolitan center and modern
amenities were introduced to the city; agriculture, mining of metals and minerals
were established as various kinds of industries.
368. the Philippines saw rapid growth during the American occupation and was
made possible by the government’s extensive public education system from
elementary to tertiary schools.
369. The establishment of various public tertiary schools like the Philippine
Normal School and University of the Philippines provided the needs for
professionally trained Filipinos in building the government’s organization and
370. The growth and application of science were still concentrated on the
health sector in the form of biochemical analyses in hospitals.
371. The government supported basic and applied research in the medical,
agricultural and related sciences.
372. The ______ opened the College of Agriculture in 1909
373. the ______ opened the Colleges of Arts, Engineering and Veterinary
Medicine in 1910; the College of Medicine was opened four years later.
374. Capacity building programs that include sending qualified Filipinos abroad
for advanced training were conducted to eventually fill up the teaching positions
in Philippine universities.
375. the _____ sent Filipino youths to be educated as teachers, engineers,
physicians and lawyers in American colleges to further capacitate the Filipinos in
various fields
376. there was difficulty in recruiting students for science and technology
courses; the government had to offer scholarships to attract students.
377. later named Bureau of Science. The government provided more support
for the development of science and the organization was created.
378. later named Bureau of Science
379. The government provided more support for the development of science
and the organization was created.
380. another great contribution of the Bureau of Science
381. This scientific journal published research done in local laboratories and
reported global scientific developments that had relevance to Philippine society.
382. established December 8, 1933
383. acknowledge the importance and vital role of science and technology for
the economic development of the country by declaring that “The State shall
promote scientific research and invention…”
384. was succeeded by the Japanese occupation when the Pacific war broke out
in 1941
385. the time of the Commonwealth period to the Japanese regime had made
developments in science and technology practically impossible; World War II
ended and left Manila in ruins.
386. Bureau of Science was replaced by the _____ and was placed under the
Office of the President of the Philippines
387. the agency faced lack of financial support from the government and
experienced planning and coordination problems
388. a report by the _______ to the Philippines: there is a lack of basic
information which were necessities to the country's industries, lack of support of
experimental work and minimal budget for scientific research and low salaries of
scientists employed by the government.
389. the regime of President Carlos P. Garcia
390. , the Philippine Congress passed the Science Act of 1958 which established
the ________
391. focused on science and technology institutional capacity-building which
were undertaken by establishing infrastructure-support facilities such as new
research agencies and development training.
392. There has been little innovation in the education and training of scientists
and engineers since independence in 1946 is quoted by
393. the government gave greater importance to science and technology.
394. the “advancement of science and technology shall have priority in national
395. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos proclaimed the 35-hectare land in Bicutan, Taguig
as the site of the Philippine Science Community.
396. the government provided funds to private universities to encourage them
to conduct research and create courses in science and technology.
397. The ______ also conducted seminars for public and private high school and
college science teachers, training programs and scholarships for graduate and
undergraduate science scholars, and workshops on fisheries and oceanography
398. the government provided funds to private universities to encourage them
to conduct research and create courses in science and technology.
399. The government also conducted seminars for public and private high
school and college science teachers, training programs and scholarships for
graduate and undergraduate science scholars, and workshops on fisheries and
400. explored the uses of atomic energy for economic development.
401. several research institutes were established under the National Science
Development Board (NSDB) which includes ____ and ____
402. By virtue of _____, the NATIONAL GRAINS AUTHORITY was created and it
was tasked to improve the rice and corn industry and thereby help in the
economic development of the country.
403. the creation of _______ to support the progressive development of
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in the country.
404. under the Department of National Defense to provide environmental
protection and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the people
through Presidential Decree No. 78, s. 1972.
405. the _______was created by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 334, s. 1973, to
promote industrial and economic development through effective and efficient
use of energy sources.
406. the_____ was established under Presidential Decree No. 1003-A, s. 1976.
407. NSDB was further reorganized into a National Science and Technology
Authority (NSTA); composed of four research and development Councils:>
Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development
(PCARRD)> Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research Development
(PCIERD)> Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)>
National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP)
408. Executive Order No. 889 was issued by the President
409. provided for the establishment of a national network of centers of
excellence in basic sciences
410. What are the six institutes created last March 1983?
411. the National Science and Technology Authority was replaced by the _____,
giving science and technology a representation in the cabinet.
412. In this period, science and technology was one of the top three priorities
of the government towards economic recovery.
413. is the premiere science and technology body in the country charged with
the twin mandate of providing central direction, leadership and coordination of
all scientific and technological activities, and of formulating policies, programs
and projects to support national development.
414. DOST established the _____, a program that was significant to the field of
415. identified seven export products: (1) computer software, (2) fashion
accessories, (3) gifts, toys, and houseware, (4) marine products, (5) metal
fabrications, (6) furniture and (7) dried fruits.
416. numerous laws and projects were implemented which concerns both the
environment and science to push technology as a tool to increase the country’s
economic level.
417. the term ______ was the coined term used in helping the Philippines to be
an innovation hub in Asia.
418. The _______ was developed further by strengthening the schools and
education system such as the Philippine Science High School (PSHS), which
focuses on science, technology and mathematics in their curriculum
419. launched into space on April 2016
420. the country’s first micro-satellite
421. was designed, developed and assembled by Filipino researchers and
engineers under the guidance of Japanese experts.
422. provides real-time, high-resolution and multi-color infrared images for
various applications, including meteorological imaging, crop and ocean
productivity measurement and high-resolution imaging of natural and man-
made features.
423. enables a more precise estimate of the country’s agricultural production,
provides images of watersheds and floodplains for a better understanding of
water available for irrigation, power and domestic consumption.
424. provides accurate information on any disturbance and degradation of
forest and upland areas.
425. uses the Lidar (light detection and ranging) technology
426. initiated in June 2012 to help manage risks associated with natural hazards
and disasters.
427. established through a collaboration between the local government of
Davao City and IBM Philippines Inc.
428. resulted in the creation of a dashboard that allows authorized government
agencies, such as police, fire and anti-terrorism task force, to use analytics
software for monitoring events and operations in real time.
429. established advanced facilities that seek to spur R&D activities and provide
MSMEs access to testing services needed to increase their productivity and
competitive advantage.
430. developed hydromet sensors and high-resolution geo-hazard maps, which
were generated by light detection and ranging technology for flood modeling
431. helps the government in providing timely warning with a lead time of at
least six hours in the wake of impending floods.
432. The country is now training the Cambodians on this technology, as part of
the partnerships among ASEAN countries.
433. houses advanced equipment for failure analysis and materials
characterization to address advanced analytical needs for quality control,
materials identification and R&D.
434. related to this facility is the Electronics Products Development Center, used
to design, develop and test hardware and software for electronic products
435. computing facilities that perform tests and run computationally intensive
applications for numerical weather prediction, climate modeling, as well as
analytics and data modeling and archiving.
436. a core facility that combines basic and applied research for the
development of health diagnostics, therapeutics, DNA forensics and preventive
products, and improved crop varieties.
437. a framework containing all the commonly accepted views about a subject,
conventions about what direction research should take and how it should be
438. a framework containing all the commonly accepted views about a subject,
conventions about what direction research should take and how it should be
439. dictates:> what is observed and measured> the questions we ask about
those observations> how the questions are formulated> how the results are
interpreted> how research is carried out> what equipment is appropriate
440. The shift from one paradigm to another
441. sparked by crisis
442. occurs when enough anomalies to the current paradigm build up, causing
scientists to question the foundational principles upon which their worldview
443. when the current paradigm is in place, these anomalies are discounted as
acceptable levels of error.
444. these anomalies become the center of attention as scientists attempt to
construct a new world view that incorporates and explains them
445. period of intense focus on explaining anomalies and developing a new
446. ★ "The successive transition from one paradigm to another via revolution
is the usual developmental pattern of mature science" is by
447. a period where paradigm shifts occurred and where scientific beliefs that
have been widely embraced and accepted by the people were challenged and
448. can be summed up as the “replacement of Aristotelian ethics and Christian
morality by a new type of decision making which may be termed instrumental
reasoning or cost-benefit analysis” (Wootton as cited by McCarthy, 2019).
449. “Western Science”
450. was born with the ancient Greeks
451. the first to explain the world in terms of natural laws rather than myths
about gods and heroes
452. passed on the idea of the value of math and experiment in science
453. The most influential figure in Western science until the 1600's
454. created a body of scientific theory that towered like a colossus over
Western Civilization for some 2000 years
455. Aristotle's theories relied very little on experiment, which left them
vulnerable to anyone who chose to perform such experiments.
456. were uncovering other Greek authors who contradicted Aristotle; tried to
figure out which ones were right
457. When their findings showed that neither theory was right, they had to
think for themselves and find a new theory that worked.
a. encouraged skepticism, freethinking, and experimentation, all of which are
essential parts of modern science.
458. New observations would be made that seemed to contradict Aristotle's
459. This would lead to new explanations, but always framed in the context of
the old beliefs, thus patching up the Aristotelian system.
460. first person who started this slow process of dismantling Aristotle's
461. His findings would reinforce the process of finding new explanations,
which would lead to the work of KEPLER and GALILEO.
462. a Polish scholar working at the University of Padua in northern Italy.
463. wrestled with the paths of planetary orbits
464. _______ the sun at the center of the universe and having the earth orbit it;
reduced the unwieldy number of
465. epicycles from 80 to 34.
466. his intention was not to create a radically new theory, but to get back to
even older ideas by such Greeks as Plato and Pythagoras who believed in a
heliocentric (sun centered) universe.
467. 150 years after Copernicus' death in 1543 a new model of the universe was
a. compiling more data tarnished the perfection of the Ptolemaic universe
and forced men to re-evaluate their beliefs.
468. Copernicus’ book
469. laid the foundations for a revolution in how Europeans would view the
world and its place in the universe.
470. a brilliant mathematician who had a mystical vision of the mathematical
perfection of the universe that owed a great deal to the ancient Greek
mathematician Pythagoras.
471. Tycho Brahe’s (tracked the entire orbits of various stars and planets using
his naked eye with records of his observations) successor
472. planetary orbits were not circular but elliptical.
473. the first to successfully use math to define the workings of the cosmos
474. inventor of the first telescope; further shattered the old Aristotelian
universe theory and led the way to a new one.
475. through his invention, he saw the sun's sunspots, the moon's craters, and
four moons orbiting Jupiter.
476. Galileo's work was the first comprehensive attack on the
Aristotelian/Ptolemaic cosmic model.
477. treated celestial objects as being subject to the same laws as terrestrial
478. Galileo’s book where he reported these disturbing findings and spread the
news across Europe.
479. did not preach the Copernican theory; only a dialogue presenting both
views "equally"

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