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Main Campus: Boac | Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan

Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
SICS Tel. No.: (042) 704-0193 SICS E-mail Address:

Athea S. Lecraos CWTS

BSI/T 1-B February 19, 2023

Narrative Report

On 11th of February, our teacher in CWTS which is Sir Madurog, informed us that we
must go to Marinduque State College in Gasan to have a clean-up. But before we go, our
teacher informed us to bring cleaning materials like broomsticks, gloves, and cutting tools.
But I only brought a broomstick because we don’t have gloves. And for the cutting tools I
didn’t bring any, because I forgot.
There are designated areas each department and we are assigned near the faculty
building. Since I didn’t brought gloves, I borrowed one from a student. There are tall grasses
in our area so we have a hard time uprooting them. It will be much easier if only all the
students brought a cutting tools because we consumed a lot of time just uprooting the
grass. After that, we swept all the grasses that we uprooted. And then we used a wheel
borrow for us to be able to make a pile of grass much easier. We make sure that all the
materials that we used that is owned by the school are in a good shape before we leave.
This activity help us to be more caring in our nature. Having this activity will provide a
clean learning environment for the students. It is very important to make ways on cleaning
because the more we ignore just like a simple cleaning, it can affect the environment and
also a big effect to our health and we will never notice it immediately until sooner when it’s
already severe.

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