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Anchoring operation check list

Yes No
: A-PRE-operation plan-environment
1-Is the depth is less than 82 meters ,windlass motor are designed to lift 3x shackles
And weight of anchor ?
2-Is the depth less than 30 meter walk back using brake ?
Never walk back without using the brake also, If no restriction , regard 60 -3
Meters as the limit for brake only
4- Is the nearest grounding line more than 1 mile away allowing for tide to go
Down ?
5-Is the weather /tide NOT on shore ? or drug will result in grounding if the
Weather is on shore and anchorage close do not anchor .
6-consider length and draft and UKC as company procedure .
7- Type of holding ground and proximity of dangers (shoal, rock, wreck ,etc)
8-proximity from adjacent ships at anchor shelter from weather given by
Surrounding lands .
9- Is there enough room to turn 180/360 degrees and safety swinging circle (SSC)
Consider length of ship & maximum cable veered & safety of margin of one
Cable on large scale chart .?
10-Is limiting danger line (LDL)drawn on chart consider 10% of draft but not
Less than 2metre Under keel clearance at lowest stage of tide ?
11- Is the wind is less than 28 knots and current less than 3 knots ,consider
Ebb (Fall of tide ) is stronger than Flood ( rise of tide) and sea is sufficiently
Calm and excess motion of the hull by swell is limited otherwise if is enough
Sea room master are advise to take the vessel for drift but if duration of stay
Are short avoid vessel dragging and tension on cable by use of engine & rudder
When stay at anchor i.e 1knot current = 9 knots wind
12- Amount of cable depend of all parameters mentioned above but not less than
One and half time of radical of the depth of water consider having at least
One length of shackle in chain locker for if the weather is getting worse.
13- Consider good holding ground (clay, soft chalk, sand, sand/shingle) , holding
Power of anchor is 10 times the weight of anchor ,very good holding ground
Such as the mixture of sand, shingle and clays or heavy mud the holding power
Of anchor is 12.5 times the weight of anchor, in poor ground (soft silty mud,
Or shingle and shell ,holding power of anchor as little as 6 time weight of anchor ,
Very bad type of holding ground (rocks, coral , weeds ) .
14- Is distance apart from other ships at anchor to be of twice vessel radius
(safety swinging circle ).
15- consider Ships at anchor, swings in opposite directions it is probably because of
Tidal stream is on turn and almost slack and the wind at the same time is light ,
And vessel have different windage area .
16- Is anchorage area to be reliable for anchoring at least two charted sounding
To be close to each other and avoid anchoring in poorly charted area.
17- Is higher scope considered for the vessel in ballast condition ?

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