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Language Alphabetical Order

Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study the alphabetical order in your book p. 66.
Directions: Look at the pictures. Write the words in alphabetical order.


backpack glue stick paper sharpener

pencil case board chair teacher

scissors desk eraser book

1. 7.

2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

6. 12
Language Capital Letters: Days and Months
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Capital Letters: Days of the Week” (p. 67, 68).
Directions: Complete the information below.

The four seasons

Days of the week Months of the year

1st 1st

2nd 2nd

3rd 3rd

4th 4th

5th 5th

6th 6th

7th 7th

Answer the questions. 9th

1. What’s the first month of the year? 10th

2. What’s the fifth day of the week? 12th

5. What day comes before Wednesday?

3. What day comes after Monday?

4. What day comes before Sunday?

Language Nouns
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Nouns” (p. 69, 70)

Directions: Read each noun and write the type of noun: animal, thing, person, place.

watermelon hospital panda fireman

Directions: Read each word. Color the common nouns green and the proper nouns
yellow. Remember proper nouns begin with CAPITAL LETTER.

common nouns proper nouns

green yellow

pig bag August Matt

Max dog girl hat

school cat Sam house

bus Monday dad Pam

fish boy Batman test

Tom Spongebob map July

Friday book Toto bed

Walmart Six Flags flag McDonalds

Language Articles: a, an
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “A, an” p. 71.

Complete the sentences with the best article: a or an. Then, color the pictures.

1. It is _________ banana. 6. It is __________ air balloon.

2. It is _________ duck. 7. It is ___________ eraser.

3. It is _________ bee. 8. It is ____________ hat.

4. It is ___________ unicorn. 9. It is ___________ frog.

5. It is __________ ear. 10. It is ____________ orange.

Language Personal Pronouns
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Personal Pronouns” p. 73, 74.

Directions: Choose the correct personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

a farmer a book gloves

a dog a girl players

a family children a boy

a butterfly a rose a ball

Directions: Change the sentences using personal pronouns. Look at the example.
Example: My father is tall. He is tall.
1. This ball is small. is small.

2. This rose is red. is red.

3. My father is a farmer. is a farmer.

4. My mother is 30. is 30.

5. Asta is my dog. is my dog.

Language There is / There are
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “There is - There are” p. 81, 82.

Directions: Look at the pictures and write there is or there are. Then, color the

1. ___________________________________ one lemon.

2. ___________________________________ two dolphins.

3. ___________________________________ three apples.

4. ___________________________________ a fish.

5. ___________________________________ two peaches.

6. ___________________________________ a lion.

7. ___________________________________ three tigers

8. ___________________________________ a sofa.

9. ___________________________________ four birds.

10. ___________________________________ 3 books.

Language Prepositions of Place
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Prepositions of place” p. 83, 84.

Directions: fill in the blanks using the pictures and word bank below.

between around under behind after

Word bank
on inside beneath over next to
Language Punctuation Marks
Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Three kinds of Punctuation Marks” p. 85.
Directions: read each sentence. Rewrite the sentence using capital letter and punctuation symbols.

1. sam and jill want to make hot cocoa

2. what do they need

3. jill likes to put water in her cocoa

4. sam likes to use milk in her cocoa

5. how much should they add

Language Negative Sentences

Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Negative

Sentences” p. 86

Directions: Transform the following sentences into negatives.

Remember to use NOT after the verb to be.

1. We are cats.

2. My sister is sad.

3. Patrick is tired.

4. I am blue.

5. They are fifteen.

6. Patrick and Tom are angry.

7. My grandfather is old.

8. She is thirteen.
Language Ordinal Numbers

Suggestion: to answer this worksheet, you can study “Ordinal

Numbers” p. 91, 92.

a. Color the seventh pear.

b. Color the tenth banana.

c. Color the eight apple.

d. Color the third cherry.

e. Color the first orange.

f. Color the thirteenth peach.

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