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After a good prospecting (and entering the data we have in Witei!!

) we have to follow the

AIDA method. We have already explained it in previous videos, so I put the links in the
description so you can review them. In short, the method: ATTENTION - INTEREST -
DESIRE - ACTION. It is proven that the person will go through each of these stages of the

Let's focus Speech on meeting the owner's need.


This stage for me is the most difficult but also the one I like the most.
We have to introduce ourselves. Psychologically, before he can listen to us, he must be
clear about who we are and where we are calling from.

Single Version

● Hello good morning/afternoon, this is Gabriel Ibáñez, I'm calling from "Inmobiliaria
Juan". I'm talking to "Antonio" / (If we don't know "the owner of the property on xxx
○ We tell the truth from the beginning. We are calling from a real estate agency,
we must not hide it at any time so as not to waste our time and be
disappointed later.

● Yes, what do you want?

● I'm calling about the apartment I had for sale in "xxx" street. Are you still interested in
selling it? by asking, we empathize with the customer and get him psychologically
accustomed to say yes, a little commercial trick! ;)

● Yes, I just put it up for sale a few days ago only.

● I am calling you because I specialize in selling similar apartments in the area and I
have several potential buyers who might be interested. (we make a lapse here)
○ As we can see, we no longer speak of agency "in the plural" but of "I" in the
singular, in this way we empathize and create personal bonds. It is easier to
empathize with a company than with a person. It is easier to hang up on a
company than on "Gabriel" or "Juan".
○ We go straight and upfront with the service we want to offer you and show
you that we are experts in solving your need (which is to sell the property).
○ We end with a call to action.
○ Notice that in a short sentence we have put many concepts. There is no
need to be too wordy, because we have exactly 30 seconds to attract the
attention of the owner, and in this case we do it with the "lure" of our potential
customers, which in our case as great professionals we are the reality is
totally true.
● I'll tell you in two minutes how we can help you. Okay?
○ Notice that we do not ask, we affirm and verify. You have to verify because
if you don't, you will never go to the next stage (INTEREST) where we will
show you our services. As we have already taken you through the "Yes" it
won't cost you much. We also emphasize that it is 2 minutes so that you
explicitly understand that it will only take a moment.

● Yes, tell me about it. -> And we move on to the phase of interest! ;)

Actually this happens in 10% of the time, usually at this point we have already encountered
some "no's". I take this opportunity to introduce a concept that we must always have in front
of us and that is... The "Letter of No's" All the excuses that we have to write them down and
solve them, thinking about them and putting them in writing. This way we will never be
caught off guard and will always be one step ahead.

We are now going to look at a much more complicated situation. in which we will be asked
several "no's". As we always say, the sale starts with a "No".

Expert version

● Hello good morning/afternoon, this is Gabriel Ibáñez, I'm calling from "Inmobiliaria
Juan". I'm talking to "Antonio".

● We are not interested in selling with real estate agents, sorry. We are off to a strong

● Wow! How sorry I am, it's very normal believe me, but that's because we haven't met
yet, believe me, my only goal is to be able to help you because I have several
interested potential buyers. If you give me two minutes, I'll tell you a little about it.
○ We tried to bring him back our way.
○ We make him see that his situation is common and frequent, we empathize,
first we put ourselves on his side and then we try to bring him to ours.
○ We try to differentiate ourselves from what has been found now.
○ We finish with the call to action with a closed question as we have seen.

● No, I'm really not interested in working with real estate. He's still at it!

● Ok, no problem, just to make a note of it, can you tell me why?
○ We tried to reassure him, confirming the order. "Ok no problem" Let your
guard down.
○ But we go back to the charge and ask him with the aim of establishing a
conversation, because he is totally closed to talk.
○ Our "no" card is especially useful here, let's look at some examples.

i. I am able to sell it alone.

● Yes! Of course! but imagine that with our help we manage to
sell it for X.000 € more, isn't it worth it? Plus think of the time
you'll spend looking for buyers.... that I already have! We agree
with him (always) but show a higher potential profit.
ii. You are very expensive.
● Well, that depends. The price is what you pay, and the value is
what you receive, believe me you will receive a much greater
value. We can also use the previous answer.
iii. You are scammers. Believe me I have been told!
● The truth is that it is a stigma that haunts us because of all the
intrusiveness there has been. The advantage of this moment is
that all of them have closed in the crisis and only the good
ones are left.

● I am already working with another real estate company. (But it's never too late if the
good news is good) If we work exclusively we continue the speech, if we don't care
about exclusivity we continue through the Interest phase.

● Ah! Great! And how are you doing so far? Are you having a lot of visitors?
○ The first thing is to congratulate you, after all, you are trusting in our
profession. Then we ask him about his experience, we can take advantage of
any loophole to detect any weakness of the competition and be able to attack.
Always speaking well of our services, never speaking badly of others.
i. I am very happy.
● Great, so if you like what I'm going to do is to send you an
email with our services so you can evaluate it in case you need
it again in the future. We have the asset of the mail.
ii. Well, the truth is that mm... not much.
● Of course, it usually happens that xxxx We solve them with
YYYY. We already have buyers potentially interested in an
apartment like yours! And from here to Interest! ;)

● I don't have time right now. Many times they think we are not going to call you back
and they say this

● Ok, no problem, if you are too busy now I can call you another time. Is it better for
you in the morning or in the afternoon?
○ Again, a closed question and taking it for granted.
○ We write down the appointment in Witei and call you back.


Now we are going to tell you all the benefits (In 2 minutes of truth) that you will have with our
services. We will not go into too much detail on this stage and Deseo because we each have
a different service and different competitive advantages.
Several that we can recall are:

1. Potential customers already in our portfolio

2. Online Advertising (portals, web)
3. Offline Advertising (Flyer, local, etc.)
4. Creativity (Offer them a virtual tour)
We never talk about price here, we are in love with you, we have to give value to our
service. The price we charge does not have to be an important factor since it is obviously
commensurate with the quality and success of what we offer.


Once we know that you are interested, we will move on to the WANT phase. The strategy is
to ask a lot of questions about your real estate for 2 main reasons.
1. We will empathize a lot.
2. We are going to investigate (now yes) for much more data of the property
(and we can enter it in Witei).


Once the customer is in love, it is time to take action, if we do not propose it, he will never
make up his mind, so he lacks that little bit that awakens an action.

● Can I come by Monday at 5? This way we finish putting everything in order and from
that moment on we start helping you.
○ Again closed question. In order not to go overboard, a specific day and time
must be proposed. Another more indirect way is to say.

● Is it better for you in the morning or in the afternoon?

● In the afternoon because I work in the morning.
● Perfect, so I'll see you Friday at 5 o'clock, okay?

We must always see it as a sales funnel and know what percentage we are converting. This
way we will not be affected by the "no's". If we know that out of every 100 calls, we convert
10 leads, statistically we are going to receive 90 "no's" and knowing this will not affect us

Letter of "Noes".

To know all this that we are discussing with the customer what we need is a CRM, in this
case with Witei we can even identify the stage in which it is.

What is it that we can offer that they need?

We have what he needs, he is selling, and we have buyers.

● Make a good prospecting.

● Have the speech in front of you.
● Don't forget to keep the "card of no's" always present.
● Always end with a call to action.
● Make statistics and do not despair.

And finally... do it now! Go for it! ;)

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