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Biographical statement

Having lived in India, I have noticed that new technologies take time to be
introduced to the Indian market. There is a dire need to enable these
technologies to come to market faster than they currently do, especially in
places like rural India. For example, solar cells have the potential to
provide cheap, renewable energy to those parts of a country which have
limited or no access to electricity. In fact, according to a recent census in
India, only 44% of rural households use electricity for their primary source
of lighting. The Ph.D. program in Political economy/International relations
would provide me with the research experience required to contribute
effectively to this effort.
My education and research experience to date have given me a strong
basis with which to pursue further studies. I have focused my academic
career on taking classes in political economy, with an emphasis on
International relations. Given my sound understanding of the subject
matter, I was a teaching assistant for the class on political economy.
Additionally, I have spent a large part of my postgraduate career
conducting research on economic development of oil and middle east.
Upon completion of an PG dissertation where I developed a deep study, I
began working for PhD opportunities at the political economy and
International relations. Under Prof. Javed Ahmad khan, I am submitted my
dissertation work on the topic “Economic Development in West Asia:
Issues and Challenges”. The dissertation aims to rationally design the
history of economic development of middle east with challenges and
issues. Given my educational and research background, I hope to
contribute to the development of political economy and International
This full fund PhD opportunity will provide the best fit for me to pursue
research in this field. The university provides excellent facilities and
resources that are essential for creative research. The Ph.D. in Economics,
Political Economy, International Relations will provide me the ideal
academic and research foundation for my career. Additionally, the
department’s connection with many corporations and numerous research
facilities at PhD provide very attractive opportunities.
I have always attempted to make full use of the resources available to me
in furthering my objectives. While at Penn, I am completed my post
graduation in International Relations: West Asian studies from the Jamia
Millia Islamia, New Delhi in addition to my bachelor in Sociology. This
education will supplement my research, and provide me with the
knowledge of political economy necessary to effectively bring new
technologies to market. I believe that I have had a holistic education
during my undergraduate and Postgraduate career and hope that upon
completion of my Ph.D. degree I will be in a position to effect influential
change. My Master program in International Relations: West Asian studies
will provide the strong foundation I hope to gain from my Ph.D. work to
become a leader in bringing new semiconductor measurements and
technologies to our society.
Indeed, my life has been enriched and inspired in so many ways by the
professors who have mentored me. I plan to stay in academia, and hope to
pass on that kind of enrichment to the next generation of students.
Teaching and mentorship will remain a crucial component of my
scholarship. As with research, my goals will be twofold: to use
experimental evolution to understand the core evolutionary dynamics that
shape the Political Economy in International relations, and to understand
the possible mechanisms through which the form of Economy growing it’s

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