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1 Tema 4| Vocabulary of Human Skeleton II

Skeleton: set of bones making up the framework of human body.

Skull: bone of the head, which encloses the brain.

Occipital: bone forming the lower back part of the skull.

Mastoid: protuberance behind the ear.

Temporal: bone of the temple.

Parietal: bones forming the sides and top of the skull.

Frontal: bone of the forehead.

Nasal bone: bones of the nose.

Malar or zygomatic bone: Cheekbone.

Maxilla: bony upper part of the jaw.

Mandible: bony lower part of the jaw.

2 Tema 4| Vocabulary of Human Skeleton II

Clavicle: collarbone of the shoulder girdle, between the sternum and the scapula.

Sternum: breastbone connected to the front of the ribs of the thoracic cage.

Manubrium: upper part of the sternum.

Ribs (1 to 7): first bones of the thoracic cage.

False ribs (8, 9, 10): the eighth, ninth and tenth ribs of the thoracic cage, which protect the lower part of

the lungs.

Floating ribs (11, 12): last two ribs of the thoracic cage.

Rachis: spinal column.

Sacrum: bone that is jointed with the hipbone to form the pelvis.

Ilium: bone of the pelvic girdle, comprised of the fusion of the ilium, the ischium and the pubic bone.

Ischium: one of the bones of the ilium.

Coccyx: bone comprised of the fused, atrophied vertebrae at the end of the sacrum.

3 Tema 4| Vocabulary of Human Skeleton II

Femur: the thighbone, the longest bone of a human body.

Patella: round, flat bone situated over the knee. Also known as kneecap.

Tibia: bone forming the inside of the lower leg.

Fibula: bone forming the outside of the lower leg.

Tarsus: bony area at the back of the foot.

Metatarsus: bones of the foot between the tarsus and the toes.

Proximal phalanx: jointed segment of a toe.

Middle Phalanx: middle phalange of a toe.

Distal phalanx: last phalange of a toe.

4 Tema 4| Vocabulary of Human Skeleton II

Scapula: bone of the back of the shoulder.

Humerus: bone of the upper arm.

Radius: bone forming the outside of the forearm.

Ulna: bone forming the inside of the forearm.

Carpus: jointed parts of the hand between the forearm and the metacarpus.

Metacarpus: hand bone between the carpus and the phalanges.

Proximal phalanx: jointed segment of a finger.

Middle Phalanx: middle phalange of a finger.

Distal phalanx: last phalange of a finger.

5 Tema 4| Vocabulary of Human Skeleton II


Complete the following sentences with a suitable word from THE HUMAN BONES VOCABULARY:



1. _______________: top of skull, which encloses the brain.

2. _______________: jaw bone.

3. _______________: back bones.

4. _______________: collar bone situated into the shoulder girdle.

5. _______________: shoulder blade.

6. _______________: center bone of chest which connects the front of the ribs.

7. _______________: hip bone.

8. _______________: top bone of arm.

9. _______________: thumb side of forearm.

10. _______________: inside of forearm.

11. _______________: thighbone.

12. _______________: inside bone in lower leg.

13. _______________: external bone in lower leg.

14. _______________: kneecap.

15. _______________: bone segments of fingers and toes.

6 Tema 4| Vocabulary of Human Skeleton II

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