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In a short size bond paper, make an infographic poster showing information
regarding MONEY AND ITS EVOLUTION. Include in the poster the functions and
features of money.

Your work will be rated based on rubric #1 presented in the appendix.

For your reference, here is the sample infographic poster:



Rubric #1
Infographic Paper
Criteria/ Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Score
Points Improvement (1)
Accuracy of At least 90% of At least 75% of At least 60% of Less than 50% of 16
content (x4) the required the required the required the required
content is content is content is content included
included in the included in the included in the in the infographic
infographic is infographic is infographic is is accurate.
accurate. accurate. accurate.

Use of visual Great use of Good use of Few visual Visual materials 12
materials (X3) visual materials to visual material. materials used lack
support Materials used and effectiveness and
information. add to the those used add relevance,
Visual materials content of the little to the and don’t add to
add to the poster/ content of the the content
content of the infographic. poster/ of the
poster/infographic. infographic. poster/infographic
Appearance The poster/ The poster/ Some elements The poster/ 12
(X3) infographic is infographic is of the poster/ infographic is not
very appealing in appealing in infographic are very appealing in
terms of terms of design, appealing in terms of
design, layout, layout, and terms of design, design, layout,
and neatness. neatness. layout, and and neatness.
Evidence of Very good use of Good use of Some thought Little thought 4
research research research from given to the given to the
from varied varied sources. type of resources used or
sources. All More than resources used only one
resources have three resources for or two resources
been cited. have been research. More used. Most
cited. than two resources used
resources used have not
and have been cited.
been cited.
Spelling and Almost no spelling Few spelling or Some spelling Many spelling or 4
Grammar or grammatical or grammatical
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
errors. errors.
Score: ___ / 50 pts (with bonus points of 2) 48
Modified from: Northern Pictures and Cool Australia Retrieved from https://prod-media.
wpcontent/uploads/2017/05/06163636/Blue_PosterInfographic-Assessment-Rubric-Year 7_FINAL2.pdf

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