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1. Talk about your hobby.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk about my
Like everyone, I have my private hobbies, such as watching films, reading books,
listening to music, traveling and so on. But I like traveling best.
I started it when I was 10. I find my hobby difficult because I need many things. My
brother is the person who shares the hobby with me. To do this, I need a ton of money,
clothes and especially communication skills. I think that traveling is very useful and
interesting. For example, when I have to study too much, I usually feel tired, stressful
and bored, so I want to refresh myself and traveling is a good way for me to relax.
Traveling helps me widen my knowledge because I can pick up many different
cultures and study so much from them. Besides, I can learn foreign languages when I
travel abroad. In addition, traveling makes my life happier because I can meet lots of
people and make new friends. Finally, I can admire the beauty of the nature and enjoy
it when I go to different places. However, it's hard for me to travel abroad because I'm
always busy studying and I don't have much money. I will intend to continue my
hobby in the future.
To sum up, I love traveling so much because it not only cheer me up but also enlarge
my knowledge.
That’s all. Thanks for Listening!

2. Talk about some health problems and give advices.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk about some
health problems and give advices”.
As you know, nowadays, there are many health problems, such as: cough, headache,
flu, tired, spots, putting on weight and so on. But, today I only talk about three
common ones.
Firstly, it is flu, the symptoms are sore throat, feel tired etc. If they're otherwise fit
and healthy, there's usually no need to see a doctor. The best remedy is to rest at home,
keep warm and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. They can take medicines to
lower a high temperature and relieve aches if necessary. Secondly, putting on weight
is the reality. It affects the people who are overweight are felling don’t want to work,
difficult to breathe and causing many dangerous diseases for them. They should start
to count their calories, do more exercise, eat less junk food and more vegetables.
Finally, dry eyes are the matter in people that they use television, smart phone or
computer for a long time. They should try to refresh their eyes. Also, try the 20-20-20
rule: every 20 minutes look away about 20 feet for 20 seconds. They can take eye drop
to wet their eyes.
To sum up, people ought to pay attention to their health.
That’s all. Thanks for Listening!
3. Talk about your volunteer activities.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk about my
volunteer activities”.
As you know, nowadays, there are a lot of tough people, the poor. So I want to do
some things.
I often take part in the children programs which help orphans, street children, and
mentally or physically disabled children in our district to have better life. I often visit
them on Sunday at mural. I can give them presents such as fruit, candy, cakes, old
clothes and so on, teach them to learn about basic knowledge in life, tell them funny
and meaningful stories, and raise funds to buy things what they need. The reason why
I do volunteer work is that feel happy, satisfied, proud and see how happy they are
when I help them. I will ask my friends to help me. We will do all things which said
To sum up, I believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who
help to bring happiness to others.
That’s all. Thanks for Listening!

4. Talk about music and art.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk about
music and art”.
There are two things that make humans different from all other animals. They are
music and art. Music is clearly different from art. However, people can use it to
communicate - especially their emotions. It can express ideas, thoughts and feelings:
one's anger, love, hate or friendship; and convey one's hopes and dreams by great
melodies. Music is very much an integral part of our life. It is played during almost all
events and on special occasions. It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival.
Music lulls babies to sleep at night and wakes students up in the morning. It makes
people happy and excited. Besides that, what about art? It is a large range of human
activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artworks, expressing the author's
imaginative or technical skill. All things that I said above, they show that music and
art are very important to our lives. In my opinion, although they have a great influence
on human, I think they shouldn't be compulsory subject in the school, because they are
unimportant part of education sine they don’t prepare students for a life of work.
There are many kinds of music and art but I am only interested in pop music and
landscape paintings.
To sum up, I want to say that: “It is difficult to imagine what our lives would be like
without music and art”.
That’s all. Thanks for Listening!
5. Talk about food or drink you like best.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk about food or
drink I like best”.
My favorite food is spring rolls, or nem rán in Vietnamese. Spring rolls are pork,
colorful vegetables and egg well-mixed and wrapped in ricepaper before being fried.
Actually, spring rolls are considered a traditional festival food, which means I don’t
get to eat it as often as I’d like to. I usually have to wait until some special occasions.
To make the spring rolls, firstly, start cooking the noodles according to the directions
on the package. Secondly, mix together the carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, garlic and
oil. Thirdly, drain the noodles, cut them into 4 centimeters long pieces, and add them
to the mixture. Next, flavor with salt, ground black pepper, soy sauce and a pinch of
sugar and beat the egg gently. After that, remove one spring roll sheet from the
mixture and place on a ricepaper. Then fold over the sides and roll up. Next, fry spring
rolls in high heat oil for 4-5 minutes until golden. At last, dry them on kitchen papers.
It tastes delicious and a bit spicy which make people to like it.
Beside that, in many food what I have eaten, there is a dish that I’m very hate, it’s
tofu, because when I had it, there was no savors. Therefore, we want to cook a
delightsome dish which isn’t easy. For me, I can cook omelet and noodles.
That’s all. Thanks for listening!

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