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Lesson 4 Green Island

1. Listen to the story and then read it with lots of expression.


2. Find the answers in the story. (从故事中找答案。)

(1) How long was Mr Johnson’s class staying at Seabay House? (Page

28- a)

Tick your answer.(选出答案。)

For a weekend For a day

For a week For two weeks

(2) Why did Mr Johnson toss a coin? (Page 28- c)


(3) How did Chip keep the children awake? (Page 29- f)


(4) Why couldn’t the seagull fly? (Page 30- h)


(5) Why did Mrs Honey take the children to Green Island? (Page 31- l)


(6) What do you think would have happened if the toxic waste had

stayed on the island?


2. Put the words in order.(排词成句。)

took off the island the people the police

worked Mrs Honey’s idea get off

the people couldn’t the island and

saw the children some people

dumping waste on the island

a photographer came and took a photograph

famous everyone became and in the end

3. Have you ever seen people dumping waste everywhere? What do you
think of this act? Write about it in two or three sentences.(你见过有人乱

How did I do?

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