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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

Melissa Clevenger

1. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Example and brief description of how a specific

assignment or activity meets the skill

1.1 Express ideas clearly, in written, x I have used multiple sources to express my ideas such
multimodal, and oral communication, as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, VoiceThread,
considering purpose, audience, and format. and Flip Grid.

1.2 Analyze issues, make decisions, and x I have had many times where I had to take a deep
address problems using critical thinking. look at problems and come up with potential
solutions to address those problems. I have been
challenged to think critically, stepping outside of my
usual thinking trends to find new answers to old

1.3 Demonstrate leadership, including x I have worked in groups to work towards a common
negotiation, relational, consensus-building, goal. In one specific instance, I had worked as a
and teamwork skills. leader of a group in a simulation of a company to
control the marketing budget and campaigns in
attempt to turn a profit.
1.4 Communicate and express ideas through x I have not had many opportunities to express my
the arts. ideas or communicate through the arts. I Think this is
one downfall to attending school entirely virtual. I’m
sure if I would have attended school in person, I
would have had some different opportunities to
experience this greater.

1.5 Integrate appropriate technologies to x I have used many different technologies to solve
solve problems, complete tasks, and problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals. I
accomplish goals. have become fluent when using computer programs
that I previously had no experience using, such as
Microsoft Excel. I now feel that I am proficient
enough at these technologies to carry them forward
into my career without worry.

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Not Met
2.1 Relate effectively across various x Through the exploration into social justice issues, as
linguistic and cultural settings. well as learning about multiple different religious
beliefs and cultures, I have felt that I can now relate
and have a deeper understanding of various cultural

2.2 Use time, place, and social change as x I feel that I wish I would have experienced more
frameworks for analyzing social within this skill. I would have liked to delve deeper
developments from multiple disciplinary into social change from multiple disciplinary
perspectives. perspectives to broaden my horizon.

2.3 Evaluate current and historical events x I have had much experience throughout my studies
through the lens of spirituality and global with evaluating different religions, as well as how
social justice. those religions have developed throughout history. I
have also learned a lot about how those evens have
shaped what happened next, including the influence
of spirituality on history.

2.4 Critique privilege and oppression from x Through my studies from two western cultures
the perspective of diverse identities. courses, I have looked at privilege and oppression
from diverse identities throughout history. However,
I would have liked to view this from a current aspect.

3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret x I have had a lot of experience generating, analyzing,
numerical data. and interpreting numerical data through accounting,
budgeting and finance, and statistics courses. This
was a very important piece of my learning because it
will be prevalent for me in my future career. It is also
the piece of my future career that I was more unsure
if I would be able to understand, and I feel well
equipped and up to the task.

3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and organize, x I was able to utilize many different sources, and
primary and secondary sources, including learned a lot about what sources are credible and
expressive media, to comprehend the where to find those credible sources. I have struggled
significance of an issue or an event. in the past to find credible sources because I did not
know where to find them. I have learned the value of
multiple sources in order to truly comprehend the
significance of an issue.

3.3 Interpret quantitative and qualitative x Interpreting information to formulate conclusions has
information to formulate positions to reach been an ongoing skill throughout my studies. I have
conclusions or to present a logical argument. been challenged to think off of my normal course of
thought to find new solutions that I would not have
previously arrived at. I have also been taught how to
present a logical and professional argument.

3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple ideas x I have had the opportunity to explore so many
and worldviews. different religious beliefs and cultures of the world in
my studies. My favorite experience has been the two
Spanish courses I have taken. They have been so
enjoyable and have really brought me to appreciate
such a beautiful culture.

4. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

4.1 Employ ethical decision-making grounded x It has been valuable for me to learn about ethical
in philosophical inquiry. decision making as I currently work in healthcare,
and plan to continue my career in healthcare where
ethics are a very important topic. I have learned how
to get all of the information before making decisions
so that I can be grounded in decision making.

4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching to the x I have opened up my thinking a lot through learning
analysis of contemporary social issues. about the Catholic social teachings. I have been
challenged to apply the social teachings to social
issues of today. It has been helpful for me to have
these social teaching in the back of my mind when
analyzing social issues because the teachings are the
root of what we strive for.
4.3 Explain the value of diverse spiritual and x I have been able to learn about so many different
religious perspectives. spiritual and religious perspectives. This has allowed
me to have much more empathy for others, as well as
understanding. I have found them to be so
interesting, because though we may believe in
different things… we all believe in something. That
alone can bring us together as a society.

4.4 Integrate the action of charity with the x I was given the opportunity during one of my courses
virtue of justice to volunteer at a local non-profit organization. It was
a truly rewarding and eye-opening experience. I wish
that I could have explored this topic more.

4.5 Exercise responsible freedom and civic x I have been given the opportunity to have my own
engagement based on an informed value opinions and express those throughout my studies,
system. even when they were different from the teachings.
My opinions have been acknowledged and

5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Not Met

5.1 Model ethical behavior, responsible x I feel that I am taking away a greater understanding
freedom, and engaged citizenship. of what it is to be a good hearted, productive
member of society. The Catholic social teachings
were one of the ways I was consistently reminded
through my studies what is was that we should
model ourselves after.

5.2 Demonstrate accountability, effective x I have upheld personal accountability throughout the
work habits, and the ability to assess areas length of my studies, as well as effective work
necessary for professional, personal, and habits. The weekly module systems of the online
societal growth. degree programs are very helpful to practice good
work habits and staying on track.

5.3 Identify and articulate skills, strengths, x I’ve been given the opportunity to have so many
knowledge, and experiences relevant to one’s courses teach me skills that seemed basic at first,
career goals. but were really relatable and transferable to my
career in healthcare.
5.4 Complete experiential learning to pursue x I feel that I have had plenty of experience in specific
professional opportunities. skills that I will need in my future career.

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