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6A GRAMMAR object pronouns: me, you, him, etc.

C) Complete ihc sentenccs wirh, l1i111, her, it, us. or tlicm. \\'rite in thc PRONOUN column.

lr's agrear song. I lovc

2 Wc can't spcak ltalian vcry well. Can you help

3 Thc phonc's ringing! Can you answcr

4- 1 ofrcn call Lmily, hut shc hardly cvcr calls

5 Can you go ro ihe boss's officc? Shc wanrs to scc

6 \\'hcre are my kcys? [ can'r finc.l

7 l lcllo again! Do you rcmcrnber ? My narnc's Malik.

8 l\iU.i'-. in lovc wirh Sergio, hur he ivn'r in love \\ irh-.

9 Is Gi-.cla's bovfricnd nicc? 1 don't know

10 A Whar do you think oftbcse shocs?

B I do11'1 likc . They'rc a terrible color.

11 \\'e don't know this cüv.

. Can vou
. rcll sorne places ro vivir?

l 2 This rcstnurant'v vcry nob). l rcally don't like-.

13 My sistcr works in I'cru. 1 don't sce very oficn.

1-t l'rn free toniglu. Do you want to come ro rhc mm ic-. wuh

15 This excrcisc ¡., ven· difficulr. 1 can'r do

l 6 Your bank manager callcd. l le nccds to vpcak LO

17 M�, husband gers home late, but l alwavs havc dinner wirh

18 l liro and ora are rcallv nicc, I like

19 You have a roessagc Irorn Nadima. Picase call on her cell phonc.

20 Our ncigh bors are vcry un fricndly. They nevcr spcak lO -·

O Test your memory. Covcr rhc PRONOUN colurnn. Say rhe scntences again with
thc pronoun.

American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Leve! 1 Photocopreble © Oxford University Press 2013
68 GRAMMA like + (verb + -ing)
Look ar the picturcs and writc rhe scntcnces.

He l1111cs eati11B c1/011c .

.., He

in rhc morning.

3 l"hc,
in restaurants.

4 lle __
in bcd.

5 Shc __

6 Shc
socccr 011 'l \.
not mind
7 8

7 Wc
in rhe oceun.

8 l le
in rhc supcrmarkct.

9 Thcv

10 Thcy
to t l ic movics.


12 Shc

Test your memory. Covcr rhe senrcnces. Look ar che piciurcs ami "ªY che serucuccs.

American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford Univers,ty Press 2013
6C GRAMMA review: be ar do?

Complete 1 he convcrsntion w irh a form of rhc vcrb /,e or do. Use coru racrions w here povsible.
Kevin Hi, l'm Kevin. 1 1
'111 the manager of the music store.
Caleb Hello, l'm Caleb. Thank you far the mterview.
Kevin vou're welcome. you want a coffee?
Caleb No, thank you. 1
drink coffee.
Kevin So, Caleb. 1
you from Texas?
Caleb Yes, 1 ' from Austin.
Kevin What•· yo u ?
Caleb 1 a college student.
Kevin Oh. What � you studymg?
Caleb 1 ·• studying music.
Kevin Great! What instrument '" you play?
Caleb I play two, actually. 1 play the piano and the flute.
Kevin That 11
interesting. 1
: __ you practicing for a concert right now?
Caleb Yes, 1 ' --· For a concert of music by Schubert.
Kevin What other kinds of music .. you like?
Caleb I really like rock, hip hop, jazz, all kinds of muste. The only music l 1\ like is country.
Kevin How • you usually listen to music?
Caleb On my iPod.
Kevin 1·
you free in the afternoons?
Caleb Yes, l 1' __ ,11·, have classes in the afternoons, only in the mornings.
Kevin That's good. So ... Why '" you want to work here?
Caleb Well ...

Pracrice reading t hc conversarion on rhis pagc with a parrncr.

American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book Level 1 Photocop,able i:o Oxford University Press 2013

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